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A shy, nerdy office worker is teased and tormented by the office bitch. Eventually she turns him into a woman as the ultimate prank but the man and his new friends decided to turn the tables, trying to become the ultimate boss babe and turn all the other women against her in revenge.


Greg walked nervously toward the break room; smoothing his hair over for the fourth time in an effort to hide his receding hairline. His heart had been racing all day, ever since he got that email. It had been from an anonymous address; addressed to him personally, not ‘sir/madam’ or ‘data entry clerk’. A few lines of black text on a screen had filled his mind for the entire afternoon.

Dear Gregory,

I know this must sound crazy but I can't stand keeping it a secret any longer. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time but never knew how to say it. Please, meet me in the break room after work tonight so I can finally say what I need to.


Your Secret Admirer.

Secret admirers were usually reserved for the realms of highschool at the latest, not office workers in their thirties but still, Greg couldn’t help but be excited. At first, he’d tried to dismiss it; he was hardly a popular face in the office, this had to be a joke right? But the more he thought about it the more he couldn't dismiss it. What if he really did have an admirer? Somebody as awkward socially as he was and so they used email to reach out. He might have done something similar if he had feelings for someone here; after all, it seemed all he had to do was open his mouth to earn derision sometimes. There was no way he would risk confessing his love straight up.

He increased his pace. This had to be it, things finally turning around for him. He knew if he just kept his head down and worked hard eventually somebody would notice and appreciate him. Even if it was another man he could learn to like that; and even if things didn't work out maybe, finally, he’d have at least one friend.

He pushed open the door to the darkened breakroom, a small smile on his lips as he flicked on the lights-


Cold water soaked him head to toe as something heavy and plastic crashed down on his skull. A bucket, it had landed squarely on his head, dumping icy water all over him and cutting off his sight. His heart sank as raucous laughter met his ears and with a face burning red, he lifted the bucket off and was met with the sight of half his colleagues standing, bent double with laughter.

“O-Oh my god! He fell for it! He actually fell for it!”

“Did you see his face?”

“I never thought he'd actually show up!”

“Good job, Susan!”

Water dripped into his socks, soaking his shoes and making him shiver at the cold. In the middle of the little gaggle of office workers stood Susan. She was the CEO’s secretary, usually the sort of person who was overlooked, even by the other workers bees but somehow, Susan had formed herself into the queen of the office itself. She grinned at him with malice and Greg felt himself deflate further. A joke email, of course. With great effort he forced a smile onto his face.

“Heh, great trick guys!” He said with a forced laugh, “R-really funny.”

He knew it wouldn't work. He had tried many times to go along with them, laugh at himself with them in the hopes that it might ingratiate him but so far it had never worked. Susan just smirked and waved the others out.

“Have a nice walk home!” She called, before whispering under her breath. “Bitch.”

Greg shivered; it was mid autumn and he had several blocks to walk back to his apartment with soaked clothes. An ice cube settled on the toe of his shoe and he glumly kicked it off. Silently, he waited until the sound of laughter and footfalls faded from his ears before sighing and starting his long trudge home.


It had been an accident. A stupid mistake that had turned this job into a living Hell; and it was all thanks to Susan.

He had landed the position as data entry clerk a few months back. It paid better than anything else going and he was pretty good at it. Saiba Inc was also known for their generous leave options and holiday bonuses; it had been a win-win scenario all round. But then he'd made the mistake of trying to make friends in the workplace. For the first time in his life, he’d been confident; sure he was a bit overweight, not the most handsome or charming guy out there but this wasn't like highschool or college. This was the real world where people got valued for their skills, right?

He’d grabbed his ice coffee and made his way over to a group of other IT workers, ready to give his most winning smile and crack a joke. When all of a sudden Susan had stepped in front of him, he'd tried to stop but it was too late. The coffee had gone all down her front, running what he would later learn was a designer outfit that cost half a year's salary. She had screeched that he'd done it on purpose and no matter how many times he tried to explain that it was an accident she wouldn’t hear it. She’d called him a perv, accused him of trying to make her blouse see through and when that was half the office's first impression of him, well, the odds of making any friends went out the window.

After that Susan had made it her personal mission to make sure he was the office pariah. Rumours that he had asked her out and been rejected circles; the coffee was revenge people said. He was a creep, probably a stalker they said. A few people had approached him over the years and he, in his stupid eagerness to prove he wasn't a weirdo, must have come on too strong and scared them off.

“He latches onto anybody.” people said to new recruits, “Show him an inch of kindness and he’s sure to go full psycho. He might even start stalking you.”

Once he’d even worked up the courage to go to HR about the harassment and lies but one water works show from Susan later he was lucky he even still had a job. He’d considered quitting but what was the point? There was no way he’d get a good recommendation from his bosses now thanks to the reputation Susan had given him. The odds of getting a better or even similar salary were slim to none and even if he did leave, what was to stop this all happening over again?

So that left him with his current situation. Keeping his head down and trying his best to be invisible. Clearly today’s prank meant that it wasn't working. By the time he got home to his small, empty apartment he was freezing. He didn't bother even fully undressing before he stepped into the shower and let the lukewarm water heat him up.

“Tomorrow brings change.” He reminded himself, “Tomorrow would be better.”

He’d been saying that every night for years. One day it was bound to be true.


Susan looked at the amulet with sadistic glee. Work had become so much more fun since Greg came along. The pathetic little balding sore spot was a pain in her side just by existing. He was so sad, sitting all alone, stammering over his words whenever he spoke; he made her sick. It had gotten to the point that just torturing the man wasn't enough; she was sick of looking at his ugly face.

People always warned against making deals with hags. They were so rare these days that most people dismissed them as fairy tales or were under the false impression that they were long extinct. The internet had been full of fakes but eventually, she’d found a real one and paid an exorbitant amount for her ultimate revenge. This would teach that sad sack to spite her. With almost sadistic glee she pressed the gemstone in the middle of the amulet down and watched as golden light flowed from the etchings surrounding it. She carefully wrapped it up in a handkerchief, making sure her skin never came into contact with the metal. She wasn't sure what such a spell would do to somebody who was already a woman but she wasn’t about to take any chances.


Greg woke with a sniffle but thankfully no other symptoms lingered from his frigid evening. He glanced at his phone, Wednesday, smack bang in the middle of the work week, too far from either weekend to be fun. It was also sloppy joe day at the work cafeteria; so that sucked. He got himself ready for work, trying to pick his dullest, most unassuming clothes in order to blend into the background even more. The water trick was a new low for Susan and her little gaggle of cronies; they were sure to be giggling about it all day. Likely all week. Suitably hidden in grey pants, shoes and shirt he set off, trying to think of some sort of motivation to get through the day. He could get pizza for dinner; but he’d promised himself that he wouldn't get take away during the week. That’s how he ended up chubby in the first place; cheering himself up with greasy food after a bad work day.

As he walked he passed the local gym, the frosted glass showing only vague silhouettes of people on spin bikes. He had bought a membership at New Years, like so many people, but only gone once. There was something awkward about being overweight in a gym. He swore he could hear people whispering behind their hands, asking why somebody who looked like him was spending time stinking up their gym. Gyms were for people who didn't need gyms; that was the conclusion he’d drawn.

When he eventually arrived at his desk there was a present waiting. A simple box with his name written on it and Greg sighed. He should have just thrown it in the bin but he’d done just that months ago only to hear Susan ‘crying’ all afternoon about how she’d slaved away making him cookies that he callously threw into the garbage. She’d insisted it was a good will gesture and look what he’d done. When he’d tried to explain that he was sure it was a prank his words sounded meek even to his own ears. So he took a deep breath and opened it, wincing slightly but relieved when nothing exploded or spilled. It looked like a handkerchief wrapped around something, he unfolded and dropped something heavy and metal into his hand.

Blinking in confusion he inspected what appeared to be an amulet or broach. It was gold, with a bright red ruby in the middle. Suddenly, the gem in the middle sprung up and the sound of whirring gears made the metal vibrate slightly in his hand. The gem glowed and dazzled his eyes as the light seemed to pour all over his body. He shut his eyes, fully expecting a spurt of ink or glitter to explode in his face but then the whirring just…stopped. The heat faded from his hand and he opened his eyes to find nothing had happened. The amulet sat on his hand, still and pretty as well, the ruby now gone entirely, leaving nothing but an empty indent. He smiled; a little light flash? That was the sort of prank that he could deal with. Without much more thought he dropped the empty amulet into his desk and booted up his computer, trying not to look perturbed at all. No doubt Susan was watching somehow. He assumed she used the CEO’s passwords to access the CCTV and security footage whenever she liked. His eyes slid to the camera in the corner of the room for a fraction of a second, wondering if she was on the other side of the lens.

Happy the joke was a minor one today he pushed all thoughts of it aside; setting his focus on work. He started typing away, letting his mind settle into the thoughtless rhythm that data entry always provided but found himself unable to. After years of work, Greg had gotten used to letting his mind shut off while he worked but today there seemed to be no end of distractions. Chiefly an itch on his skull that refused to go away; he scratched occasionally trying to ensure nobody caught him and started a rumour that he had head lice or something similar. Though after half an hour he was suspecting that might very well be the case. The tickle spread to the nape of his neck and as his hand reached around to scratch he realised what the cause was. His own hair, tickling at the back of his neck. But…that made no sense, his hair was cropped and short. He had long ago given up trying to style it and kept it as short as he could while also having enough to hide his increasing baldness. He brought his hand around to the side of his face and found it there as well. In shock he stood and walked swiftly to the bathroom, only to find that when he arrived his reflection was wrong. His features seemed softer somehow and his hair had grown an inch within the hour! That just wasn't possible. He brushed a hand across his lips, taking in their fullness and the highly defined cupid's bow. They looked almost swollen, or…like they belonged to a woman.

“What’s the matter? Feeling odd?”

Greg spun around so fast he almost lost his balance. Susan was standing there, sneering at him with a self righteous smile.

“Wha-this is the men’s room!” He hissed, “You can't be in here.”

“I can be anywhere I want.” She replied simply, inspecting her nails. “And by that metric, you shouldn't be in here either.”

“What are you talking about?”

There was a rumble inside his stomach and a pressure formed at the base of his spine. It started to grow, pushing outwards through the muscles and into the skin of his ass almost as if it were swelling. Susan clapped her hands with utter glee.

“That hag was well worth it if this goes well!”


Both his hands flew behind him, pressing against the back of his grey pants as they turned tight. He could feel his boxers growing painfully tight around his thickening thighs and widening hips; his body was shifting and changing right before his own eyes and he couldn't seem to make it stop! And yet, a sort of hope bubbled in his chest.

“You won't get away with this!” He grinned, “There is no way for you to explain away this harassment, you’re going down, finally.”

“Oh?” Her smirk was real, “How could I be blamed for any of this? The CCTV cameras were all off for some reason this morning…and with your known vendetta against me nobody will believe a thing you say.”

Greg felt his heart begin to pound and the smile fell from his face as Susan put on a face of utter hopelessness, complete with fake tears sparkling in her big brown eyes.

“Oh, it's just awful. He’s been after me since day one, to think that he’d go this far just to frame me?” She wailed, “All I ever wanted was to be friends, but every time I reach out he just hurts me!”

“That’s not true!”

Susan just grinned, façade immediately fading as she stood up straight and proud once more.

“But it’s what everybody thinks.”

He hated that she was right; how did she manage to control the narrative so easily? It wasn't fair! His hair was itching even more now and a long strand fell over his head, mousy brown locks were brushing at his shoulders as they started to take on a gentle slope. He watched in the mirror as the front of his shirt started to get tight, his pudgy round belly staying exactly where it was. Susan appeared beside him with a thoughtful look on her face. Suddenly that stretch began to spread to his chest as it began to grow rapidly. His man tits turning from fat flabs to something rounder and more pert. His face flushed red as his nipples became clear as day through his thin dress shirt and Susan cackled.

“Oh honey, you really need to start wearing a bra or we’re going to start getting complaints about inappropriate work attire.”

“Y-you’ll get in trouble for this.” He whimpered, “I promise.”


She stood behind him as he squirmed, his but felt too big and his chest too heavy to stand up straight he ended up awkwardly leaning forward with his butt stuck out as both continued to grow. Manicured hands suddenly reached around his chest to grasp at his new boobs, squeezing them tight and causing him to gasp at just how sensitive they were.

“Look at these ugly things!” Susan teased, “All fat and shaped like teardrops. I didn't know it was possible to have ugly boobs but of course you prove me wrong.”

Greg couldn't move, he was frozen with embarrassment as Susan continued to play with his new tits, mocking them, pressing them together, pressing down on his nipples and sensing confusing waves of arousal through his system. He bit his lip, watching as it too continued to grow fuller in his reflection even as Susan finally let go.

“Oh my god, you got turned on by that didn't you? Pathetic.” She sneered, “Then again, I bet it’s been so long since someone touched you that you'd get turned on by a hand shake. I bet you're a virgin! You are, aren't you!?”

Greg was sure his face couldn’t get any redder at this point, he wanted nothing more than to flee this damn bathroom but with Susan blocking the door and his own changing body he had no choice but to stay put. He didn't bother to correct her; mostly because she was right but even if she wasn't it wouldn’t have mattered. He tried to cross his arms over his chest in a futile effort to hide his new tits but Susan just moved onto his ass, slapping it hard and eliciting a yelp from him.

“Looks like even magic can't make you attractive, fat ass.” She cackled, “Oh man, this is even better than I had hoped. Has your dick disappeared yet? I bet it has and you didn't even notice because it was so small to begin with.”

He whimpered, her words seemed timed with irony because that awful stretching feeling that had inflated his butt and boobs was now moving southwards between his legs. Unlike before though, where the stretch pushed outwards now it was sucking in. He felt each of his balls shrink in turn, moved up into his body with a pop, making his whole body jolt and Susan positively howled with laughter as he tried not to make a sound. His cock was last, sliding back up into his body leaving the skin between his legs smooth like that of a doll for a few seconds before splitting open to form a pussy. He was immediately overwhelmed with extra sensations as dampness took hold there. He could feel his new clit pressing against the crease in his boxers and it made him whimper; much to Susan’s amusement.

Greg looked to the mirror in shame; a slightly pudgy woman looked back at him, with round cheeks and short, straight hair. The spell hadn't even done him the favour of moving his weight around, his stomach was just as round as before, now matching his tits and ass. A high pitched whine escaped his throat and Susan slapped him on the back.

“Well, good luck explaining to everybody why you chose to do this.” She teased, “But of course feel free to tell them the truth, I am sure they’ll believe you and be so very sympathetic.”

She pouted for a moment before walking out, leaving him alone in the bathroom feeling utterly defeated. He pressed a soft palm to his cheek, feeling the high cheekbones that couldn't be seen under the roundness of his face. His fingers roamed, smoothing over the curve of his neck, absent of the familiar bump that was normally there. He even had an ugly dusting of freckles across his nose. This is exactly what he imagined the ugly duckling nerd girls who were his female equivalent in college would look like today. He couldn’t go out there like this! He’d leave and call in sick, say he suddenly caught one of those twenty four hour bugs and leave without saying anything. He’d have all night to plan something, figure this all out.

Susan was right; he was such a loner barely any of the upper management knew him outside of the scandals with Susan. If there wasn't any footage of her putting the amulet in his desk then what was he going to do to prove it was her. As miserable as he was right now it would be ten times worse if he didn't have a job and ended up on the streets. He took a deep breath and walked hurriedly out of the bathroom and toward his desk, he just needed to grab his phone, bag and the amulet and get out. Nobody ever paid attention to his desk so maybe he could-

“Oh my gosh, Greg you really did it I thought you were joking.”

Susan's voice was like a knife to the heart. She was cunning as always, saying the words just loud enough that everybody heard while not being obvious that she wanted them all to hear. He froze, watching as every eye turned to him, in his ill fitting clothes, tits threatening to break through his thin shirt, nipples on full display.

“I never thought you’d really go to all that trouble to track down a hag just to transform yourself.” Susan cooed, “I know we don't get on but I want to say congratulations, it’s hard coming out like this, especially at work!”

“N-no I'm not…” He stammered, a cold sweat formed on the back of his neck, “It was you! Y-you did this I…I…”

“Me?” Susan blinked with mock innocence, “What do you mean?”

Everybody was whispering now, his humiliation levels kept rising. Greg had never felt more embarrassed in his life. He couldn't take it. He ran, not even bothering to clock out as he rushed out of the office and down the street. It wasn't just embarrassment flooding his system though it was anger. Susan had gone too far this time. If she thought he would just roll over and take this he was dead wrong. He was going to get his revenge; Greg was not going to rest until Susan was as humiliated as he was right now.


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