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Tier reward story for Kilandra

Charlotte goes shopping for new underwear and finds herself at the mercy of the shops kinky employee.


It was the early hours of the morning by the time the party wound down and Charlotte was exhausted and sore in all the best ways. She’d never experienced anything quite like that, being passed from one person to the next like some sort of sex toy; it had been intoxicating. When she finally managed to locate her clothing and walk out she almost winced as his pussy pulsed with a dull ache. Unlike the one she was used to though, this one filled her with gratification rather than need. She stepped out onto the front porch and noticed Nina standing down by the street, drink in hand looking bored.

“Done whoring yourself out?” She asked with only a small amount of actual annoyance, “You know I was looking forward to this and I had to spend half the night in the kitchen just to avoid that little display you were putting on.”

“Maybe I got a bit carried away.” Charlotte blushed before turning sombre, “I had to make the most of it. This spell never lasts as long as I want it to.”

Nina raised an eyebrow.

“How long would it last, were it up to you, Charlie?”

Charlotte hesitated for a moment but the use of that name pushed her over the edge. She looked at the ground, hugging her arms tightly around her torso and whispered.


Nina swore under her breath and took a deep drink before throwing the bottle away before walking right up to Charlotte’s blushing face and studying it. After a few long moments her brow furrowed and her eyes filled with sympathy.

“You really mean it.”

She nodded.

“I want to stay Charlotte…all the time. Not just for sex.”

Nina sighed and then, much to Charlotte’s surprise, hugged her. A lump formed in her throat and her eyes began to sting as she returned the gesture, letting Nina stroke her hair comfortingly.

“Making the spell permanent will be hard but until I figure it out, me and the rest of the coven will take turns keeping it going.”

“You mean it?” Charlotte beamed, “Really?”

“Have fun explaining this to mom and dad next time they’re in town.” She teased, “That’s all you.”

“Oh thank you Nina! Thank you.”

She bounced on her toes, revelling in the feeling of her curves moving with her. Soon that would be a permanent part of her body! She could spend all night dancing alone in her room experimenting with just how much she could make these curves jiggle.

“We’ll need to get you new clothes.” Nina said as they walked toward the nearest taxi rank.

A girly shopping trip, getting to try on all sorts of fun outfits, seeing her new sexy body in all kinds of regalia; it sounded like Heaven. She could even wear some more of the ladies panties she'd already bought and now they'd fit properly! Oh, and she could get her own bra! Charlotte felt as though she was walking on air.


When she woke up the next morning with a slight ache between her legs and sore boobs from the night before Charlotte couldn't help but grin. She still had her sexy bimbo body! She was so happy she actually squealed for joy, rolling around in the sheets trying to memorise what each patch of soft skin felt like being rubbed against the surfaces. Never in her life had she felt so at home in her own body; even doing something as simple as sitting up in bed was exciting and wonderful; feeling her peach shaped ass sink into the mattress and her tits hang against her chest. She cupped them happily, revealing in the sensation of the over sensitive skin tingling beneath her fingers; her body still hadn't recovered from the overstimulation of last night. Immediately she jumped to her feet; today was to be her first proper day as a girl and she was going to make the most of it. Without hesitation she jumped in the shower, letting the water flow over her curves and soaking her long blonde hair. Picking out something to wear started off easy, as she slipped on a pair of frilly white panties she had purchased a few days ago while still a man but the rest of her clothing was all distinctly ungirly. She pouted, looking over the jeans and shirts available to her. Nothing even remotely form hugging and the idea of having such a spectacular body and not being able to show it off felt criminal. In the end, she decided on her tightest jeans and smallest shirt, liking the way it stretched across her front tightly enough to show her nipples. Nina groaned when she walked into the kitchen.

“First things first we are getting you a bra before you get arrested for public indecency.” She sighed.


It was amazing how a simple change of perspective could alter how you see a place. As Charlie, she had never much cared for shopping or going to the mall but now, walking into that glittering, shiny series of shops felt magical. Nina grinned at her beaming face; looking genuinely happy for her new sister and letting the excitement infect her as well.

“Alright, first things first, you are desperately in need of underwear.” She announced, taking Charlotte by the wrist and dragging her away from the display of party dresses. “Your tits are basically out, it’s embarrassing.”

Charlotte blushed, noticing for the first time that people were staring. She couldn't help but smile back at them though only for Nina to scoff.

“Seriously? How did I never notice how much of an attention whore you are?” She giggled, “Then again, considering how you acted last night, maybe just straight whore is more apt.”

Charlotte went beet red; both humiliated by the comment and loving it at the same time.

“I can’t help myself.” She demurred, Nina just rolled her eyes.

“Here we are,” Nina said as they arrived in front of a chic looking boutique themed in black and white. “One of my coven works here, ask for Georgie.”

Nina’s eyes narrowed as a playful smile formed on her lips before adding.

“She was very interested in you when you first came to the library.”

“You’re not going to help?” Charlotte called as she walked across the mall toward the food court.

“Georgie will take good care of you.” She waved over her shoulder, “Besides, I have seen enough of you parading around in the last twenty four hours, thank you very much.”

She said the last part loud enough that other shoppers turned to look, eyes boring into Charlotte in judgement. Even though she was too far away she was sure she could hear her sister cackling while she stood there blushing before turning on her heels and walking inside.

The sight made her gasp; the chic black styling continued inside but was offset by a veritable forest of colours; every hue and shade was accounted for as well as just about every fabric. A shop filled to the brim with lingerie; it was so beautiful it made Charlotte want to weep. Where would she even begin? Full of wonder she walked through the racks and shelves until she happened upon the register where a dark haired woman with the brightest blue eyes she had even seen was standing looking bored. Upon seeing Charlotte she immediately started smiling; not the phoney ‘I just spotted a customer and have to look professional’ smile, but a genuine one. That grin only got wider as her eyes raked up and down Charlotte's form, lingering uncomfortably long on her nipples which were stiff from arousal thanks to all the teasing she had endured on the walk over.

“You must be Charlotte,” The woman said, stepping out from behind the counter to reveal a body almost as curvaceous as Charlotte’s own. “I’m Georgie, such a pleasure to officially meet you outside of that back room.”

Charlotte nervously stuck out her hand and shook the other woman’s, Georgie’s nails scraped along her skin making it tingle in the most delicious way.

“You look like you're in dire need of a bra.” Georgie teased, “Come on, I have just the thing. Nina has told me all about you, how you get off on people humiliating you, that if you get too embarrassed you turn into a slutty mess who can't help but cum.”

Warmth bloomed between Charlotte’s legs at the words, she ducked her head in shame in an effort to hide her red cheeks but it was no use. Georgie tucked her fingers beneath her chin and forced it up to look at her.

“I have the perfect thing for you.” She purred, “Go strip off. Totally.”

She pointed one painted nail toward the dressing rooms and, as if in a trance, Charlotte found herself walking toward it. With each step her legs brushed her sensitive pussy folds together increasing her arousal and soaking her panties. She closed the curtain and began to strip off, being almost totally naked by the time Georgie returned holding a bundle of hot pink material.

“Oh wow, look at you, already ruining your underwear.” She scoffed, reaching for Charlotte’s hips and yanking the panties down. There was an audible slick sound as the wet fabric peeled away from hair and skin and Charlotte gasped in pleasure as her folds were tugged.

“I’m glad I bought the largest size we have.” She smiled, holding up the bra.

It was not what Charlotte was expecting; no pretty lace or ribbons at all much to her disappointment. Rather the hot pink bra was made of some kind of smooth, shiny plastic that didn’t look particularly comfortable.

“I was…hoping for something a little cuter.” She admitted slowly.

“Something with pretty lace swirls and ribbons?” Georgie raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘how predictable’. “No, this is much better, trust me.”

She wiggled a finger in a circle and Charlotte obediently turned to face the mirror, watching as Georgie reached around to heft her huge tits into the rubbery bra. It was tight, squashing her hard nipples back into her breasts and pushing them up so much she was basically all cleavage. She looked nice, she had to admit, but the bra had these irritating bumps at the side of her tits that dug into the skin.

“What are these?” She asked, awkwardly positioning herself to point at them.

“Those are what makes this set so fun.” Georgie replied, holding up what appeared to be a remote with two buttons. She pressed her thumb down on one and the bumps in Charlotte’s bra began to buzz and slowly move.

Like a self massager the balls rolled and moved across her bra, she watched, fascinated, as they swirled along the curve of her breasts massaging the skin. It felt so lovely after all the rough hands of last night, Charlotte couldn’t help but moan as they passed over her nipples. The vibrations sent pleasure sparking through her entire body and she was forced to brace her palms on the mirror to keep her balance as she began to gasp and shudder.

“Now for the panties…”

Charlotte watched in the reflection as Georgie stretched out a matching pair of pink, rubbery panties. Unlike normal underwear though, there was a small protrusion right in the middle. A dildo, that would be pushed up and into her once those panties were on her.

“Oh…” Charlotte breathed, “Oh yes please.”

She lifted each foot in turn, stepping into the panties and quivering in anticipation as Georgie slowly lifted them up her legs. The protrusion met little resistance as it parted her folds and Charlotte wailed in pleasure as Georgie snapped the rubber panties in place at her hips. The sting only added to her bliss and she bucked her hips back against air in an effort to get the dildo deeper inside her.

“Want me to press this button, little whore?” Georgie teased, thumb hovering over the bottom button.

“Oh yes, please! Please!”

“Shhh now, you’ll disturb the other customers.” Georgie cooed, placing her free hand on Charlotte’s ass cheek and stroking. “That’s a good girl, cum quietly for me.”

There was a click as she pressed down on the button and Charlotte had to bite her lip to stop the sounds from escaping. The dildo inside her was vibrating, pulsing every few seconds as Georgie pressed her finger to the base over and over again causing it to gently rock inside her.

“Just think, you can wear these all the time under your clothes.”


“I could turn them on or off at any time…”

“Yeeeees! Oh ah…ahhh…”

“I could make you cum in the middle of a crowded room at any point.”

“Oh God, fuck yes! YES!”

Charlotte was cumming, staring at her own flushed face in the mirror while Georgie let the toys pleasure her. She didn't let up, if anything she turned up the power; Charlotte could do nothing but cum and cum as the vibrations continued until her legs failed and she found herself on her knees, moaning and shivering while Georgie watched on.

“I think this shopping trip is going to take a long time.” She chuckled.

Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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