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Commissioned by TJ.

Alex and Davy begin living together while trying to save for a house to raise their family in. But tensions run high as Alex’s work life gets more stressful and Davy seems oddly distracted…


This is part of the Alex's Holiday Series, to find the previous parts head over to the directory!

Alex’s foot bounced against the floor beneath his desk. The sound of the clock on the wall ticking away seemed to be moving at a snail's pace as he watched the hands spin round. Today was the biggest day of the quarter, the review. He and several others were to present their financials for the year, going over each of their cases and clients in order to make sure everybody was pulling their weight.

Alex wasn't nervous about being near the bottom of the pack by any means, he knew his work had been stellar but there was more to this review and everybody knew it. In a few months the financial year was coming to an end and that meant tax time. Which meant this review was the best chance any employee had of getting noticed and signed up for a bonus or promotion come June.

He wanted to chew his nails to get rid of some of the nervous energy but he’d put a great deal of work in applying a pretty shade of red polish to them this morning and couldn’t risk ruining it before the big meeting. Showing up with half chewed off nails was hardly a good look. He settled for fiddling with his necklace instead, the silver locket Davy had given him for Valentine's Day. It had a way of calming him, or at least it did most days, today it’s magic seems to have fizzled.

He looked down at the massive to-do list on his desk, the words ‘FINANCIAL REVIEW’ in big bold letters and underlined three times. Not for the first time he wished he and Davy had been more careful. He was excited to be a mother, at least partially but the pregnancy was seriously starting to sap his energy and though he knew it shouldn’t, the odds of him getting a promotion were lessened now that maternity leave was incoming. In order to even be considered he knew his review had to be exceptional. His stress levels had never been higher, which he knew couldn’t be good for the baby which ironically, just made him feel more stressed.

Things were easier the last month at least since Davy finally moved to New York to be with him. He had a shoulder to lean on in a way but in others, well, Davy was not the perfect housemate to put it bluntly. He picked up his phone and typed a quick message.

“Don't forget to do the dishes before you go resume dropping.’

A moment later a ping.

‘Resume dropping?’

Alex pinched his nose in frustration.

‘Isn’t that what you’re doing today? Love, you need to get a job if we’re going to be approved for a house loan.’

‘I know, I’m working on it I swear.’

‘And the dishes.’

“I’ll do them when I get back.’

Alex grit his teeth; that’s what he said yesterday. What was Davy doing all day honestly? If he wasn't looking for a job here was he always running off to? Buying a house in New York was no joke, the competition was cut throat and while Davy had done a good job leading their search Alex knew he was going to have to get more organised if they were actually going to succeed in buying anything before the baby came along. The idea of raising a child in that tiny apartment made him feel claustrophobic.

He glanced at the clock. He had time to spare. He flicked his computer screen off and walked over to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. His makeup stayed perfect, even as he patted the water off of course, something he had learned only recently and was incredibly grateful for.

He took several calming breaths trying to get his temper under control. It had been flaring up more lately, probably because of the baby. He laid a hand on the small of his stomach where there was now a small bump. He was lucky, it wasn't too noticeable yet but it was only a matter of weeks before it would be obvious to anybody who laid eyes on him that he was pregnant.

He’d started wearing looser blouses and skirts with less figure hugging waists to try and hide it as long as possible. Even as a man he knew what pregnancy did to a woman’s prospects in the professional sphere. He could offer up the most stellar, flawless review in history and still be passed over for somebody else because the big wigs didn't want to start paying a higher wage to somebody on maternity leave.

It had been gnawing at him quietly; a little doubt forming in the back of his mind slowly until the reminder for the review brought it to the forefront of his mind. He did not doubt his decision to keep the baby, not at all, but he couldn't help but wonder if he’d sacrificed all that hard work for this child.

Deep down there was a part of him that was scared; scared that somehow, without ever meaning to, he was going to turn into a stay at home mother just like thousands of others and be dependent on Davy for the rest of his life. Well, if Davy ever managed to get a job that is. Which if his repeated forgetfulness was anything to go by was a long way off.

Alex cleared his throat and took a deep breath, subtly adjusting the soft curls of his afro just for the sake of something to do with his fidgeting fingers. He came in here to calm down before the big moment, not worry about Davy more. Whatever had him so frazzled lately, it was not his concern. At least not right now.

“Are you okay?”

Alex turned to see Jane looking at him with a furrowed brow. He watched in horror as her eyes drifted down to where his hand was resting and her eyes widened ever so slightly. He had always thought women were exaggerating when they talked about being able to communicate without words but now he realised first hand how true it was. Her hand went to her mouth in shock and Alex flung his arm away, far too quickly. In that single action he confirmed her suspicions.


“You can’t tell anybody!”

Jane gave him a strange look, as if to say ‘really?’

“Of course I won't tell.” She said, “Are you having morning sickness?”

“No, I’m just nervous about the review today, that's all.”

If he had mentioned that to another man a few months ago he would have received a teasing punch on the arm. Even after months of adjustment he still wasn't prepared for the gentle smile and warm hug Jane offered.

“No wonder. Make sure not to announce anything until after they decide on any promotions, you hear?”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“Oh they’ll make excuses but you know what men are like.” She said it so casually, there wasn't even any anger in her voice, just acceptance and resignation.

For the first time in his life Alex felt a strange sense of indignation fill him. He’d always seen himself as equal with women. He knew periods sucked and that there were sexists out there but he’d never seen women as repressed, not in this day and age. He had plenty of female coworkers after all, he’d never really believed in the glass ceiling they talked about at rallies or online.

Now he was in their shoes though and heard how casually Jane was talking about it he realise just how wrong he’d been. His choice to have a baby with the man he loved carried so much more weight for him than it would have if he were a man. If he were a man everybody would slap him on the back, say congrats and be on their way. They’d probably forget all about it until he had to take a few days off in a few months time. After that, it was over. But as a woman, this decision shaped his entire professional career. It could cost him a promotion, he could potentially put him years behind in his professional pursuits.

That was just…so unfair.

“Are you okay, you’ve gone a bit red in the face.” Jane said.

“FIne, again just nerves.”

“Well, you don’t need to be.” Jane assured him, “You’re the best there is, everybody knows it. Hell, my whole job as a secretary is being organised and you put me to shame.”

Alex giggled, taking a moment to enjoy the lilting sound of his own voice. He’d always hated his laugh before, he snorted and other guys always ended up laughing at him rather than whatever had set him off. Now his giggle was light and air, pretty even. It suited him.

“Aright, let’s get back out there.” Alex grinned, “And, thanks…for keeping this a secret.”

“Scouts honour!”

He stepped back out onto the floor and squared his shoulders confidently. He felt better now, more assured in his potion.


He jumped swinging around to find one of the partner’s was looking at him curiously.

“The financial meeting is starting.”


“Yes I was just gathering my things.” He nodded, feeling embarrassed, how much time had he spent in that bathroom?

He gathered the papers and joined the other members in the boardroom as Jane was setting up the projector. This financial review would go over every dollar the company had spent in the last quarter and then attribute work and savings to various employees. It was well known that if you did well, a bonus or even a promotion would be coming your way. Alex watched with bated breath as his fellows began going through their numbers and achievements and his dread began to abate. He was going to beat them all handily. Pregnant or not!

When it came time for him to speak the anxiety of the morning disappeared, he stood and then with grace and eloquence gave his report. He kept it short and sweet, to the point, no overemphasising his achievements nor sweeping the few mistakes under the rug. He watched as the CEO eyed him with an impressed look on his face.

Pride bloomed in his chest as he sat back down and folded his fingers together trying his best to look humble. He knew he’d just blown everybody else out of the water, not only with the figures but with his ability to communicate effectively and concisely. Many things had changed since Kwanzaa but his work ethic and ability were not one of them.


He felt buoyed as he walked towards his apartment, perhaps he could convince Davy to cook something special tonight for dinner in celebration. Maybe they could even go out; they had been trying to be frugal these last few weeks, in an effort to save up for the house deposit but with the bonus that was surely coming his way they could afford to splurge just this one.

He opened the door and immediately the smile fell from his face. The dishes were still sitting unwashed in the sink and judging by the awful smell emanating from the bathroom, Sock’s cat litter hadn't been changed either.

There was a hurried sound of cupboards opening and closing as Davy suddenly appeared in the doorway looking sheepish. No doubt he’d just been rushing to get all his clothes off the floor and into the closet when he heard the door open. Again.

“Davyyyyy.” Alex whinged, pointing to the dishes, “Please, it’s been two days, how can you stand it? You’re a chef, I thought you’d be all over chores like that.”

“Sorry.” He winced, “I've just been really busy.”

“Doing what?” Alex snapped, pointing to the pile of resumes on the table, “Not searching for a job, that’s for sure.”

“I’ll find something.” He said imploringly, “I promise. I’m friends with the chef over at the French place on thirty first street, he says he's going to talk to his head chef about giving me a trial soon.”

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Alex crossed his arms, “The logical thing to do is to apply at as many places as possible, then organise any acceptances by wage and convinces-”

“Alex, love, please.” Davy half groaned half loved, “I don’t need the whole list again.”

“Lists are useful.” Alex replied curtly, “Maybe if you used one once in a while you’d remember to do. The. Damn. Dishes.”

Davy smiled sheepishly and walked over, hugging him tightly.

“Hey, you’re right. Tell you what, I’ll do them right now and you can tell me all about how you knocked it out of the park at the review today.”

Alex smiled.

“How did you know I knocked it out of the park?”

“Because it’s you, Alex.” Davy chuckled, kissing him on the nose. “As if there was ever another option.”


Alex woke to paws on his face and a tugging sensation coming from his scalp. With a groan he opened his eyes to find Socks playfully batting the light curls of his afro about, purring away like the king he thought he was.

“Good morning to you too.” Alex grumbled, grabbing the cat and pulling him onto his chest.

Socks just meowed, circling on his stomach a few times before settling down to sleep.

“Great, I am pretty sure if I move now I’m Satan.”

Socks just purred. Davy gave a sleepy chuckle and reached a hand over to scratch at the cat's ears.

“Awwww, look at him, already protective of his little baby sibling, what a good big brother.”

“We are not referring to our cat as our child’s sibling.” Alex said emphatically.

“But Socks is our child!” Davy insisted with mock horror, “How can you say such awful things about our son?”

“How the hell does this cat manage to win everybody over?” Alex shook his head in disbelief, “All he does is eat and get into mischief.”

“This cat is responsible for you buying the sexiest dress on Earth.” Davy replied simply, “For that he has my eternal gratitude.”

“Well, he’s about to have more than gratitude if he doesn't get off my bladder.” Alex groaned, “The baby is enough. Besides, I don’t think my boss has a cat, so he won't ascribe to the excuse of being late because one fell asleep on me.”

“Okay fluff boy, c’mere.”

Davy reached over and gently picked up Sock who made his irritation clear with a swipe of the paws but did allow Alex to finally get up and start getting ready for the day. He showered and dressed in a stylish and professional navy blue dress and stockings ready for the day. He had just stepped into the kitchen when the smell of bacon sizzling met his nose.

Normally, just a scent would send his stomach rumbling but this time it roiled instead. He barely made it to the bathroom before he was retching and a second later Davy was at his side, rubbing his back.

“Maybe you should take the day off.”

After the review? When his performance was going to be watched like a hawk? No thank you.

“I am fine.” he insisted, getting up from the floor and flushing the toilet, “I’ll brush my teeth and have some decaf coffee, maybe I’ll skip breakfast for now.”

“You need to eat, love.” Davy said with a furrowed brow, “For the babies sake.”

Yes, for the baby's sake. Not his. Alex felt a random spike or irritation at the word choice but said nothing. He groaned, looking at the wet stains on his knees from the damp tiled floor, now he needed to change his stockings too.

“Don’t forget to deliver those resumes today,” He reminded Davy as he tugged them on, “And there is a new listing on the real estate site I think you should check out. Oh and change the litter, I can't you know the fumes are dangerous for me-are you writing this down?”

Davy blinked, hands awkwardly held in the air unsure where to put them.

“I’ll remember.” He insisted.

Alex pursed his lips.

“I’ll write it down for you.”


Turns out, working to your usual standard while your stomach is doing backflips was quite difficult. All of a sudden, it seemed like his body was determined to never let him forget he was pregnant. Every scent coiled in his nostrils and made him want to gag. It had taken every ounce of self control in his body not to gag when Gary had walked past for a chat with a mocha latte.

Even his skin felt odd; normally he revelled in his new feminine attire. So sleek and soft against his delicate skin and womanly curves. Yet today they felt so irritating. He could not stop shifting and fidgeting in his seat and more than once he realised he'd read the same sentence twice without taking in what it said.

The sound of ceramic made him jump and he looked up to see Jane placing a hot mug on his desk. Steam swirled from the hot yellow liquid and a strong herbal smell wafted over him. Unlike everything else though, this scent seemed strangely soothing.

“Ginger tea.” Jane explained gently, “Wonderful for blood flow and focus.”

She then darted her eyes around before whispering;

“And it helps nausea too.”

Alex gave her a grateful smile and took a sip, sighing in relief as his stomach accepted it without hesitation.

“Thanks, Jane.”

“No problem, us ladies have to look out for each other, don't we?”

“Yeah, we do.” Alex smiled wider, feeling that strange sense of camaraderie form in his chest once more.

As if by magic he felt his pocket vibrate and Jane excused himself, letting him check the text. It was from Trish.

‘Hey can I borrow your sapphire ring?’

‘Why? You hate blue.”

‘No I don’t, it’s perfect for the outfit I have planned for tonight's date. Pleeeeeease?’

Alex rolled his eyes; he thought the stereotype of girls constantly borrowing one another's clothes was just for tv. Maybe it was actually, but his new reality seemed to run on that logic so what did he know.

‘Sure, but don’t lose it!’

‘Thank you! You’re the best! I still have a key from when I was looking after Socks. I’ll run up and get it!’

Alex nodded and then put the phone down, determined to get back to work only to have it buzz once more a few minutes later.

‘His litter box was full so I changed it, poor guy was busting.’

Alex grit his teeth.

‘Is Davy not home?’

‘No, why?’

‘Are there a stack of resumes on the table?’

‘Yes. Why do I feel like I am putting your boyfriend on the couch right now?’

Alex didn't bother replying, he chucked the phone in his desk drawer in a huff. How hard was it to just have a to do list and tick things off? Whatever he was doing it had better be important.


“You’re in troooooouble.”

Trish was sitting on the benchtop with her legs crossed, a wry grin on her face as Socks sound his way into her lap. Davy was momentarily stunned before his brain finally caught up with the shock of seeing somebody in his locked apartment,acting as if she belonged there.

“Why are you still in my apartment?” Davy asked.

“It’s Alex’s apartment, technically.” Trish shrugged, “And I decided to stick around and play with lonely little Sock’s here.”

She gave the cat a pat and tickle under the chin.

“And yes, the ring size is the same as mine, so there you go.” She sighed, “But for future reference, I’m a huge blabbermouth so don’t get me involved in all this secret stuff, okay?”

Davy rolled his eyes but then froze, fixing her with a hard look.

“You’re not going to tell Alex.”

“Nah, I won't ruin it for her, but I still think you’re going too fast. But what do I know, I’m only Alex’s best friend.”

Davy pressed his lips into a thin line.

“I’ve known her my whole life.”

“Correction, you’ve known of her.” Trish bopped him on the nose with her finger, “Who somebody is when they’re a kid is totally different to a stranger.”

Davy grit his teeth. He liked Trish, really he did but she could be so irritating sometimes. He was grateful for her help though, he wanted this surprise to be perfect and the last thing he wanted was to get down on one knee and have the ring not fit. He’d been out all morning looking at houses, Alex thought she was the one finding all the listings but he’d been hard at work and now it was finally paying off.

He’d found a townhouse not far from here that was for sale. It was perfect he was sure; and what better place to take the next step than in the house they would raise their child in. Maybe even children in the future. Thinking about it made his heart flutter and a soft smile tug at his lips. It must have shown because Trish pretended to gag as she jumped off the bench.

“You’re so sickly sweet you know that?” She giggled, “I can't believe Alex fell for a sap like you.”

“Me either.” He tried to make his tone light but without meaning to, Trish had touched a nerve there. “That reminds me, what were you saying earlier? About me being in trouble?”

“Oh yeah, she asked about whether the litter had been changed or if you’d gone job hunting.”

Crap! He knew he forgot something before he left this morning.

“And you told her I had, right?” He called, pushing past her to grab a bin bag.

“I told her the truth.”

With comical timing his back pocket began to buzz. He did not need to look at the ID to know who was messaging him.

“Come on Trish, why’d you have to throw me under the bus like that?”

The blonde just giggled.

“Sorry but my first loyalty is to Alex, well, after Socks of course. Isn't that right, baby?” She cooed, ticking the cat under his chin.

Davy held his breath and grit his teeth, quickly dealing with the litter box so he could point to the door.

“Look, thanks for your help with the ring. You can go now.”

“Fiiiiine, good luck on the couch tonight!” She called over her shoulder, “It doesn’t look comfortable!”

Davy resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at her like a child. How she floated through life without a care in the world he did not know; the fact that somebody as organised as Alex could pick somebody so flighty for a best friend was even more baffling. Oh well, at least he had the reminder he needed now. He made quick work of the chores, looking around the room carefully trying to remember what that other job he was supposed to do was. The dishes were done so it wasn't that.

Davy groaned, why did he have to be such a scatterbrain? He flopped down on the couch and felt his back pocket crinkle. Suddenly he remembered why he’d come home and grabbed the laptop along with the magazine article out of his back pocket and typed in the address.

The town house was beautiful, a little shabby here and there but what townhouse wasn't in the city. He could fix it up easily enough and there was a big kitchen where he could cook for Alex every day.

A warm feeling filled his stomach as he imagined his girlfriend, heavily pregnant, laying in the kitchen as he bought her another batch of her favourite pancakes. Knowing she was carrying his child had unlocked something primal in Davy. A need to protect and provide he’d never felt before. He was doing his best to be relaxed for her, she was already so stressed with work he didn't want to add to the load.

Finding them a house was at the forefront of his mind. Not just any house though, this was the place their child would be raised; it had to be perfect. If he was honest, Davy had always imagined settling down in the suburbs with a backyard and a white picket fence, the whole shebang just like he and Alex grew up.

That was never going to be on the cards though, Alex just wasn’t the suburban mom type. She needed to be in the city close to her work. Just because she was pregnant didn't mean she had any intentions of giving up her professional goals, that was something he admired about her. And he certainly wasn't going to complain about getting to see his smoking hot girlfriend in hot office attire. The sight of those long legs in those tight pencil skirts just did things to him.

The address was open for viewing in just a few days and Davy felt his heart begin to beat with excitement. It was in their budget and the best thing he’d found so far. His phone buzzed again and this time he didn't ignore it. Reminders from Alex to do the jobs and he grinned as he confidently typed back that they were already done.

Alex didn't reply but he didn't care. He knew she would be content knowing the jobs were finally done, not only that but with a few clicks he had them booked in for the open house. His chest felt light with excitement. Now there was just one last thing he had to do in order to make everything perfect.


“I don’t know…”

“It just needs a new coat of paint.”

Davy and Alex looked up at the brick townhouse together. It wasn't exactly the sort of place Alex had envisioned for himself. Then again, he hadn't envisioned being a pregnant black woman either so there was that. The townhouse was pretty, if a little run down and within their price range but still, he wasn't sure. As they stepped inside he began inspecting every detail, noticing all the potential dangers to their future child.

“Look at all these stairs.” Alex pointed out, “What happens when the baby starts to crawl and walk?”

“We get a safety rail.”

“Or we could just get a single story home.”

“Those are only available out in the suburbs, do you really want a two hour commute every day?” Davy pointed out.

Alex bit his lip. He was right, if you wanted to live in the city of New York it was townhouses or apartments. Both of which usually involved stairs to some capacity. He sighed, looking out the window; he could see the financial district from here. Along with a dozen other glittering skyscrapers.

Alex had always imagined the day he could afford to get a penthouse in the central city. Once he’d climbed to the top of the professional ladder and could afford it. He’d have one of those walls that was made entirely of windows so that he had the perfect view over the city night or day. He’d sip champagne with CEOs and hold cocktail parties; that was what he’d always imagined.

It wasn't that he was unhappy with the baby and Davy it was just…hard to reconcile the life he had been planning for for almost a decade with the one he had now. This cosy little townhouse with its breakfast nook and warm, family vibe was just so different to what he thought he would have.

“Do you really not like it?” Davy asked sadly, “I really thought this was the one you know?”

“No, Davy, it's great, really.” Alex insisted, “This is all happening so fast, that’s all.”

A strange look crossed Davy’s face, one Alex couldn’t place. He almost looked ill but before Alex could ask if he was okay Davy was smiling again.

“That’s okay, I understand.” His voice sounded false, there was something bothering him and he didn't want Alex to know.

Guilt coiled in his stomach and he looked around once more. The space was airy and light, there was even a room that would work perfectly as an office so he could work from home when the baby was born. The kitchen was enormous and had plenty of room for all the gadgets Davy liked to experiment with as well. It really was the best place they'd seen.

For a moment images flashed through his mind; sitting by that fireplace with Davy's famous hot chocolate, holding hands with a faceless toddler as they took their first steps by the bannister, making pancakes on lazy sundays after a sleep in. He could see it; the life Davy was envisioning in this house. When those images faded another immediately formed; Davy hunched over his laptop, eagerly taking notes trying to find the best house he could for his pregnant girlfriend who then dismissed it out of hand.

He gave it another look; it really was lovely and he could imagine Davy working hard to child proof everything. There was a certain appeal in imagining himself sitting on the couch casually ordering him around while too pregnant to help. The mental image bought a smile to his face.

“Hey,” Alex walked over and kissed his cheek. “It’s great, really. We should put in an offer.”

“You’re sure?” Davy's eyes lit up, “If you want to look at more-”

“No, I like this one.” Alex nodded, “Let’s go talk to the real estate agent.”

“Yes!” Davy picked him up and twirled him around.

Alex giggled, holding him tight and wobbling slightly as his head spun when he was back on the ground.

“Maybe we should stop that until the baby is born.” He laughed, Davy nodded and blushed.

“Let’s go fill in an application.” He insisted, “We don’t want to get beaten out!”


Alex closed the apartment door behind him with a heavy sigh. Either work was getting harder or the pregnancy was starting to take its toll because he was exhausted. He took a deep breath and scrunched up his nose as an awful smell coiled in his nostrils before he groaned and collapsed back against the door.

“Davy?” He called.


“Did you change the cat litter like I asked?”

“...If I do it right now can I say yes?”


Did anybody actually like April Fools Day? Why was it even still a thing? Alex sighed as he watched the third coworker that day open a can filled with rubber snakes or spider and shriek before getting irritated and throwing it in the trash. It was past midday, wasn't there some sort of rule about you being the fool if you played a prank after midday or something? He didn’t know, honestly he wouldn't care at all if these damn jokes didn't stop interrupting his concentration.

There had been no word yet on who was going to be receiving bonuses or promotions yet. Not unsurprising but still, the tension was getting to him. What he really needed was to go home and relax and for the first time in ages, Alex felt himself watching the clock, waiting for knock off.

“Guess what?” Davy grinned, “I got you a surprise!”

“Is it a foot rub?” Alex asked dryly and Davy laughed, a lot more than was strictly necessary actually.

“No, it’s these!”

He held out two cardboard tickets and Alex felt his stomach drop; they were for a baseball game. Tonight.

Normally he would have been thrilled, one thing that he hadn't lost in his life as Alexandra was a love of baseball and it had been years since he actually attended a game in person.

“Oh Davy, that’s so sweet.” He smiled tightly.

“I know!” He bragged humbly, “Go get changed and we’ll drive over!”

“Oh…I’m sorry but is it possible for you to exchange them?” Alex said apologetically, “I’m just so tired.”

He’d been prepared for Davy’s face to fall, to see disappointment in his features. What surprised him was the look of genuine fear that flashed across his expression before it was swallowed up by a tight, fake smile.

“Come on Alex, this is just what you need I promise.” Davy grabbed both his hands, “You’ll love it.”

“I know, I’m just so tired after today, couldn’t we just stay in and get take away?”

“We can get hotdogs at the game.” Davy insisted, sounding almost mildly panicked, “Come on Alex, pleeeeeeease.”

He batted his dark eyes like a sad puppy and Alex found himself giggling. Baseball tickets weren’t cheap and he knew there was no way they could exchange them this late, that had been a fool's hope. Perhaps they could sell them to some desperate person online but with only a few hours to go for a regular, non high stakes match that was unlikely. Davy was gripping his hands so hard it almost hurt; he seemed desperate to go and Alex was helpless when it came to those big dark eyes.

“Alright.” He relented, “But can we come home right after?”

“Of course.” Davy nodded, sounded excited and relieved. “You go change I’ll…uh, I’ll get ready!”

He was bouncing off the walls with energy and Alex was jealous. He really was like a golden retriever in human form, all excitement and smiles. And Alex had been talking about wanting to go to a game at least once before the baby was born; it wasn't Davy’s fault he’d timed it so poorly. Hopefully the crowd would get to him and he’d perk up enough to not fall asleep.


To say Davy was nervous was an understatement. Alex was sharp as a whip so doing something without her catching on was difficult at the best of times, even a few months in she wasn't showing any signs of the dreaded pregnancy brain and while that was good for her work it made all his sneaking around much harder.

Fortunately, at least for now, he was scatterbrained at the best of times so Alex hadn’t figured out anything was amiss. Still, the ring box in his pocket felt like a burning hot coal as they drove through the parking lot looking for a space.

He’d known he wanted to propose since before Alex revealed her pregnancy but he’d held back. She was such a practical person; there was no way she would accept a proposal form somebody she had only been seeing for a month, long distance no less. But the baby had changed everything. Yes, proposing to the girl you accidentally knocked up wasn’t the classiest look but he didn't care. He’d wanted to be with Alex most of his adult life and now he finally had her, he didn't see the point in waiting to put a ring on her finger.

He’d spent countless hours ‘house hunting’ under the guise of looking for the perfect ring. Eventually he’d settled on something simple, not too flashy but still not overly plain. A golden band with a single, round diamond inlaid in the middle, with two green stones on each side. Green was his favourite colour on Alex, it made her look vibrant and alive. He just hoped she loved the ring as much as he did.

He’d been planning this for a while now. His original plan had been to propose in the middle of the kitchen of the town house once he announced he’d already paid the deposit but seeing Alex so unsure had made him chicken out. Now his doubts were coming back in full force; he wanted the proposal to be special, memorable, he didn’t want Alex to think for one second he was only doing it because of the baby.

When that had fallen through he had racked his brain trying to come up with something memorable to do. The obvious choice was proposing over dinner but that was just so…boring. He needed something big, something extravagant to show Alex he was serious. That’s when he’d seen the advertisement for the baseball game. It had taken a lot of calls and hard work but he had finally organised it.

The Jumbo-Tron, it was a staple at this stadium, normally it just picked random people in the stands to cheer or participate in silly games but thanks to him, in exactly one hour it was going to point at seats 4C and 4D and he would propose to Alex in front of the entire stadium, not to mention the viewers at home.

They parked and got out of the car and Davy was excited to see Alex was looking a bit more perky now that they were here. When she had come home so tired he’d begun to panic; if this proposal fell through as well he had no idea what he was going to do.

They grabbed some popcorn and drinks and made their way to the stands. Logically, he knew they were no different but Davy swore he could see 4C and 4B glowing slightly, as if calling to them.

“Let’s go sit at the front.” Alex said nonchalantly, “Looks like the stadium isn’t super full tonight, we may as well get closer.”

A record scratch played in Davy’s mind and he froze. Alex kept walking apparently unfazed right past the seats and towards the front row. Davy’s palms began to sweat as the ring box dug into his thigh.

“Uh, but the tickets say here.” He pointed to the fated seats, “Somebody will probably be along any second to take those, it’ll be awkward if we have to move.”

“There was barely anybody behind us.” Alex shrugged, “IF somebody were coming they’d probably be here now.”

Crap she was right. What was he going to do? Each step he took away from their seats made his heart pound louder. He looked around desperately, hoping somebody would wave and start yelling about them taking their seats but no such miracle manifested. Davy gripped the paper cup in his hand and bit his lip, there was only one thing for it. Subtly he pushed his thumb beneath the thin plastic lid to loosen it and took a clumsy step forward.


The drink flew from his hand in what he hoped was a convincing manner, sailing past Alex and landing in the front row, soaking the plastic seats in bubbling, sticky soda. Alex turned to face him, mouth agape looking absolutely mortified. Davy could hear the people around them snickering and his face burned. It had to be done.

“Sorry! Sorry!” he insisted, “Well, our seats are still there, why don't you sit down and I’ll get another drink.”

Alex’s lips pressed into a thin line and Davy cringed. That was the face she made when she was angry but didn't want to make a scene in public. At least she sat down in the chosen seat but at what cost? Davy felt his heart sink, this was supposed to be perfect but if she was angry with him when he proposed the whole thing might be soured.

He squeezed her hand and whispered another apology before ducking off to grab another drink. Wincing when somebody appeared a moment later and complained that their seats were soaked. Fucking hell, the timing of some people.

“Where were you two minutes ago?” He whispered to himself in frustration as he forked out another five dollars for the exorbitant overpriced drink.

He returned to Alex who was sitting stiffly in place, eyes on the field as the music started up.

“I really am sorry.” He whispered to her as the players started taking up their positions.

To his relief she grabbed his hand and squeezed back.

“I know.” She gave him a small smile, “It’s okay.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was okay, now he just had to wait. Alex leaned forward as the game got started and absorbed herself in it, cheering and smiling as the home team took the lead. Davy could barely pay attention to what was happening in front of him, his eyes locked on the clock, watching as the numbers slowly changed, counting down the minutes till the break when the Jumbo-Tron was set to start.

The ring box in his pocket felt heavier and heavier with each passing minute and he could barely even hear the crowd above the rushing blood in his ears.

The round finished and the players began to head back to the dugouts. Any second now.


He almost jumped out of his skin and Alex gave him a quizzical look.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, fine.” He replied too quickly, “Just really into the game is all hahaha.”

“Me too.” Alex smiled genuinely, God he loved that smile. “This was a great idea Davy, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He smiled tightly, eyes sliding over as the Jumbo-Tron turned on and began panning through the crowd.

He pointed up to it and casually as he could.

“Hey look, maybe they’ll show us.”

“Yeah right, I never get on there.”

Davy bit the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning; any second now…there!”

He and Alex appeared on the screen, a love heart frame fading in around them. Alex laughed and turned to him, ready to point but Davy was already standing, pulling the box from his pocket and getting down on one knee. He opened the box and gazed up at Alex with as much love as he could muster.

This was it, the moment he’d been meticulously planning for and Alex looked…horrified. His heart sank for a moment and then his mind finally caught up with everything going on around them. People were not cooing  or cheering, they were laughing. Tittering laughter filled the stadium and he looked up at the Jumbo-Tron, heart now beating around him and Alex. Alex’s eyes were on the screen, frozen in a look of absolute humiliation and Davy’s chest began to ache for a reason that was entirely unrelated to nerves.

Why were people laughing? Why did she look so upset? He opened his mouth but the careful words he’d prepared didn't come out, just a croak as his heart constricted in his chest.

Hastily Alex reached forward and closed the ring box, cheeks burning red despite her dark skin tone and the Jumbo-Tron moved on.

“Seriously?” She hissed as she pushed past him, “Why would you think that would be funny?”

“Funny?” He blinked, confused.

His grip on the box in his hand intensified and he ran after Alex into the empty halls of the stands. The game was starting up again and the area inside the wall was abandoned; silent save for the clicking of her heels against the linoleum.

Davy didn't understand; if she didn't want to get married that was one thing but why was she treating this like a joke gone wrong? He’d been totally sincere, the ring, which she’d hardly even glanced at, didn’t look like a fake so why? He chased after her, reaching out a hand to grab her shoulder when he froze on the spot. A newspaper crunched beneath his feet and he looked down at it with dread. The date stared up at him and Davy felt his heart fall into his feet.

April 1st.

He’d just proposed to his girlfriend, in front of thousands of people on April Fools Day.

He’d never felt so stupid in all his life.


Alex couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Davy was down on one knee, kneeling in the grime of years worth of spilled sodas and gum, holding a ring box while the stupid Jumbo-Tron showed his humiliated, shocked face in crisp clear detail to the entire crowd. He barely even glanced at the ring itself, his whole body was frozen in shock and embarrassment.

Davy had always had a goofy side, he knew that but a fake proposal on April Fools Day? In front of thousands of people no less? His stress levels were already high and just when he thought they were starting to lower with the enjoyment of the game that was sprung on him.

The laughter around him seemed to grow with every second and with hands shaking with fury he pushed past Davy and into the stadium. So many emotions were swirling within him he didn't know how to settle on just one. His heart was racing, his knees were weak; he’d never been more blindsighted in his entire life. And that was coming from somebody who stepped out of a taxi a few months ago and discovered he was an entirely different race and gender!

He power walked through the empty halls, unsure of where he was going but just desperately needing to get away. Davy called out after him and Alex could hear him hurrying along behind him until he couldn’t. He turned to see Davy staring at the ground.

Alex followed his gaze and watched as the man slowly reached down to pick up a newspaper page which had blown into his path. Davy looked horrified; his face went pale and his fingers curled into the paper so hard Alex heard parts of it rip.

Understanding washed over him; Davy didn’t know. He was such a scatterbrain he’d not even realised what day it was. That fucking idiot.

“It’s April Fools Day.” He breathed, looking up to meet Alex’s gaze.

“Yup.” Alex popped the p in the word, his irritation rising.

“I…I didn’t know.”

“Yes well,” Alex crossed his arms, “Maybe if you were a tad more organised you might have realised what an extraordinarily stupid idea this was.”

Davy swallowed and guilt tinted Alex’s heart but he hardened against it. This was exactly the sort of thing he should have expected from a man who was so clumsy and scatterbrained he couldn’t remember to do the dishes for three days straight, or change a litter box. He’d been busting his ass for weeks trying to make sure he got seen by his superiors as more than just a pregnant woman and here Davy was slacking off to the point that he didn’t even know what day it was?

“I’m so sorry Alex, but…that wasn't a joke, I meant it. I want to marry you.” Davy said quietly, holding out the little velvet box.

Alex felt his cheeks burn; he hated how happy that idea made him. He’d been so busy with work he’d never even considered marriage; the baby and everything surrounding it had taken up so much time. He sucked in his cheeks, trying to sort out his turmoil but no matter what he did, the anger bubbled to the surface.

“You don’t need to marry me-”

“No, I want to!” Davy said emphatically, stepping forward to hold Alex’s shoulders, “The baby has nothing to do with this. I want to marry you, Alexandra. I love you.”

“How?” Alex threw up his hands, “How are you so…okay with everything?!”

He started to pace, the words escaping him before he could think.

“Everything has changed for me since Kwanzaa, I got a partner, now all of a sudden I’m pregnant and moving and now…this!”

Embarrassingly, his eyes began to burn with stress filled tears.

“I’m trying to keep things organised, trying to reconcile the life I had six months ago to some degree but it’s all just so different! It’s moving too fast and I can't take it all!”

His shoulders heaved as he tried to catch his breath, he realised with horror that there were tears sliding down his sharp cheeks and Alex swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. How had he not realised just how much stress he had been carrying all this time? All those things he just said, they were all true and yet, he hadn’t consciously realised just how true until he said it aloud.

“And you,” He sniffed, “You’re just so happy all the time, you roll with the punches so well and you’re always so relaxed. I don’t know how you do it.”

He looked away, down at the floor until he felt a finger hook under his chin. Davy gently forced his head to turn back to face him and what Alex saw made the tears start anew. He looked so concerned and yet his eyes shone with so much affection; there was no doubt in Alex’s mind now that his proposal had been real.

“I’m sorry.” Davy mumbled, “The truth is I’ve been stressed too. I just didn't want to show it. It seemed unfair.”


“Like you said, you’re the one who’s pregnant, I can help but you’re the one who has to carry that extra weight, no pun intended.”

Alex gave a little giggle as the anxiety bubbled up.

“It didn't seem fair for me to complain.” Davy admitted, “I was so worried about getting the perfect house and the perfect proposal I started to lose focus in other places. And I was so worried about keeping my cool I might have gone too far in the other direction. I never meant for you to think I wasn't trying or didn't care enough to remember the small things.”

Alex thought back to all the tiny clues that he missed over the last few weeks. Davy’s jumpy attitude, his laissez-faire attitude; it had been him trying to hide his own stress from him in an effort to lessen the load.

“I’m sorry too.” Alex sighed, “I shouldn't have yelled then, I should have known you would never play an April Fools joke like that.”

“Does this mean you’ll stop nagging me about the dishes?”


Davy threw back his head and laughed; Alex joined in as well. All the tension in the air disappeared into fits of giggles as they leaned against one another and Alex felt happiness overtake all other emotions.

“You know, you can still propose to me.” He whispered, “I might even say yes.”

Davy hugged him close and Alex felt the small bump of his stomach rest against the flat of Davy’s own. For the first time he thought of the tiny life in there and smiled; their whole family hugging together. A moment later Davy pulled away, clearing his throat as he got down on one knee and presented the box.

This time as it opened Alex paid close attention to the ring that was presented. It was gorgeous, the gems sparkling and beautiful without being gaudy or too showy. Having grown up as a man, he’d never given much thought to engagement rings; he never expected to receive one. Somehow though; Davy had found the perfect ring for him, Alex couldn't have picked a better one if he tried.

“Alex, will you marry me?” Davy asked, slowly and clearly.

Despite knowing what was about to happen Alex still felt a hand go to his mouth.


Within seconds Davy was back on his feet, bouncing on the heels of his shoes as he took the ring and gently pushed it up Alex’s slim fingers. It was a little tight but Alex didn't care; rings being a perfect fit were overrated. He formed a fist and drew the ring to his chest, hugging it against his chest.

Never in a thousand years would he have guessed that the happiest day of his life would be when a man proposed to him; yet here he was. Grinning like a complete goofball while Davy pressed his forehead to his.

“Not exactly the perfect proposal I was hoping for.” Davy admitted after a moment, looking around at their surroundings. “Telling your future kids that daddy proposed in the halls of a stadium halfway through a baseball game isn't exactly movie material.”

Alex just laughed and kissed him.

“I think it’s perfect.”

“I think you’re perfect.” Davy whispered, pulling him in close and kissing him hard.

Alex moaned as Davy’s fingers threaded through the soft curls of his hair. He loved how soft it felt as Davy pressed it into his skull and then the slight pain that came as his fingers slowly curled into a tight fist. He pulled and Alex relented without hesitation, tilting back his head to allow Davy to deepen the kiss.

It was then Alex realised how long it had been since they last had sex. Weeks really. He’d been so busy and stressed he had not realised. All of a sudden, those repressed hormones came racing back and his whole body felt as though it were afire.

“I think we should go home.” he whispered, sneaking his fingers beneath Davy’s shirt to press into the small of his back.

Back in the stadium the crowd was cheering; logically, Alex knew it was for the game but in that moment he felt as though it was the universe telling him he'd made the right choice in staying in this reality, with the man he loved.

“I think that’s a good idea.” Davy replied, “Let’s go.”


In the days to come, Alex would feel slightly bad for their taxi driver. Having two full on adults making out loudly in your back seat was probably awkward as hell. RIght now though, he could not care less. The man driving the car was but a tiny spec of dust in his world, easily forgotten and dismissed. Alex’s mind was now fully focused on the touch of Davy’s hand on his thigh as it threatened to sneak up and into his skirt.

The palm was warm on his skin, not burning, yet constantly reminding him of just how close those dexterous fingers were to his aching pussy. Weeks of deprivation had left him hungry and now that satisfaction was in his grasps he wondered how he’d lived without it for so long.

He reached a hand up to cup Davy’s face when a loud sound distracted him. They pulled apart for a moment and turned to see the cabbie clearing his throat once more, red in the face.

“We’re here.” He said curtly, Davy looked apologetic but Alex just smiled; maybe it was immature but he couldn’t feel bad about annoying a cabbie anymore after Kwanzaa.

Davy paid and then looped his fingers through Alex’s helping him from the car like a true gentleman before fixing him with a wry grin.

“Let’s go!” He said in a hushed tone before running like a child off toward their apartment.

Alex threw back his head and laughed; it was like being a horny teenager again, so desperate to get one another's clothes off they were literally sprinting to the elevator. They had enough good sense to wait until the doors closed before continuing their making out and Alex found himself disappointed that this elevator didn't have mirrored walls so that he could see exactly what they looked like. He could only imagine the desperate, hot look on his face right now.

Davy certainly looked sexy; his eyes were smouldering, dark with pupils so blown they almost looked entirely black. Alex let his fingernails scrape through his auburn hair, applying that bit of extra pressure that he knew Davy loved and shivering as a deep rumble growled in his chest. He loved when Davy did that; there was something so primal about it, so possessive. He was not one for objectification, especially not since becoming a woman but in Davy’s case he made an exception. If anybody could own him, it was this man.

The elevator pinged as they arrived at the correct floor and they stumbled out, stealing kisses between breathy laughs while Alex fumbled with the keys to their apartment.

“Soon, we’ll have a whole new house to play in.” Davy grinned.


“We’ll get it.” He said between kisses, “I have a good feeling about us, about the future.”

“Just focus on the now,” Alex said huskily, pressing his palm against the bulge in Davy’s pants, “Screw the future.”

“I’d rather screw you.”


Alex let all his racing thoughts and stress melt away as Davy carefully began to undress him. Hands smoothing along his curves with reverence. The featherlight touches made Alex shiver and he felt all the hairs on his body stand on end. Those strong hands slid beneath the waistband of his skirt, lowering it as they moved to grip her bouncy ass. Davy pulled them together, his bulge now pressed against Alex’s mound with only thin cloth separating them. Alex broke off yet another kiss to give a small moan.

“You’re a real tease, y-y’know that?”

“You love me.” Davy grinned and Alex felt his heart flutter a little.

Despite his growing horniness he reached up to cup both sides of Davy’s face and pull him into a deeper, slow kiss.

“I do.” he whispered as it ended, “Now hurry up and fuck me.”

“How could I say no when you asked so nicely?”

The slow romantic part of their night was over; now the carnal side was rearing its head. Alex’s hands became more desperate; shirts were hastily unbuttoned, zippers undone, shirts discarded as they both stumbled toward the bedroom.

With a firm shove Alex pushed Davy down onto the bed, he was wearing nothing but his boxers and she had only her pantyhose, bra and panties. Davy leaned forward where he sat on the foot of the bed and reached forward to gently kiss at Alex’s small baby bump where it stuck out over his stockings.

He then reached for her hips, gripping them for a moment before gently sliding the pantyhose down Alex’s long legs. He shivered, feeling the light yet tight material slide down over his smooth legs and obediently lifted each of his feet in turn to allow Davy to remove the stockings entirely before doing the same with his panties. The whole time he laid kisses on his hips, stomach and thighs.

“You are so damn beautiful,” Davy whispered, “I can't wait to see you get even bigger.”

Alex felt a flush spread across his skin, he’d thought Davy would be less interested in him once he started to gain baby weight; yet another thing he’d been wrong about apparently. Davy reached up and with practised hands, flicked the hooks of his bra undone and let the article fall to the floor, leaving Alex totally naked. Davy scooched up the bed and beckoned him forwards.

“Come here.” He purred and Alex felt his knees go weak, obeying without question and crawling up to cover Davy’s body with his own.

Within seconds his lips were claimed again and they were a tangle of limbs. Strong arms encircled him, pressing his already swelling breasts to Davy’s broad chest. He was growing more impatient with every moment, the wetness between his legs was dripping down to soak into Davy’s boxers and he ground his hips against the mound and enjoyed the feeling of his boyfriend shivering beneath him.

Alex nipped at Davy’s ears and neck as his hands wandered down and pulled the Boxers off with a few helpful wiggles from his boyfriend's hips. He instantly pressed them both together again, groaning with satisfaction as the hot length pressed against his clit as their hips rocked.

A moment later strong hands were on his hips, raising him up until Davy’s cock was perfectly positioned. He then gently, yet firmly, eased Alex down atop him and they both let out low moans.

“Oh fuuuuuuck.”


Alex relished in the feeling of his passage stretching out, inner walls burning as Davy slid in and out of him. His vagina squeezed tight around the dick, massaging it from all sides and sending showers of sparks racing inside Alex’s core as the pressure began to build. Davy let go of his hips as Alex found his rhythm and instead moved to his chest. His large tits were bouncing as his body shuddered and Davy reached up to cup them both, grabbing great handfuls of the sensitive flesh and rubbing at it in the way he knew drove Alex crazy.

“Mmmmhhh, yeah, oh, yes, just like that!” Alex groaned as Davy took both his nipples between his fingers and began to roll them.

His words lit a fire in the man and his hips began to buck hard up into his passage. The air was knocked from his lungs and Alex marvelled at how, even after months of sex, Davy could still surprise him.

“God, you’re so tight now! Fuck, oh fuck.” Davy’s hands came to rest on his bouncing belly and he groaned, “Fuck that’s so hot, knowing you’re knocked up with my baby.”

“Yours! Only yours.”

“That’s right, mine.”

Davy punctuated the last word with a hard thrust, causing Alex to see sparks as he got closer and closer to the edge.

He leaned backward, bracing himself on Davy’s legs as the man mercilessly fucked up and into him, hitting his G-spot every time. As his back arched his breasts pointed toward the sky, his pregnant belly proudly displayed for his boyfriend to see. Alex let his eyes roll back and flutter close as he got closer and closer; Davy’s hand rested on his belly and the stretched skin tingled; it was so damn sensitive now.

“Ahhh, a-almost there…ahhhh…mmmhmmm….AAAHH!”

Davy groaned along with him as they both came together. Alex’s whole body quivered as the shot splashed inside him and he was shocked by the sheer among of it he could feel swirling inside his vagina. It really had been too long. He collapsed forwards, stopping inches from Davy’s face as they both gasped for breath, shivering and sensitive as the post orgasm haze settled upon them.

With a groan Alex let himself fall to the side, quivering as the soft cock slipped out of him along with a large amount of cum.

“That was…wow.” He breathed.

“Who says the sex dies after marriage?” Davy chuckled, Curling around Alex protectively and burying his face in his hair.

“We’re not married yet.” He reminded his boyfriend, humming in contentment as he placed lazy kisses down the nape of his neck.

“Soon though.” Davy rumbled, “Very soon. I can't wait to add a wedding band to your finger.”

Alex looked down at the glittering ring and smiled. He never realised just how happy a piece of jewellery could make him. Even more so than the locket Davy had gifted him a few weeks ago that he only just now realised was still around his neck. The metal was warm to the touch, having been heated by their bodies pressing together.

“Do we get married before or after the baby is born?” Alex asked sleepily, pushing back against Davy as they spooned.

“After.” He replied, “Tempting as it would be to see your belly fully stretched out over a wedding dress, I know how you are. Buying a house, having a baby and planning a wedding all at the same time? You’ll explode. The whole house will be coated in sticky note lists and reminders.”

“Yeah, good point.” Alex giggled, “We’ll do it slowly, over the year.”

“...You’re going to start planning tomorrow aren’t you?”

“Good to get a head start.”

Davy snorted with laughter and a giggle pushed past Alex’s lips. Tonight had gone from a disaster to perfect surprisingly quickly and now sleep was settling over them like a warm, comforting blanket. Alex was just drifting off when he was suddenly woken by another bark of laughter from Davy.


“Sorry,” he snickered, “I just realised…we never saw who won the game.”


Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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