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Apologies for the delay on this months exclusive story, the aforementioned medical issue is kicking my ass. It will be written, just later than expected. In the mean time here is a commission to tide you all over! 

Commissioned by Kayllik

Gloria and Jason are looking for the perfect costumes to wear to the upcoming anime convention but when a wish on a star goes awry, Jason finds himself in the body of the very character he was cosplaying as. Unfortunately for him, that character is half boar and his girlfriend's secret sexual fantasy.


“How about this, Jason?” Gloria yelled, holding up a patch of faux fur fabric.

They had been shopping for hours, going from store to store finding the perfect items to create their costumes. AniFest was only a few weeks away and the two of them had their eyes on the best cosplay couple trophy. Winning meant getting every detail of their costumes absolutely perfect, right down to the colour of the thread they used to sew it all together.

“Hm, too black to be Goro.” Jason sighed, running his fingers over the patch of fur, “He’s more mottled grey.”

“True.” Gloria sighed, “I guess we’ll just keep looking.”

“We could always go as a different pair.” Jason suggested, “Hardly anybody has even read The Boar’s Wife, it’ll suck if we have to explain to the judges who we are.”

“The convention will be full of Naruto’s and Kirito’s.” Gloria sighed, “I don’t want to be passing another girl in the same costume as me every five minutes. I want people to wonder, who knows, if we win, maybe Akiko-san will finally write another volume!”

Gloria had always loved Akiko Kimura’s supernatural romance manga. WHile everybody had heard of her lesbian kitsune romance, Twin Tails, it seemed like nobody cared about The Boar’s Wife. The love story of a boar demon named Goro and his human wife Princess Ino. She remembered reading it under the covers as a teenager at night, heat building between her legs as she devoured all the intimate sex scenes Kimura-san had drawn between the boar man and his human woman.

When she had first met Jason and they started dating she had been thrilled to discover he also loved the series. So when it came time for them to pick a couple to cosplay at this year's AniFest, Gloria had jumped at the chance to finally make one of her fantasies come true and become Princess Ino. But if that was going to happen, she had to find the right fur to make Jason’s Goro costume.

“How about this!” Jason suggested, pulling out a length of grey fake fur mottled with black.

“It’s perfect!” Gloria squealed, jumping up and down on her toes. “Now we just need to find some reddish leather to make your belt and loincloth.”

“I’m not going to get arrested for indecent exposure am I?” Jason laughed, hsi eyes always sparkled when he laughed.

They were  vibrant, emerald green, just like Goro’s. Sometimes Gloria wondered if that was why she liked them so much. Goro had been her teenage fictional crush for so long; and Jason was about as similar to him as a human man could be. Same eyes and dark hair, even a muscular build. Though Goro was far larger of course; Jason hardly had an eight pack but he was buff enough that sometimes she could pretend.

“I am sure we’ll be fine. Now let’s get looking!”


Their shopping trip had been fruitful, though not quite as much as she had hoped. In the end they found everything she needed for her costume but they still lacked the loincloth for Goro and some way to make Jason’s feet appear like hooves. Still, they had time.

Gloria laid out the articles she’d bought for her own costume out on the bed, imagining how amazing they would look once they were all put together. Princess Ino’s original costume was a white night dress but that would have been too easy. Instead, she chose the outfit Ino wore from chapter three onwards, after marrying Goro. A fur bikini with a tusk necklace and fur lined boots. She already had her long blonde hair which she could style into a warrior's braid and then it would just be a matter of applying the correct make up.

Squealing with excitement she flopped back on the bed with a happy sigh. Maybe, if she was lucky, when they came home after the convention she could convince Jason to role play with her. She had always wanted to do that but been afraid to ask.

Oh, to be an innocent princess whisked away into a life of sex and violence by her transforming boyfriend who was hung like a horse…well, boar. What more could a woman really want? She gazed out the window and watched as a streak of silver flew through the sky. A shooting star!

Gloria cupped her hands together in prayer, holding the fist close to her chest.

“Please, let Jason be the perfect Goro.” She wished fervently.

The silver star gave no sign that it had heard, obviously, but Gloria liked to pretend. She snuggled under the covers, excited to meet up with Jason after their university classes to continue their shopping spree. Maybe she could even find some tusk shaped earrings to match her necklace. With a soft smile on her face Gloria settled down to sleep and dreamt of being seduced by a sexy boar man with Jason’s eyes.


Gloria sighed, looking at her phone to check the time. It was twenty minutes since her classes finished and Jason was still nowhere to be seen. As a STEM major, most of his classes were on the other side of the campus so she was used to him being a few minutes late now and then but this was getting ridiculous.

She tried calling but the phone went straight to voicemail. That wasn't like him. Jason was usually glued to his phone, having it turned off or out of battery was basically unheard of. A small kernel of worry formed in her stomach and she started walking.

Unlike her, Jason didn’t live on campus. He’d lucked out and managed to find an apartment only a few blocks away. Something she was thankful for now as the worry began to gnaw at her; perhaps he was sick? Gloria quickened her pace until she reached the building and headed up to his floor. She knocked on the door and was met with silence, the kernel in her stomach began working itself into a knott.

“Jason? It’s Gloria.” She called, taking out her key, “I’m coming in, okay?”

She unlocked the door, slowly pushing it open to see Jason, wrapped in a blanket with his back to her. She could see the mound of fabric rising and falling with his breaths and Gloria gave a sigh of relief; he seemed okay at least. Though his breathing was awfully loud.

“Jason…are you oka-”

“Go home, Gloria.” His voice was rough and deep, far more than usual and Gloria felt her heart flutter with sympathy as well as a little lust.

“Oh you poor thing, did you catch a cold?”

“No, just go home.”

She hated how much that deep voice turned her on, Jason’s throat must have been killing him, it wasn't fair of her to find it sexy. Bottling those emotions she reached out to touch his back only to have Jason spring away from her as if he’d been burned. The blanket fell to the ground and Gloria gasped, her eyes turning wide as her boyfriend stood and towered over her.

Except, it wasn’t her boyfriend, not anymore. Gloria was stunned as she stared in admiration at the magnificent creature in front of her. Her heart raced with a mixture of panic and fascination as her breath held in her throat.

Jason stood tall and intimidating, emanating an aura of raw power and untamed, wild beauty. His human-like upper body, sculpted and muscular, like that of a bodybuilder, with broad shoulders and thick arms. The definition of its muscles rippled beneath its coarse, bristly hair, a mottled grey that covered almost every part of his new form.

Gloria's gaze then travelled downward, her eyes fixating on the creature's lower half. The transformation from man to boar was nothing short of extraordinary. Its massive boar legs were sturdy and well-muscled, exuding strength and agility. The sharp, gleaming hooves. He wore nothing over his crotch; unsurprising really considering there was no way any of Jason's pants or boxers would be able to fit over those thick legs. That meant his cock was on full display as well as his swollen balls. Both the organs were twice the usual size and Gloria couldn't help but swallow nervously; just how big would he be when hard?

She forced her attention away from the alluring length and tried to focus on Jason's new face. The boar-like face, so beautifully formed, revealed a blend of intelligence and wildness. His eyes were still their same vivid green but were now half hidden beneath bushy eyebrows made of thick, coarse hair. The sight of those majestic curving boar tusks protruding from his mouth sent shivers down her spine, there was something so primal about them, it made her wet just to think about.

“What on Earth…?” She gasped and Jason groaned.

“I don’t know.” He wailed, “I just woke up like this! At first I thought it was a dream or something but it’s not a costume! It’s real! Look!”

He tugged at the fur on his thick calves, the skin pulled with it. With his other hand he pulled on one of his tusks, pulling back the lip slightly to show the tooth growing out of his gums. Somehow, Jason really had become a boar man, just like Goro in the manga. Any other day, this would have been Gloria’s dream come true but she could see how obviously upset her boyfriend was.

“I’m a freak.”

“No, Jason, of course you’re not.” She surged forward, wrapping him in a tight hug. Well, as tight as she could, his torso was so thick now she could barely get her fingers to brush behind his back.

“We’ll figure something out.” She smiled, trying to be reassuring, “I know we will.”

“You don't think I look hideous?” Jason said, sounding surprised.

“Not at all!” Gloria replied truthfully, “I think you look amazing! Just like Goro, hey if anything we’re a shoo in to win that contest now.”

He laughed awkwardly hoping Jason would too, but he stayed silent and surly.

“How could this have happened?”

“I don’t know-oh!”

Her wish! That whole wishing on a star thing…couldn’t be true could it? When she had wished for Jason to be the perfect Goro she had meant his costume but the universe works in mysterious ways. Perhaps this had been her doing all along.

“What is it?”

“Well…” Gloria blushed, “Last night I made this wish on a shooting star that you could be the perfect Goror…It sounds crazy but it's the only explanation right? I didn't mean for you to actually become him though! I just wanted your costume to be perfect!”

“Wishing on a star?” Jason’s lip curled oddly, “That’s not real, it’s kids stuff.”

“Says the giant boar man.” Gloria raised an eyebrow at him and Jason demurred.

“Point taken.” He sighed, “Anyway, how it happened doesn't matter, the important thing right now is how do I change back? I can’t go to class or work like this!”

Gloria hummed in thought; he had a point. As sexy as this was Jason couldn’t just go walking down the street looking like this.

“If the star changed you, maybe we need to just wait and wish on another one?” She shrugged.

“That’s it? Waiting for a damned shooting star?”

“Well what do you want from me?” Gloria threw up her hands, “I only just discovered what happened five minutes ago. I don't know how any of this magic works-oh wait! I wished for you to be Goror!”


“Well, Goro has magic! He’s a shapeshifter, remember?” Gloria said excitedly. “He can transform into a full boar or a full man so maybe you can change yourself back!”

Jason held out his huge, rough hands before his face.

“I don’t feel magical.”

“Well you look it.” Gloria said with certainty, “Just…focus or something, try to do something Goro could do like…make your tusks smaller or something to start.”

Jason’s face twisted offly, the pig-like features turning in an oddly human way. Gloria’s eyes stuck to his tusks, trying to see if they changed at all as Jason went cross eyed trying to look at them. After a moment, the bone shifted slightly and Gloria sucked in a nervous breath before all of a sudden, the tusks grew to twice the size they were before. Jason groaned, collapsing back down onto the couch, causing the structure to collapse under his weight.

“I made it worse!”

“It’s not that noticeable.” Gloria lied, trying to hide how hot those tusks made her feel, “Just try again.”

Jason continued to struggle, it was clear he had Goro’s magic just like in the manga but he had no idea how to control it. Each time he managed to change a part of his body successfully, it would simply revert when he stopped focusing. Gloria sat, curled on the remains of the couch watching him struggle, feeling somewhat guilty for his predicament but also conflicted.

She knew it was wrong but her eyes kept sliding over Jason’s new muscular form, watching his muscles bulge with effort as he tensed himself trying to summon the magic. His fur looked so soft and she could almost feel it on her still after that hug. Like a sensory after image. She wanted nothing more than to stroke that fur and feel the taut muscle below.

Instead she sat on her hands, not trusting herself fully as her lust grew as the hours passed. EVentually, Jason gave up and sat on the floor to avoid damaging any more of his furniture.

“Will you stay here tonight?” He asked sadly, “I don’t want to be alone.”

“Of course!” Gloria insisted, “Will your bed still fit us both?”

“Just.” He winced, “Turns out springing for that double king was worth it.”


She ordered them dinner and collected it from the front of the apartment building, all while her mind raced. Her head was filled with lustful day dreams similar to the ones she had as a teenager, of her real life Goro sweeping her off her feet. How on Earth was she going to sleep tonight with that sexual beast next to her?

Jason struggled to eat at first but eventually gave up trying to look decent and shovelled the pizza into his mouth. It should have been a disgusting display but all Gloria could focus on was his long, rough tongue. How good would that feel swiping across her clit? She remembered the picture of Ino’s face in chapter thirty, features twisted in ecstasy as Goro feasted on her. She had touched herself while looking at that panel more than one and now it was like the image was burned into her brain.

By the time they hopped into bed her entire body felt like a live wire. Her back pressed against Jason’s muscled arm and she could feel the tiny pricks of his fur poking through the fabric of her nightgown. Knowing those strong hands were only inches away was torture. How she longed to feel them inside her!

She couldn’t initiate anything though. Jason was distraught, in crisis, it would be wrong of her to take advantage of him in this state, this sexy, sexy state. She grit her teeth and tried desperately to think of cold showers until she eventually fell asleep.


Gloria was standing atop a balcony of a castle, wearing nothing but a white shift and staring up at the full moon. Two strong hands wrapped around her middle and she felt the hot breath of her lover pressing into her neck along with a snout. A scratch of tusk made her shiver as Goro buried his snout against her neck, taking in her scent.

One of his hands was lifting the gossamer thin hem of her dress, the other pushing her forward to lean against the balcony. She spread her legs ready, too afraid to say anything and break the magic of this moment. She had wanted this for so long, finally Goro was going to make her his!

A musk, thick and heady filled her nostrils; the magic boar scent that drove women wild. They were powerless to resist it but Gloria didn't even try. She drank in great lungfuls and felt herself moisten further as something solid pressed against her hole.



“Oh fuck!”

Suddenly, the balcony was gone and Gloria was back in bed but that smell was still coiling in her nose, making her feel slightly lightheaded. She could feel Jason, still in his great boar form shifting next to her. The night was dark but she had no idea what the time was, the clock had been knocked off the nightstand and the batteries must have fallen out.

She rolled over, realising the blankets were gone, kicked off somewhere in the darkness. Jason was laying there and as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she noticed his cock, standing upright and hard.

A spurt of wetness escaped her and Gloria realised she felt more than a little damp.. She looked down and peered into the gloom, noticing a wet patch on the front of her nightdress made of a distinct, slick liquid. Immediately her face was flushed red; she’d gotten so horny she’d made a mess like a common whore. God, how embarrassing!

Jason didn’t seem to care though, he groaned in what sounded like pain or frustration, pressing his palms into his eyes until he turned to face Gloria as she finally sat up.

“I’m so-sorry.” He muttered, “I can't get it down. A-and the musk, I’m trying to stop it.”

Gloria breathed heavily, the smell was all over her, soaking into her hair, her clothes, her skin. They both knew Goro’s sexual appetite was immense, his body literally cried out to draw females near to mate with. It was part of why Ino was so drawn to him despite her reservations. Gloria swallowed; it was affecting her now.

She was helpless; holding herself back while her biggest sexual fantasy played out in front of her had been hard enough but now, with this drug in her system she could barely stop herself from jumping up and mounting that cock right here and now. Instead she ran her hands over Jason’s muscles, admiring the soft fur and firmness of his chest. As he groaned she could feel the vibrations in his chest move up her arms and she shivered.

“Gloria, you don’t have to-”

“I want to.” She blurted out, “I have wanted to since I arrived today.”

Jason’s eyes went wide and Gloria felt her desperation build. The musk made her unable to lie and the words kept flowing out of her.

“I was so turned on when I saw you, all I wanted was to suck on that cock but I held myself back.” She admitted, “Please, let me taste you, let me feel you! I need it.”

She ran her tongue along a patch of muscled skin where the hair was thinnest and moaning at the flavour.

“Please, let me have you like this at least once.” She begged, “We’ll find a way to change you back I swear but please, fuck me as Goro.”

For a moment he hesitated and Gloria was worried he would say no but thankfully, lust won out and those strong hands reached for her. Gently but firmly he picked her up in those great hands and lifted her onto his body, her slit pressed against the base of his giant cock.

The musk was even stronger here than anywhere else and Gloria felt any guilt she was feeling fly out the window and into the night. She ground herself against it and shuddered, almost cumming right there and then. Only for her world to suddenly revolve into a blur or colour as Jason flipped them both and Gloria found herself on her back, pinned beneath the great boar man. There was no escape now, not even if she wanted to.

Jason nuzzled his snout against her body, slowly moving downwards and cutting away her nightgown with his tusks. Gloria shivered, feeling those sharp teeth brush against her skin and the cool night air moved against her. Within seconds she was bare and naked beneath him.

With a forceful shove his snout parted her legs and that rough tongue parted her folds. He lapped at her with the same energy and ferocity he’d devoured dinner and Gloria wailed. Her legs writhed as pure pleasure washed over her; his tongue was so much rougher than a human one, it almost hurt how good it felt having that strange sensation press against her sensitive flower.

Almost instantly she felt her orgasm begin to build, her hips bucked against him, legs resting on the curve of his tusks and he began to thrust his tongue up inside her. She could hear the slightly snorting sounds escaping him, they sounded feral and hungry. Fuck that turned her on.

“Uh…uuuuuh oh yes, yes m-more I-I ooooooh!!!”

She came hard, squirting right into Jason’s mouth. He didn't care, he didn’t even stop, just kept thrusting his tongue in and out of her until Gloria felt like a hot mess. She was drunk on Jason’s musk and wanted nothing more than to be touched by him more. When he finally stopped feasting upon her she felt bereft though thankfully not for long.

“Fuck, you taste so good.” He groaned, “Fuck I-I have to.”

“Please.” She whimpered, turning over and pressing her ass and pussy into the air, “PLease I need you, mate with me Goro.”

Jason didn't seem to care that she was calling him Goro, maybe it was even a turn on because a moment later those hands were gripping her hips and a solid head was against her hole. Even the tip stretched her and Gloria felt her mouth open in a silence scream of bliss. Yes, yes, yes! This is what she had always wanted!!

He pushed inside, her walls stretched and burned with gratification. She wanted nothing more than to push back against him and take more but she was frozen in place, her whole body totally overwhelmed with the feeling of penetration and Jason’s new musk. Time seemed to slow as he slowly filled her, moving slowly to make sure she was not stretched too much too quickly. Jason was so thoughtful like that and Gloria felt her loyalty to him grow. Perhaps it was the mind altering properties of his musk, she couldn’t be sure.

By the time they were flushed together though Glorias mind was empty of everything save pleasure. Jason began to thrust and she felt the slap of his swollen balls against her inner thighs. They were so full, it would take two, maybe even three or four orgasms to empty them. Until that point there was no way he would be satisfied.

She was already so oversensitive from his tongue, would she even be able to survive that much love making? Already her second orgasm was building, the pressure inside her caused her pussy to clench around the cock and squeeze it even tighter.

“Fuuuuuuuck Ino…so good.” Jason groaned and Gloria wailed; her dream had come true, she had become her fantasy.

“Yes, keep fucking me please!”

Jason sped up, slamming hard into her and making Gloria see stars. Her pleasure built and built until she once again came, this time silently. The ecstasy was so much that she couldn’t even bring herself to make a noise.

There was no respite though as Jason kept pounding into her, forcing her body to skip the come down and afterglow and go right to building up again.

“J-jason I can’t take it!” She wailed, “It’s too good!”

“Yes you can, my Ino. Do it for me!”

“Yes! Yes for you!Only you!!”

She came again, going limp as Jason continued to thrust hard against her. She could feel him getting closer to the edge, his thrusts becoming shallow as he could no longer bear to be out of her. Gloria watched his silhouette as his head threw itself back and he grunting. A moment later wetness filled her and they paused, gasping for breath.

Then they kept going.

One orgasm simply was not enough for this horny boar man and Gloria could only lay there in utter happiness as she continued to be filled again and again. Her mind was empty, there was nothing but Jason’s smell and his cock. The pleasure went beyond complete and she lost all sense of time as they continued to fuck.

Those strong arms hooked under her chest, holding her up so that Jason could buck his hips up into her. Through heavy hooded eyes Gloria watched out the window as another streak of silver crossed the sky; another shooting star.

“Please.” She begged the star and Jason at the same time, “Never change back.”

She could never go back to sleeping with a regular, human man again. Not after experiencing what true pleasure and satisfaction was at the hands of her newly made boar man.

“Never.” Jason grunted, “I’m never giving this up! Fuck I feel so incredible.”

“You are! You are!” Gloria cried as she came again, “Don’t stop!”

Eventually, Jason was satisfied and the two of them flopped back down on the mattress, utterly exhausted as the sun began to rise. Their sheets were stained and filthy but neither of them had the energy to do anything about it. Instead, Jason curled himself around Gloria, nuzzling into her hair and she sighed.

“I think…I think I can feel my magic now.” Jason whispered. “If I try I think I can transform myself back into a man.”

“...Will you?”

There was a pause.

“Only if I have to go in public.” He said after a moment and Gloria smiled.

Her perfect life was beginning at last.


Gloria's heart raced with anticipation as she entered the bustling convention hall, hand in hand with Jason. The vibrant energy of the crowd enveloped them, or rather, it parted for them. Gloria felt herself smile, looking at the wide eyes that watched them as they passed; they were truly stunning, she couldn't blame them.

Whispers of admiration and awe rippled through the crowd, creating an electric atmosphere. Her lips curled into a secret smile, knowing that she and Jason held a hidden enchantment that set them apart. Now that he had perfected his shape shifting, there was nothing stopping them from getting that prize. He truly was the perfect Goro and that meant they had been able to spend the weeks leading up to the convention entirely on perfecting her own costume.

Cameras flashed and attendees flocked around them, capturing every detail and barraging them with questions. The admiration in their eyes fueled Gloria's confidence, and she stood taller, embodying Princess Ino's regal grace. The flowing robes draped elegantly around her, and she felt as if she had truly stepped into the pages of the manga.

Beside her, Jason, who had become quite the charmer thanks to the confidence his new form bought him, revelled in the attention. His mischievous grin only added to the allure.

"How did you make that Boar mask so realistic?"

"Where are the seams? I don't see any!"

"How are you moving the eyebrows?"

Jason just chucked, placating them with 'it's a secret' and taking Ino's hand as they made their way to the contest sign up.

Getting there proved much more difficult though due to their sheer popularity. They posed for photographs, striking regal poses that mirrored the characters they had become. With each click of the camera, Gloria felt a surge of joy, her heart filled with gratitude for the bond she shared with Jason and the magic that had made this all possible.

Gloria was sure The Boar’s Wife was about to become a bestseller online all thanks to them. She had been joking about Akiko writing another chapter but perhaps if they did a good enough job she would. That would just be the cherry on top of the cake that was her perfect life.

When they approached the contest table she watched with smugness as several other couples turned away. They were going to win, it was obvious. It almost took the fun out of things. Almost.

The pair of them spent the day feeling like celebrities; for years they had been coming to these conventions and Gloria had been jealous of all the popular cosplayers. Now she was truly the queen of them all. People whose costumes she’d admired for years came up to bask in her presence and when she and Jason were announced the winner not only of the couples contest but the best cosplay over all, the crowd went wild.

It felt as though they had greeted and taken pictures with every single person in attendance, employees included. There were even a few cosplay companies offering to give them sponsorship deals to dress as certain characters.

“Do you think your transformation magic could change us both in time?” She whispered when they finally got a moment alone.

Jason just smirked, flicking his fingers and Gloria felt her ears turn to delicate, elven points.


“God, you’re amazing, you know that?” She sighed dreamily, wrapping her arms around him. “Watching all those girls fawn over you is so infuriating.”

“I am sure you will remind me who my woman is when we get back to the hotel.” He chuckled, pressing his snout to her neck and breathing deeply.

That musk began to leak from his skin and Gloria felt herself shiver.

“Screw waiting till we get back to the hotel.”


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