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It turned out that along with the fate of all Japan, Jun also gained Clo as a roommate. He was starting to wish he’d just let the rat step on him. Funnily enough, the fried chicken place, along with most places in the surrounding area, were closed after the kaiju attack meaning he couldn’t even get a good meal to cheer himself up.

He’d spent the night trying to figure out where in his shoebox of an apartment he was going to let Clo sleep. Because it sure as hell wasn't going to be at the foot of his bed like the space rabbit assumed. In the end he’d made a little cardboard box for him to sleep in, only for the rabbit to fall asleep on his feet the next morning. So much for a few moments of denial.

He flicked on the TV station and was immediately confronted with a news report of yesterday's attack. His eyes were fixed on the screen, where grainy, shaky footage taken from a variety of security cameras and phones showed the rat monster destroying buildings and wreaking havoc. He swallowed, eyes glued as the reporter in the studio stepped out in front of the images green screened behind them.

The news anchor introduced the segment with an air of excitement, describing the chaos that had unfolded in Tokyo the day before.

"Good morning, viewers. We bring you an exclusive report on the extraordinary events that unfolded in Tokyo yesterday. A terrifying monster threatened the city, but a mysterious pink woman emerged to save the day!"

Jun's heart pounded in his chest, his palms growing clammy. He knew all too well what they were about to show—the heroic actions of the mysterious pink woman who had emerged to save the city.

The footage on the screen shifted to show Pink Hope, a blur of pink and white in the midst of battle. The magical girl's graceful movements and powerful attacks captivated Jun, even though he had been the one wielding those powers.

As the reporter narrated the scene, Jun's worry intensified. What if someone recognized him? What if they connected the dots and realised that he was the one behind the mask? He had done his best to hide his identity, using a different voice and altering his appearance during his transformations, but the fear of exposure lingered in the back of his mind. It was a surreal experience watching himself from a different perspective, the weight of his secret hanging heavy on his shoulders. The way his body moved seemed alien, and while it was odd to watch it did give him a sense of relief; there was no way anybody would think that person on screen was a man in costume. Let alone him.

"The identity of this mysterious magical girl remains unknown," the reporter announced, her tone filled with intrigue. "Authorities are working tirelessly to uncover her true identity, but so far, no leads have been found. It seems this new heroine has managed to maintain her secret."

A mixture of relief and tension coursed through Jun's veins, it was nice to have confirmation. The reports didn't have a clue about his true identity. For now, at least, he had managed to evade detection. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, the relief momentarily outweighing the weight of his secret. But deep down, Jun knew it was only a temporary reprieve. The truth had a way of unravelling, and he couldn't let his guard down. The reporter's words reminded him of the growing spotlight that would inevitably shine on Pink Hope. The questions would come, the scrutiny would intensify, and he could lose everything, dignity included if the truth came out.

‘Good morning.” Clo yawned, “How are you feeling, Pink Hope?”

“Don't call me that.” Jun snapped, “And I am feeling like my whole life has been messed up because of you. Just…stay here while I go to work.”

“Work? Oh no no no! You need to start tracking down the shards of the asteroid! If we gather them, I can eliminate the threat to your planet.”

“Or, I could go to work and be a normal fucking person for a day. I need to eat Clo, that means earning a paycheck.”


Controlling a classroom full of teenagers wasn’t fun at the best of times. Today was not the best of times. All his students wanted to do was talk about the monster attack and, more importantly, the real life magical girl who seemed to have saved them all. The girls were head over heels in love with her, Jun even spotted a few trying to draw his outfit based on the blurry news footage they pulled up on their phones.

All except Hiromi, who was oddly quiet in the corner, clearly still reeling a little bit from the attack. He was surprised to see her, surely a girl her age would have taken any opportunity to take the day off school. Almost getting squashed by a giant rat probably called for a mental health day.

“I know yesterday's news has us all on edge.” He sighed, “But please, if we can all focus-”

“There was a giant monster attack!” One of the boys cried, “Why are we even in school today?”

“Because the attack didn't happen anywhere near here. It was almost a mile away, there is nothing about the attack that will stop you learning, save your own short attention spans.”

The classroom groaned and he turned back to the bored with a sigh; it would be nice to just have five minutes of normalcy without that stupid fight coming up. Honestly, at this point he would give anything to distract his students from it; a fire drill, a kid getting a blood nose-

“A bunny!”

“Aw, so cute! I didn't know rabbits could be blue.”

He spun around and there was Clo, sitting in the doorway as if it were the most natural thing in the world for an alien to be in his classroom. The rabbit opened his mouth and Jun felt his heart lodge in his throat; oh no. He dove, scooping the rodent up and clamping his hand over his mouth, hissing in his oversized ears so that only the alien could hear.

“Earth rabbits don’t speak!”

“Aw, is he yours, sir?” One of the girls cooed, “That’s so cute he followed you to work!”

“Uh, yeah, this is…Clo.” Jun stammered, “He’s uh, quite the smart little rabbit but he should really be. at. Home.

Muffled sounds started to come from Clo’s mouth and his students looked alarmed.

“Sir, I don’t think that’s a noise rabbits normally make.”

“Is he sick?”

“No, no Clo is just a little odd, somebody dyed him blue the other week and well, yeah.” Jun felt his panic rising, “I’ll be right back!”

He ran, ducking out of the classroom as quickly as he could and jumping into the closest staff bathroom where Clo finally wriggled out of his arms.

“Pink Hope-”

“Jun.” He reminded.

“I came because I sensed a chunk of the meteorite! I think it’s nearby, we need to get to it quickly before any negative emotions feed it and create another monster!”

“I’m working, Clo.”

“The meteorite shards don’t care about that.”

“Well I do!” Jun sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to try and stem the headache that was coming on. “Aright, look. Lunch is in twenty minutes, let me finish my class and then we can scour the school. Why don't you try and look around a bit by yourself. discreetly, blue rabbits are sort of eye-catching on Earth.”

“Good plan, Pink-”

Jun walked away before the rabbit could continue. He took it back, a boring life was better than this. He was starting to understand why ‘may you be born in interesting times’ was an ancient insult. He was about to return to the classroom when suddenly the door slid open with a slam and Hiromi came barrelling out and straight into him.

“Woah, are you okay?”

“No!” She wailed before pushing him off and running down the hall.

Poor girl. That attack must have terrified her and with everybody talking about it all day school was probably not the distraction she had been hoping for. He wished he could help but right now his biggest priority was getting the lesson over with and getting Clo out of his hair.

The classroom was silent as he returned; a sure indication that something had happened while he was gone. Likely whatever finally pushed Hiromi over the edge. Normally he’d grill them but right now he was just happy for the quiet. He finished up the lesson and was just about to dismiss them when a sudden tremor rocked the school.

“Please be an earthquake.” he whispered, only for a second tremor, identical to the footsteps of the monster from yesterday to force the walls to tremble.

“There in the yard!”

“Oh my god!”

Jun forced himself to look, shocked to see not another rat but a fox. Sleek and bright red with…lipstick? Maybe? He hoped it was lipstick and not blood anyway. Its large glowing green eyes were framed with thick lines of black and it opened its mouth and wailed; a sound that was a lot closer to a human scream than he would have liked.

“Everybody to the evacuation point!” He yelled, “Come on, let’s go.”

His class half filed, half ran out of the room and into the hall which was rapidly filling with other classes. Jun could spy Clo jumping up and down at the opposite end to the hall from where they were all fleeing; he bit his lip. Goddammit, this was happening again then.

“Daisuke!” he called, spotting his friend herding students toward the stairs, “Take my students, I have to…go find a girl who ran out a few minutes ago.”

It wasn't even a lie, Hiromi was probably hiding in the bathroom, too self absorbed to even notice the new attack. He could find her, get her to safety and then find Clo and fight off the creature. The crystal in his pocket seemed to glow warm against his leg, almost as if it were asking to be used.

He opened each bathroom only to find it empty. Dammit. The building shook and he heard the sound of crumbling masonry. There was no time, he had to stop this thing now. He reached in to clasp the crystal in his hand, and grimaced.

“Let’s get this over with.”

He focused, trying to think of his first crush back when he was just a kid and just like that, the cheesy pop music started up once more.

His limbs moved like a ballet dancer’s, reaching up toward the sky as if to grasp something. His fingers lengthened and thinned as white fingerless gloves materialised along them. His chest grew, tastefully covered by streaks of pink light as his breasts swelled into being, round and heavy against his chest. All of a sudden cupped and supported by the soft leotard and decorated with the pink bow where his heart shaped crystal sat.

The skirt flared and he felt his ass grow to match it, his waist cinching into an almost impossible degree to make his body form the most ludicrous hourglass figure he’d ever seen. Now that he could see much as the light dusted over his eyelids, lengthening his lashes and painting a tasteful layer of make up over his rapidly feminising features.

The music flared, his arms moved out of his control up to his skull of long pink hair flowed from his skull like water. With a twirl heart shaped barrettes formed around them and he was suddenly sporting the same pink pigtails as yesterday. His body struck a pose and then, just like that he was back. Standing in the bathroom posed with his chest out and his fingers pressed against his lips.

“Ah! Is that going to happen every time?” He shook his head, feeling uncomfortable at the sound of his own voice now that it was female just like his body. “I feel like spending a full minute dancing while this outfit forms is a waste of time.”

“Will what happen?” Asked Clo, “You only took a second to transform.”

“Oh so that’s just for me then? Great.”

Another tremor rocked the walls and he stumbled slightly in his new pumps.

“Right, monster fighting time I guess.”

How the hell had this become his life? He rushed out of the bathroom and threw open the window. The giant fox was in the middle of the courtyard now, its long tail slamming against trees as it shrieked and cried out. The longer he looked the stranger it seemed to become, its claws were…painted? And the tail moved almost sensually, like a feather boa on a performer. There was something very, very weird going on.

For a moment he was tempted to figure it out but then he remembered he didn't care. Focusing once more he summoned the stupid wand and leapt into the air, finding himself falling at a slow rate just like last time.

“Alrighty then,” He took a deep breath and swallowed his pride, “Pink sugar beam!”

He actually had to brace both hands against the wand to stop himself from flying backwards thanks to the backlash. Not that it made any sense considering he was in the sky right now but he thanked whatever weird magic stopped him from slamming back first into a building.

He landed on the ground daintily, toes first and had to resist the strange urge to strike a pose. That wasn’t so ba-


For a second he was tumbled end over end before stopping at the base of a bench. The fox was still standing, the pink hole he’d shot into it was slowly healing over, reknitting the skin back together.

“Well fuck.”

There was a gasp from behind and he turned to see several of his students standing there, phones out, like absolute idiots.

“What are you doing? Run!”

Thankfully, they complied before he had to dodge out of the way before the fox snapped at him with its razor sharp teeth.

“Why didn’t that work?” He yelled, Clo appeared, having clambered down the side of the building.

“This one is a lot stronger, the negative emotions used to create it must be very strong.”

“So what the hell do I do? Just keep yelling pink fucking sugar beam till it dies?”

“We need to find the person whose heart created it! Perhaps if we can cheer them up it will weaken the creature.”

“You have got to be fucking joking.” Jun jumped out of the way of a paw, “I’m a therapist now? And besides I can't just leave this thing raging through the damn school!”

“Wow for a magical heroine you sure swear a lot.”

Jun spun around to find Daisuke standing there, mouth agape; as if this day couldn’t get any worse.

“Uh, back citizen! You need to flee the area!”

“I know I just, you’re so hot-I mean amazing I had to see you for myself.”

Jun wanted to slap him; this man was a teacher for goodness sake, why wasn't he taking care of his students instead of thinking with his dick? The fox screamed and darted back toward them, he could slap Daisuke another time, provided he still had his head. Without thinking he dove forward, scooping the man up and tumbling to the side.

Jun’s back slammed against the concrete and  the wind left his lungs only for Daisuke to feel face first into his cleavage.

“Ah!” Jun scrambled back, his face burning with humiliation, only for Daisuke to look surprisingly smug. If he did that on purpose during a life or death situation…

He opened his mouth to yell but instead the pink crystal on the front of his uniform began to glow. Only instead of its usual colour it was a vibrant sky blue. He didn’t have time to question it before all of a sudden, the light seemed to solidify into another shape identical to his own crystal only in that shade of pretty blue.

Clo’s words from yesterday came back to him and his heart sank. Daisuke was already reaching out, eyes curious and Jun barely had a moment to warn him before his fingers closed around it. There was a bright explosion of blue light that dazzled even the fox monster for a moment then; as he blinked away the light Jun’s vision returned only Daisuke was gone. Replaced with an entirely new person; or should he say woman.

Her outfit matched Jun’s own, with the colours switched to blue of course. Her hair reached to just above her but and was made of soft matching blue waves that looked almost like the ocean. She turned to face Jun, her face a total mishmash of emotions. Jun couldn’t help but notice his chest was even larger than his own. It was odd but that filled him with a stab of jealousy.

Clo was at their side in a second, beaming in that odd, uncanny rabbit way.

“Blue Purity! I am so glad you are here, you must assist Pink Hope in vanquishing this monster.”


Jun felt his brain short circuit a little.

“Wait, Purity? Fucking Daisuke of all people got the purity crystal?”

“You know my name?” The blue woman, presumably Daisuke, gasped.

“Yeah I do you dolt now, Clo, teach him how to blue sugar beam or whatever while I go find whoever made this thing.”

“Blue sugar what?”

‘The rabbit will explain!” Jun called over his shoulder.

“The WHAT?!”

Secretly, he was glad Daisuke could handle the monster, he was not in the mood for fighting a giant vixen today. Huh, the thought made him slow, that’s what the fox was, a vixen, that would explain the weirdly…sensual features it had been given. He turned and watched as the fox lashed out, Daisuke jumping and floating comically to try and avoid the blows all while Clo presumably explained the situation to him with all the grace and subtly of a sledgehammer.

The fox screamed and once again Jun was struck by how much it sounded like a girl’s voice. It was lashing out in frustration; Clo had said negative emotions bore this creates, so perhaps what he needed to do was find a girl suffering emotionally?

In a high school.

It was like looking for one specific needle in a pile of needles.

Luckily after years of teaching he was pretty familiar with what teenage girls did to avoid being found on school grounds. He ran for the tennis courts; there was a supply shed where the students liked to sneak off to smoke and such. Often when kids skipped class, that was where they went. The tremors lessened as he bounded his way up the walls and across the rooftops; if he wasn't stuck in this ridiculous get up it might even be fun!

He soared over the supply shed and looked down; there was Hiromi, with her head buried in her knees. Bingo. He landed softly on the grass, so much so that Hiromi didn't even seem to notice. Right; now he just had to talk to her about her feelings. Wonderful.


She gasped, eyes widening as she looked up and saw just who was standing in front of her.

“Pink Hope!” She breathed, “How do you know my name?”

She wiped at the tears on her cheeks to try and hide them and Jun did his best to look confident and not totally out of his depth.

“It’s uh, magic.” He lied as smoothly as possible. “I think I need to help you in order to stop that monster out there.”

“There’s another monster?” Hiromi cried. God she was dense, okay.

“Yes. They are summoned by negative emotions.” Jun explained gently, “I think all the pain you’re feeling might have summoned it. It’s not your fault though! Let’s just uh, work through them a little. So, do you want to talk about the monster attack yesterday and why it has you so upset?”

Jun felt pride bloom in his chest; he was actually doing alright! At least he thought he was, until Hiromi blinked at him with confusion.

“I’m not upset about the giant rat.” She sighed.

“B-but what then?” He had been so sure that was it, “You almost died yesterday, surely nothing could be more upsetting than that!”

Hiromi’s eyes filled with tears.

“I know she wailed, I almost died without telling Takuto how I feel!”

Jun felt as though a metal weight had been dropped on his head. That was what she was so upset about? The fact that the boy she liked didn’t know she liked him?

“Are you serious!?”

Hiromi flinched; Jun knew he was supposed to be the magical embodiment of love and hope or some shit but he couldn’t help himself.

“A giant monster is attacking the school because you can’t muster up the courage to say the words ‘Hey Takuto, I really like you, would you go out with me’?”

“I can't just say that!” Hiromi whinged, “It would be cringy.”

“What’s ‘cringe’ is putting everybody in danger because you can’t get over yourself.” Jun said sternly, “Tough love time sweetheart. Time to harden up.”

Hiromi’s tears threatened to spill over again and Jun did his best to swallow his anger.

“Look, I know things feel life and death right now when it comes to boys.” He said, “But it’s honestly not that complicated. Just…say you like him, clearly and obviously don’t talk around it.”

“You sure that’ll work?” Hiromi asked.

Not at all.

“Of course!”

She didn't look sure, somewhere in the background he heard a shuddering step from the vixen. He felt a pulse from the gem sitting between his breasts. Despite having only just met her, Hiromi was looking at Pink Hope with total trust. If this was what he had to do to stop the monster, so be it.

He struck a pose similar to one he’d seen idols do on TV and winked with the brightest smile he could muster.

“I’m Pink Hope, defender of Love and Hope, I wouldn’t steer you wrong.”

Then, mostly to avoid the utter embarrassment at what he’d just said, he jumped back to the roof, heading for the fight once more as Hiromi shouted a thank you after him. He landed back on the courtyard roof in time to see ‘Purity Blue’ holding what looked like a bow and arrow.

“Pure bolt!”

The arrow turned into a line of pure blue light and fired straight into the heart of the vixen, tearing a hole in it just like his magic beam had. The only difference being this time, the hole spread until the entire monster had disappeared. He expected to see Daisuke blushing or looking uncomfortable in his new female form but in fact he looked the opposite. He whooped, giving Clo a tiny high five before turning and seeing Jun.

“Pink Hope! hey, this is fucking awesome! I can’t believe you picked a dude to be your partner.”

“I…really didn’t pick you.” Jun shook his head. “Come on, we should talk.”


“You’re shitting me, Jun?!”

“Yup.” He sighed, transforming back into his usual form and sighing with relief. “Clo picked me and now well…I guess I’m a magical super hero.”

“You say that like it’s not brilliant!”

Jun gaped at his friend, who for some reason was still in full feminine form.

“How are you okay with this?”

“Uh, look at me?” Daisuke said, sticking out his chest before grabbing both his breasts. “Look at these melons! Who wouldn’t want to be me right now! Besides, it’s not like I can't turn back.”

He turned on his toes, posing and trying to examine every inch of his body.

“You’re wearing a mini skirt!” Jun said incredulously.

Daisuke just shrugged.

“If you had these legs, wouldn’t you?”

So much for finally having some sympathy for the absolute insanity he’d found himself in.

“Well, I guess you’re better than some teenager.” Jun sighed, flopping down on a nearby bench, “That’s what Clo wanted.”

Daisuke scrunched up his nose.

“The rabbit wanted you to cross dress with a bunch of kids and fight monsters with them?”


“That’s fucked up.”

“Thank you!”

Even Daisuke seemed to understand that much. Even if he immediately took out his phone and started taking selfies.

“What are you doing?”

“Isn't it obvious? Starting a social media presence for us!”


“Here, change back so I can take some pictures of you too. You saw how viral those videos of you fighting went, we’ll be raking in the dough!” Daisuke’s eyes sparkled, “Not to mention media appearances, we could be idols!”

“We’re not idols! We’re school teachers!”

“Not for long.” Daisuke grinned, “Not if I have anything to say about it.


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