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Derek finds himself caught between Samantha’s affections and his own as he begins to fall in love with Alejandro for real! Only for the evil ex he’d written into the story to come along and ruin everything.

Previous chapters can be found here!


“The boat ride was Heaven. It felt like a dream; like time was standing still and it was just the two of us there, forever.”

Derek wasn't sure if it was Samantha’s voice in his head or the come down from the most amazing sex of his life but she had a point. The trip back to shore seemed to pass in a haze, with Alejandro stopping to rub his shoulders or put down the sail so they could sunbathe together at random points.

“I gazed up at him, slowly undoing the rigging for the third time and realised he was delaying on purpose, trying to make this magical trip last as long as possible before we were forced to return to shore. Knowing he didn't want this to end just as much as I did made my heart flutter.”

Indeed it did, just as he had looked up at her order. He hadn't even had the chance to fight it, listening to Samantha’s narration and following it was becoming second nature to him. What was worse, it was so hard not to listen. He was tired and stressed, giving in made him feel all warm and lovely, plus he didn't need to think at all. Samantha could do that for him; he could just let his head be empty and relax. It made him so happy.

His stomach growled and Alejandro chuckled.

“We should probably get back and have some lunch, perhaps we could share a fruit platter at the pool bar?”

“Oh that sounds delightful.” Derek sighed, he was quite hungry, he could worry about getting home after he had some food in his stomach.

“I hoped Alejandro would feed it to me.”

Yes that would be nice…no, focus Derek! He tried to fight off the instinct but now the thought was in his head and he knew how good it felt to have those arms around him. The idea of leaning back against Alejandro’s broad chest, letting him slip something sweet into his mouth…

The boat gently knocked against the dock and Alejandro hopped out to begin securing it. Derek tried to remind himself that this man was a figment of his own imagination, a character from a story. It was surprisingly difficult to do when he was standing there, slightly shining in the sunlight looking like sex incarnate. Thankfully, or unfortunately depending on which side of his mind you asked, the tranquillity was shattered.

“Alejandro! There you are.”

Alejandro stiffened and Derek looked up from his potion on the boat to see a woman with vibrant red hair and green eyes walking down the pier toward them. She wore a green sundress that flowed in the wind and her smile was wide yet somehow cold, it reminded Derek of a shark.

“Oh crap.” He whispered; he’d been so caught up in the romance he’d forgotten about this part.

“Delilah.” Alejandro said stiffly, “I thought you were working on the other side of the island.”

“I decided to move back.” She said simply, “I miss you. I miss us.”

She turned and spotted Derek on the boat and for a moment he had a very good idea of what a mouse might feel like after being spotted by a hungry cat.

“And who’s this?” Delilah asked.

“This is Samantha. She’s American.”

He said the last word with so much emphasis, as if it were something to brag about. Derek winced, he hadn’t meant that to come off so…arrogant? Was that the word? He wasn’t sure.

“Delilah looked scared for a brief moment, I could tell she was intimidated by my inherent sophistication but then she regained her composure. Still I had seen it and it brought a smile to my lips.”

Derek bit his cheeks to keep that from happening, though he could do nothing to stop the bolt of self satisfaction from passing through him. Was Samantha a bitch? He hadn’t meant to make her a bitch.

Alejandro offered him his hand and Derek took it; his instincts told him to step into the man’s side and put an arm around his waist. That’s what he’d written, Samantha at this point in the book was supposed to be firmly in a relationship with him but since he altered it; he wasn’t sure.

Delilah was glaring; thanks to his foreknowledge he knew how crazy she was. She would do anything to get Alejandro back, even get violent. But maybe he could change that if he didn’t play along. It was hard, but he forced himself to step forward and offered the other woman his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Delilah was it?” He tried to smile warmly, “So lovely to meet another friend of Alejandro’s.”

Internally he winced again, he’d meant to say those words so genuinely, maybe if he befriended this lady she couldn't turn into the psychotic bitch he’d written later on in the story. Unfortunately for him, his inner Samantha was strong and his words had come point tinged with pointedness. The word ‘friend’ over emphasised and Delilah refused his hand.

“I didn't think you were the type to take vacationing tarts out on your boat.” She addressed Alejandro, “Just take them to your bedroom.”

“You know very well that’s not true and Samantha is no common tart.”

Derek knew Alejandro was telling the truth, he was a gentleman who would never go to bed with just anybody; he was special. By which he meant Samantha was special. Not him, of course that’s what he meant and that was good because he didn’t want this sexy man to think he was special! Not at all!

His face was going red as the storm of thought raced in his mind and he watched the smug smile tugging at Delilah’s lips.

“He does this with everybody you know.” She lied, “Sweeps holidaying women off their feet all the time, it was why we broke up. You’d better get going before he feeds you some sappy line and convinces you to lose your panties. Oh wait! Did he already do that? You poor, naive fool.”

“That couldn’t be true? Could it?”

It wasn't. Derek knew it wasn't, yet Samantha’s doubt was powerful and it found himself stuck between what he logically knew to be true and what he felt in his rapidly beating heart.

“Delilah! If you think you’d ever win me back with such underhanded tactics-!”

“I am just telling the truth, I have decided I don't mind a few indiscretions so long as you come home to me.”

She stepped forward, laying a pale hand on Alejandro’s bare chest (Where had his shirt gone?) and Samantha’s jealousy raged. Derek tried to stop himself; he knew what would happen if he didn’t but it was no use. His body acted on its own, surging forward and shoving the red head away from his love and into the ocean below.

Alejandro covered his mouth in shock but Derek could hear the small laugh and see his smile as Delilah surfaced.

“You slut! You utter bitch!” She yelled, “Alejandro, is this the sort of horrid woman you’re spending your time with now?”

“Apparently.” He sighed, looking at Derek with dreamy eyes that made his knees weak.

“I’ll make you pay for this! I will!” Delilah cursed, climbing out onto the pier. “You mark my words, I will make you fucking pay!”


Alejandro and he walked back towards the report arm in arm. On the outside he was cool as a cucumber but inside Derek was panicking. This was the moment Delilah swore revenge on Samantha, she was going to try and ruin her life and then…get rid of her. There was no way he could repair that bridge now so what was he supposed to do to stop her?

“I didn't worry about Delilah.”

No! No, no Samantha you dumb idiot! Worry!

“I knew she was all hot air.”

No she isn’t she’s nuts she’s…well, maybe Samantha had a point-no!

“I could feel my connection with Alejandro getting stronger every second. There was no way she could come between us.”

You’ve only known him a few days!

“I didn't listen to that little voice in my head that told me things were going too fast, if anything, I wanted to make them go faster.”

Derek squeezed Alejandro’s arm and smiled as he sat down on one of the pool loungers. He was relaxed, blissfully happy even knowing somewhere in the back of his mind that Delilah was planning something. Samantha didn’t care, so he couldn’t either.

“I’m sorry Delilah spoiled our morning.” Alejandro said, placing a fruit platter he had somehow gotten from the bar without Derek noticing, down on the table between them.

“Oh, you’ll just have to make it up to me.” Derek teased.

“Another date?”

“Yes please.”

In the book, Samantha told Alejandro she wanted to go scuba diving; Delilah would show up and try to sabotage the equipment. Even knowing this, the suggestion was on the tip of his tongue. There was no way he could deny himself another date with Alejandro outright but maybe he could keep himself safe by being as far away from the ocean as possible.

“A hike, up that mountain.” He suggested, pointing at the peak behind the hotel, “I just love nature.”

“Sounds lovely! I have gone up the trail many times, I shall be your personal guide.” Alejandro took Derek’s hand and kissed the back of it, sending sparks flying across his skin.

“Sounds lovely.” Derek cooed, leaning in close to steal another kiss, then another.

“Perhaps we could discuss plans in my room?”

“I would love to.”


Derek’s pussy ached slightly as he walked up the dirt incline that was the start of their mountain trail. Even a full night later he could still feel the evidence of Alejandro’s love making. They had fallen into bed again, of course, and spent the whole day and a good part of the night exploring one another's bodies. He’d been powerless to stop it; the pleasure had just been too much. Not to mention Samantha’s moans and cheering voice in his head egging him on.

“With each step I took, I marvelled at the stunning beauty that enveloped me, this was truly paradise."

The path meandered through lush foliage, the vibrant hues of emerald leaves dancing in harmony with the golden rays of the sun. Derek felt a gentle breeze caress her cheeks, carrying with it the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, those same sakura blossoms that existed inexplicable in the air despite not a single tree being visible. The symphony of bird songs filled the air, creating a serene melody that seemed to celebrate their journey. Glancing up, Derek was struck by the majesty of the towering mountains that surrounded them.

"It is as if nature herself had painted a masterpiece," Alejandro said dramatically and Derek had to hold back a snicker, that line was so corny!

"He was such a romantic."

Actually on second thought perhaps the line wasn’t that bad.

As Derek stole a glance at Alejandro, she couldn't help but smile. His strong, confident stride matched the determination in his eyes. His love for nature was evident in the way he absorbed every detail of their surroundings, as if committing them to memory.

She found herself falling in love with him all over again, without Samantha's influence. He tried to feel bad about it but it was too hard. He had created the world's sexiest man! It wasn't his fault he'd fallen under his own spell. If anything this proved all those reviews in the real world wrong; if a straight guy could fall in love with his creation then he must have had writing skills.

With every ascent, the views became more breathtaking. A cascading waterfall adorned the side of the mountain (Where was the water coming from?), its crystalline waters glistening in the sunlight. The sound of rushing water filled the air, adding a soothing rhythm to their footsteps. As they continued along the path, his hand brushed against Alejandro's, their fingers intertwining effortlessly.

"It was a simple touch, yet it spoke volumes of the connection we shared."

With each passing moment, Samantha, and by proxy Derek, felt his affection for Alejandro grow stronger. The idea of leaving this world entirely was starting to lose its appeal. The idea of living with him only existing as pages in a book seemed like such a loss.

The trail opened up to a panoramic vista that stole Derek's breath away. Before her stretched a vast expanse of turquoise sea, merging seamlessly with the azure sky on the horizon. He couldn't help but grin, if he'd gone down to that beautiful ocean he would be struggling to breathe right now. Not only had he avoided Delilah's murderous intent; he'd gotten to spend some quality time with Alejandro.

Lost in the magic of the moment, he turned to face his new man. He found him watching back, a tender smile playing on his lips. In his eyes, she saw a reflection of her own wonder and love. No words were needed—they had both found solace and completeness in each other's company. In that moment Derek became sure he couldn't leave the man behind, if he was going to leave this world, he had to find a way to bring Alejandro with him.

“Wait here a moment.” Alejandro smiled, “I think a lady as beautiful as you deserves a tropical bouquet to remember this moment.”

He giggled, watching with a wide smile as his new love disappeared into the trees to find flowers. Idly he wondered what sort of bouquet he would get, would it be tropical? Or would Alejandro somehow produce roses and more sakura blossoms; he really should have researched the plant life on tropical islands a bit more.

A crunch of gravel and dirt made him turn; it was coming from the opposite direction to where Alejandro had disappeared. He turned just in time to see his doom, Delilah, flying toward him. Her eyes were wild, red hair flying behind her and she rammed right into his side.

A gasp escaped his lips as she stumbled back and found nothing but empty air. He had just enough time to lock eyes with Delilah before he tumbled over the side of the cliff.


Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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