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Commissioned by AmazingGamer17

After seeing what appears to be a panther in the wild, young, hot Emma decides to go home and do some research only to stumble upon an animal hypnosis website and become ensnared by a trance.


Emma looked out over the river, breathing in the deep mountain air and letting it out with a contented sigh. All around her nature was flourishing; the gentle breeze made the long grass gently brush against her ankles, over the ridge she could hear the bubbling of the brook as it flowed and the air was alive with birds and insects all going about their simple lives. Moving to this middle of nowhere mountain town had been the best decision she’d ever made. Her little cabin was nice and private with the surrounding woods providing ample entertainment. Gone was her high stress office job and instead she got to spend her days working remotely and exploring the mountainside. She’d become so adept at this that she had long abandoned the trails, choosing instead to venture deeper into the forest to explore the wild. She had seen everything from wild deer to simple frogs and kept a detailed record of all of them in her notebook.

She had it open on her lap right now, quickly writing down the distinctive wing patterns and colour of the bird she had just spotted so she could look it up when she got back home. She was still as the stone she sat upon and perhaps this more than anything is why the creature did not seem to mind her presence. One moment she was looking at the bird and then the next, it was gone, high in the air having been spooked by…something. She looked around, expecting a deer or perhaps even hoping for a long wolf as she was yet to meet any. Instead the face of a large dark cat appeared from beneath the undergrowth and began to stalk its way across the open plain before her.

Emma could hardly believe her eyes; a mountain lion? No, this giant cat had sleek black fur and was much larger than any mountain lion. She held her breath in wonder watching the beautiful creature as it stalked another bird. Its long tail moved silently through the grass, its ears pressed forward . Emma knew she should be afraid, such a beast could rend her easily with those razor sharp claws, but she wasn’t. This was her mountain and she knew better than to disturb it, plus she was down wind, it wouldn’t notice her unless it turned around or she made a sound. She stayed silent, watching the beast until it moved on, disappearing as silently as it came and Emma let out the breath she had been holding.

Were there panthers in North America? Surely not. Her heart was racing with excitement and she leapt to her feet and began to run back to the house. Perhaps she had made a rare discovery! If it really was a panther, she could take her camera next time and try to find it. From office worker to nature explorer extraordinaire! She simply could not wait to start researching.


Just as she thought; there was nothing about panthers on her North America Unleashed, her favourite nature website. It listed everything nature related in the country, from animals and their locations to plants, mountains and ecology reports. No matter what she searched though, there was nothing about panthers. She even looked over the mountain lion page in excruciating detail looking for any mention of black mutations or the like. Nothing in their photo gallery looked like the creature she saw. At least until she had scrolled right now to the bottom of the page where a cat with a black face and slightly glowing eyes stared back at her. At first she was delighted only for that elation to evaporate almost instantly as she realised it was just an ad.

Normally the ads on Unleashed were for hiking gear or hotels, occasionally the generic singles in your area stuff that found its way onto every website but she had never seen this particular giph before. The panther stared at her as the background swirled, the words ‘Panthers Now Added!’ flashing across the screen. Normally, she wouldn't ever risk clicking on one of those pop up ads, they were never what they seemed but something about the background made the ad oddly mesmerising. She found her mouse hovering over those words and pondering them, panthers now added? What did that mean? Perhaps it was an ad for another nature website talking about the release of wild panthers in her area? It might explain what she saw. She clicked on it and blinked in surprise as the website loaded. It looked old, with blocky writing and bright blue hyperlinks, in each of the corners a small swirling spiral.


“Yeah…this isn’t a nature website.” Emma sighed, somewhat disappointed.

What on earth was animal hypnosis anyway? Some sort of furry thing? She had heard about such fetishes in passing of course, what adult on the internet hadn’t, but she couldn't say it was something she agreed with. She moved to close the window but her eye fell on the spiral in the corner just below the X; it turned slowly and smoothly, whatever giph this was, it was far better quality than the other images on the page which looked like they had been uploaded in the 90s. She found herself pondering the concept more; she supposed she could understand it. The whole furry thing, after all, even she could admire that sleek, feline body as it moved through the grass. The way its muscles were so cleanly defined; the creature was so beautiful, so powerful, if she had a body like that she could do all sorts of things. What would it be like, she wondered, to have that mass of strong muscles atop her, tails swishing between her legs.

To her shock, Emma found herself wet, a familiar ache forming between her legs. Was she getting turned on thinking about…panthers? She immediately blushed; god how embarrassing! She wasn't into that, no way; not that there was anything wrong with it of course she just….it wasn’t for her. But maybe….maybe she could just watch one video. To laugh at it of course she wouldn't get off on the idea! It was just so silly she wanted to watch the video and make fun of it. Yeah. That was all.

Before she knew it she was scrolling until she saw the word panther and clicked the link. The screen turned fully black before a white spot appeared in the centre. That spot spread, twirling and whirling around until a simple black and white spiral formed that filled her entire screen; and her entire vision.

“See, this is…so…silly.” She mumbled, her eyes feeling heavy, “Who would ever find this sexy?”

The sound of deep purrs filled her speakers and Emma felt her whole body going limp; this was it, some growling and a spiral? How dumb did this website think she was, you’d need more than that to hypnotise her. The fact that she couldn't look away was…it was her choice, yeah, the spiral just so happened to be really pretty to look at. She liked looking at it. SO much.

“So pretty…”

The noises were…nice too. That deep, guttural sound of a big cat; she swore she could almost feel that hot breath on her neck and it made her shiver.

“You are a panther,” Came a voice, “Sleek, strong and beautiful.”

A soft sigh escaped her, it would be so wonderful if that was true.

“You can feel your powerful muscles rippling beneath your soft fur. It feels so nice to have somebody stroking that fur. You can feel it now can't you, those soft fingers stroking down your spine, all the way to your tail.”

She could, gentle like a lowers those hands stroked over her skin making all the hairs there stand on end. She had never been so aware of the tiny hairs on her body before but now she swore she could feel them all, almost like fur. Soft, sleek fur that was black and night and slowly being patted.

“Your tail is between your legs, feel it sway.”

She did, shifting her hips ever so slightly; this was so realistic, she could even feel that tail tickling her inner thighs. The sensation made her quiver as more wetness began to soak into her panties as she sat, blank faced and staring at the screen.

You are a hunter, on the prowl not for food but a mate. You’re in heat, it makes you so desperately horny.”

“OoooOooh fuck…”

Was it…was this video working? She should turn it off, she didn't want to get turned on by panthers. Beautiful, strong panthers who could do anything they pleased, they could fuck all day long if they wanted to...she wanted that, she wanted it so badly. Her insides were burning with need, hips still rutting against air helplessly as the spiral began to speed up.

“You can feel it, your strong girthy cock. You are a male panther on the prowl, in desperate need of a mate. Your balls are swelling, so full of seed it almost hurts. You must mate. You must mate. You must mate.”

“I must mate!”

She repeated it over and over as the spiral began to move quicker. She so desperately wanted to grab her cock and pump. She didn't question how it was there but she could feel it; her balls too, the tip of her tail lashing between her legs occasionally brushing against them creating pure ecstasy.

“The next time you see a horny woman, your mating instincts will take over. Your musk will draw them in. You will mate.”

“I will mate!” Emma wailed, she was so close to the edge, she needed to cum so badly it was almost painful.

There was a deafening roar from her speakers, a male panther claiming his prize and she fell over the edge. She came hard and fast, squirting slickness into her panties until the moisture soaked through to her jeans. Her hand went to her crotch but there was no cock, only a mound which pulsed with pleasure as she came down from the high of the orgasm.

“Oh fuck that was…oh wow.”

Emma turned bright red; she could not believe she had just done that! She’d gotten off on a furry website of all things! The screen had returned to normal, the video hyperlink now purple and calling her. She slammed her finger down on the mouse and closed it to remove the temptation. Her pussy pulsed, a little voice in her mind still repeating those words.

‘You must mate. You must mate.’

It was a good thing that it was just a fetish video. Of course it couldn't really turn her into a hot panther man with a throbbing cock…ready to…to…

She came again


The video seemed to haunt Emma as the days went on. Part of her, the desperate horny part, wanted to watch it again but she resisted. She was not into that stuff, it was just a one time thing. The fact that she went out every day looking for that panther again had nothing to do with it. She just wanted to see a beautiful animal in the wild, that's all. It wasn't like she wanted to ogle those rippling muscles or maybe even hear it roar. Just because it was a rare and beautiful sight.

She spent hours looking in the mirror. Before, Emma would not have considered herself vain but she just couldn't stop looking at herself and feeling as though something was missing. Her wonderful auburn hair had always been one of her favourite features but now it looked…wrong. The temptation to drive into town and buy black hair dye and a straightener was strong. There was at least one thing that gave her comfort though, her eyes. Green just like the panther’s had been. AT night she would close her eyes and imagine being magically transported into that body. Her brilliant green eyes, more at home in that feline form than her human body.

After almost a week of this she was starting to feel like a caged animal. Even when she went outside there was something constantly buzzing in the back of her mind. No matter how much she exercised she could never quite tire herself out. Nature no longer sustained and invigorated her anymore, there was something missing and not being able to figure out what was driving her mad. She was pacing in the living room when the doorbell damn near gave her a heart attack. She’d been so worked up the last few days she hadn't even paid attention to the date. It was the third Friday of the month; that meant movie night with Felicia and she was hosting. Thankfully, her pantry was still fully stoked so Felicia would never know she forgot. At least this might be the distraction she needed.

“Hey Felicia.” She smiled, opening the door so her friend could come inside.

Felicia smiled, holding up the DVD she had bought for them to watch but Emma barely glanced at it. Instead her eyes were drawn to Felicia’s hair; silky smooth and black just like a panther.

“Uh, hello?”

Emma blinked.

“Sorry, did you say something?”

“Yeah.” Felicia made a face, “I asked how you were, you just opened the door, what on Earth made you immediately space out?”

“Oh it’s just been a long day.” Felicia demurred, closing the door and watching as Felicia walked down her hall to the lounge room. Her long ponytail swayed from side to side just like a tail and unconsciously, Emma’s hips began to do the same.

Felicia was talking again, Emma tried so hard to focus on the conversation but she was sure her responses were stilted and awkward. No matter how hard she tried to focus, that little voice kept chanting.

‘You must mate. You must mate.’

The hairs on her arms stood on end, she felt almost lightheaded as she sat down while Felicia popped the DVD into the TV and started to fiddle with the remote. She paused for a moment, sniffing the air.

“Do you smell that?”

“Small what?” Emma asked in a strained tone.

“I don’t know this sort of…I don’t know musk? Like guys cologne or something.”

She started to breathe in deeper and Emma felt a small shiver dance down her spine. She watched as Felicia’s nipples became visible through her shirt and Emma’s did so as well in turn. Felicia seemed to realise what was happening and blushed, crossing her arms over her chest to hide her arousal

“It sort of reminds me of a guy I once dated.” She laughed uncomfortably, sitting down on the couch right next to Emma.

The movement set something alight inside her. Emma felt as though her blood was boiling; the strongest, most intense bout of arousal she had ever experienced struck her like a bolt of lightning.

‘Mate. Mate. Mate.’

Felicia continued to turn pink, her legs squirming. Somebody might mistake it for discomfort but Emma could smell it, her friend was getting turned on by the smell. The smell coming from her. The voice from the video echoed through her mind.

“The next time you see a horny woman, your mating instincts will take over. Your musk will draw them in. You will mate.”

It couldn't be true, surely. The hypnosis might have ensnared her, turned her on, made her so painfully horny but it couldn't make her produce musk, right? Yet the evidence was right in front of her, as Felicia became more and more distracted, her eyes blown wide, looking at the tv screen unseeing as she tried to fight her arousal. She was so distracted in fact she didn't even notice Emma wasn’t watching the movie at all, she was staring at Felicia’s body. Her beautiful, sexy body. Emma had never been attracted to girls before but right now she wanted to taste that body so badly.

Then it happened.

Another bolt of arousal, this one strong enough that a gasp escaped her and her whole body curled in on itself. The burning in her veins spread to her muscles and she watched as beneath her clothes they began to shift and change.


“Emma? What’s wr-agh!”

She fell onto all fours on the floor, back arched inwards as she felt her spine begin to stretch, pressure just above her ass began to build until her body couldn't take it. A long, black tail began to sprout, appearing above her shorts waistline and growing till it was long and hanging between her legs. Her thighs and arms bulged, shirt and shorts ripping as her muscles expanded and smooth, short black fur began to sprout from her skin. It felt so good, pleasure mixing with pain in a way that left her breathless and her mind foggy. Felicia was on her feet, stumbling back in shock until she tripped and fell, legs splayed.

“Wha-what is happening why…why is it turning me on… Oh god! W-why do you look so hot?”

Emma watched as if in a trance Felicia’s hands drifted to the front of her skirt, slipping beneath the folds to touch herself as she watched Emma change. Emma grit her teeth together, a deep, guttural growl escaping her as a territorial surge passed through her. Felicia shouldn’t be touching herself, it was her job to pleasure her! She could do nothing to stop it though, only watch as her ears turned round and furry and her face became feline. Her beloved curves melted away into hard muscle leaving her chest flat and broad. Normally, this would make her feel robbed, horrified even but the stretching burn in her muscles just felt too damn good for her to care. She opened her mouth and groaned as her face lengthened and she felt whiskers form on either side of her nose. In an attempt to stop the sounds escaping Emma bit down on her lip only to gasp at the sharp fangs that nearly pierced her skin. Her nails were lengthening as well, the ips taking on an ever so subtle curve that mimicked a cat's claws.

The film was still playing but as the scene turned dark she could see her reflection on the screen for just a moment. A humanoid, panther was staring back at her; rippling muscles and sleek fur, it was everything she had been fantasising about. Just looking at her own reflection for that brief second seemed to make her insides ache with need.

She was so horny, so fucking horny she needed to cum right now but then…another pressure, inside her this time. Deep inside her that pressure built and a new primal instinct filled her. She pushed, wailing in pleasure as she felt something slipping down through her as her cock appeared between her legs. Replacing her pussy was a great dark pink girth. As she pushed, it just kept coming, hard and ready to plunge into a waiting pussy. It was so large Emma worried she might break a regular woman in two and with every push her balls inflated to match. Her clothes were now shredded, having been pulled apart by her expanding size and muscles. Her sandals were nothing but strips of brown leather on the ground.

By the time the transformation was complete she was breathing heavily; her full balls hanging below her tail as it lazily flicked back and forth. Felicia was still sitting a few feet away, furiously masturbating with wide eyes.

“I…I can’t s-stop.” She mumbled, “I can’t look a-away.”

Emma got to her feet, stumbling a little as she adjusted to her new centre of gravity. Her body had so much more bulk now and as she stretched she sighed happily feeling them all stretched and burned. She felt as though she were high; she had so much energy buzzing beneath her skin she swore she could feel it vibrating and part other wanted to take to the wild and run until she couldn’t anymore. She did not though; because there was one urge stronger, the call to mate.

She breathed deep as her senses expanded; she could hear the sound of Felicia’s fingers slipping in and out of her wet hole, smell her juices, taste them in the air. That surge of territorial rage thrummed inside her and in two quick strides she was before the woman and grabbing hold of her wrist to stop her. Felicia shuddered, her face flush and body trembling from pleasure.

“I…” Emma cleared her throat, shocked by how guttural and deep her voice sounded now. “I must mate. I need to mate.”

Felicia gasped as Emma leaned close, burying her new muzzle deep in the crook of the woman’s exposed neck and drinking in her scent. She could smell her lust, her desire, mixing with Emma’s own musk.


“Yes…must mate…need to mate.”

Her tail began to lash, her rough tongue snaking out to lap at Felicia’s skin as a deep rumble filled her chest.

“O-Ooooh okay. Let’s mate.” Felicia sounded almost drunk, perhaps she was on Emma’s musk. She had no idea how this worked but right now she didn’t care.

It was so difficult to pull away but she knew she had to, though Emma couldn't resist giving her new partner the lightest of nips with her new fangs. Not enough to break the skin, just enough to assert her dominance and judging from the way it made Felicia moan; she liked it. With hawk-like precision and gentleness that surprised even her, Emma shredded Felicia’s clothes. Cutting them off her like ribbons to reveal her dark olive skin. Once she was fully naked, sat in a pile of fabric scraps Emma took one of those powerful clawed hands and ran them through Felicia’s hair, undoing the silky black braid and letting it fan around her face.

With hands trembling with excitement and anxiousness, Delicious reached for her, running her fingers along the smooth planes of Emma’s chest and patting her fur.

“So soft…” She mumbled, “But s-so strong.”

The touch sent a thrill through Emma and she started to purr; were it not for the painful ache in her balls she would love to sit here and let Felicia stroke every inch of her new furry body. No longer fighting it Emma fully gave in to her new bestial instincts and with gentle but firm hands turned Felicia on her back, running her hands down her sides until they reached on her hips, large thumbs brushing against her ass. It was round and dark with rushing blood and Emma growled as she forced those hips up so that her friend’s pussy was fully presented toward her.

Her cock was aching, already leaking from the tip as she climbed over Felicia’s body. She used one hand to hold herself up, the other slipped beneath her human woman’s form to cup at her breast. They were so soft and lovely; she had picked a wonderful mate. Her tip pressed against the warm wet folds and Emma could no longer hold back. Giving no heed to her size she thrust inside causing Felicia to cry out. Even with the force of her thrust; Emma was only half sheathed; Felicia was simply too tight. With a growl she slowly began to push in further as Felicia’s pussy clenched and pulsed around her, clearly over-stimulated and stretched to the limit.

“Oh fu-fuck Oh god, I can't take it!” She wailed, “S-so good, fuck, more! Ah!”

Emma couldn't stop now even if she wanted to. When her balls finally came to rest against Felicia’s backside she roared; the tightness around her was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Every inch of her cock was being squeezed and pleasured and yet it wasn't enough; she began to rut. At first she pulled all the way out before slamming back inside but soon her vision fogged with pleasure and she could only manage short thrusts; her balls slapping against her mate with every thrust. The wet sound of their mating filled the air along with their scents and it spurred Emma on. She plunged in with greater speed and force; squeezing Felicia’s breast in time with her hips movement.

Her mate’s body shuddered, convulsing as she came and squeezing Emma’s cock ever tighter. A deep, guttural roar of ecstasy escaped her feline lips as she too came. Her balls tightened and soon she was pumping hot seed deep into Felecia’s womb. Even this seemed to pleasure the woman as she continued to cum and moan throughout. The intensity of the pleasure had Emma seeing stars and the hand she used to brace herself almost slipped on the floor. And yet, as the high of orgasm faded she realised she was nowhere near satisfied. Her balls were still aching and full, her blood still thrumming with electricity and wild passion.

‘You must mate. You must mate!’

Felicia’s inner walls were still pulsing with residual pleasure, rhythmically squeezing at random intervals slowly teasing Emma’s cock back to full hardness. As she became stiffer Felicia began to moan.

“Oh, I c-can feel it getting h-haaa ah, ahhh.”

Emma lowered her mouth down to Emma’s neck, nipping and licking along her skin. Her senses seemed heightened by the recent orgasm and now she could smell and taste even more than before. She could smell Felicia’s desperation, her hesitancy to go again even though her body was screaming for more; it was intoxicating.

Emma gripped her breasts hard, making Felicia gasp and her whole body quiver which sent a bolt of pleasure through her body. Fully hard once more and full of primal need Emma’s hips began to rock, gently at first then harder and harder. Felicia threw back her head, arching her neck in such a way that Emma could not help but bite down on it, lightly but firmly, holding her in place as she continued to rut.

“Oh ah! Ah! I-I’m going t-toooo ooooooooahhhhh!”

Emma felt this orgasm even more than the last; Felicia’s pussy squeezed her so tightly it almost hurt. Once more her balls pulsed and began to pump as she came, this time though she didn't stop. Her cock didn't even have time to soften before she was racing toward her third orgasm.

“I can't take it anymore!” Felicia wailed, “It’s too good!”

“Mate. Mate. Mate.”

It was the only word her new mouth could form seemingly, she was lost in a haze that only lifted with each subsequent orgasm only to descend once more. She lost count of how many times she came until finally, after what seemed like years and no time at all, she let out a deep, guttural roar that would likely be heard for miles as she finally pumped the last of her seed deep into Felicia’s pussy. With a final gasp she collapsed atop the woman, both of them breathing heavily. She could feel that Felicia was slick with sweat from the physical exertion and hummed contentedly as it soaked into her fur, drenching her in the scent of a satisfied mate.

That same burn began to form in her muscles and for a second, she thought the heat was descending upon her once more but then she felt the strange stretching sensation from before. She had just enough energy to pull herself out, seed and juices flowing with her out onto the floor. A moment later her girth began to shrink, melting back up into her body as her pussy reformed. After such gratification she almost felt empty without her cock as balls and a whine escaped her throat.

She was too exhausted to react any further as the fur began to recede back under her skin and the muscles turned to soft curves once more. Like most women, Emma had always enjoyed her rather large breasts but seeing them back on her body now made her feel almost sad. Already she was missing her strong, broad chest from before. She laid on her back and watched with dismay as her tail slowly shortened until one more, she was completely human. For a few minutes neither her or Felicia said anything; both of them had just had the most incredible sex and it had left them dazed. Eventually, with a groan the woman sat and looked at one another with blushing cheeks.

“How…did that happen?” Felicia asked finally, “I don’t know what came over me there was this smell and then I saw you change and I…I couldn’t stop myself.”

“Me either.” Emma swallowed.

Part of her wanted to explain about the video but admitting she had watched one was still so embarrassing. She looked around at the reminder of their clothing and shivered; she had been like a wild animal and what’s more, she loved it.

“Wait here.” She said, wobbling to her feet and making for the bedroom.

If that website had videos that could change her like this, there had to be some sort of trance breaking video right? Something to make her normal again? She typed in the site quickly and immediately began scanning the page for any sign of such a thing. It was so hard to avoid looking at the spirals in each corner, every time she scrolled through the page looking her eyes would slide to them. Each instance lasting slightly longer. Slowly, a thought began to curl around her mind as her eyes glazed over once more. The cure, it was so obvious, she just had to watch the panther video again; she wasn't sure why but she was sure that would fix her. Slowly her mouse hovered above the hyperlink and then, totally forgetting her friend downstairs, Emma clicked the video and let herself fall deeper into the trance.


This is a standalone chapter but if you would like to read more stories set in the universe with this website check out Horsing Around and Complete Bull 

Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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