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Tier reward for Eb18

Robert and Felix made a pact to lose their virginity before the end of college. With graduation looming they resort to black magic to summon a succubus and get more than they bargained for.


Four years seems like a long time the first day you step on campus. At least it had to Felix and Robert. They had come here to get their degrees of course but there was one other thing they needed to get done over that four year period. A promise they had made to one another at the end of highschool; they were going to lose their virginity by the time they graduated. Being a virgin in highschool, while not the most common, was not as sad as leaving a full stint at college still unbedded.

Felix had been sure that at some point in their freshman year they would have already completed the goal. After all, the campus was huge and full of girls, surely one of them would share his interests and find him attractive. Robert had always been the one more interested in sex for sex sake, Felix was hoping for a relationship.

When the second year came and went he got a little more desperate; perhaps a full on relationship was too much to ask for. A hook up would suffice, maybe even a friend with benefits. Now graduation was in six months and Felix would be happy with anything at all. Nothing made him feel more inadequate than listening to the bros and meatheads talking about scoring each Monday morning as they worked off their hangovers between classes. They made it sound so easy.

Felix knew he wasn't the hottest guy around, but he had dark skin and eyes to match and wasn't too bulky or a string bean. All in all, he was an average guy; so why did no girl seem interested in him? Even the pasty skinned Nigel from the robotics lab had a girlfriend for crying out loud.

Felix took another bite of his sandwich and sighed, feeling his phone buzz against his leg. A message from Robert, he knew before he even checked the ID. Nobody else ever texts him, except his mother.

‘I’ve found the solution to our problem.’

‘It’s not hookers is it?’

Felix wasn't sure he was ready to stoop that low. Somehow being a virgin seemed less sad than having his first time with a woman he paid.

‘No, this is brilliant. Come over to my dorm tonight and I’ll show you. We won’t be virgins by the end of the night!’

Felix’s stomach churned. Robert was his best mate; mostly out of habit. He was a great guy really, always willing to help him out at the drop of a hat but he did have his downsides. Hairbrained schemes to get laid being one of them.

He hoped it wasn't anything too insane. Part of him was tempted to demand an explanation but he ignored it; he knew Robert too well. The guy was a showboat, he probably wanted to do some sort of big reveal with a practised speech or something like last time. {The plan had been to walk dogs at the park and pick up sympathy chicks; in the end the only thing Felix had picked up was several bags of dog poop.)

With a sigh he sent back a message saying he’d come and went back to his sad sandwich. If nothing else, at least he wouldn’t be bored tonight.


Felix walked up the stairs toward Robert’s dorm, passing half a dozen people on his way. They were all heading in the opposite direction of course; it was the day after midterms finished. That meant somewhere on campus, one of the fraternities would be having a giant, blow out party. The kind that started as invitation only at their frat house and spilled out onto the streets after a few hours and soon involved half the campus. Anybody who was anybody would be there and Felix was sure Robert’s scheme, whatever it was, involved them attending.

He didn’t bother knocking, just walked right in and blinked in shock. He wasn't sure what he was expecting but it wasn’t…that.

“Are you reading a book?” Felix gaped, staring at Robert seated at his desk with a thick tome open. “Since when do you read anything that’s not ‘How to get girls 101’?”

“I read,” Robert scoffed, “For your information, I am a big proponent of widening my horizons.”

“Sure you are.” Felix smirked, flopping down on the bed, “So, how’s a book going to help us get girls?”

Robert made a sour face.

“Is that really the only reason you can imagine me reading?”


“Okay so this book is going to help but I resent the attitude!” Robert sighed, not sounding remotely offended.

That was one of the good things about him, he was practically impossible to offend. It meant Felix never had to hide his feelings about anything, not that he ever listened, but it was nice not feeling the need to hold back.

“This is the Grimoire Phantasmagoria of Asmodeus.” Robert announced proudly holding up the black leather book.

“Gesundheit.” Felix deadpanned.

“I’m serious,” Robert insisted, “You know how my uncle is an antique collector, well, I used his connections to help me track a copy down, cost me a pretty penny too. It’s a dark magic book!”

The humour suddenly left the room.

“Robert,” Felix said slowly, “You know magic isn't real right, please tell me you didn't actually spend a bunch of your money because you think you can cast a spell to make you more sexy or something.”

“No no, It’s nothing like that, what do you think? I’m a crazy person?”

Felix breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m going to use it to summon a succubus.”

And the relief was gone.

“You cannot be serious. Dude, you’ve completely gone off the deep end.” Felix gaped.

“No for real! Watch! I found one of the shorter, easier spells.” Robert flipped right to the front of the book and then scrambled for some black and white powder on his desk. “Catherius…elma!”

A sudden bright light made Felix shriek far louder than he would ever care to admit and a moment later a warm ball of flame was sitting harmlessly in Robert’s palm. Felix felt his jaw drop and Robert shook his hands a few times to extinguish the flames.

“Summoning a succubus is a lot harder.” He admitted, “But we can do it! And then, not only will we finally not be virgins anymore, we’ll have the best sex of our lives, period. Maybe she’ll even teach us a thing or two about how to impress girls, succubus have to visit women too right? They are constantly horny I bet they’ll do anything.”

Felix just opened and closed his jaw a few times in shock, still trying to get over the initial shock from not only seeing that magic was real but that Robert could perform it.

“See, here’s the spell, we need a lot of candles, and we’ll need to push all my furniture to the side in order to fit the circle but it should work.” He continued, flicking to the back of the book and showing a double page spread that looked very complicated.

“Have you done any other spells in there, besides the first one?” Felix asked eventually, “Isn’t skipping right to demon summoning a bit…risky. I mean, this is dark magic we’re talking about. I don't think we should go messing with things we don't understand.”

“What’s not to understand?” Robert shrugged, “Succubus equals sex my dude, that’s the important bit.”

Felix shuffled awkwardly; it was tempting he had to admit. Who hadn't had a fantasy about a busty demon lady making their dreams come true? The inherent taboo of it also gave the idea an illicit appeal. He peered over Robert’s shoulder to look at the book; the English was old and confusing and foreign words he didn’t understand seemed to randomly be placed through the sentences. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it all.

“Are you sure that’s a succubus spell?” he asked, “What if you summon pinhead or something.”

“You watch too many movies.” Robert laughed, “And yes I am sure, just look at the picture.”

It was drawn in intricate inked detail; though slightly smudged with age.. The intricate circle, alight with candles with a beautiful woman standing in the centre. Fire licked at her ankles and a pair of dark horns curled around her head. Her body was naked save for golden adornments like bracelets and a tiara. Despite its small size the picture had been lovingly drawn, with special detail given to her flaming pink eyes. Felix swallowed; he somehow felt intimidated by ink on paper, he couldn’t imagine how incredible the real thing would be.

“If that’s not a succubus I’ll eat my own hair.” Robert said confidently, “Now, help me move this desk against the other wall to make room.”

“Wha-wait, we’re doing this now?”

“Hell yeah, I told you we wouldn’t be virgins by night’s end.”

Felix wasn’t sure what to feel; his stomach was churning again, this time with nervous excitement. He wanted to do this but he was also a little intimidated. The idea of meeting a creature like that beautiful demoness in the book was intimidating to say the least; what would he even say to somebody so far out of his league?

“Earth to Felix, desk?”

He snapped back to attention to see Robert waiting for him, holding one side of the heavy wooden structure with an impatient grin.

“Sorry!” He rushed forward and between the two of them they made quick work on opening the tiny dorm room up.

“Everybody will be at the party, so we should not be disturbed.” Robert grinned, “We can be as loud as we want.”

“So…are we gonna take turns? Do I wait outside or what?”

“Y’know, I hadn't thought that far ahead,” Robert thought for a moment before snapping his fingers, “We’ll ask her to summon a second friend and you can go next door to Jason’s room. He left the key under the mat and he went home for the break this morning.”

There goes his last real reason not to give this a try. Without anything holding him back Felix let the anticipation build, carefully following Robert’s instructions as they drew the intricate summoning circle on the ground and placed the candles in the correct position.

The idea that soon, he would finally be having sex for the first time made his skin tingle. He felt as though there was electricity in the air and it seemed the feeling was mutual; Robert couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Finally, everything was in position and Felix took a step back so that Robert could encant the spell.

The words sounded like gibberish to Felix but he didn't care, his eyes were glued to the middle of the circle, searching for any sign of something mystical. He expected the lines to glow or perhaps turn to flame but instead there was nothing, not even an ominous wind building to a crescendo.

Robert finished the spell and dramatically flung his arms out…


Not even a spark of flame. The two friends looked at one another, disappointment and denial palpable.

“We did it perfectly!” Robert cried as he frantically scanned the page, “I was sure I had the words-”


The sound was closer to speakers filled with bass turned up to eleven than an explosion but it still almost knocked Felix right off his feet. It was strange; he did not see her appear and yet there was no flash or burst of flame to hide it. One second the circle was empty, the next the most glorious creature either of them had ever seen was standing before them.

She was taller than most women with a figure that was beyond sinful. Wide hips, huge breasts to match and the most beautifully wide ass Felix had ever seen. She was totally naked, giving them a full view of her smooth, perfect skin. It was pinkish red in hue and decorated with golden jewellery similar to the image in the book as well as a pair of golden chains pinning her to the circle on either side.

Long silver hair flowed down her back and framed her face, interrupted at her skull by two curved horns and a pair of leathery wings at her back. Her cord-like tail whipped around her ankles as if impatient and her glowing red eyes narrowed as she spotted the two men.

Felix froze; how could a blood red gaze be so…icy? He didn't know what to say, it was taking all his self control not to have his knees give out. He desperately wanted to look down and admire that hot body some more but the succubus had him pinned with her gaze. Robert cleared his throat.

“Succuss.” He said with enough bravado to almost be convincing, “We have summoned you, I am Robert, this is Felix we uh, demand that you summon another of your kind so that we can…well, fuck.”

There was a beat of silence and the succubus’ eyes narrowed further.

“You summoned me here, to sleep with two mortal men?” She said slowly, lip curling with derision.

“Well, yeah.” Said Robert sounding a little less confident, “You’re a succubus, that’s what you do-”

“I am The Queen of the Succubi!” The demoness interrupted, “Sariel does not debase herself with petty, normal men.”

“B-but…” Felix indicated to the golden chains at her wrists and the woman laughed, easily lifting her arms away to reveal the manacles were nothing but golden light.

“These are just for show honey, do you really think a pathetic little magic circle like this could bind somebody like me?” She smiled, stepping out of the circle without any issue. She was only a little taller than them, but somehow she managed to tower over them both.

“The uh, spell it didn’t…I mean I meant to summon a regular…”

“See now honey, stammering like that is showing me exactly why you resorted to a magic book to get laid.” Sariel crossed her arms under her impressive chest and Felix couldn’t help but stare.

The queen noticed and smirked as his face flushed red. The idea of commanding a succubus to pleasure him had seemed so cool a moment ago now it just sort of seemed…sad. Just like every other attempt they’d made to get laid. The succubus queen gave them both looks of pity and somehow that was even worse than her smug smile.

“Well, I can't let your arrogance go unpunished,” She mused, “One does not simply summon the queen of sucubbi for petty fucking and get away with it buuuuuuut, well, the two of you are a bit sad.”

Even Robert seemed embarrassed, shrinking in on himself slightly as Sariel leaned over him, examining him like a lost puppy. She certainly didn't look at him with any sort of desire; Felix had never felt smaller or more terrified.

“W-what are y-you going to do to us?” He trembled.

Sariel laughed again and it sent a shiver down his spine.

“Oh look at you,” she cooed, “Trembling like a little chihuahua. Relax honey, I’m not going to do anything too bad.”

The men exchanged looks.

“I think…I’ll have you work for me for a night.” She smiled, “I’m running low on male essence anyway, you two can gather some for me.”

Felix wasn't sure what ‘male essence’ was but he was pretty sure, from the wicked smile on Sariel’s face, that it wasn't going to be entirely pleasant for him to gather. Sariel waved a hand and a mesmerising ball of light appeared, distracting them both for a moment as she pressed her sharp nails to their skin. An itchy burn appeared on Felix’s shoulder where she had dragged the nail across and he yelped in surprise and a small amount of pain as black swirls began to appear there.

A tattoo began to paint itself on his skin, black vines and petals forming a flower that was only half bloomed with roots pointing down his arm. The flower’s centre was barely visible through the half open petals but a spirally shape could be seen. For a second the ink glowed a vibrant scarlet before settling into midnight black.

Felix felt his mouth open and close in shock and he turned to see Robert in much the same state, a twin tattoo on his own shoulder.

“Those tattoos are special,” Sariel smiled, “There’s magic in them, when activated you will both be transformed into the perfect woman based on the desires of the men around you. Using those transformed bodies you can gather male essence, the more essence, the more feminised you will become inside and out.”

“Essence?” Felix asked nervously, he was slightly afraid of the answer.

“Body fluids, salvia and semen specifically. The latter is more potent of course.” Sariel smiled gleefully, “Whoever gets the most by the end of the night wins and gets to go back to being a man; not only that I’ll sweeten the pot and turn you into your ultimate male self, the girls will be throwing themselves at you.”

“What about the loser?” Robert asked, sounding a little too tempted for Felix’s liking.

“He can be the winner's perfect girl!” Sariel clapped her hands together in delight. “Won’t that be fun? Really it’s win-win for you both as you’ll be having the amazing sex you’ve always wanted.”

For a second it almost looked like Robert was considering it and Felix felt a flash of panic.

“What if we refused?” He asked and Robert nodded.

“Yeah, what if we just stay in our rooms all night and don’t collect any essence?”

“Hmmmm.” Sariel seemed to think for a moment. “Well then, that would show a lot of loyalty and that should be commended. I suppose if you both managed to abstain for the whole night I’ll let you go as is. But no sexy male body!”

“Aw man.” Robert sighed.


“Sorry. Yeah, we’ll do that.”

Sariel raised an eyebrow and smiled; clearly not believing them.

“Oh, are you sure? It would be so much fun…”

“Yeah well, seeings as we’re both straight I am sure we’ll be able to handle not fucking another guy for a single night.” Robert snapped and Sariel just laughed.

“You’re lucky it was me you summoned.” She smiled, “Not all archdemons find human’s with attitude so amusing.”

Robert swallowed and the demoness laughed again.

“Well, I’ll be watching boys, no matter what so…have fun! Entertain me.”

With a snap of her fingers Sariel was gone, leaving nothing but the burnt imprint of their summoning circle on the floor. Robert scuffed at it with his shoe and sighed.

“Dorm manager is going to kill me.”

“Is that seriously what you’re worried about right now?” Felix snapped, “I can't believe the shit you’ve gotten us into!”

“What?” Robert shrugged, “The way I see it, we both got matching tattoos and that’s it, a little lame, might be a bit hard to explain but I am sure a parlour somewhere could cover them up.”

“You’re seriously not even a little concerned that we just accidentally started a game with the queen of all mother fucking succubi?” Felix yelled, “She’s watching us!”

“Yeah, so? She’s gonna be bored as hell cause unless you’re about to come out of the closet, I don’t think either of us is gay. These tattoos won't activate unless we’re around other guys right? So we don’t even need to worry about transforming. We’ll just stick around here all night and in the morning we’re good.”

Felix took a deep breath; Robert was right. Yes that whole experience had been insane but…he had a point. All they had to do was sit around for a night by themselves and they’d be fine. His panic suddenly felt pretty silly.

“We’d better keep separate though.” Felix pointed out, “Maybe they haven’t activated yet because we’re both ‘playing’ but we are still both guys. I’ll go use Jason’s room to be safe.”

“Good call.” Robert nodded. “Man, she was all talk in the end, all boobs no brains. Did she seriously think we’d just go along with it because she was hot?”

Felix shrugged.

“Maybe. Anyway dude, I am keen to just forget this ever happened so…night.”

Felix gave his friend an awkward sort of wave and did his best to tug his shirt sleeve down over the tattoo. He hoped it would be gone in the morning, surely the ink would fade with the magic, right? He hoped so, intricate flowers were not the manliest of tattoos. Perhaps he could put a random girl's name over it and pretend it was some family member who died or something. Girls ate up pity stories like that.

The idea buoyed him somewhat, perhaps he could look up some popular names and then find a sympathetic girl with the same name as his dear ‘cousin’ or something. It was the sort of plan Robert would come up with but since he had the tattoo anyway why not make use of it?

Just as Robert said there was a spare key under Jason’s dorm room door and he let himself in, surprised to find that Robert’s neighbour was one of maybe five guys in the building who actually cleaned his room. He flopped down on the bed, determined to fall asleep in his clothes if he had to; he just wanted this humiliating night to be over.


Sariel laid back against her chaise longue in hell, smiling idly at the crystal ball she was using to observe her latest little projects. It was cute really, them thinking they would be able to last the night. Their loyalty to one another was sweet but hollow words deep down. If there was one thing Sariel knew, it was men and men only had enough blood for either their brains or their cocks, never both. Honestly, most women were the same. Young men just tended to be that little bit easier to manipulate; more desperate.

All her boys needed was a little push.

Any second now the tattoos would be kicking in, slowly ramping up their hormones until all they could think about was relief. Relief that masturbation absolutely would not satisfy. She leaned in close and smiled, eyeing the air vents in each of their rooms. With a flick of her wrist and a sly smile cool air began to flow through, in a matter of minutes the rooms would be chilly, then freezing. There was no way they would stay put; just to be safe she added a slight rattle to the metal, just enough to be irritating.

The sound would be random, not even intervals. That way they could never get used to it. Sariel laughed at her own genius. That’s all it took really, a subtle nudge here and there, not like some of her less experienced girls who wouldn’t know subtle if it punched them in the face.

With a flick of her fingers Sariel changed the view, looking down on the campus. A big party was happening tonight, she was sure she could contrive a way to get her boys there but for now…those two stragglers leaving the dorm from the bottom floor would do. Putting the thought into their minds they instantly turned around to return upstairs; they were going to score tonight and they almost forgot their condoms. If they were fortunate, to horny young women would make their dreams come true before they ever reached the party.

“Of course…I will have to name them.” Sariel mused to herself, “Felix and Robert…Felicia and Roberta.”

Simple enough change, they would get used to them quickly she was sure.


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