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Option 5: John - Ass Inflation


John gripped the phials tightly in his palms and looked over to the girls; Portia was standing straight backed with eyes full of fire, her arms crossed over her chest. The woman he knew at college was as stubborn as a donkey, there was no way she would give up on this and both Stacey and Nancy had already taken one for the team. He looked between the two options and swallowed; how bad could ass inflation be? Surely a little extra weight would be lost if he took the plunge and finally started going to the gym like promised he would each New Year. Certainly, it would be easier to deal with than whatever ‘cat Features’ was. The last thing he wanted to deal with was having a tail.

“I’ll do it.” He sighed; Portia nodded, barely managing to keep a victorious smile off her face.

“See, problem solved.” She said flippantly, “Down that and sit so we can get out of here already.”

“You need to drink the next one though Portia,” Nancy said only to flinch and draw back when Portia gave her a withering look.

“Yeah, it’s totally not fair if we have to do everything.” Stacey added.

“Oh, don’t act like you’re not loving having giant tits. If anything, this has only helped you.”

John left them to bicker; he had more pressing matters to deal with and he’d never been one for drawing things out; he’d much rather rip the band aid off. He walked away from the squabble toward the end of the corridor where the weighing seat waited. With each step toward it he felt his heart race increase; the seat was a lot bigger up close than he realised. It was shaped like one of those stools with the curved edges so that your legs had a natural rest, however it seemed to be twice the usual size. He pressed his hands against the cool plastic, pressing it down and making the pole that held up the seat sink into the ground.

“I am in fact, watching John. You didn’t think I would let you get around my little potions that easily, did you?”

“I’d have been an idiot not to try at least.” He sighed, holding up the potion to his lips; now or never.

He gulped it down in one go, surprised by just how bitter it tasted; the least the Game Master could have done was make it taste a bit more palatable. He felt the liquid settle in his stomach and for a few moments, nothing happened. Rather than luring him into a false sense of security though, this pause made him more anxious. He’d seen with his own eyes that these concoctions worked, this delay was just teasing it out. Then he felt it; a strange warm burn in his glutes, almost like a muscle being stretched out. He twisted to try and get a better look and watched as his ass began to grow slowly but surely, like a balloon being inflated. He could feel the skin stretching and muscles swelling and yet, there was no pain. Quite the opposite. The Game Master was right about the dopamine hit because John swore he could feel fingers massaging the growing skin, stretching it out like dough, kneading into the soreness and leaving nothing but pleasure and relaxation behind. A small moan escaped him, enough to alert his arguing companions and draw them closer. He heard their gasps as his cheeks continued to grow, round and bouncy, taking on an almost peach shaped appearance like that of a woman. He could feel his cheeks, both the ones on his face and those of his ass, turning pink with embarrassment; already he was bottom heavy but soon he would have mounds to rival Stacey’s tits! Soon it was so large he couldn’t watch anymore, he was forced to lean forward in order to keep his balance, something he was thankful for because his cock was twitching in response to the artificial bliss surging through his system. If he got hard again, he would never hear the end of it from Portia.

Finally, after what seemed like an age, his ass stopped throbbing with residual pleasure and the growth came to an end. John tried to stand up straight but found himself wobbling and seconds later falling backwards onto his new, cushion-like ass. He blushed with embarrassment seeing just how far off the ground he still was with his new bubble butt. Nancy kindly offered him a hand while Portia and Stacey tried to hide their giggling. He was forced to waddle slightly, bending forward in order to stay upright. More than once he fell forward due to the angle and was forced to push himself up on his fingertips. All the while the two women behind him laughed at his ass jiggling in the air.

“Stop laughing you two, come on.” Nancy chided, “This is embarrassing enough, John made a sacrifice for you, the least you can do is not giggle like a pair of hyenas about it!”

“Hyenas…not a bad idea, Nancy.” The Game Master Mused, “I may need to add a few more potions to the maze…”

“Shut up!” John hissed, finally getting his balance.

The two other women bit their lips and John rolled his eyes. He almost couldn’t blame Stacey for her reaction, she was too dumb to function sometimes and clearly did not understand the gravity of their situation. Portia on the other hand, was a bit of a bitch. Nancy had always been the one in their little group he was the closest to and he gave her a grateful smile before waddling over to the seat and sitting down. The seat depressed and for a moment the sound of whirring gears and clicking metal met their ears before the wall behind him descended, revealing the path forward.

Once again Nancy helped him off the seat while the other two took the lead. With his new rump, his gait was significantly slowed as he wadded down the white corridor. Nancy looked grateful to be at the back where nobody could stare at her newly bouncing breasts, barely contained by the strips of fabric that she called a bra.

“Thank you,” She whispered to him, quiet enough that Stacey and Portia couldn’t hear. “I really didn’t want to drink another one. The first was embarrassing enough.

She tried to cross her arms to cover her chest and found she could not and John looked away respectfully.

“It’s fine.” He lied, trying to pretend he wasn’t dying of embarrassment, “I knew this reunion was going to be a disaster but I never thought it would be this bad.”

“What do you think this guy wants with us?” She asked seriously, John shrugged.

“Some rich guy getting his jollies off no doubt. When you have enough money, I guess golf and lacrosse can only entertain you for so long.”

For a while they walked in silence, Stacey and Portia racing ahead, the former eager to locate some sort of maintenance hatch or other escape route and the latter just trying to appear useful. Each time they came to a crossroads, Portia would instruct them on direction and they agreed, nobody felt like arguing with her, they simply didn’t have the energy. Just as they were turning a corner Nancy whispered to him again.

“…I’m glad you’re here John. You were the only reason I decided to come to this reunion.”

“Really?” he blinked in surprise, turning so fast he wound up falling on his ass again.

“Yeah,” She admitted, helping him to his feet, “The truth is, even back in college I found Portia and Stacey a little intimidating.”

“Yeah, I can get that.” He chuckled. God, that felt like forever ago.


John had assumed that, despite the cheesy name, The Freshman Fling would be a good place to finally ‘meet his people’ as it were. He’d floundered in high school but his parents had always assured him that he’d make plenty of friends at college. He was taking a computer engineering course for crying out loud, of course his class would be full of nerds. He was sure he’d be chatting tech and games within the first few minutes. But of course, he had the confidence of a particularly limp noodle and everybody had already grouped up by the time he worked up the courage to start talking. So, the Freshman Fling it was. Surely only other desperate social outcasts would be going to such a thing, he was bound to make at least one friend. Right?

Well, he’d been right about only social rejects attending the event. In stark contrast to the bouncing pop music and streamers decorating the small gym, the party goers were dull and still. Most of them sat around the tables, half heartedly trying to strike up conversations; John included. He was on his third cup of awful tasting virgin punch when he decided enough was enough and walked out. Or tried to at least, instead he managed to smack straight into somebody coming up the stairs and spill what remained of his drink all over both of them. He wiped the sticky fruit juice from his eyes and to hir horror, discovered it was a woman he’d bowled over. A tiny, lithe woman who was now desperately trying to ring punch out of her long hair.

“I knew I should have stayed in my dorm, stupid, stupid!”

“Oh God, I’m so sorry!” John babbled, “I, uh, here!”

He thrust a crumpled napkin at her and the woman stared in shock.

“Crap, I am making this worse, aren’t I?” John winced.

“No, it’s fine.” Her voice was so quiet he could barely hear her, “I guess I won’t go to the fling though.”

“Honestly, you’re not missing out on much.” He offered her a hand and they both got to their feet, “Nothing but losers in there, and I count myself in that number. I’m John, by the way.”

The woman smiled at him from behind her fringe.



“Earth to John!”

He snapped out of his memories to find Stacey looking at him with a pout.

“Are you listening? She complained, “We’ve got another challenge!”

John had been so caught up remembering the fateful night he didn’t even realise they had come to another dead end. Apparently, Stacey and Portia had backtracked each turn they made and discovered this was the only way forward. Unlike before though, this wall was glass, revealing the challenge on the other side; some sort of obstacle course. John could see bars set up to be weaved and climbed through, tubes to traverse, a rope bridge across a pit of water and what appeared to be a large rise which could only be scaled by jumping on a trampoline; among other challenges. Already he was sweating; with his new ass he was going to struggle to even fit through some of those tubes, and he didn’t even want to think about how stupid he would look jumping on a trampoline. Stacey pressed herself against the glass, huge tits crushing against herself.

“Oooh! That looks fun!” She grinned, “Come on Portia, drink the potion so we can give it a go!”

Portia pulled a face like she had just sucked a lemon; a distinctive phial in her hand no doubt picked up from the small table in the corner.

“No.” She said finally, “I don’t care if it’s not ‘fair’, I won’t drink this stuff, especially not…this!”

She threw it at them, the little bottle hitting John in the chest where he fumbled to catch it. Breathing a sigh of relief that it hadn’t broken; he pulled the label up to read it and did his best to hide his smirk.


No need to ask what that would do. The three of them looked at her expectantly and Portia just crossed her arms in pure stubbornness.

“I won’t!” She yelled, like a child throwing a tantrum, “I will not drink it! You can’t make me! I refused to partake in this stupid game, you hear me Game Master! I won’t do it!”

She stamped her foot on the floor and the rest of the group all looked to one another uncertainly. This was the only way forward, somebody had to do it.


If you are wondering why on Earth these three were ever friends with Portia, do not worry. The backstory of these four will be slowly revealed as the story continues, how quickly it all comes out is up to you!

Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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