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Commissioned by Waaaghan

They had spent the day refining their plan before going their separate ways. Stolas had wanted nothing more than to get back to his house and scream into a pillow but to his dismay, found his former home now belonged to somebody else. Grange was in much the same situation and they trudged back to the palace only to have some very confused servants explain that they had rooms within the castle walls. Grange, or Gretta as everybody else called him, had a maid’s quarters next to Ander’s rooms; while Stolas had a similar room adjoining Morgan’s tower. As her assistant, it was his job to be there whenever the mood struck her to work after all. Stolas had ground his teeth and tried to look on the positive side. At least being so close would make sneaking in to look over her things each night while she slept easier. That first night he tossed and turned; missing the scratch of hair on his face and finding his new elf ears a pain. They picked up on even the tiniest chirp of a bird outside his tall window and so when morning came the light had barely crested over the horizon when he was woken by the crowing of a rooster.

He dressed in that same tight gown, trying fruitlessly to tug the neckline up just a little further so his cleavage wasn’t on such prominent display. Dwarves were a conservative people, so wearing such a thing felt alien to him. Not to mention the breasts themselves. He was no spring lamb, he’d been with women, even human women, he knew how breasts felt and looked but having them as part of his body was a totally new experience. As he walked, he could feel them jiggle and shift in the dress and he cursed the fabric’s lack of support. Were it a little more covering perhaps he could have wrapped them down with a bandage to squash them. But of course, Morgan’s dress sense made that impossible. He walked into the tower with his lips pressed into a thin line to see his princess waiting for him. It took more self control than he would care to admit to force himself to bow.

“Close but not quite.”

“What do you mean?” He growled, Morgan just shook her head and smiled kindly.

“Women courtesy, like this, see?” She grabbed the sides of her dress and curtsied for him. Stolas’ hands formed into fists around the fabric of his own skirt.

He grit his teeth so hard it hurt and copied the movement; Ander had overestimated him; Stolas couldn’t do this. He couldn't pander to this selfish, arrogant princess. He had only been here a few seconds and already he was on the cusp of punching her lights out. To his surprise, Morgan approached him with a gentle smile and reached out both her hands to take his.

“I know this is hard for you, Stolas.” She said after a moment, “But I really think you’ll learn to love magic. Dwarves can be so stubborn, treat this as an opportunity to learn. I promise, I’ll be a good teacher.”

One thing the princess’ spell had not robbed him of, was his insight. Stolas had always been a good judge of character, hence his suspicions of Morgan in the first place. Yet as he looked into her eyes now, he saw that each word she spoke was genuine. Either she was craftier than even he suspected or Ander was right and she really did think this change would help them all. Somehow, that made him angrier.

“I am here because my prince wished for it. More than that, my friend wished for it.” Stolas seethed as he drew his hands back, “I’ll learn from you but know this, we will never be friends and I will not forgive you.”

Morgan…nodded. Her quiet acceptance surprised him but he said nothing.

“I understand.” She whispered, “Now, let’s get started.


Briar stood before the Temple of the Protector; the place she had entered years before when she was little more than a girl, the place that had raised her to be a paladin of the realm. The white stone seemed to almost glitter in the sunlight and she was keenly aware of all the eyes on her as she made her way up the steps, her forked tail swishing behind her with the sway of her hips. She may not have been quite as bright anymore, but she still knew how to fight and she wasn't going to let Morgan turn her into a little nobody working in a tavern.

She stepped inside with as much grace as she could muster only to gape at the stained glass inside. She’d seen it so many times before in her life yet in this moment, she couldn't help but become mesmerised by the way the light refracted and glittered across the coloured glass.

“Is there something we can do for you…demoness?”

The voice was so cool she didn’t recognise it at first until she turned and found herself face to face with Adrienne, her old order’s leader. Normally, Adrienne was a mentor figure; warm and kind, always ready to help others. Now, she looked at Briar as though she were a bug; self consciously she tugged at one of her curved horns.

“I’ve come to join the order.”

“You’re that demoness who was trying to convince us you were once a Paladin of the Protector that we all mysteriously forgot.” Adrienne smirked, “I heard about you from some of the others.”

“It’s true!” Briar insisted, “But if you won’t believe me, I’ll work my way back up. You’ll see.”

“We do not accept those of tainted blood in our order.”

Briar felt her cheeks flush; tainted blood? She’d never given the rule to bar Demons and Demonesses from the Order but now, it seemed like such a silly rule. Had she ever dismissed somebody because they had horns and a tail? She hoped not.

Adrienne looked conflicted for a moment before she smiled coyly.

“Alright, if you think you can keep up.” Her tone implied she didn't believe it for a minute. “Why don't you start by memorising the Order’s charter?”

Now it was Briar’s turn to smirk; the charter was a huge document containing not only the rules and regulations of the Order but its history and beliefs. She memorised it years ago, even now that her wits had left her somewhat she could probably recite it in her sleep.

“No problem.”


“Grange, can you help me with this?” Ander sighed, holding up a giant knotted strand of his hair.

“Yes, your majesty.”

The words had pushed past his lips before he could stop them and Grange blushed, hurrying over to Ander who was seated at the table and mirror which had replaced his writing desk. His hands twitched, only calming once he had picked up the hairbrush and hair and began to untangle the strands. It had been like this since they changed; he could not help himself, he just…had to be useful. All his life Grange had enjoyed being a contrarian, proving people wrong, arguing, it had simply been his nature. He knew for a fact Ander loved that about him. He wasn't like those nobles who surround themselves with yes men, Ander liked things told to him straight. He appreciated Grange’s habit of being tactless and simply saying things how they were. Yet, that habit seemed to have melted away along with his halfling foot hair.

Now Grange felt a constant need to be, well…needed. He wanted to help and when he couldn't find anything to do he found himself fidgety and irritable. Cleaning helped; keeping his hands and mind occupied with polishing jewellery till it shined or dusting away cobwebs gave a new, quiet sense of purpose and joy that it never had before. Like now, the brush was gliding through Ander’s dark brown waves with ease and without thinking he began to braid it into the intricate style that was so popular at the moment.

“What’s the plan for today?” He asked after a moment.

“Briar is trying to get back into her temple, Stolas is with Morgan.” Ander sighed, “I think we should do reconnaissance.”


“Yeah, let’s explore the castle. Talk to people, find out exactly who we are and what we are known for in this new reality.” Ander explained, “We’ll go visit my father and younger sister. See how they react. Think you can still sneak around undetected?”

“Well…” Grange grimaced, “I’m twice as well now and my feet don’t move silently in shoes, but I can try.”

“Alright, when I give you the usual signal, sneak off and figure out what the gossip in the castle is.”

Ander went to stand but Grange only just managed to stop him with a sharp cry.

“What?” Ander asked with a confused look in the mirror. Grange turned pink.

“...let me finish your hair first.


Despite never working in the castle in any official capacity Grange was well familiar with the layout of all the servants quarters and the secret corridors they used to traverse the large structure quickly and quietly. As boys he and the prince had no end of fun playing hide and seek, a game he excelled at. Once he was older and Ander important enough that their friendship couldn't be questioned, he no longer had to sneak in and out of the castle but he still did just for the fun of it. Not only did it keep his skills sharp but he always had a huge list of ways Ander’s father could better prepare his guards to stop intruders. Yet now, as he walked down the corridor toward the kitchen he felt hopelessly inadequate. No matter how softly he tried to step, his cloth shoes made tiny scraps against the stone. Going barefoot didn't help either; all that achieved was the slap of skin in the place of fabric and the pads of his feet were filthy and sore in minutes. He missed the benefits of being a halfling.

He opened the door to the kitchen and nobody batted an eye; now he was just another human servant in the castle. At least he could still enjoy being lost in the crowd, even if it was just because he was so forgettable now, rather than his stealth skills. He bit down on his lip; now was not the time to feel sorry for himself. His princess, uh, prince, rendered him to find out the gossip in the castle and he had to do it. With as much stealth as he could manage Grange sidled up next to a gaggle of women as sitting and taking a break together talking in hushed whispers.

“So I heard that Morgan got a new assistant.”

“Yes, a Dark Elf too!”

“It seems unfair, just bringing in some stranger after all of us have been working our way up for years.”

“Once you become a lady in waiting for a princess, well, you’ve got it made don’t you.”

“Yes, being a princess’ attendant means you get to go to all the parties. Isn't that right Gretta? Gretta? Hello?”

Grange blinked, realising they were all staring right at him. Oh right, Gretta was his name now. He pouted; apparently he hadn’t been as discrete in his listening as he thought.

“Oh uh, yes, serving And-Audrey is wonderful. I love it.” His words came out stilted and his smile tight, the other ladies all shared looks.

“Well, you should treasure that.” One lady said with a huff, “I’ve been serving lady Marjorie for years and she still gets my name wrong. She’s lucky I don’t tell her husband about all the men coming to her room when he's away.”

“Really?” Grange leaned forward.

“Oh yes, quite the little tart, my lady is.”

“That’s nothing,” Another woman piped up, “Wait till I tell you when I stumbled upon down in the stables the other day…”


Ander tried his best not to focus on the gentle sway of his hips as he and Grange made their way down the hall. Each group or person they passed bowed their heads with a gentle call of ‘my lady’ and he gave a short, tight smile in return. He had managed to find an outfit that wasn't completely over the top this morning but he still felt odd; wearing a battle skirt and leather training armour. He remembered when Briar wore such things when they were teenagers, before she'd graduated to the heavy metal that became her signature. Silently, he sent a prayer her way; he hoped things were going well down at her Order’s temple.

A gaggle of servants came round the corner from the direction of Morgan’s own rooms and Ander gave Grange a little nod to follow. Nobody gossips more than servants; if Morgan’s movements were strange or she’d made any requests for odd spell components, they would know. Dutifully, Grange curtsied and broke off, following the women down a side passage meant for servants and leaving Ander to make the journey to his father’s chambers alone.

The old king was just that, old. He spent much of his time resting these days, though he made himself presentable for royal events, he spent the rest of his time in bed. Ander had long ago accepted he was not long for this world. Still, he loved the man and was glad he was still here in this odd, changed reality. He knocked and smiled when his youngest sister, Rose, answered. She was only eleven, but sharp as a whip, sometimes Ander had joked that it was a cruel twist of fate she would never have the crown. After what Morgan had done though, that seemed in poor taste, the last thing he needed was to give this sister ideas as well.

“Sister! You're home!” Rose smiled, “I heard you got back yesterday, why haven't you come to see me or father?”

“Sorry, things have been…busy.”

Ander couldn't help but feel a stab of disappointment; somewhere deep down he had hoped Rose or his father would remember him but that was dashed instantly with his sister’s greeting. He stepped inside to see his father sitting up in bed looking healthier than usual.

“Ah, there’s my darling girl, back from running through the woods like a wild thing, are you?” He chuckled and held out his arms.

Ander swallowed; his father had not hugged him in years, it just wasn't done. Men were tough, they didn't show weakness or emotions but with a daughter…a father could be as emotional and doting as he pleased. It felt odd, folding into his father’s safe embrace; he hadn't done it since he was a little boy and it felt…warm. He squeezed as tight as he dared; revelling in the feeling of love and safety. If nothing else, being turned into a woman had this benefit.

“How are you father?”

“As well as can be, still, I think we’ll be having Morgan’s coronation sooner rather than later.” The old man joked darkly, “I see you have no intentions of staying put.”

His gaze moved up and down the armour.

“Ah, training today.” Ander smiled awkwardly, “You know me, I’d much rather be off questing than stuck in one of those ball gowns.”

His father hummed and Ander let out a metaphorical sigh of relief. At least that much was still true; Morgan had not changed everything. His father’s face pinched slightly in worry.

“I do wish you would stay and take up more ladylike pursuits.” He sighed, “But with no sons I suppose somebody has to act as protector of the realm, you and your little…band, are better than nothing. Though I do feel for that poor maid of yours getting dragged out into danger all the time.”

“Gretta can handle herself; and Briar is the real warrior.”

His father's face twisted into a disapproving scowl at the mention of his love and Ander’s stomach flipped. His father had always loved Briar when she was an Elf Paladin from a noble house.

“A commoner sharing a princess's bed is bad enough.” His father hissed, “But a demoness and a woman at that. If you were the heir I would never overlook such a scandal but lucky for you, you’re discreet. Most of the time.”

“I love Briar.” Ander said defiantly, “I’m not breaking things off with her.”

He refused to let Morgan do that.

“I know.” The old king sighed and sunk back into his pillows, “We’ve had this discussion many a time.”

He turned and looked at Ander with more fondness and warmth than he could ever remember.

“You are fortunate you are my daughter, and that I am too old to die on hills such as these.”

Ander took a seat on the side of the bed, his father had never been so…soft with him before. Rose came and sat with him and they talked of lighter things but part of his mind was still with Briar. He had found some small bright spots in this life as a woman but the fact that Briar was now a scandal in his life…that was something he would have to fix.


Ander rubbed his temples; just living this life was such a headache. Even having normal conversations with Rose and his father were stressful now. They used to speak of the realm and jobs that needed doing, now half their discussion was taken up with talks of which young noble men might make a suitable replacement for Briar in his bed chambers one day.  He longed to get back out into the wilds and find some semblance of normalcy but it wouldn't be right to run off and leave his friends to flounder without him. A quiet click had him look up to see Grange returning with a smile on his face and Ander breathed a sigh of relief.

“What did you find out?” He asked, cutting straight to the chase.

“Well, Lady Marjorie is cheating on her husband with, get this, three squires. Three!” Grange gushed, “And one of the other serving girls has been keeping any rings or jewels she finds behind furniture and selling them on the black market, she’s making an absolute killing-”

Ander felt his jaw drop and Grange continued to relay all of the idle gossip he had heard with passion and energy. It was the chatter of servants, not the information he’d been hoping for.

“What about Morgan, who’s been helping her, did they have anything to say?” Ander prompted, “Strange items she ordered or plants she asked them to gather?”

Grange stopped and went red in the face; opening and closing his mouth a few times before looking at the ground.

“...I forgot to ask.”

“You forgot to ask!?” Ander yelled, “That was the whole point, Grange! What the hell have you been doing all day?”

“I’m sorry, my lady.”

“I’m not a-oh for pity's sake.”

Awkward silence fell upon them and Ander felt guilt slowly sink in. Grange stood and fidgeted for a moment before silently grabbing a broom from the side of the room to start sweeping.

“I’m sorry Grange but…we need to be more focused.”

“I know, my lady.”

“And don't call me that!”

“Sorry my la-, sorry Ander.”

A knock at the door and a moment later Ander felt his spirits rise significantly. It was Briar, dressed in the robes of an apprentice of the Order of Honour. The white clashed with her red skin, her tail bunched the material above her ass somewhat and they had clearly modified it to try and give her new voluptuous body a more conservative look; but it was a sign of acceptance nonetheless.

“You convinced them?” He grinned.

“Knowing all their tenants by heart helped, though it will be a while before I get another set of armour. Nothing fit me.”

“What? But you’re not that much-oh.”

Briar blushed, standing with her hands behind her back and twisting on her feet. It was a nervous habit she had possessed ever since they were young. But now that her chest was so large the gesture only made it more pronounced and Ander found himself temporarily relieved he did not have a cock to get hard. At least in this body when he was aroused he could hide it, for the most part.

“Yeah…” She sighed, “But the good thing is, I can still fight, I just have to get used to having all these new…”

“Jiggly bits?” Grange suggested, Briar gave an indignant squeak and tried to cross her arms over her chest which did nothing.

“Grange, that’s my partner you're insulting.”

“I wasn't insulting her! Look at those things, I’d kill for Morgan to have given them to me.” Grange replied, “Look, I don’t love being a woman, or human for that matter but the least she could have done was give me knockers like that instead of making me a member of the itty bitty titty committee.”

Ander couldn’t help it, he snorted with laughter and ended up double over. How Grange had not only said that with a straight face, but so seriously, was beyond him. Even Briar was giggling. It was that sort of infectious laughter that fed into itself, each time one of them started to get a hold of it, another one would laugh and they would start all over again.

“Well, I’m glad you three had a good day.” Stolas grumbled, walking in without knocking as Ander wiped a tear from his eye.

“Is Morgan making things difficult?” Ander asked, turning serious, if he found out she was abusing her power…

“No! Tha’s the worst bit!” Stolas threw up his hands, “She’s being so damn nice and helpful it’s hard to stay mad at ‘er, crafty bitch.”

Normally he would have chided Stolas for speaking about his sister that way but just this once, he couldn’t blame him.

“Did you find anything out?” Briar asked, tail snapping eagerly.

“I learned how to do this.” Stolas said glumly, clicking his fingers and producing a small flame.

“Hey, you can light your pipe with it.” Grange said optimistically, “That’s something right?”

Stolas actually smiled and immediately began rummaging in his pack for his tobacco pouch and pipe. All while explaining what he’d observed about her general layout of Morgan’s tower and where she stored her more powerful items. Ander sighed in relief, at least one of them had their eyes on the prize.

“There were a few symbols in there that seemed to radiate holy energy. If I describe them, maybe you could tell me if they’re worth swiping for a cure, Briar. Briar?”

“Hm, what?” Briar looked up when she had been slowly circling, quietly giggling as she chased her own tail. “Sorry, I got distracted.”

Ander’s good mood shrunk once more; Briar had been their tactician but now she seemed to have the attention span of a sparrow. He needed some way to help spark her intellect again, but how.

“Briar, we should spar together tomorrow?”

“Spa?” She said gleefully, “Oh yes, it’s been forever since we went to the royal bathhouse and now that we’re both women we can even share the same one…”

Ander’s face immediately went bright red as his mind filled with images of that curvaceous demoness body surrounded by steam and semi-opaque water. He would never admit to a single soul how hard it was to make himself correct her.

“I meant weapon sparring.” He cleared his throat awkwardly, “I don't have magic anymore so…I need to learn how to swing a sword and you’re probably the best option.”

“Oh.” Briar deflated a little before perking right back up. “That will be fun! I have to pass several combat tests before they let me start going out to quest anyway! I’m sure with the good word of a princess I can get out much earlier but I do need to learn how to fight with these.”

She poked her breast in the side making it jiggle slightly and Ander was forced to look away.


Briar wondered, if she had looked like this from the beginning would she have ever picked up a sword? The demoness cursed as she thrust her sword forward only to miss her target by an inch; her damn chest kept getting in the way. Now that she had these round masses sticking out on her sides she had to totally relearn how to thrust and parry her sword.

She had been drawn to the life of a paladin initially because she was so unlike many of the other girls in her social circle. She wasn’t pretty, she couldn't sing, she was average at best when it came to dance. Every time she needed a new ball gown she had been pink with embarrassment as the seamstresses were forced to take in the bust to compensate for her lacking chest. She never wore anything with a low neckline simply because she didn't have the cleavage to show off. Her lack of curves had always been a source of ire but at least it had meant she was quite good at fighting. She leapt into the air, intending to come down hard on the straw dummy only to overbalance and fall on her ass.

“At least it’s big enough that falling barely hurts.” She sighed, tail lashing in irritation.

The worst part was though…she was still glad she had them. She didn’t dare mention it to the others; after all, they were suffering as women whereas she had gotten an upgrade in almost every capacity. Being a demoness wasn't brilliant, but the tail was useful and, if she was honest, pretty sexy. Her figure had never been better and for the first time she was actually drawing attention as she walked down the street. After a lifetime of being looked at only because she stood next to the prince it felt nice to have a little appreciation.

There was a yell from across the yard and Briar looked up to see Ander desperately trying to pull his sword out of the dummy. Instantly she could see he had attacked with his full strength and jammed it in far too hard and was now paying the price. With a chuckle she went over and placed a hand across his.

“Here. It’s all about angle, grip it like this then tug using your legs, not your arms.”

He copied her and the sword slipped free in an instant.

“And they say magic is complicated.” Ander shook his hair, sending an errant curl into his face which he attempted to blow away.

“Careful, you don't want Gretta’s good work to go to waste.” She teased, gently tucking the hair behind Ander’s ear.

He looked at her with that stranger's face. It was odd, getting used to the idea that her beloved was a woman now. His features were so much softer, his lips fuller, not to mention the long braid falling down his back that almost reached the waistline of his battle skirt. But he had the same kind eyes and the same dimple on his left cheek; he may not have been handsome anymore but he certainly was beautiful. She coughed awkwardly and stepped away. They had barely even kissed since changing and yet, Briar found herself more attracted to Ander than ever. Somehow it felt…wrong.

“So, are you getting used to people calling you Audrey?” She asked, going back to practising her forms.

“Sort of, how are you faring down at the tavern, you know you don’t have to work there right? You can come live at the palace. I am sure if the scandal is too much we can hire you under the guise of a second maid or something.”

“No it’s fine, I don’t want to cause you any trouble.” She said a little too quickly.

The truth was, she was ashamed. Not because of the tavern work but because of how much she loved it. She loved all the bawdy jokes, the men looking at her ass as she walked through, how sometimes they would pull her onto their laps and sing ballads of love to her in drunken stupors. Every night she was showered in compliments; her beauty was unparalleled in the area it seemed. Once or twice she had even hesitated that split second before smacking away the hands of men who got a little too appreciative. She would never cheat on Ander, of course not but…it felt so nice to be desired in this way. The first night shift she had found herself so turned on by all the attention she had started to masturbate in the broom closet just to relieve the tension. It was shameful behaviour; Ander would never look at her the same way again if he knew.

It was taboo but of course she and Ander had been…intimate before. If anybody found out about it there would have been no end of shame for them both, Ander’s position as heir may have even been put into question. The idea that they could sleep together now as women no less, it was unthinkable. Yet she wanted it, she wanted it so badly. She channelled her sexual frustration into beating the dummy to splinters, trying hard not to fantasise about what it would feel like to kiss those soft lips now or run her fingers through his long tresses. She didn't care if he was a woman now, she wanted to have sex. It was almost a need at this point and part of her worried what was going to happen the longer she was denied.


Would she let one of those men at the tavern ravage her? She didn't want that but her fingers could only do so much.

“Uh, Briar?”

Maybe if they could just make out a little in the privacy of his rooms, maybe then she could-



She turned to see Ander looking at her with trepidation, pointing a finger at the splintered wood on the ground.

“I think you won.”


She flushed; why was it so hard to keep her thoughts straight these days? A hand came to rest on her shoulder.

“You know what? Why don’t we hit up the bath house after all? I think you need some relaxation.”

The bathhouse; the concept had her so flustered when she’d mistaken Ander’s words earlier it was embarrassing. She’d been wet in an instant imagining what he must look like under all those clothes now, but the more she thought about it, the more foolish the idea seemed. Knowing Ander’s naked body was right there, slick with moisture and sweating in the steam, skin tinged pink…

“Are you feeling alright? You’re biting your lip?”

“Am I?” She giggled nervously, running her tongue over the sore indents self consciously.

“Come on.” Ander boldly took her hand, “Let’s go relax.”

Briar wanted to scream; the bathhouse in her state was going to be anything but relaxing.


As a princess of the realm, Ander had no trouble securing them a private bath. Briar had demurred at the judgmental stares as they walked past and tried to hide her tail and horns under her hood. She could tell what they were all thinking; what was a demoness doing with somebody so regal? They didn't think she was fit to serve a princess, if they knew they were friends and then some she doubted they would even let her in.

“We should have done this earlier.” Ander sighed, slipping off the leather armour , “If I am honest, I’ve been doing my best to hold it together for you guys but I’m starting to feel the strain.”

Briar’s heart fluttered; there had never been secrets between them. She had always treasured Ander being totally honest with her, even when he felt the need to keep up princely appearances with others. She swallowed as he shed his new clothes, revealing smooth creamy skin. He was slightly muscled, not overly buff but with good definition that surprised Briar. She had long much of her strength and now her arms were throbbing from their little work out. She hadn't even attempted to hold a shield, she didn't even know how she would go about positioning it with her new bust. Ander on the other hand, had the build and mass to move with ease. He was still curvaceous and feminine, but also had the strength to fight and easily hold down an opponent, or lover. Briar was grateful for the steam and heat; it helped hide her blush.

She undressed with her back to her love, feeling her breasts bounce as she tugged the bodice off and slipped the dress over her red rump. Her tail swayed gently back and forth, forked tip skimming the hot water where the bath sunk into the ground. Without thinking she used it to scoop up her clothes and place them on one of the stone benches lining the walls before climbing down into the hot water. A sigh escaped her; the water felt heavenly. A whine reached her ears and she turned to find Ander wearing nothing but a towel, his cheeks were pink and his lips parted, Briar couldn’t help but stare as the tip of his tongue darted out to lick at his full lips. She recognised that look, the way his pupils dilated; it was the same way men looked at her when she worked in the tavern; and it gave her the same bolt of excitement.

“Sorry,” Ander cleared his throat awkwardly, “Just…not used to seeing you looking like that.”

“It’s okay.” She whispered, sinking deeper into the water. It was misty, perfumed with the oils and herbs added by the priestess who ran it.

She watched the distorted reflection of Ander in the water as he removed the towel. She couldn't help looking up at the last second to watch as he stepped down into the bath. His figure was beautiful; athletic and muscular while still possessing all the curves women dreamed of possessing. Briar was grateful for the misty waters even more then, because they hid the way her nipples hardened at the mere sight. Ander moaned as he sat down in the water and Briar knew that sound would be featuring heavily in her fantasies that night. Were they still in their old bodies she would not have hesitated to drift across the small pool and into his lap but now she found herself hesitating. If anybody heard them, both their reputations would be ruined, not that she had much of one to begin with. No, for Ander, she had to be strong. No matter how horny she felt, she just had to keep in control. How hard could that be?


Ander was between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, he desperately needed this trip. The bath houses of Alador were famed for their relaxing properties for good reason. The moment he sunk into the water he felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Days of stress and adjustment had left him with more knots in his shoulders than smooth muscle and the heat and herbs were slowly untangling them. On the other hand though, perhaps inviting Briar was a bad idea. She had always been his rock; something solid he could trust in his life but now everything was different. His father was right, a prince having a female lover, one of the nobility who he was all but certain to marry; that was one thing. A princess having a female commoner as a lover was scandalous enough, but one with demonic heritage? Unheard of. If the public found out Briar could be beaten in the streets for such acts. He never wanted to risk her safety in that way.

But dear lord, having a body as sexy so close, naked and slick with perfumed waters was nearly torture. When he’d turned to see that beautiful ass facing right toward him he’d felt his new pussy quiver. It was so round and bouncy he wanted nothing more than to grab great handfuls of it and squeeze. Even putting all the other reservations aside though; would Briar find him attractive now, as a woman? He wanted to ask but somehow couldn’t find the words. He could see her shuffling, an uncomfortable look on her face; was being in the room with him naked awkward for her as well?

“Briar?” He said quietly after a few silent minutes, “I think we should talk about…us.”

The demoness shrunk slightly.


“We’re going to find a cure for this, I know it but…I think we should prepare for the worst.”

Briar always believed in prepping for the worst situation; she'd told him it was the only way to not lose hope when a plan goes awry. If you have plans for even the worst situation, you’ll never be caught off guard, that’s what she’d told him once. It was advice he had taken to heart.

“If we stay like this, what’s going to become of us?”

“Nothing.” She mumbled quietly, “We’ll break things off and hopefully your reputation can survive a friendship with somebody like me if nothing more.”

Ander’s heart ached at her words; she sounded so forlorn, heartbroken almost. He couldn't help himself, he moved over to sit next to her so their hips were touching.

“I love you.” He said in a hushed voice, “Demoness or Elf, I don’t care. I just…want you to know that. And I don’t want you to feel bad if you aren’t attracted to me anymore.”

He’d barely finished the sentence before Briar was laughing; not giggling but full on howling with laughter to the point where a single tear formed in the corner of her right eye.

“Not find you attractive?” She snorted, “What are you smoking, Ander? Audrey, you are incredible!”

He blinked and smiled shyly, feeling a blush spread across his breasts and thighs in a way he’d never experienced before.

“You are still attracted to me even though I’m a woman?”

“At the risk of sounding crude, fuck yes.”

“Oh well that’s…good.”

He was suddenly hyper aware of where they were touching. That small patch of skin where hip became ass; they were pressed together and inches away his pussy was starting to feel warm in a way that had nothing to do with the water. He had been so preoccupied with the fallout of his change he’d never really taken the time to explore his new body. A fact he was very much regretting now as that heat turned to an ache between his legs. Briar reached forward to cup his face, drawing him in.

“We can’t get caught like this.” He whispered, yes on her dark red lips.

“You’ll just have to be quiet then.” She said quietly before pressing their lips together.

Ander moaned softly, letting Briar swallow the sound. It was so different kissing her as a woman. Not only were her lips bigger and fuller now but so were his. She nibbled on his bottom lip and Ander struggled not to gasp; kissing had always felt good but never quite so pleasurable. It sent sparks flying across his skin making it hypersensitive in the water and causing his nipples to stand on end along with all his body hair. Without thinking he found himself climbing onto her lap, a mirror of their usual positions. Those huge teardrop shaped tits were right in front of him, he couldn't resist grabbing them and Briar had to bite her lip to stay silent. They were so big he couldn’t cover them with his whole hand, instead he stroked over the curve of them, reaching beneath to push them up before tracing his fingers back to circle her nipples. Never had he so much to play with. He pushed his thumbs against those hard nubs and this time Briar did moan; reaching out to do the same to him.

Ander’s vision went white, it was a different sort of pleasure to the one he was used to. It was soft and gentle, building slowly in an almost torturous fashion. Filling his brain until he was struggling to keep up his own ministrations. His whole world shrunk to those two pin pricks of pleasure radiating out across his breasts from where Briar was rolling his nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

“That’s so…so…”

“Shhhh, just let it come.”

His legs squeezed around her hips and both of them shuddered as their crotches pressed together. The curly hair from his own brushed against Briar’s folds. Unlike him, she was totally bare there, no hair to speak of. Some new instinct took over and he ground his hips down against her and both of them gasped.

“Again.” She begged quietly, “Please.”

He did and soon they were writhing together, breasts crushing against each other as their hips continued to thrust and press against one another. It felt so good, there was no way he could stop now, and yet, there was something missing. That ache was getting stronger, want turning to need as he whined and rested his head against Briar’s shoulder.

“I…I need something i-inside of me.” He shivered, “I don’t know why but please, please…”

“You mean like this?”

She reached around, a single finger sliding down the cleft of his ass until it reached that hole inside him, it clenched, begging to be filled.


“As you wish, my princess.”

Her finger slid up inside him, his inner walls already spreading slickness through the water. It felt indescribable; yet filled him with a new kind of gratification. His moans were becoming louder, but he couldn't stop them, especially not once Briar’s thumb pressed against his clit.

“You have to be quiet.” She whispered, “We’ll get caught.”

“I c-can’t! S-so good oh…ahhhh, ahhhh!”

She was thrusting that finger deep inside him now, swirling and then withdrawing only to return a moment later. It was addictive, like pure ecstasy. With trembling hands he grabbed hold of her chest once more, massaging the skin in much the same way, hard then soft, hard then soft. Briar shivered and groaned, increasing her speed and subsequently his pleasure. He could feel something building now, his body was starting to shake in a way he couldn't control, all the muscles in his lower stomach getting tighter and tighter. He’d seen this before, back when Briar was an elf, right before she would cum. He bit down on her shoulder to try and stop the sounds escaping his lips but that only made Briar wail in pleasure and pain as she began to shudder and cum herself. There was a gush of something; Briar’s own slickness as she squirted into the bath. It washed against his own pussy, winding through Briar’s fingers as they continued to fuck him and that pushed Ander over the edge. He groaned, biting down on her shoulder even harder as pleasure washed over him stronger than the water. Briar continued to touch him, making the orgasm linger and leaving him lightheaded until they collapsed against each other in the bath, Ander’s head cushioned against her pillowy breasts.

“That was…”




Briar finally withdrew her fingers and Ander moaned; not wanting to move. Despite being so radically different, their bodies fit together as perfectly as ever. He held her tight, lifting up his head to kiss her when suddenly, the door flew open and there soon a priestess, a thunderous look of disgust on her face.

“What sort of sinful behaviour is happening here!”

Ander flailed, pushing back and clearing his throat to try and calm the tension in the room.

“Nothing that is any of your business.” He said in his most authoritative voice, “As you princess, I order you to leave and not speak of what you have seen to anybody.”

The priestess shook her head, eyes wide with…sympathy.

“It’s that demoness! She’s put you under a spell hasn't she, my princess?”

“What? No! Of course not-”

“It’s alright, my princess, I will call the Order of Honour, they can dispel such spells.”

Briar went pale, or as pale as her red skin allowed. If somebody reported this to her order there was no way they would let her keep rapidly climbing the ranks. Both Ander and his love jumped from the bath, hurriedly dressing and trying to give chase to the priestess. Somehow, she seemed to have spread the word because at every turn there was another bath maiden there to try and stop them, a few even attempted to separate them. Not that they even had a chance, with his new found strength none of those waifish priestesses had a chance of holding him back. Briar struggled slightly but together, they managed to awkwardly give chase. Managing to catch up with her just down the street, Ander moved swiftly, with newly acquired Elven grace and speed to stand in front of her.

“I am ordering you as your princess to stop!” Ander hissed, standing in front of her with arms spread to block further access, “If you tell the Order of Honour about this I’ll…have you thrown in the dungeon!”

The priestess looked momentarily scared but then her face hardened with determination.

“You will thank me once this seductress’ spell is broken.” She said, half to herself more than anything.

She moved to push past when another voice rang out.

“What is going on here?”

The small crowd that had gathered to watch the commotion parted as Morgan and Stolas appeared. Morgan held her head high, an expression of cool anger on her face that seemed to strike fear into all who beheld it. For the first time Ander realised how much she looked like a Queen.

“Crown Princess.” The priestess breathed, curtsying low. “I just found-”

“Not here.” Morgan waved a hand, “I do not like spectacle. Come, back to your bath house. The rest of you, go about your duties, there is nothing to be gained in idle chatter.”

Ander breathed in relief as the crowd dispersed and shot Briar with a small smile. Copying his sister's stance Ander followed until they were back in the privacy of the bathhouse where the priestess gathered the rest of the bath maidens before Morgan who regarded them each. The first priestess launched into an explanation of what she’d seen and why she was defying the orders of her princess, all the while Morgan remained stoic and serious.

“It seems to me.” Morgan mused when the woman was finished, “That you barged in on your princess, disregarded her orders and are blinded by your prejudice for those of demonic blood.”

The priestess’ face fell, she had clearly been expecting praise and understanding not the opposite.

“Demoness’ being succubus is a common stereotype and very much not true.” Morgan added, “My sister is young, and like all youth is prone to rebellion. I am sure this was just a one off, after all I know many such women, especially in all female orders like yours often…become close.”

One of the women standing in the crowd turned pink and Morgan’s lips twitched in the smallest of smiles; a victory.

“Your princess was enjoying some harmless fun, and you disregarded her wishes. This bathhouse will be taxed at a higher rate for the next several months as punishment.”

There was a small gasp and groan from the crowd but Morgan silenced them once more with a single wave of her hand.

“And if I hear any word on the street about what my sister and her friend were doing, that change will become permanent. Do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal, Crown Princess.” The original priestess bowed low, her face red with shame.

“Come Audrey, and bring your friend.”

Ander could only nod dumbly, still in awe of how easily Morgan had smoothed everything over. He felt his own cheeks burn with embarrassment remembering how he had struggled and yelled to achieve nothing while she had calmed everybody with a few words and a single gesture. Briar walked a few steps behind the two royals, head down next to Stolas who had remained surprisingly silent throughout the entire affair. Ander managed to get his eyes for a second but all he offered with a sympathetic smile before returning to dutiful silence. He opened his mouth to thank Morgan but she silenced him with the most incredible side eye, keeping them in awkward but respectable silence until they were well within the castle grounds.

“What the hell were you two thinking?” She sighed, “Sleeping together in public? Really?”

Briar looked at the floor in shame but Ander felt his blood begin to boil.

“You were the one who turned us both into women!” He hissed, “Briar into a demoness, if we were still ourselves that wouldn't have been a problem!”

“I fixed the issue didn’t I? Sorry for assuming you two could control yourselves in a bathhouse!”

“How did you know?” Briar asked in a small voice, “That we were in trouble.”

Morgan giggled a little, eyes sliding to Stolas who’s dark skin was flushed with humiliation.

“I…I was practising my scrying.” He whispered, “Morgan told me it was easier with people I am familiar with so I thought I’d check in on your training…”

Realisation burned through Ander along with a heaping helping of embarrassment.

“I didn’t watch!” Stolas insisted, “But I saw the priestess burst in before I could end the spell so we decided to come and help.”

“Wait, you can scry already?” Briar gaped and Stolas tried to hide his pleased blush behind his long hair, “That’s incredible.”

“She’s a natural.” Morgan praised, “I knew she would be if she just gave it a try.”

“I could…show you if you like.” Stolas offered stiffly and Briar nodded, bouncing on her toes.

“Back when I could concentrate on spells even I couldn’t scry! Show me! Show me!”

The two took off toward Morgan’s tower, chatting animatedly about Stolas’ new skill. Ander watched them go and felt his heart clench; they looked…happy. He wasn't sure how to feel about it.

“It was never my intention to break you two up.” Morgan said quietly, bringing him back to the here and now. “I won't lie, I've never been very fond of Briar, perhaps I shouldn't have turned her into a demoness and a commoner but she makes you happy and I would never have tried to keep you apart.”

“Could have fooled me.” Ander sighed, shifting uncomfortably on his feet before changing the subject. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Just…talk and have everything work out?” Ander said, “I tried explaining things, I was authoritative and nobody listened to me! They believed I was under some spell, but when you talked you silenced them with a single look!”

Morgan puffed up a little and smiled in satisfaction.

“So you finally noticed I’m better at statecraft than you.”

Ander seethed; it had always been his weak point.

“Diplomacy is just as important as magic. Unlike you I actually listened in our lessons as children. Handling a crowd is my specialty.”

“Clearly.” Ander sighed glumly, he had this awful creeping suspicion that Morgan would make a better queen than he would a king.

It didn't matter though; she stole the crown from him, he intended to get it back. He and his friends may have found some silver linings in these clouds but they still needed their old lives back. Still, his anger abated.

“Thank you anyway, for helping us.”

“Of course, you’re my sister. It’s what family does.”

He was about to reply when a surprised shriek echoed down the corridor and the two sisters shared a look before racing forwards. They found Stolas rubbing his temples while Briar flitted from left to right around a broken beaker.

“That potion was two days into a three day simmer.” Morgan sighed, “It was a gift for a noble from the neighbouring kingdom.”

“Oopsie.” Briar shrugged, “You know me, so clumsy.”

The last words were said with sharpness to them, her eyes staring right at Morgan who, to everybody’s surprise, laughed.

“Yes, alright. I deserved that one.”

“I can brew another.” Stolas volunteered, clicking his fingers, summoning a book and instantly burying his face in it with a passion Ander had never seen.

“We should get back to training.” Ander suggested, giving Briar a nod, “I don't know about you but I am ready to get back out into the world.”


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