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Commissioned Anonymously 


Harry woke early for the first time since…ever. The sun was only just glinting over the blue ocean horizon and both Ned and Peter were sound asleep beneath a mound of blankets each. Normally he was more of a night owl so he had expected the others to baulk when he turned in at right of clock last night; they’d barely batted an eyelash though, too busy worrying about their changes. Ned especially seemed preoccupied, when he’d finally returned last night complete with a set of tits he’d not been in much mood for conversation.

Not feeling like going back to sleep he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood only to sway on his feet. His centre of gravity felt totally off and it wasn't just sea legs. It took him a moment to orient himself but when he finally did he realised what had changed; he was taller. Funny, once he’d figured out he was becoming some sort of Asian woman he'd assumed if anything he’d be shorter.

He turned on his toes, admiring his long, somewhat muscular legs. He squatted a few times experimentally the same way he’d seen Peter do when warming up for a game. His thighs burned deliciously and he felt his ass cheeks spread slightly; they had grown as well, as had his chest. Nothing on Ned’s double Ds yet but still, noticeable.

Oddly excited and curious he tiptoed over to the mirror to check out the more subtle changes; his skin was now totally olive, his black hair had taken on a more natural, shiny black hue and was growing at an alarming rate, already brushing his shoulders. The eyes were his favourite part though; dark and almond shaped with double lids and long eyelashes. He looked…beautiful. Some elements of his more masculine body were still there but over all this looked good! He could deal with it for a week at the very least.

He put on a Chinese style dress he somehow instinctively knew was called a qipao, with beautiful embroidery along the hem. It was shorter than most he’d seen, with high slits up the side to allow him more freedom of movement and clearly designed to be worn with pants. Those same white ones from the other day now fit like a glove, now much more skin tight and he loved how the fabric felt against his strong calves.

He glanced back over his shoulder at his sleeping companions, then to the clock. Six am. They wouldn’t be waking any time soon and he was in no mood to sit around doing nothing. He silently tidied up their chaotic cabin, neatly folding away all the clothes into the right suitcase and making his bed. There was an odd sense of satisfaction in doing these small, mundane tasks that put him in a good mood. It felt nice to start the day feeling accomplished. Maybe if he’d discovered this side of himself sooner his dorm room wouldn’t look like a sty so often.

After a few minutes perched at the end of his bed twiddling his thumbs he decided it was probably better to go out and find his own fun rather than waiting for the two sleepy heads and stepped out to explore the ship.

Breakfast seemed like the natural first step and he eagerly lined up to get himself some of the steamed vegetables and rice steaming in the bain marie. Despite the early hour the lines were long and Harry watched with increasing nervousness as the amount in the bays emptied. He knew from the last few days aboard that it took the chefs a painfully long time to restock and he really didn't feel like sitting with an empty stomach for half an hour until somebody refilled a rice cooker.

At last, he was second in line and there was still enough left for several servings! But then, the person in front of him spoke up, waving a hand to a large group of women who had just walked into the room.

“Over here! I save us a spot in line!”

Harry’s heart sunk as he was forcefully shuffled back as several people skipped ahead. Normally, he would have spat back but the idea of doing that right now somehow seemed very intimidating. They were all clearly friends, they would gang up on him. He tried to stand tall and cleared his throat only for the person in front to turn to him with hard eyes. Her expression was daring him to say something.

His mouth opened, then closed as he swallowed and looked to the floor demurely. He could wait. It wasn't worth the fight. When the group was finally finished he pushed his tray before the food and saw, with dismay, that the rice and vegetables had been picked clean.

“Um excuse me.” His voice coming out as a whisper, “Chef? Chef!”

The man in the kitchen behind the buffet turned, even with his new height the man towered over him. Why on Earth was he cooking on a cruise ship when God had clearly intended him for life as a wrestler?

“What?” He asked snappily, “I’m very busy you know!”

“N-nothing!” He squeaked, quickly walked down the line and glumly filled his plate with bacon and eggs.

Normally he enjoyed a classic English breakfast but this morning he was really craving something Asian inspired. Harry could see the rice cooker behind him, it was full and set to warm, that ment there was fresh rice right there. He could sneak behind the buffet and get some, a victimless crime really since technically, he’d paid for the food already. One or two scoops of rice wouldn’t hurt.

Yet the idea made him shiver with disgust and then confusion. Just last week he’d nicked a soda from the faculty longue without so much as a thought; yet here he was paralysed with fear at the idea of even bending the rules. Thinking about breaking any sort of rule now made him feel horrifically guilty.


A bowl of steaming white rice was suddenly placed on his tray and Harry looked over, bewildered, to find a handsome, tanned man smiling at him. He was maybe thirty years old, perhaps comparable to his own magically induced age, with a bright, boyish smile. Harry felt his heart flutter; it was a familiar sensation that was normally reserved for girls who insisted on wearing mini skirts to class.

“I saw you eyeing it, bad form what those other people did.” He continued.

“Such a gentleman.” Harry smiled graciously, “Thank you very much.”

Without thinking he bowed his head slightly in thanks. His voice was quiet again, with the hint of an accent.

“It’s the least I can do for such a pretty lady in need.” he winked, “Daniel, by the way.”

Harry felt his traitorous heart begin to race; a man should absolutely not be doing this to him!

“Harry.” he replied without thinking, the accent getting a little thicker.


“Hai.” He bit his lip, not sure where the name came from but it seemed to fit, especially now that he’d recognised his growing accent as Vietnamese.

“Lovely to meet you.” Daniel continued, “Would you like to get a table with me?”

Harry just nodded nervously; it wasn’t just his heart now, his entire body was betraying him. His palms were sweating and beneath his clothes he could feel things shifting. He sat down with Daniel and nodded politely as the man continued to talk. Harry’s eyes seemed to glaze over though; he couldn’t help admiring the body more than the man inhabiting it.

He was tanned, healthy looking; like a hot PE teacher. Harry’s legs squeezed together and to his shock he realised that there was no twinge of pain. His cock and balls were’ squashed between his thickened thighs…because they weren’t there. When did that happen?

He didn't have time to dwell on that, he had bigger issues. Like the growing wetness between his legs and his very active imagination. His breath was coming faster and with each inhale he felt his chest inflating. Part of him wanted to look but the other was too afraid.

His mind conjured images of Daniel throwing him on the table right here in the cafeteria and using that pretty tongue to swipe along his new folds. It was a picture that made him blush deeply with want and humiliation. He had to get out of here before he did something very stupid, like actually flirt back properly.

“Thank you for the rice.” he said quickly, finishing the last mouthful as quickly as possible and excusing himself without being rude. “I need to get going, my friends are waiting.”

Lying made his stomach clench but he was so turned on right now he didn’t care. Living with a female body for a week, he could handle it but if these strange urges didn't go away soon he wasn’t sure how he was going to cope.


He practically flew back to the cabin, stepping in and leaning against the door as it closed with a sigh of relief. His pussy was still thrumming, but at least distance had made things a little more bearable.

“What’s wrong with you?”

He had to look up to be sure who was speaking; the posh, New York accent took him by surprise and he was shocked to see Ned standing there, arms crossed beneath his full chest.

He was dressed in yet another designer blouse and skirt; almost looking the perfect part of some upper city socialite. A single raised eyebrow was aimed in Harry’s direction.

“S-sorry I just went to breakfast and things got a little…heated.”

“Yes well,” Ned blushed, “You could have knocked.”

It was then Harry noticed the buttons on Ned’s pencil skirt were loose and that one of his hands was swiping at the hem of his skirt.

“O-Oh my gosh, were you…? I’m so sorry!”

Harry had never felt more mortified in his life and judging by Ned’s expression, neither had he.

“Well Peter went to the gym again and I thought I had the privacy of my own room for a bit! You can’t judge me!” Ned snapped, “It’s perfectly natural!”

“No it’s okay I understand, something about being in these bodies is a bit…arousing.” he blushed, “There was a man at breakfast who was very handsome and I started to feel a little out of control myself.”

A strange glint appeared in Ned’s eye and his expression turned coy.

“Were you running back here all flushed to get yourself off?” He asked slowly, his voice had taken on a husky tone and Harry swallowed, feeling his desire flare once more.

“M-maybe.” he admitted, he wasn't sure if it was true but considering how he felt, it was likely.

Ned got a funny look on his face before taking a step towards him. It’s funny how something as simple as a single step could carry so much meaning in it. One fluid movement and the sexual tension in the air seemed to double and despite the few feet between them, Harry felt pinned between the suddenly dominant Ned and the metal door at his back.

“I have a proposal.” Ned smiled coyly. “Why don't we help one another out.”


“Here me out, we’re both turned on by our hot woman bodies right, but we’re not really women, so it’s not gay to play with each other a little bit.”

“I guess not.”

It was getting hard to hear what Ned was saying over the pounding heartbeat in his ears; let alone think straight.

“So it would be okay for me to touch you.” Ned added, taking another step forward.

And another.

“To…make you cum.”

Harry opened his mouth but all that came out was a whimper; Ned’s soft fingers found the front of his pants and pressed; both of them groaning when his fingers found no signs of a bulge.

“You too.” Ned said breathlessly, “I woke up the same way, have you touched it yet?”

Harry shook his head.

“I have, they feel so soft and lovely and they are so sensitive…”

The words seemed to pin Harry in place against the door as Ned’s fingers found his hemline and gently pushed inside, slipping into his panties and slowly parting his folds for the very first time. It was just a single finger but Harry's whole world seemed to shrink until it was just them and that one blissful sensation between his legs.

“This is your clit…”

He swirled the finger around the little nub and Harry whimpered again. His eyes were threatening to roll back into his skull and he leaned his head against the door.

“And hole…”

The finger pressed against his puckered entrance, sinking into the first knuckle with ease; he was so wet there was barely any resistance. The penetration seemed to awaken something inside him; a new need that he desperately wanted fulfilled. His hips stuttered, sinking down on the finger more.

“Now, do the same for me.” Ned ordered harshly and Harry couldn't help but obey.

His hands lowered the tight skirt down and found that Ned hadn't yet bothered with underwear at all, leaving him free to slide his finger into the pink pussy. He tried his best to imitate Ned’s movements between his own legs but it was hard to concentrate when so much pleasure was building.

He thrust two fingers in and out of Ned’s hole, watching as the former man’s lips formed a perfect circle. The sounds he made were delicious and only spurred Harry on; his insides were tightening, getting closer to the edge as they both finger fucked one another hard and fast.


“Y-yes right there! Right-ahhhhhh!”

With a shudder they both came; Harry saw stars as Ned’s fingers scissored inside him, stretching his inner walls and making them burn in the most delicious of ways. For a moment there was nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing to break the silence as they came down from the high. Then the reality set in and they slowly and somewhat awkwardly removed their fingers from one another and cleared their throats.

“Well, that helped, didn't it?” Ned said matter of factly, “Nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Of course.”

So why did Harry still feel so embarrassed, even when they turned back he would always remember the feeling of Ned inside him. It made him shiver. What if they didn't change back once they got off this boat? What if he was like this forever?

Harry watched as Ned cleaned his fingers, dabbing his soft skin with more poise than he thought his friend possessed. His eyes glanced over the body and for the first time he realised there was no sign of Ned’s old body left. Before him was a mature, sophisticated middle aged woman in a fabulous, perfectly fitting designer outfit.

He’d been so occupied with the bliss he’d not felt his own body changing either. He’d filled out the curves of his outfit, and he ran his hands over his now smooth skin. The woman who blinked back at him in the mirror was demure and sweet, with pretty dark eyes. A surprisingly tall and slightly muscular Vietnamese woman. He wanted to feel horrified, violated even but instead a soft smile formed on his lips. All Harry could think about was how pretty he looked.

“Maybe this trip won’t be so bad.” He muttered to himself, “New experiences and all that…I wonder what Peter is up to.”


Peter sat catching his breath; he’d been trying to enjoy the gym all morning but he just couldn’t. He was bored; the weights didn't feel right in his soft hands, the treadmill only made him think about how much his ass was bouncing when he walked. Places like this had been his haven and now it was just a room full of equipment; he didn't even miss his beloved basketball! It was only when the TV mounted in the corner started showing highlights from last night's game somewhere that he even realised it had been days since he played.

He tried to miss it, but he just…didn’t. But it had left an absence within him. If not sports then what was he supposed to do with his time? Just sit on this bench and watch other people find fulfilment in the workouts he used to?

A loud bang made him jolt from his thoughts and he glanced over to see a thin string bean of a man, closer to his original age blushing profusely at the dropped dumbbells on the floor. He was trying to pick them up and struggling. Peter tried not to laugh; the poor guy was trying but those weights were way too big for him and his grip was all wrong.

He’d always enjoyed watching dopes come to the gym and have no idea what they were doing; it was great entertainment. He opened his mouth to jeer but then paused; it felt…wrong to tease the guy for trying to get in shape. Funny, he'd never felt guilty about doing stuff like that before but now all he could see was how young that guy was; couldn't be older than twenty one and he looked so lost.

A strange, motherly urge spurred Peter forward and he found himself on his feet, gingerly approaching the young man with a welcoming smile on his face.

“Your grip is all wrong, dear.”

His voice was motherly and warm, with a thick Latin accent. It should have shocked him but instead it seemed to settle over him like a warm blanket; he felt right sounding this way and after a morning of feeling wrong that was lovely.

“How am I supposed to hold them?” The guy asked sheepishly.

“Here, let me help.”

Peter walked him through the basics enjoying the feeling of teaching rather than doing.

“Thanks for this, Peta.” The young guy, who’s name was Jack, said. “My mother dragged me along to this cruise and I figured I could at least get fit while I was here. Then maybe the girls back home might pay attention to me.”

“Girls like confidence.” Peter replied, “If you feel good about yourself, the popularity will come. Work out for you, not for attention. Then the workout will be twice as enjoyable.”

“I’d never thought about it like that.” Jack smiled, “Thanks again.”

“You’re welcome, dear.” Peter beamed; it felt nice to help somebody else for once rather than focusing on his own reflection in the gym mirrors.

He was sad when Jack finished the set, huffing and puffing and completely red in the face.

“I think you’d better call it for today, sweetie.” Peter patted him on the back, “You don’t want to push yourself.”


“No buts.” Peter interrupted, “It’s almost lunch time and look at you, all skin and bones. You need some proper food, carbs, go get yourself a nice high carb, high protein meal at the buffet understand? Meat and bread, son! Off you go.”

“Wow, I never thought I'd meet anybody my mom’s age who knew about this sort of thing.”

“I know more than you, Mr. Bad Grip.” Peter teased, feeling a new warmth blooming in his lower stomach. “Now off you go.”

He watched as Jack left and swallowed nervously, his eyes gliding over the sweat soaked body glistening in the sun as he stepped out. A few workouts and he was sure Jack would have no trouble being noticed by women. He already had one’s attention anyway; if he counted and he was afraid he did.


They all met up for lunch and ate in an awkward silence. There was tension in the air and Peter was sure there was something his friends weren’t telling him. It was hard to even reconcile the two people in front of him as Harry and Ned now at all; one was a leggy Vietnamese woman, the other some sort of half New York, half Italian rich bitch woman who seemed to take great pleasure in correcting their table manners. Peter looked over the food at the buffet and pulled a face; it was all so…bland. Where was the love? This food was all so soulless. Chewing it made him feel sad. He had half a mind to sneak into the kitchen and try his hand at making something proper.

He couldn’t take it anymore; the urge to explore his body and have it explored by others was strong but this other urge was somehow even stronger. He needed proper food and not just that he needed to be the one to cook it. He waited until late at night before sneaking along the corridors of the ship towards the areas marked for kitchens. During the day they were all guns blazing; preparing food not only for the buffet and bars but the numerous restaurants found aboard the luxury liner.

Now during the wee hours of the morning only one was active; ready to serve those few guests who decided to order room service at three am. It made slipping into an empty one quite easy. After blocking the porthole with a towel he flicked the lights on and was met with a sight that made him beam with excitement; a fully stocked, empty kitchen.

He had no idea where the talent or inspiration came from but he instantly knew his way around and easily selected ingredients and tools he’d never used before. Rolling flour into dough was as easy as breathing; if he hadn't known any better he would have assumed he’d been doing this his whole life.

The knowledge and experience flowed into him; no memories but it was almost as if he were gaining the skills this body and life should have possessed and with it, he could feel his knowledge of sports dimming. It was still there, if he focused, but he could no longer recall the names and faces of his favourite players with ease, it took a moment of thinking. Unlike cooking, which was effortless.

As he became more comfortable with his actions he could feel his body changing as well. He didn't fight it this time though, there was no point. Instead he focused on kneading the dough, feeling his fingers weather slightly as if they had been doing this for years. He could feel his ass filling out. His body growing a little plumper in all the right places without making him too heavy set. He felt warmth gathering between his legs and he groaned a little, leaning hard into the dough as he thrust his hips back and forth.

He could feel his cock slowly sliding up and away, melting into his skin leaving nothing behind but his new pussy. He’d known it was coming, but it still filled him with a sense of anxiety. He wanted to look, but also wanted to stay in denial for just a little while longer.

Instead of cousin on the swelling of his breasts or sloping of his shoulder he instead focused on making fillings. The more the better, anything to keep his mind off the delicious sensations growing in his lower stomach. His new body was finally here, fully transformed and it ached to be touched. Yet something held him back. There was a niggling voice in the back of his head though, he was sure it would only take one more little push to make him give in. He didn't want to guess what that push was going to be.

Before he knew it several plates worth of steaming empanadas were sitting before him. Eight different flavours no less. He’d left a bit of a mess in his wake though and he made quick work of the cleaning, humming as he went, eager to share his creations with the others.

He quickly hid the pastries under a silver cloche and made his way through the corridors, bursting into their room full of beans.

“Look what I made!”

“Peter? What the hell, I was asleep!” Ned grumbled, “I need my beauty rest or I will need even more anti ageing cream in the morning.”

“But check out what I made!” Peter insisted, shoving an empanada into both their hands.

Harry sniffed at his curiously and licked his lips.

“These smell lovely.”

“Proper food at last! Tuck in, you both need some feeding.”

“Hmphf.” Ned turned his nose up for a moment before finally indulging in one, then another.

“These are so tasty!” Harry praised, “How did you even manage to make them at this hour?”

“I snuck into one of the kitchens.” Peter grinned and Harry gasped, looking scandalised.

“You broke into the kitchen!? That can’t be allowed.”

“A little rule breaking won’t hurt anybody.” Peter shrugged, “All I did was cook and I even cleaned up afterwards. This ship has loads of food. I am sure nobody will starve. It’s a victimless crime.”

“But it’s still a crime.” Harry shivered, “I don’t think I could do that anymore. Just thinking about it makes me…”

He trailed off and shivered, making Peter laugh. Ned was still nibbling away, trying somehow to eat the flaky pastry without making a mess.

“I didn’t know you could cook.”

Peter paused.

“Well…I couldn’t but I don’t know, something happened. I have been feeling this need to cook and the knowledge just sort of came to me.”

“Really?” Harry blinked, “I had the same thing happen! I know all the traditional names for my clothes now, and I could read the Vietnamese outside the restaurant on deck 6!”

He paled for a moment before adding.

“Do you think we’re becoming these women totally? Am I going to forget who I am!? What if I forget how to speak English!”

“Calm down.” Ned snapped, “I don’t think that’s happening. I remember my own life perfectly, though I admit I had to think pretty hard about how to play a few games I know I mastered…”

“It seems like we’re just replacing our dominant skills with the ones that ‘belong’ to these bodies.” Peter nibbled on his empanada in thought, “That’s not so bad, I could get used to eating and cooking like this.”

“Even if it means keeping a plump Latina body?” Ned teased.

The jab should have hurt; his body had been such a source of pride for him as a man but surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly considering everything else that had happened, the comment flowed off him like water on a duck’s back.

“I think you look…nice.” Harry blushed, stuffing his face with the rest of his snack before he could say more.

“Just nice?” Ned teased, “Let’s be real, Peter’s ass is sexy as fuck.”

Peter felt his face burn with humiliation and a little bit of arousal. Ned’s voice was so sensual now and mixed with the authoritative tone it…well it did things to him. Things he’d been trying rather hard not to focus on. Namely the warmth between his legs. Despite the changes he had been avoiding looking down there at his new pussy. It was far too…real.

It seemed Ned had no such issues taking charge though as he strode confidently over, hips swaying sensually. Peter felt frozen in place by his stare; it was so hungry. It made him think of some pretty dirty things.

“We already decided.” Ned announced, “That touching each other isn't gay, since we’re all straight guys underneath, right?”

“Ummmmm.” Peter couldn’t seem to think straight, his eyes were locked on that round cleavage.

“So there would be no harm in you two touching each other.”

“Us?” Harry squeaked.

“Yes.” Ned ordered, “Go on, you both know you want to and I want to watch.”

Peter shivered; this was all so much. His body yearned to be touched but some strange new conservative part of him couldn’t help but think it was wrong; that he shouldn’t want it as bad as he did.

“Come on.” Ned cooed and he walked behind Peter and held his shoulders, “Look at her.”

Ned indicated to Harry who was sitting on the edge of the bed.


Peter whispered but Ned just clicked his tongue.

“No way, check out those legs, those thighs! Thick and beautiful! I bet they could really hold you in place, and those lips, the pretty skin. Let’s not beat around the bush here, we’re all ladies now.”

Peter shivered; he didn't know why but hearing that felt…really good; and he did have a point. Harry’s new form did look super hot. He’d never seen such a tall Vietnamese woman before and in the tight pants those legs really did look spectacular. He was blushing profusely, muttering and mumbling to himself about whether or not he wanted to do anything with an audience.

“She makes the most delicious sounds when she cums.” Ned taunted, “Trust me.”

Peter could feel his hot breath against his skin, those soft lips brushed against the shell of his ear and for the first time food was entirely gone from his mind. His focus now squarely on Harry and his gorgeous new body. He took a step forward, hand trembling slightly as he went to undo the ties keeping the silky shirt on. Harry didn’t stop him, his eyes were wide, half hesitant, half begging for Peter to hurry up.

Peter suddenly felt struck with just how beautiful those dark eyes were; it was hard to believe this smooth skinned, demure looking woman was Harry of all people. Without thinking he reached out to cup his face, holding it for a moment before gently leaning down to press their lips together. It was so different to what he was used to. Both of their lips were full and so, so sensitive. They melted against one another and the chaste peck soon turned to full on making out.

Peter heard the creak of the bed next to them as Ned sat himself down to watch and it sent a shiver down his spine. His whole body felt electric; he’d never had anybody watch before.

As tempting as it was to undo that shirt and see what lurked beneath all of Ned’s comments about how good Harry’s legs looked had him intrigued. He stopped their make out session and dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed, right between those long, beautiful legs.

His hands reached up and grasped the loose waistband and Harry swallowed before nodding. His lips moved quickly, his voice too quiet to hear but Peter was sure he was begging now. Obediently Harry raised himself up, allowing Peter to pull down the pants as well as his underwear.

His pussy was beautiful, there was no other way to describe it, the olive skin around it turned darker inside the folds, mixed with a deep blushing red. It took no encouragement for Harry to spread his legs wide and Peter dove in. His tongue licked along the folds, tasting the sweet wetness there and causing Harry to shudder and moan. A second later those strong legs were around his head and neck, pinning him in place. Even if Peter wanted to stop he couldn't. He was in a vice-like grip and it turned him on all the more. He started to lap at Harry’s pussy with eagerness, his own fingers finally finding his own folds and stroking.

“Oh….Oh that’s so lovely.” Harry sighed, “Mmmmmm….”

Peter had never felt so naughty, fingering himself while eating another woman out while being watched. It was all so exciting and sinful. He could hear the wet sound of Ned fingering himself as well and he moaned, sending vibrations up Harry’s pussy and causing his legs to quiver and tighten around his head.


Wetness flooded his mouth as Harry came; Peter pressed his finger into his clit hard and shuddered, following him right over the edge. Ned came silently, or at least, Peter didn't hear him but that might have been because he was so wrapped up in how good it felt to cum as a woman. It just kept going. It felt like an age had passed before he finally finished and Harry’s legs relaxed around his shoulders. They both collapsed back, spent.

Peter’s tongue darted out to taste the wetness spread all over his lips and chin. He felt wild, satisfied even but there was still something he was missing. His pussy still ached for something…more. A new need, a need to be filled and specifically by a man, was still there and it was growing. Part of him wondered how long he would be able to sate himself with just the bodies of his friends. Another wondered if he should fight it at all.


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