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Tier reward for Eb18


Felix had never realised it was possible to feel so secure and so out of control all at once. His body seemed to have a mind of its own and he was just along for the ride. He strutted through the party, drunk on the confidence every passing glance gave him and approached men with abandon. At first he started coy, flirting and smiling before going in for the kill. His kisses were to die for and he knew it. He lapped up every moan, every single drop of male essence he could; letting both feed his growing sexual appetite.

He’d never felt like this before; the closest sensation he could compare it to was being drunk. The logical part of his brain, the one that told him to slow down and think for a second before getting on his knees and sucking yet another cock, was trapped behind a haze. Instead of beer and spirits though; the haze was caused by lust. It overrode every thought; well, almost every thought.

Each time he spied Robert his temper would flare. Every time they crossed paths Robert looked more and more female; his chest rounder, his skin smoother; a touch of pink appearing as if by magic on his lips. Felix could feel his own body changing in much the same way. His hair had turned a coppery colour and taken on curls. Not frizzy, but soft ringlets that seemed to almost float through the air when he moved. The flash of colour caught many people’s eye and he even had a few other women comment on how he styled it.

“Oh I just wake up like this.” He giggled, “I didn’t even brush it today.”

Their looks of envy fueled his desire to change further. He wanted to see what his ultimate form would be. He was already as curvaceous as a model; with thick thighs all the better for pinning men down with as he slid up and down their cocks. He was strong enough to wrap those long legs around their waists as he was held up against walls; both inside and out as they pounded into him. With each coupling making his breasts and hips grow.

The sensation of them stretching was positively addicting, as was the burn of his tattoo growing. It had started as a pain, something that made him wince and feel ashamed of his own actions but now it brought nothing but pleasure. The twisting vines and soft petals were spreading down and around his arm now, past his elbow with the longest vine reaching to the back of his hand. A single, unbloomed flower was there, waiting for the right amount of essence to make it open.

He shivered in anticipation, feeling the skin there tingle as he finished up with yet another lover. Yet once again, it stayed unchanged, with only the vines and leaves around it becoming more elaborate. The only thing blooming was disappointment in his chest. As well as a realisation of just how much he’d changed in a single night. Not just physically, but personality wise.

His partner disappeared out of the cupboard they had been using and another prospective man approached with a wry smile; it seemed ‘Felicia’ had gained a reputation at this party. That should have made him feel ashamed of himself; yet no matter how hard he tried, all he could feel was glee. He adored being wanted, oh the attention! He’d never had so much in his entire life. It was like he’d been starving and now this party full of people fueled by alcohol and bad decisions was willing to feed him as much as he liked.

And that made him feel powerful. He could feel it; the magic of Sariel thrumming through his veins; pulsing from the tattoo specifically. Each time it grew he felt his power of allure increase. All it took now was a sweet smile and a few whispered words to have a man wrapped around his finger; it didn't matter if he had a girlfriend; hell, it didn't matter if said girlfriend was standing right next to him! Felix could still lure him in. And it felt good.

Still, that niggling doubt remained; that what he was doing was wrong. He finished up with the second fellow, feeling a pleasant burn along his arm and several layers of thorns were added to his tattoo before excusing himself for some air. It didn’t feel like he was coming up for air though; as he stepped outside into the cool night air he was struck by how off it felt. Normally he enjoyed a small break at the party like this, a chance to catch his breath and have a proper conversation with somebody; usually Robert. This time it felt like he was drowning; his pussy burned, yearning for more touches but he managed to hold himself at bay.

“You’re almost fully cooked sugar.”

Felix didn't jump at Sariel’s voice, somehow he’d gotten used to her simply appearing. She must have made herself invisible to the rest of the people outside because she was in full demoness form again, naked, draped in a selection of golden chains and jewellery, leaving everything else exposed. Felix didn't even flinch at the sight; he was so used to the body of women now that he was one.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’re almost at full power, a fully formed succubus in your own right.”

That made sense, that allure he seemed to exude felt similar to what he’d felt wafting off Sariel when she first appeared. So he was becoming a succubus; it should have shocked him but really, after everything and everyone he’d done tonight it wasn't that surprising.

“You’re a little behind though, Robert snuck ahead again.” She smiled, “A truly gifted student he is, or rather she now. Why, I believe she is having a threesome upstairs right now with two men, all that essence just soaking into her. She’s like a sponge.”

Of course Robert was ahead. He was always head whether he wanted to be or not.

“If he blooms before you do, you’ll have no chance, honey.” Sariel sighed, “A fully succubus will trounce you, you won't be able to get a speck of essence with Roberta fully formed.”

She sighed dramatically and gave him a sympathetic look.

“A shame, you really are a sweet thing. But at least you’ll get to be beautiful as his perfect woman, I am sure if nothing else Robert’s taste is very…aesthetic focused.”

Felix felt jealousy burn in his heart; not only at the idea of losing the bet but also at all the essence Robert was stealing from him. He deserved that love, that attention, that pleasure! It was his! He had worked hard and his pussy was burning now. What on Earth had he been thinking, taking a break? He stormed back inside with a wicked smile on his face as he climbed the stairs. If Robert was having a threesome, so would he, he’d find the same men and show them what real sex felt like.


Robert flopped back against the headboard breathing heavily and watching as his chest heaved. With each breath in his cup size grew, the skin burning and stretching in the most delicious way as his current partner finally finished inside him. The man’s grip on his hips was ironclad; he howled with ecstasy as he came and Robert sighed in pleasure.

His hair was now bright and golden, flowing down to reach his hips and settling along his curves. It reminded him of those paintings he'd seen of Aphrodite; love and sex incarnate. Or something like that; his grasp of history and mythology was sketchy at best, but he knew she was blonde and beautiful in paintings, so that’s all that mattered.

He looked like a model now; to the point that he made heads turn just by walking into the room. It felt lovely, to be so wanted and his tattoo rewarded him with another burst of pleasure. It almost covered his entire arm now and he felt a thrill pass through him each time he admired it. The picture would be perfect, were it not for that one unbloomed flower on the back of his hand. Seeing it made him uncomfortable; it made him feel incomplete.

Deep down he knew that wasn't right; he didn't want to be complete. That would mean Sariel had her claws deeper into him that he would like. But he also couldn’t let Felix win this bet. The man would never let him live it down, and the idea of being turned into his perfect woman, forced to love and adore him for the rest of his life was…no, he couldn’t even imagine it. The mental image alone was too embarrassing.

Felix had always had more humble tastes when it came to women. Being stuck as some frumpy grenade for the rest of his life was torture; at least in this form he was a ten out of ten sex idol.

He laid there, basking in the afterglow for a few minutes before realising his two companions had left. No matter, he could easily attract more. He moved to pick up his skirt; debating whether it was even worth putting back on when a silky smooth voice floated in his ear.

“My, my, certainly rose to the occasion, didn’t you?”

“Sariel.” He smiled coyly, “Come to join?”

The demon queen raised an eyebrow and laughed,

“Daring aren’t we?”

“Well, that’s what will win this for me.” He grinned, “I don't lose.”

“Maybe not normally but young Felicia is giving you a run for your money.”

Ice flowed through Robert’s veins.

“She’s gotten quite a lot of attention, she’s nearly a full succubus, that flower on her hand is about one drop of essence away from blooming and if that happens I am afraid you are done, my dear.”

No way. Felix was ahead of him? How was that possible, he’d been doing nothing but fucking since they last saw each other, he couldn’t have gotten more essence if he tried!

“Ah, you have such fire!” Sariel giggled happily, “I do love seeing it!”

She got to her feet and placed a hand beneath his chin.

“Now go out there and make me proud, honey.” She cooed before disappearing into smoke.

“I’m not doing this for you.” Robert sneered, knowing full well she was probably still listening. “I’m doing this to beat him.”

He pulled on his skirt and top, not bothering with the panties, they were soaked through with juice by this point anyway and he would only be taking them off in a minute or two. Didn't seem to be much of a point, he was so sexy on his own, he didn't need the allure of lacy panties to get a guy hot and ready to go.

He was about to head out the door when it flung open and slammed against the inner wall. There was a beautiful woman, maybe his own rival in terms of attractiveness; with full lips, golden copper curls and the most accentuated hourglass figure he’d ever seen. It took Robert a moment to realise just who he was looking at and when he did his heart sank a little; it had to be Felix. Sariel was right; he really was further ahead. Even he wasn't totally immune to the allure wafting off the now woman’s skin. He was…perfect. Felix stalked into the room, closing the door with a bump of his hip and smiling.

“What’s the matter, jealous? You look surprised to see me.” He teased and Robert’s blood boiled.

“Jealous of what? How much you’ve been whoring yourself out just to spite me?”

“Oh like you haven’t been doing the exact same thing.” Felix crossed his arms under his chest, “Look at you, blonde titted bimbo, that’s what you are, at least I have some originality.”

“I don’t control what I look like and you wish you looked this good.” Robert replied, “Besides, I’ve seen your harddrive, I know you have a thing for leggy instagram model blondes. SO don’t go calling me basic when your taste is as vanilla as it gets.”

“Arrogant bastard.”

“Oh? I’m the arrogant one?” Robert sneered, “Look at you, coming to gloat about getting head? Well don’t get used to it, I am not going to let you distract me from winning this bet.”

A strange look passed over Felix’s face and some of the anger seemed to melt away from his expression.

“Show me your tattoo.” He said, with a much softer voice.

Robert hissed and turned so his shoulder and arm were on full display and watched as Felix did the same. He was surprised to see that their tattoos were identical, that final flower the last thing either of them needed before it was complete. He wasn't sure how he knew that exactly; only that he was sure that was the case.

“You’re not ahead of me.” Felix blinked in surprise.

“Me? Sariel told me you were about to go full demoness!”

“That’s what she just told me about you!

For a second they both stared at one another as the creeping realisation that they were being played washed over them. Followed by a good helping of shame and embarrassment.

“She…she’s a demon.” Felix said quietly, “A master manipulator and we just…fell for it.”

“Hook line and sinker.” Robert groaned, flopping down on the bed.

A moment later Felix joined him.

“We never stood a chance did we?” He whispered, “She’s been pushing us both from the very beginning, there was no chance either of us would come out on top.”

“Yeah.” Robert agreed. “But, at least we’re not totally at fault. She has magic, what hope did two regular guys have against a literal demon? A succubus no less. The kind of demon we are basically doomed to fall for.”

Felix actually chuckled at that.

“I can’t believe you actually thought this was going to go well.”

There was no venom in his voice, no accusations and honestly, Robert couldn’t even bring himself to disagree. This had been a stupid plan from the beginning. Even if they’d just summoned one of Sariel’s regular demoness’ they probably would have ended up in a similar position. With Sariel they lost the moment she appeared in that circle.

“So now what?” Felix asked, “I feel like I have slept with more people tonight than most do in a lifetime and still…”

“You want more?”


“Me too.”

For some reason that seemed incredibly funny and Robert started to giggle, soon they were both laughing uncontrollably as all the stress they’d tamped down during the evening was released.

“Seriously, I think I’ve fucked every guy at this party.” Robert wiped a tear from his eye.

“Have you had the tall guy, with the blonde curls and the sliver of green in his eye?”

“Oh yeah, he was great!”

Felix shook his head in disbelief and they giggled together; Robert couldn’t believe they were comparing notes on how other men were in the sack. This was certainly not how he imagined tonight going. Nor that he would feel so comfortable about it.

“So now what? Do we stop?” Felix shrugged, “That worked super well last time.”

“The way I see it, we’re fucked either way right? Not literally, well, hopefully literally but ya feel me?”

“I feel ya.” Felix snickered, “So, I guess we just enjoy ourselves till Sariel comes to rain on our parade and declare us both losers?”

“What do you think she’ll do? Just randomly pick one of us to make into the other’s perfect woman? Or maybe keep us both this way?”

“God I hope not, I don’t think my body can take much more rawdoging.”

“That’s a lie and you know it.”

Robert gave him a whack on the shoulder.

"You could at least pretend." He shook his head, still coming down from the high of all the laughter.

"Yeah but what's the point?"

Robert shrugged and got to his feet before offering a hand to Felix.

"Alright, let's go out there and have a good time while we can."

Felix took the offered hand and smiled as he also stood, finally both of them united again. Even if it turned out to just be temporary, it was something at least.

"And when the time limit ends and Sariel comes for us?"

"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it."

"The expression is 'we'll cross that bridge when we get to it'."

"That's the expression, yeah."


They went to the door together and separated; a slight blush on Robert's high cheekbones as he mentioned going to find one last ride to enjoy before their time was up. Felix watched as he walked away; his peachy ass swaying with the natural gait of his new hips in just the way he loved. How many videos online had he watched looking for that exact amount of jiggle and sway to get off to? God, it was tempting. The thought came to him so suddenly it almost made him stop. The entire time they’d been sitting next to one another on the bed, part of his mind had been wandering; thinking about what it might feel like to feel that beautiful blonde body beneath his own.

He’d not lusted after any women since their deal was struck with Sariel; likely due to her magic. She’d specified male essence, not female, so her magic spurred him towards men. Robert was the first woman, ironically, that he’d felt any attraction to. That wasn’t surprising though, Robert had been right when he’d called him out; Felix did have a thing for leggy blondes with big boobs and full lips. Exactly the body Robert now had.

His brow furrowed; did that mean that his body…was Robert’s dream girl? Had Sariel already enchanted them to become one another’s perfect woman without them even realising? Had Robert been checking him out this whole time as well?

He shook his head free of such thoughts; he could worry about that later, right now the night was winding down and the pickings for one last go in the sack were getting thin, not just because he’d already slept with most of the men he passed in the hall. He stood in the doorway, watching as people moved past ready to leave. His back was sore from being held up against walls and his skin slightly grass stained from garden adventures; he wanted a nice soft bed for his final go.

After passing on a few potentials who were either too drunk or too creepy for him to want Felix’s eyes finally fell on a worthwhile target. A little shorter than average, but built with muscles, likely a member of the wrestling team judging by his build and short brown hair. He had a confident smile on his face and a slightly loose fly, he’d obviously gotten lucky once already tonight; time to make him forget all about that conquest.

Thanks to Sariel’s magic Felix didn't even need to speak, with a little focus we watched as the man’s eyes slid over to him all on their own and sparkled once they focused. Felix gave the man a coy smile, curling a finger in a come hither motion as he stepped into the darkness of the bedroom; whoever owned this room certainly wasn't going to get to use it tonight.

The man walked into the room almost in a trance with a look on his face like he couldn’t believe this hot woman was talking to him. That familiar shiver of anticipation moved through Felix as he led him to the bed.

“My names-”

“I don’t care.” Felix whispered, he really didn’t. “You don’t care about mine either, so let’s get to the point, shall we?”

The man’s smile grew wider; no strings attached, any college guys dream. He dove his face down into Felix’s breasts, licking a stripe down his cleavage before moving on to suck on each of his nipples in turn. Felix groaned; even in this horny state the man was a gentleman, but he had no need of this foreplay; what he needed was something inside him.

He made quick work of the man’s clothes, pushing them off with sensual, slow touches that had him a hard, mewling mess by the time he was naked. Felix was sure the man would jump out the window if he asked in this state he was so desperate; but so was he.

He opened his legs and wrapped them around the man's waist and pulled him inside; there was no resistance left in his pussy at all, it was so wet it felt like anything could fit in there. As wonderful as it felt though, holding that man close as their hips rolled Felix found his mind wandering. Instead imagining Robert’s beautiful, curvaceous body atop him instead of the wall of muscle.

He imagined how those soft lips would feel on his neck, breathing heavily just like the man was now. He wondered how Robert would sound now as a woman, moaning, right on the edge along with him. That was the thought that pushed him over the edge; along with the man’s cock brushing his G-spot. This orgasm was strong in a way the others hadn’t been.

For the briefest second, he thought he could feel his body shifting in some fundamental way; horns and a tail growing out of him only to disappear within seconds, or perhaps it was just his imagination. Either way, the tattoo burned, pleasure hummed in his skin and he held his hand up to the sky as the man continued to hump atop him; the flower on the back of his hand bloomed and Felix’s eyes rolled back into his skull.

He was complete. And somewhere downstairs he knew Robert was as well.

When the pleasure finally finished washing over him and the man came a second time his eyes finally fluttered open. Light was filtering over the horizon, the challenge was over. Now they needed to face the consequences and the Queen of the Succubi.


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