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Requested by Unsurpassed Travesty


Derek could hardly wait for ComicCon; Judy had been working on their costumes for weeks in total secrecy and he was dying to see what she’d come up with. He’d really hit the jackpot with her; a hot, nerdy chick who was into cosplay and good cosplay too. The kind women were supposed to wear; with skimpy bikini armour and chains.

When the day finally arrived he practically flew up the steps to her apartment to finally see what was in store for him. Judy opened the door with a wide grin; she had already done her makeup; black lips and smokey eyes, a good sign.

“Hey Derek! Glad you got here early, getting these costumes on is going to take a bit of preparation.” She smiled, “They’re in the living room, come on!”

He didn't need to be told twice, he practically ran and when he saw the first mannequin he felt his heart leap with joy. He recognises it instantly; the main uniform from the new Bimbo Ball game.

It was a video game that he and Judy had been obsessed with; obsessively it was nothing more than a beach volleyball game with tournaments and such but the character models made it. Each and every one was a ten out of ten hottie with their jiggle physics lovingly rendering to the highest degree.

“Great, isn't it?” Just smiled, joining him.

“Yeah! But, wait, hang on.”

He turned to look at her again; black lipstick and dark eyes were the signature of Maven; the character who wore a full body black swimsuit and red sandals, but the outfit on the mannequin was a pink two piece. The ties formed little ribbons and there was a bright blonde wig with two pigtails sitting by the floor waiting to be worn with it.

“Isn't this Stacey’s outfit?” he asked, with a furrowed brow.

“Yeah! She’s your favourite, right?”

“But you’re wearing Maven’s make up.”

“Yeah, of course, I am going as Maven!” Judy laughed as if it were obvious, stripping off her jumper to reveal the black swim suit underneath.

“Then who is this for?” Derek asked, “And what am I going to wear, now that I think about it, there are no male characters in Bimbo Ball.”

Judy laughed again, shaking her head as if she couldn’t believe he didn't understand.

“You’re going tobe Stacey, silly!”

Derek just blinked at her.

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah, I even got you these!”

Judy pulled out two fake, silicone breasts, the kind with sticky padding on the back to help it adhere to skin.

“That way the bikini will fit.”

Derek had never felt so blindsighted; Judy was just standing there, grinning like she couldn’t believe he wasn't jumping for joy at the idea.

“Judy, I can’t wear this. Especially not in public!”

“Oh of course you can, Stacey is your favourite character!”

“Yeah, but-”

“I know staying in character will be hard though so I got something to help.”

Judy wasn't even listening to him, she was already rushing around the room, rummaging through her various boxes of costumes before holding up what looked like a choker with a victorious smile. It was a perfect replica of the one Stacey wore in game, with a little glass ball hanging from the pink ribbon, a tiny seashell inside shaped like a swirl.

How a necklace was going to help him stay in character, Derek had no idea and frankly he didn't care.

“No, Judy I can't.” he said firmly, “It’s too embarrassing.”

Her face fell and Derek felt a stab of guilt.

“But you said you wanted us to wear something sexy for the convention.” She pouted, “I worked really hard on these, I even matched fabrics, they are perfect.”

“Yeah but when I said sexy I meant…sexy for you. Not humiliating for me.”

“Nobody will know it’s you once we put on the breast forms and wig!” Judy insisted, “Please, even if you don’t wear it to the convention you could at least try it on. Just for me?”

She batted her big blue eyes at him and Derek felt his resolve crumbling; maybe if he just tried it on here she would see how silly it looked and that would be that. It would suck going to the convention with no costume but it was a lot better than walking around in that!

“Alright, I’ll put it on but…no pictures, okay?”

Judy sighed but agreed. Stripping down felt more awkward than it ever had; normally Derek felt confident in his body but as Judy attached the fake breasts he felt his skin heating. This was so stupid. Once the breast forms were attached she brought out what looked like a thick pair of silicone underwear to step into that covered his cock and balls completely; he looked like a barbie doll, all smooth and featureless.

“They are high quality.” Judy explained, “See? You can barely tell where the real you stops and the costumes begins.”

It was true, he looked for some seam at his sides but found none, the breasts almost felt too real. He quickly put on the wig and costume and stood before the mirror and found himself surprisingly impressed. He really did look like a woman, he almost passed!

“One last item…” Judy whispered huskily, fastening the choker around his neck.

The moment it did he felt something shift within him; a strange fog seemed to descend over his mind and thinking suddenly became difficult.

“Wha?” He blinked, “Why can't I think good?”

Think good? That wasn’t right, surely? A giggle escaped him, girlish and silly.

“See? This helps you stay in character.” Judy grinned, “Stacey is a dumb bimbo after all. This will help you act that way.”

“But I ain’t a bimbo. I’m like, a smart guy.”

Wasn’t she? He? She didn't feel like a he but…she had been a second ago? She looked down at herself and giggled again; of course she was a girl! At least while she was in the costume!

“Stacey is a sexy bimbo who loves showing off her body so…do you want to go to the convention?” Judy asked slyly.

Derek thought hard for a moment, something that was hard to do. The convention was full of people who could admire his sexy body in the costume Judy made. Plus, she looked super cute and it would be a shame to put all her girlfriends hard work to waste.

“Hell yeah!”

“I knew you’d change your mind.”



Uhmm, although I would like to take credit for such a cool idea, I think Unsurpassed Travesty was the requestee in this case, lol.


Whoops! I am just writing yours now and must have gotten my wires crossed! Sorry Unsurpassed Travesty!

Unsurpassed Travesty

Oh my gosh this was adorable! So glad you went with the idea.