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Commissioned by Danio13

A veteran bartender hears something behind his bar one night after closing. What he finds is a giant wolf who turns out to be a lot more human than she first appears.


The last of the patrons had finally left, and Silas breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a long night and while he enjoyed working the bar even he had his limits now that he was reaching middle age. It was amazing how only a few years ago he had been in the thick of it in war zones and sleeping on military cots in the cold and yet now his back was starting to ache just from sweeping the floor. He gave the floor a cursory clean and flipped off the near lights that always buzzed just a bit too loud for his liking.

He made his way behind the bar, taking inventory of the bottles and glasses left behind. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke lingered in the air, and he wrinkled his nose. Maybe it was time he cleaned everything out and gave the old display bottles a proper clean, then again, it was supposed to be a drive bar, the smell was practically a requirement.

He checked the doors and windows to make sure everything was secure before turning off the last of the lights. He paused for a moment, taking in the stillness of the bar. It was a strange feeling, being alone in a space that was usually so full of life.

Well, perhaps life was too strong a word; his clientele were mostly older fellows like himself, ex vets for the most part. The sort of people who liked to drink quietly and not make small talk, his preferred people if he was honest. Once in a blue moon he’d get a party goer who wanted to try something more ‘secluded’ but they never lasted long.

He was just about to lock the back door and head upstairs to the little apartment where he lived when he heard a noise; the sound of bins being knocked over and heavy footfalls. He paused, there it was again. At first he thought it must have been some drunkard struggling to take a piss in the alley but then he heard a rumbling sound that seemed distinctly beastial.

“Fucking hell, how does a bear get this close to town?” He grumbled, grabbing for the shotgun underneath the bar; another dive bar necessity.

Sure his place was close to the edge of town but not treeline close, how the hell had a bear gotten this close. Now he was no idiot; he knew it would take a point blank shot, perhaps several, to take down a bear but hopefully he could at least scare it off before it destroyed his bins or tried to break a window. Insurance probably didn’t cover bear attacks.

He swung open the door and scanned the alleyway, noticing something shifting behind the side of the dumpster. With trained calmness he quietly side stepped out, shotgun at the ready when a great heaving furry shape appeared. Then Silas did something he'd never done before; he faltered. Because it wasn't a bear behind his bar;

It was a wolf.

A great, silvery grey wolf twice, not thrice the size of any regular wolf. In fact it looked damn near human sized if it were to stand on its hind legs. The wolf turned to face him, blinking its grey yellow eyes. Silas wasn't usually the soft sort, animals were animals but even he felt a pang of sympathy looking into that face; there was something distinctly human about it.

The wolf gave a whine and lowered its muzzle down to its hind leg and Silas immediately saw the issue. It had been shredded by something sharp, likely another wolf's claws or perhaps even a bear. The blood was sticky and old, the wound was clearly at least a few hours old and probably well on its way to being infected. Now that he’d gotten over the shock he could see more wounds as well, scratches and bite marks, even a few tufts of fur seemed thinner or gone entirely.

“Poor thing,” He muttered, “Come on, let’s see if I can help.”

Gently he placed the shotgun down, hands up to show he meant no harm. The wolf whined again, this time gratefully and turned its head to give his hand a lick. Gently he patted the wolf's head and it rumbled, seeming to understand he wanted to help.

“Well, ain’t no animal hospitals open this time. Let’s see if I can sort something out for you and then we’ll call one in the morning, eh?” He grinned, “Come on, bud let’s get you inside.”

It was hard work but the wolf seemed to understand and do its best to work as a team, allowing him to reach his strong arms beneath and lift them while they balanced on three legs. As they awkwardly stumbled inside Silas felt his fingers sink into that soft grey fur till they reached skin. Then they felt something else, small soft bumps along her underside, and he chuckled.

“Perhaps I shouldn’t be calling you ‘bud, eh girl?”

Once inside he considered leaving the wolf down in the bar but quickly dismissed it. He might wake up to a disaster zone in the morning if she got hungry in the night. No, better to face the stairs now. It took almost half an hour of heaving and awkward lifts to get her up but eventually, the giant wolf was laying on the rug at the foot of his bed, licking at her leg.

Silas still had his old medical kit handy and managed to make good work of cleaning and bandaging the wolf's wound. She rumbled happily, giant tail thumping on the floor. She really was huge, he could almost ride her if he wanted to. He had heard tales of dire wolves but surely those were the things of fantasy, long extinct in the real world. She yawned, showing off a mouth full of razor sharp teeth; if this was the size of a female he’d hate to run into an angry male in the woods that was for sure.

“Alright, you’ve got the right idea girl, let’s sleep and we’ll sort you out in the morning.” Silas sighed, hopping into bed and sighing in exhaustion.

This wasn't exactly how he expected his night to go but he couldn’t help but feel slightly intrigued by his new giant wolf companion and where she came from.


Silas slept soundly, more soundly than he had in years. He was used to waking at the slightest sound in the night and once he was up that was it. Yet as the morning light filtered through his eyelids they felt soft and heavy, as though he could roll back over and instantly snuggle back down into the blankets of unconsciousness. He went to do so but instead of rolling onto his stomach he stopped halfway, something warm and soft blocking his path.

He was met with a wall of silver fur and for a moment he blinked in confusion before the memories of last night returned. He jumped back in shock to find the wolf laying next to him on the bed, she yawned and gave a rumble that seemed somehow welcoming before giving him a quick lick on the nose.

Incredible; he’d somehow managed to sleep through a great beast getting into bed with him? The wolf licked at his face again and Silas could have sworn he saw gratitude reflected in those yellow eyes. With the shackles of sleep fully broken he looked her over, surprised to see most of the small cuts and marks he'd left uncovered were gone.

“Let’s check your leg, girl.” He said slowly, shuffling back to look at the wolf’s hind leg which she extended for him, again seeming to understand what he wanted.

Gently, Silas unwrapped the bandage to reveal thin pink marks where giant gashes had once been. These wounds looked weeks old, nearly fully healed!

“Amazing.” he breathed, looking at the wolf with wonder.

Clearly his new companion was no normal wolf and very much not in need of a vet any time soon so…what was he supposed to do with her? It didn't feel right calling animal control, especially when she seemed so docile and friendly. Besides, even if he did call them, she’d hardly fit in one of their little cages, not even the biggest dog crate could contain her.

Lacking any better idea, Silas shrugged.

“I guess we cook breakfast.”

The wolf followed him out of the bedroom to his small kitchen. The fridge was mostly empty, he only needed the essentials; one of which was obviously bacon. He busied himself laying the thick strips of meat in the pan and enjoying the normalcy of the act. It gave him a welcome distraction from trying to figure out how to proceed with the whole wolf situation.

“I bet you’ve never had cooked meat before, eh, girl how about you get the first bi-AGAGHH!”

He turned, dropping the pan on the floor and spilling grease everywhere. That was the last thing on his mind now though; he'd turned back expecting to see the great silver wolf staring back at him, instead she was…changing. The fur was slipping backwards, shortening as it regressed back into her skin. Her bones seemed to shift, changing her body shape to that of a human woman.

Silas watched, jaw agape as the wolf turned into a woman right before his eyes. She had tanned skin and long hair that brushed her ankles the same silver colour as the wolf’s fur. It also seemed thicker, growing down from the nape of her neck and slightly across her shoulders. She was thin, yet shapely, with wide hips and an ample chest Silas was doing his best not to stare at.

The woman shook her head, tossing her long hair behind her shoulders and rumbled once more as Silas slowly bent down and picked up the pan. Bacon was still spilled all over the floor but before he could even think of cleaning it up, his new companion took care of it. Lowering herself to the floor on her hands and knees and picking it up with her teeth before chewing and swallowing. Sniffing at the grease stains on the floor a few times before looking up at him expectantly.

Somewhat in shock and finding it hard to deny those beautiful eyes now they were attached to a human face, he grabbed two more strips and laid them down on the pan to sizzle. A moment later the woman suddenly surged forward, getting up on her human feet and wobbling slightly, ass sticking out like a dog on its hind legs.

Silas was about to say something when suddenly she poked her pink tongue out and licked a stripe across his cheek, just like she had as a wolf. Somehow though that act seemed a lot more…lewd now. Heat immediately flooded his face as well as his groin and it took a great deal of self control to keep himself from going hard.

“Uh, down girl.” Silas stammered, gently pushing on her shoulders till she wobbled back, still on her feet.

Silas watched as the woman seemed to take in her new appearance for a moment, taking a step back and forth as if to practice.

“So you’re really a woman then, can you speak?” Silas asked.

The woman just cocked her head to one side before sniffing at the air and moving to the pan sizzling on the stovetop. She turned to him and whined. Clearly he wasn't getting anything out of her on an empty stomach.

“Oh uh, okay, breakfast.”

Awkwardly, Silas served up the food on a plate and placed it on the table. The woman half ran to the chair, sitting on it with her knees up and her hands balanced in front of her, almost like a child imitating a frog. Silas averted his eyes, it was hard to avoid the fact that she was stark naked. Especially when posed like that with her legs apart and her arms pressing her breasts together right in front of him.

The woman sniffed at the bacon for a moment before lowering her mouth to the strips and tearing into them like an animal. She didn’t even use her hands, just her teeth. Watching the display Silas wasn’t sure she was human after all acting like that, she seemed to have no idea how to be anything but an animal. But if that was the case, how on Earth did she transform like that?

Once he had cooked himself some more food Silas sat himself down, the woman hopped off her chair and sat at his feet, rubbing her naked body against him in a manner that would be friendly were she still in canine form. Silas felt the blood rush to his cheeks once more. Whoever she was, she was his responsibility now, he couldn’t just throw her out. He cleaned the greased and bacon bits off her face.

She smiled, nuzzling into his hand until he found himself patting atop her head while she preened, clearly liking the attention. Whatever she was, human or wolf, she was his responsibility. Even if he wanted to get rid of her, who was he going to call? The government? And have her shipped off to some lab to be poked and prodded? Silas looked down at the beautiful, naked young woman sitting at his feet. She was running her fingers along the curves of her breasts, picking up the drips of bacon grease that had dribbled down her chin. She popped each finger into her mouth in turn, licking them clean before turning back to look at him as if to say ‘now what?’.


Silas had taken to calling her Silver; it seemed like the best name considering her unusual looks. Despite her human appearance Silas was sure after a few hours that she had never been a human being before now. She didn't seem to know how to use her own body, speak and all her mannerisms were that of a wolf or dog.

She mastered walking quickly enough but things like using the bathroom or picking items up with her hands instead of her mouth took a few days of training. He felt oddly guilty, treating a fully grown woman like a dog but it was the only way she seemed to respond. A firm yet kind order went a long way and soon she was following him everywhere, though thankfully not on her hands and knees.

Silver was incredibly bright, she learned quickly. He managed to explain to her what clothes were and how to wear them though it was clear she did not enjoy it much. It took a lot of convincing but after a few days he managed to get her wearing them consistently which helped him feel a little less scummy having a young, beautiful woman prance about his home naked.

He was a red blooded male after all and while he would never take advantage of a woman (wolf?) who needed his help, his body still noticed things. Like how her breasts would hang from her chest when she walked around on all fours sometimes when she got lazy. Yes, clothes were a good thing.

Especially when she insisted on following him everywhere. Silas’ had no choice but to close down the bar for a few nights; he could only imagine the chaos that would erupt if Silver walked into his little dive at peak hour. It would be even worse if she decided not to wear anything when she did.

Each night he would go to sleep only to wake in the morning with her naked body pressing against him. It didn't seem to matter how firm he was on the topic of his bed, she would always end up climbing in at some point during the night.

One morning he woke with a raging hard on and his length being gently held between the cleft of Silver’s ass. It felt so wonderfully good, especially when she pressed back against him in his sleep. He’d had no choice but to run to the bathroom to get himself off before she woke, full of guilt for lusting over his new charge.

Outside of his new housemate, Silas tried to go about his life as usual. He went about restocking the bar out of habit, filling up the shelf with bottles that had been freshly delivered when one seemed to appear out of nowhere. Silver stood at his side, a small nervous smile on her face as she handed him the beer, inching it closer with instance.

“Thanks, Silver.” He smiled, “Good job.”

She beamed, hips wiggling slightly; Silas was sure if she were in wolf form her tail would be wagging. Silas couldn't resist stealing a glance of her ass in the mirror as it wiggled back and forth. After that Silver seemed keen to help; perhaps she was trying to earn her keep or pay him back for his kindness, he couldn't be sure. But what started as unloading boxers soon became pouring beers, then mixing drinks.

Silas found himself astounded by her progress; while she still couldn’t speak or write she could certainly mix a damn good whiskey sour. She always looked so proud whenever she finished making one for him too, he couldn’t even feel guilty. It was clear she was enjoying herself.

“How would you feel about making those when the bar is open?” He asked, “They’re really good.”

Silver bounced on her toes, grey hair brushing the floor as she nodded and smiled. With her pretty face and drinks skills, he doubled his money and his patrons within a week. The old army guys and loners who frequented his sort of establishment loved Silver’s pretty face and warm smile. She was always eager to please, serving up drinks fast as lightning, though Silas couldn’t help but notice she would drop everything and come to his side if he so much as nodded at her to do so.

It made a warm feeling pool in his stomach, seeing her obediently follow him and he couldn’t help but bask in the jealousy of the other men. No matter how nice they were to her, no matter how charming, it was clear to everybody that Silas was number one in her mind. Still, that didn't stop her from charming every single one of them in turn.

She’d be the perfect bartender if only she could talk. Eventually, after a lot of patience, he even managed to get a few words out of her. He’d started to think perhaps she simply couldn’t speak human language.

“You can understand me though, can’t you?” He asked one day while they were setting up.

Silver nodded.

“Do you choose not to speak or can you not do it at all?”

Silver gave an odd sort of half shrug, a human gesture she hadn't quite mastered yet.

“You don’t like to talk?” He tried, she nodded with a smile. “Well…that’s okay, I guess it must be hard if you spent most of your life with a totally different set of vocal chords. Why don’t I teach you to write and read? That might be easier? You’re already good with your hands.”

He flushed at the innuendo but of course it flew right over Silver’s head. So without ever meaning to, the two of them fell into a sort of rhythm. They would sleep late, spend their day getting the bar ready and practise Silver’s reading and writing and then work the bar together at night.

Before he knew it, almost a month had passed since Silver appeared at his back door and they had settled into a routine. He couldn’t kick her out, not that he wanted to, but he still had no idea where she came from or what she was. Werewolf was his best guess, something he never would have entertained the idea of before meeting her but with the evidence right in front of him what other option was there.

He’d tried asking, but often she went quiet and curled up on the bed or couch refusing to even try and explain. So Silas stopped asking, if she didn't want to talk about it, that was her business. And if he was honest, he didn’t want to scare her off. It was nice having somebody to come home to when he went out shopping, somebody who was glad to see and spend time with him. His heart would swell each time he opened the door and found her waiting, eager and happy to have him home again.

He’d grown accustomed to her presence, curling up together on the couch at night to watch TV after a long shift. He’d even grown accustomed to her crawling into bed with him at night. Soon she didn't even bother starting on the couch, instead opting to dress in one of his old shirts and curl up against his chest, running her sharp nails through the hair there.  Eventually he stopped fighting it; Silver was clearly a tactile person and well…it had been a while for Silas. He wasn't going to say no to a willing partner who wanted to cuddle.

Sometimes though, he suspected Silver wanted more. That morning when he had woken up hard he’d assumed she had been asleep when she pushed back against him but as time went on he began to suspect otherwise. Silver would constantly want to hug him, rub up against him, even lick his face on occasion even after he explained it wasn’t appropriate. She took his phone in her hands, typing out a message on the note app. It had become their go to way on conversing since Silver could type much faster and easier than she could write.

‘I want to.’ She wrote.

“I know but humans don’t lick each other's faces to show affection.”

She cocked her head to the side, the silent question clear. Silas blew her off and went to take a cold shower.


Silas flopped down onto the couch with a sigh, it had been a long shift and they were only just now finished cleaning up in the early hours of the morning. Silver jumped down to join him, half in the couch, half laying on his legs and she nuzzled under his chin. He felt a small tingle across his skin as her tongue tickled at the hollow of his throat and Silas grit his teeth. Silver had no idea just how much of a tease she could be.

Silas was focusing all his energy on not getting a boner when he realised something else was pressing against him. He looked down to see Silver pressing his phone into his hand, somehow she’d managed to grab it from his pocket. The screen was on, the notepad app open.

‘I want to tell you where I am from.’

He sat up immediately, exhaustion from the night’s work forgotten.

“Go ahead.” he encouraged, doing his best not to sound too eager. The truth was he was fascinated with where this beautiful creature had come from.

‘My pack lived deep in the woods here. Werewolf packs are all female, save the Alpha. Young males leave their pack to go and find a new one to claim as their own when they get older, females stay. We are loyal to the Alpha who wins us.’

Silver looked down sadly.

‘We had a good Alpha, but then a new one came. He was stronger, younger; he claimed us and we tried to be good wolves for him. But he hurt us. He abused us. We couldn't take it anymore. Me and some of my sisters decided to start a new pack away from him, to find a new Alpha to lead us but he wouldn’t let us go. He chased us down, attacked us and I had no choice but to run into this human town where I knew he would not follow.’

Silas reached out and gripped her shoulder.

“I am so sorry that happened to you, Silver. You didn't deserve that.”

The woman sniffed, tears burning in her eyes before she awkwardly swiped them away and kept typing.

‘I don’t know if my pack sisters made it. Maybe the Alpha killed them or maybe they were dragged back to him. I don’t know. I should have looked for them, but you took me in and I wanted to show you how grateful I am. I wanted to…’

She paused for a moment, fingers hovering over the buttons before she continued.

‘...please you, so you would let me stay. I like it here. I like you.’

“Oh Silver, you will always be welcome here.” Silas sighed, wrapping his strong arms around her in comfort, “You don’t owe me anything. You don’t need to do anything you don’t want to to earn your keep here. You can live with me as long as you want. What’s mine is yours. Anything you want here is yours.”

The wolf woman placed the phone aside and to his surprise, surged forward, wrapping her arms tight around him once more and nuzzling under his chin. The movement felt different to how it had a few minutes ago though, somehow more…intimate.

“Alpha…” She whispered, “Want my Alpha.”

The word sent a thrill through him.

“You want…me?” He questioned as she drew back, taking his face in her hands.

“Silas. My Alpha.” She whispered again, her voice husky from disuse.

Who was he to say no to that?

After so long trying his best not to look Silas finally let himself go, taking in Silver’s beauty and allowing himself to touch. Her shirt was loose and took only seconds to unbutton. Of course she wore no bra, he hadn't bothered trying to buy one. Not when she hated clothes so much anyway and he hadn't the foggiest idea how to do one up.

Silver pressed her bare breasts against his palms, making a high pitched whining sound as her eyes rolled up in pleasure. Silas brushed his fingers over her pink nipples, noting they were slightly longer than normal human ones and seemingly twice as sensitive. Silver moaned and shivered as he tweaked them, pushing herself closer and closer until she was straddling his lap.

His hands moved from her breasts, pushing off the shirt entirely so that he could feel the smooth planes of her back. Silver did the same, unbuttoning his own shirt and slowly raking her sharp nails across his skin firmly enough for him to feel only the tiniest twinge of pain which instantly melted away under her touch. Finally she pressed her face close to his, giving the side of his cheek a quick lick before moving her lips against his own. It seemed she had been paying attention to all those movies they watched together; she knew exactly what humans did instead of licking now. Not only that, she was quite good at it too.

Silas pressed his tongue into hers and groaned as she instantly yielded to it. Tilting back her hand and letting him take control as one of his strong hands threaded through her soft silver hair. He could feel himself hardening rapidly but didn't want to rush things. He had been trying to deny his attraction to Silver for so long and now he finally got to indulge; he wanted to savour this.

With reverence she undressed him before slowly stepping out of her own clothes, leaving them both naked on the couch. Silas could see the wetness glistening between her legs. The silver hair there was just as beautiful as the hair on her head and that same soft, beautiful grey colour that almost seemed to shimmer.

“Alpha…” She moaned, “Alpha…”

It seemed he was not the only one who had been thinking about this for a while. Silver seemed desperate for him, pressing her whole body against his and humping her mound against his length.

He could feel her juices turning his cock slick, it made a shudder work its way down his spine; he didn't think he'd ever been so horny in all his life. One moment her hands were all over him and then all of a sudden she was gone. Silas blinked in surprise as she moved away, for a moment worried she had changed her mind but then he realised the truth.

Silver crawled down onto the floor, fixing him with a sultry look as she positioned herself on her hands and knees before sinking her chest and head to the floor. Presenting her peachy, tanned ass to him. She wiggled it back and forth slightly in an enticing manner, her pussy on full display, wet and wanting.

Silas had to fight to keep himself from chucking; of course she wanted to have sex doggy style. He felt something primal move through him, perhaps it was some sort of werewolf pheromones Silver was producing effecting his mind but he suddenly had the stronger urge to claim her; make Silver entirely his. She practically was already anyway, and here she was presenting herself for him on a platter.

He followed her down to the floor, gripping her hips tightly enough that she growled in satisfaction. He was careful though, he wanted to be firm, not hurt; he would show Silver what sex with a strong but caring Alpha felt like. Clearly she had no hesitation, quite the opposite. She shuffled backwards, till his tip was right against her hole, desperate to feel him.

“Alpha!” She moaned the word sounding only half human, it had a bestial edge that sent a thrill through him.

He watched as her sharp nails dug into the rug and he remembered those sharp teeth from the first night he’d found her. This was a dangerous, wild beast, and he had tamed her. She was his now.

With a groan he pushed in and Silver howled; a sound between a woman’s wail and a wolf's cry. It was glorious. Not to mention how she felt! So tight and sweet, better than any human woman he had ever had. He could feel her walls stretching around him, trying their best to accommodate his girth and it made his eyes threaten to roll back in his head.

The moment he was flush with her Silas felt a sense of rightness, yes, this is what he was supposed to do. Without hesitation he pulled all the way out, leaving only the head inside before thrusting in hard enough that his balls slapped against her outer lips.

Silver cried out in pleasure and pushed back against him as he did it again, then again. A strange fog descended over Silas’s mind as his thrusts started to get shorter and shorter, he couldn’t bear drawing all the way out again, not when being buried inside her felt so right.

His hands moved from her hips to her chest, grabbing hold of those beautiful breasts and using them to anchor himself, pulling her back to his chest as he continued to rut. Her skin was burning against his, it felt like fire and he could feel himself getting worked up into a frenzy. He’d never felt the need to cum so badly in his life and he closed his eyes as he began to fuck harder and harder.

The sounds coming out of Silver’s mouth were like a drug; sharp breaths and deep moans with the word ‘alpha’ interspersed between. They blocked out all other sounds. He needed more of it. He could feel her passage tightening around him as her moans got higher in pitch; she was getting closer. Determined to make her cum he pounding against her even harder, angling her body slightly up so that the head of his cock brushed against her G-spot.

Silver threw back her head as much as the angle would allow her, mouth open yet silent as her breathing got quicker and quicker until finally Silas felt her clench around him and a great howl escaped her lips. It was half wolf, half human; all bliss. He could feel her pleasure as if it were his own as her pussy quivered around him as he continued to fuck her through the orgasm.

His own balls were tightening now as he neared the edge. He didn't want this to end yet but he couldn't make himself stop. His mind was clouded with thoughts of claiming and mating; he needed her, more of her, more!


Silas wasn’t normally the vocal sort in bed but even he couldn't keep back the word as he felt his balls squeeze and hot seed shoot from his cock. The orgasm was more intense than any he had ever experienced and yet somehow, his body kept going. Still thrusting and as he came, pushing his seed deep into Silver’s pussy as she gratefully accepted it, rutting back against him for more.

He held her close, crushing their bodies together until finally all his muscles relaxed. After what seemed like an age and yet not nearly long enough, he finally finished with a shaky grunt. They collapsed on the floor still on their knees; Silas buried inside her as his cock started to soften.

“Silver…that was…amazing.” He panted, finally pulling out causing her to whimper.

Within seconds she has turned around and curled her body against his, rubbing her scent against his skin with a contented hum. Their eyes met and Silas could see a silent question in her eyes as she cocked her head to the side, slightly concerned.

Silas just chuckled, taking her face in his hands and kissing her deeply.

“Yes, Silver, you’ve pleased your Alpha.”

The wolf woman beamed at him, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug with Silas returned. This certainly wasn’t a turn he expected his life to take but being a werewolf woman’s Alpha was certainly an upgrade. As she pulled away he blinked in shock to see her ears were once again atop her head, pointed and silver and her tail wagged between her legs. A mixture of wolf and human and yet somehow even more beautiful.

Silver eagerly returned his earlier kiss, pressing their tongues together and exploring his mouth deeply, with every movement she conveyed love and gratitude. Silas’ cock twitched and he was about to suggest they go again when a familiar sound made him freeze. The sound of something heavy outside in the alley below. Silver’s head turned sharply and before he knew it she was on her feet at the window looking down before bouncing on her toes in excitement.

Silas got to his feet just as she ran past him and down the stairs to the bar, not caring that she was naked and covered in evidence of their mating. Oh well, at least it was closed. Silas looked out the window and felt his eyebrows raise; two more wolves, the same size Silver had been, were out in the alley, sniffing and searching for something. More likely someone.

By the time he’d thrown on a pair of jeans and followed Silver down the stairs the backdoor was open and his new mate was out in the alley. She had an arm around each of the two wolves; one black, one tawny brown, as they both licked and nuzzled her.

She turned to him tearfully, clearly trying to find the words to explain but Silas just shook his head.

“It’s okay, I think I understand, these are you pack sisters, right? The ones who escaped with you?”

Silver nodded, growling to her sisters in some form of wolf language before they eagerly stepped forward. They both rubbed their strong, soft, bodies along his sides, the black one even raising herself up to lick at his face.

“Alpha.” Silver said reverently, smiling at him. “Our Alpha.”


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