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Derek reaches the ‘dramatic’ climax of his story and decides to embrace Samantha’s influence rather than fighting it.

Previous chapters can be found here! 

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For a moment there was nothing but the wind rushing in his ears and then his mind caught up with what was happening. Flailing, tumbling ass over heels through the air he grabbed for anything that could stop him from smashing to the ground. Something brushed against his fingers and he grabbed for it, slamming against the side of the mountain as his fall suddenly stopped.

Derek's heart pounded in his chest as he dangled precariously from the branch, his fingers wrapped tightly around the rough bark; he could feel it threatening to cut into Samantha’s soft skin. His breath came in ragged gasps, his body trembling from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He stared up at the cliff's edge, where moments ago, Delilah's twisted smile had betrayed her true intentions.

‘I can’t believe she tried to kill me!’

Derek could.

‘There were no warning signs at all, she’d hidden her intentions perfectly.’

Samantha was supposed to be smart, how had he written her so damn stupid?

The wind howled around him, carrying the scent of damp earth and the distant calls of unseen creatures. Derek's mind raced, trying to think of how to get out of this precarious position. Where was Alejandro? Surely Delilah wouldn’t hurt him as well?

‘Oh what was I to do? I needed Alejandro to save me!’

Fuck that noise, he needed to save himself!

With each passing second, Derek's grip on the branch weakened, his muscles straining, Samantha was built like a stick thin model, and after a few seconds she was already tiring. He fought against the fear threatening to overwhelm him, drawing strength from the anger that bubbled within. How was this fair? All he’d done was write a story! That didn’t mean he deserved to die!

He chanced a glance downward, his stomach turning at the sheer drop that awaited him if he lost his grip. A thought did occur, that perhaps if Samantha were to die he would wake up in the real world but he was not about to take that chance. The jungle sprawled beneath him, a lush sea of emerald and jade.

As his fingers began to slip, Derek's eyes fell upon a small ledge above, a mere arm's reach away. Sweat dripped from his brow, mingling with the dirt smudged across his face. With a final surge of desperation, he summoned the last of his strength and pulled himself upward, muscles straining against the strain.

The ledge welcomed him with rough stone and jagged edges, the surface unyielding beneath his trembling hands. Derek collapsed onto the ground, his body aching and bruised, but relief washed over him like a balm. He had defied the odds, escaped Delilah's treachery, and survived the fall.

Breathing heavily, Derek glanced back up at the cliff's edge, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and determination. Delilah's act of betrayal lit a fire inside him and Samantha both; how dare she try to come between them and Alejandro?

Pushing himself onto his feet, Derek took a deep breath, his gaze set firmly on the path ahead. The jungle stretched out before him, a wild tapestry of mystery and danger, but he no longer felt fear. He had survived the fall, and now, with a newfound strength, he would confront Delilah and protect the love he had found with his new man.

‘Love fueled me. Love for Alejandro.’

The man you met a few days ago.

‘He had changed my life so much, I knew I would move Heaven and Earth for him.’

Getting a little stalkerish there, Sam.

‘But I knew what true love was now and I was not about to let it go.’

Okay, that we can agree on.

Once again his heart ached with fondness for Alejandro; it was hard to tell how much was Samantha’s influence or his own growing affection for the man but it didn’t care. The two of them worked in perfect tandem, letting anger and fury push them forward until they reached the top of the cliff where Delilah had pushed him.

He was about to round the corner when he heard voices; Alejandro and Delilah.

“You can’t fool me, Delilah.” Alejandro said dramatically, “Why would Samantha lead me up here just to leave me? It makes no sense.”

“Face it, she’s a foreign girl, not a native like us. She’ll never understand you the way I do.”

Derek cringed; Delilah’s hair was red, this may be the world's most ambiguous island but he was pretty sure calling her a ‘native’ was wrong. Did he write that? He hoped not. They continued on their melodramatic back and forth and Derek felt a smile tug at his lips. This was like something out of one of those soap operas his aunt used to love, he’d watched a tonne of them as a kid while she babysat him. Maybe he’d absorbed more than he realised.

An idea formed and he actually had to hold back a laugh; the solution had been in front of him the whole time. The weird, fictional world with all its strange rules; he’d been chafing at the bit for so long when all he needed to do was go along with it. This book was trashy and melodramatic, he could see that now, rather than fight it, he needed to get down on its level.

He squared his shoulders and cleared his throat, dramatically stepping out from behind the rocks and striking a pose that he hoped was suitably intimidating.

“Looking for me?”

Delilah gasped and Alejandro’s face broke into a relieved smile.


“That’s right!” He announced, feeling Samantha’s own consciousness merging with his own for the first time to create something entirely new. “I’m alive! Did you really think you could push me off a cliff and just take Alejandro back?”

“I never-”

“You did!” Derek pointed a finger right at the red head, “You’re obsessed! A maniac! You can’t stand that Alejandro loves me more than he ever loved you!”

“That’s not true!” Delilah screeched.

“Actually, it is.” Alejandro cut in, walking past her without so much as a glance back as he joined Derek. “I love Samantha, and I brought her up here to propose.’

Derek’s heart beat faster, a proposal! Oh, that was so wonderful! And Delilah had spoiled it! Well, almost. He didn't even care that marrying someone after knowing them less than a week was a tad rushed; all he cared about was his man, now wrapping an arm around his hip. It was a light touch but it made him feel so at home; like it belonged there.

Evidently, Delilah did not agree. She screamed, devolving from a calculating, cool villain to a manic murderer within seconds. She rushed forward, hands outstretched with sharp painted nail claws reaching for his throat. Alejandro pulled him to the side, wrapping his strong arms around Derek’s lithe frame and moving him to safety.

Only Delilah kept going, she tried to stop but her heel snapped and sent her toppling right over the edge. With a high pitched shriek she disappeared and left them in eerie silence.

Well that was a rather dark ending to her story.

Sure it had ended much the same way in his version but somehow from this point of view Derek could see how ridiculous it all looked. He tried to feel sorry for her but honestly she’d come and gone so quickly from this weird little world she barely felt real.

“Should we…call the police?” He said after a long moment.

“I’ll handle it.” Alejandro said bravely. “Let’s get out of here my love, I promise you the world's best and most romantic proposal on a less dark day.”


Derek walked back down the mountain hand in hand with Alejandro, quite sure that by the time the police searched the area Delilah’s body would be mysteriously missing.


Derek's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nerves as he took his first step down the aisle, his delicate lace gown trailing behind her in graceful waves. The tropical breeze, tinged with the scent of saltwater and blooming hibiscus, caressed his skin, those mysterious Japanese petals floated by his face but he'd long gotten used to that. It was a whirlwind, a shotgun wedding, but Alejandro had managed to create a scene so stunningly beautiful that it took his breath away.

The white sandy beach stretched out before her, a pristine canvas illuminated by the warm glow of the setting sun. The deep blue waves gently rolled onto the shore, and somehow the whole beach was pristine, absent of seagulls or crabs, even shells. Palm trees swayed gracefully, casting elongated shadows that danced in harmony with the deeply romantic atmosphere. It was as if nature itself had joined in their celebration, adorning the scenery with its own approval.

The aisle was lined with vibrant tropical flowers; red, orange, and yellow hibiscus blossoms nodded in the breeze, their petals catching the golden rays of sunlight. Exotic orchids, with their delicate elegance, peeked out from lush green foliage, bestowing a touch of magic upon the path that would lead her to Alejandro.

As Derek took each step forward, he couldn't help but marvel at her gown. Alejandro had spared no expense in ensuring he felt like the most radiant bride in the world. The bodice of her dress hugged her figure perfectly, adorned with intricate floral lace that cascaded down her waist, evoking the delicate petals of the tropical blooms that surrounded her. The ethereal fabric of her skirt billowed gracefully with every stride, shifting smoothly with each rise and fall of her sashaying hips. He had even picked a matching pair of panties to wear beneath. Silk with lace trim that was so soft it felt as though he was wearing nothing at all.

Adorned in a delicate tiara, Derek's hair was swept into an elegant updo, allowing a few tendrils to escape and frame her face like gentle caresses. The tiara made him feel a little childish, but he remembered writing this very scene and paying great attention to describing its expensive elegance. It was supposed to be a symbol of just how much Alejandro loved Samantha, that he would spend that sort of money. A pearl necklace adorned her neck, its luminescence matching the sparkle in her eyes.

As he approached the end of the aisle, Derek's eyes met Alejandro's, and time seemed to stand still. He stood tall and handsome, a picture of confidence and love. His tailored linen suit was the perfect choice for the tropical setting, its pristine white blending harmoniously with the sand and foam of the ocean waves. A single red hibiscus tucked into his lapel added a touch of vibrant elegance. Derek felt his heart pound; not just with anticipation but a small amount of fear.

This was where his story ended, on the fairytale wedding of Samantha and Alejandro. After this he no longer had any idea or control over what happened. Would he kiss his man and wind up back in the real world? Was that even what he wanted anymore?

Together, they were a vision of love, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the serenade of the sea. Yes, it had been stressful but ever since he and Samantha merged into a single being, accepting his role in this strange fantasy world things had been easier. Wonderful really. To go back to his lonely life as a bad romance author seemed unthinkable.

He took a deep breath, making sure to enjoy the gentle rise and fall of his chest for what may be the final time. An officiant, who seemed to appear from nowhere, began to speak but the words went in one ear and out the other. Alejandro’s warm hands gripped his tight and Derek felt his heartbeat began to grow louder and louder.

He realised, to his horror, that he didn’t want this to end. He wanted to stay here, a pampered princess being swept off his feet every day by the single most romantic man in the world. A man who adored him. He would never find anybody who adored him as much as Alejandro adored Samantha, not to mention the luxury of living on a resort in the tropics for the rest of his days. Sure he’d have to do it as a woman but considering how great the sex was he could live with that.

“I do.”

Oh god. Alejandro was looking at him with excited anticipation and Derek felt the words spill from his lips before he could think.

“I do.”

Alejandro was leaning in now, their lips brushing; Derek wanted to kiss him so badly but he didn't want the story to end! Their lips pressed together and his mind went blank, his neck tilting back and the embrace deepened. He could have sworn he could hear cheering even though the beach was deserted save for the three of them. Or was it just two now, he couldn’t hear the officiant anymore; they had disappeared as quickly as they had come.

Their lips broke apart, the warm sun set behind the waves and…

He was still here.

His girlish heart seemed to sing with excitement. He hadn't disappeared. The story may have ended on paper but he was still here! Things were just beginning! With a wide smile he laughed in pure elation and happiness. He was going to spend the rest of existence inside his masterpiece and it was a masterpiece; he was more sure than ever now.

Sure he’d gotten a few fine details wrong here and there but he had lived through this story and could tell, from personal experience, just how hot and sexy it was. He couldn’t wait to do it all again tomorrow.

Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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