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College is a wild time; a time when people really do believe their friendships will last forever. So when Stacey had suggested they meet up again in five years time at their favourite bar it had sounded like a great idea. At the time. When that date finally arrived though and John got the message in his inbox he groaned; it had been years since he had spoken to the girls who had once been his closest confidants and the idea of playing catch up, listening to how great all their lives were compared to his sad existence sounded like hell. So, when he awoke the next morning with a throbbing headache and no memory past entering the bar itself, he assumed things had gone poorly.

John groaned and clutched at his head; just how much did he drink last night? It had been years since he was this hungover. He blinked open his eyes and was met with a stark white ceiling instead of his familiar dingey grey one. Confused he sat up, surprised to find himself in nothing but his boxers laying on the floor of a room he did not recognise. Beside him were three women, all in a similar state of undress, groaning and rubbing at their temples. Were the situation a little less ominous John would almost feel proud; it was not every day he woke up with any woman, let alone three.

What the fuck had happened last night?

“John?” The blonde one mumbled, “Tha’ you?”

It had been years since he saw Stacey in person but she was just as gorgeous as ever; her platinum blonde hair tumbled down her curvaceous form in such a way that even in this confused state she looked like she belonged on the front cover of a magazine. Well, she would were it not for her lack of clothes. Her pink bra and panties barely covered her generous breasts and ass and John found himself looking away and blushing profusely.

“Yeah, it’s me Stacey.” he looked past her to the other two women. If Stacey was here it stood to reason the other two were his old friends as well.

“Nancy? Portia? Are you both alright?”

Nancy curled herself into a ball to try and hide her nakedness, a not particularly difficult task considering she barely had any curves to speak of. Portia on the other hand stood quickly, glaring daggers a him!

“If this is some sort of joke, John. It’s not funny, when my daddy’s lawyer hears about this-!”

So she hadn’t changed at all. Not five seconds in and she was already throwing around her influence. John would have laughed were their situation different. Maybe people didn’t change that much after college.

“Woah woah! This isn’t me! I don’t even remember what happened after I set foot in the bar!”

“Oh! Me either!” Stacey gasped, “I thought I was just drunk, y’know?”

She hopped up to her feet, apparently completely unperturbed by her state of undress and began looking around the room with wide eyes. There was nothing but white walls all around, not even a door, they were trapped in a box.

“Somebody must have drugged us at the bar.” Nancy mumbled, running her fingers nervously through her hair over and over. “Oh no, this is so bad…I knew going out was a bad idea. I should have just stayed home like I always do.”

“Oh! Oh!” Stacey began to bounce on her toes, “I watched a documentary about this! It’s like a game with squids or something!”

“Squid Game is a tv show, Stacey you dolt.” Portia rolled her eyes, “It’s not real and we’re not in it.”

“Oh.” She pouted, “That sucks I thought I’d figured something out!”

“You remember the people in that show die, right?” John added.

“Oh yeah.”

“Well, whoever did this they are probably listening and just so you know, this is harassment. I am going to sue the pants off you!” Portia yelled.

Portia was a nightmare when she got ranting, it seemed her infamously short temper hadn’t gone away in the five years since they last saw each other. Not really in the mood to interrupt her, John got to his feet and began inspecting the walls for any sort of seam. They were in here and unless this room had somehow been constructed around them, there had to be an exit somewhere. Stacey tried to help but John had the strong suspicion she was just copying him without actually looking in an effort to seem useful. At one point she was on her hands and knees, ‘inspecting’ a corner John had just finished looking over, with her ass in the air.

“How can you just walk around in your underwear like that?” Nancy whispered, still curled in a tight ball for the sake of modesty.

Stacey just smiled and thrust out her chest.

“If you had my body, wouldn’t you?”

”For God’s sake take this seriously!” Portia snapped. “John, did you find anything?”

He shook his head.

“It’s sealed tight, I have no idea what is going on.”

“Then allow me to enlighten you!”

The voice came from somewhere above them, though exactly where John had no idea. There were no speakers that he could see. The voice was male, on the older side from what he could guess as well and most prominently, smug.

“Welcome to my maze. You may call me The Game Master.”

Portia swore under her breath, Nancy just gave a tiny squeak.

“Why have you bought us here?” Nancy asked nervously.

“For entertainment.” The master replied simply, “You lucky four were the ones to receive my knockout serum in that bar. Now, I have placed you into a labyrinth of my own design, if you can escape, you are free to go.”

“When my father hears-”

“He will hear nothing unless you escape.” The master interrupted and Portia pouted, she was very much not used to being spoken over.

“Ohmigosh, so this is Squid Game!” Stacey gasped, “I was right!”

Nancy whimpered and John went over and laid a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay, I am sure this guy isn’t going to kill us.” He assured her despite not being sure himself.

“Of course not.” The master added, “My maze is simply full of puzzles you must solve to escape but also, choices.”

“Choices?” Portia questioned.

In response, a tiny crack appeared in the floor at the edge of the room and two small cylindrical objects rolled inside. A piece of paper fluttering behind them. John approached and picked it up, surprised to see that it was a small phial containing bright pink, slightly viscous liquid.

“I was a chemist once.” The Master elaborated, “The first little test is easy, two of you must drink that liquid and if they do, the door will open and you will be able to begin your escape.”

John unrolled the paper label and baulked.

“Breast enlargement potion?”

“I have developed hundreds of these little ‘potions’.” The master said gleefully, “Things to change the body and mind, you will need them to escape my various traps and solve my puzzles, I thought I would start you off easy.”

Silence reigned for a few moments before John realised the master had decided to leave it there. He looked to the three women, his former friends and sheepishly offered the two phials out.

“There is no way this is real.” Portia crossed her arms, “I bet that stuff is poison or something, I’m not touching it. No way.”

“I dunno, I don’t think he would lie after all this.” Stacey mused, “What’s the harm?”

Before anybody could react she had snapped up the phial and drained the liquid down. Portia threw up her hands in exasperation and began lecturing the blonde on how she had ruined their chance to take a stand. At first Stacey listened but then she began to shuffle awkwardly in place, shoulders shifting from side to side.

“My uh, my tits feel kinda…funny.” She mumbled, placing a hand on each one and giving them a small squeeze.

It took all of John’s willpower not to pop a boner right then and there. Before Portia could start to lecture her again Stacey gave a low groan and John watched in astonishment as before their very eyes, her breasts began to inflate. Her already generous figure began to double and become almost top heavy, her double D cups almost tripling in size. All the while Stacey moaned, desperately trying to use her hands to support the heaviness as it dragged her over. Her pink bra was straining, lacy material stretched thin enough that her nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric. It was a miracle the clothing didn’t break all together under the strain. That time, John did get a boner.

“John!” Portia scoffed, “Seriously?”

“I’m a man!” He blushed profusely, trying to squash the hard on down with his hands, “It’s only fucking natural.”

“I-I don’t mind.” Stacey smiled awkwardly, “It’s a compliment really-oh God my back! And ooooh, oh guys this actually feels really good.”

She stood up straight but John could tell it took effort; her breasts were simply enormous now and the second phial felt like a white hot poker in his hand. He had always had a thing for Stacey, any man who met her did but hearing her make those noises…damn.

“I don’t think I can drink the other one.” Stacey gasped, “My bra is barely holding on as it is. Give it to Nancy.”

“Me?!” Nancy said shrilly, “Why me?”

“Because, you’ve barely got any boobs.” Stacey said, in the dumb airheaded way that made it clear she had no idea how rude her words were.

Nancy shook her head profusely; John felt sorry for her but in a way, Stacey was right.

“I can’t drink it, I’m a dude, I can't go growing breasts.” He blushed again at the thought, “Stacey won't even be able to walk if hers grow any more.”

“And I will not drink any of these things. I refuse!” Portia crossed her arms in a look of defiance.

John gave Nancy a pleading look.

“It’s just a slightly bigger chest, Nancy. It’s not that bad.”

The woman swallowed and nodded, uncurling her long, thin limbs and standing awkwardly. Her figure was almost boyish, the potion would probably help her more than anything. John gave her a nod of encouragement as he handed over the phial and she took a deep breath and drank it down. Unlike with Stacey, who was already quite gifted in the chest region, the effects were noticeable much faster this time. Nancy gave an indignant squeak as her plain beige bra began to fill, going from a B cup, to a C, to a D rapidly.

“Oh! Oh, that feels so-the skin is stretching!”

“It feels kinda nice doesn’t it?” Stacey smiled dreamily.

“I took the liberty of adding a hit of dopamine with each dose.” Came the master's voice, “To make the change as enjoyable as possible.”

That explained why Nancy’s nipples were hardening to points as the fabric of her bra stretched. Were the situation not so strange, John would have found it comical, how big and bouncy Nancy’s breasts were compared to her flat ass. She wobbled slightly, clutching at the soft skin as she desperately tried to find her balance. All of a sudden she froze, a horrified look on her face before the sound of ripping filled the air.

“Oh no…” She moaned as the back of her bra snapped, leaving only her hands holding the small cups of fabric which now just barely covered a third of her swollen tits. Her face flushed bright pink, clearly her bra was not quite as strong as Stacey’s had been.

“Don’t worry!” The blonde said warmly, “It’s nothing we haven’t all seen before!”

John looked away, trying his best to give her what dignity he could; as he did he watched in amazement as a part of the wall rose up to form a doorway out of their tiny box.

“I guess we just have to keep going till we think of something else.” He shrugged, “Stacey, help Nancy out and Portia and I will go take a look.”

Nancy gave a quiet thank you as Stacey tried to fix the back of her bra and John finally exited the room. He found more white corridors, though the ceiling was now infinitely higher, stretching up well over forty feet. The walls were almost as high and totally smooth, there was no way he could climb them to look out over the rest of the maze and plan the best path, so there went his best plan. The corridor split in two, forming a T junction at their door, to the left there appeared to be a plush looking seat, to the right a wooden pole with…a bell on top? Just visible, hanging from the bell was a note, he had to squint to make it out but he was sure it said ‘ring me’. Before each was a single phial of strange coloured liquid. Portia gave him a look and walked down to the left, leaving him to inspect the other.

The pole stuck out against the stark white; it was covered in rough, thick ropes coiled tightly around it. A tiny, golden bell hung from a bendy stick at the top and it took him a moment to realise why it was so familiar. A scratching post; like the kind he bought for his cat, only four times the size. Picking up the phial and attached note he once again felt his jaw drop.


He flipped over the paper but found no other descriptor. What did that mean? He was so bewildered he didn't even notice Portia until she was at his side, making him almost jump out of his skin.

“Please tell me yours is better.”

“Why?” He turned to regard the stool at her end of the corridor, “What does yours say?”

“...Ass inflation.” She mumbled before leaning over to read his and groaning. “What the fuck, they are both awful. What does it mean, features?”

“Hey uh, Game Master?” John called, “What exactly is the puzzle here?”

Silence. Nancy and Stacey reappeared, having jury rigged the former's bra so that it just managed to cover her nipples. She was blushing profusely and wouldn’t meet any of their eyes but she did take in the scene and various notes gathered between them.

“I think we have to pick one.” Nancy said quietly. “Judging by the items and the potions available I am guessing we either have to have somebody inflate their ass to sit on the chair.” She turned red and swallowed before continuing, “Or gain ‘cat features’ and climb up the pole to ring the bell.”

“Cat features…surely he doesn’t mean fur or anything big like that?” John mumbled, half to himself, “It probably just gives us long nails or something, right?”

There was no way this guy had created a formula to make people into half cat creatures, surely?

“We should do the seat one.” Portia said matter-of-factly, “Stacey can drink it, then at least she won't be so lopsided.”

“She also might not be able to walk with so much…” Nany trailed off, clearing her throat and leaving the implication clear. “Besides, we both already drank some, you or John should do it.”

“No way!”

The girls began to bicker, and John held the phials in his hands, they had to make a choice; which road to take, and who would change in order for them all to get out of here?


Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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