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Hi All!

As many of you know I will be having some surgery in about a months time. In order to rest for the procedure I will be cutting down my workload which will mean closing commissions for now. Of course, this means I will likely be posting 1-2 times a week rather than 3 but I WILL BE POSTING. I have some saved commissions and will occasionally open up commissions when my health allows.

Patrons are welcome to contact me if they want a commission during this time and I will people know on a case by case basis whether I can take them on. So feel free to contact me about them, I just wont promise anything.

On another note; without going into too many details, the last six months have been...rough for me to say the least. A lot has happened and I am not in the best headspace mentally nor am I in good physical health and I think it has affected my writing. So lightening the load will hopefully give me more time for recovery and to write better quality stories for you all.



Wishing you the best. In trying times there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully there's better for you to come in the future.


Take your time mate, and have a good Christmas. We're all wishing you the best