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At first, Ben just assumed that devil had been all bluster; the next day came and went and aside from feeling a little hot under the collar, nothing was different. If he really thought a little fever would stop Ben from working on his debut film, he was dead wrong. But then the day after he started to notice other things; how he flustered easily when his male co-star and he had a romantic scene, how he hyper aware of every touch his body received, how handsome the director was.

So, he was a little horny, that was nothing to a professional like him. He squashed the feelings only to find them rearing their head again and again until finally the big romance scene was set the shoot. He and his male co-star went through their lines; Ben threw himself into the scene, putting as much passion and love as he was able to into each word and then, when it came time for the kiss and their lips met, a real moan escaped him. God, it felt so lovely to be kissed as a woman; to have the man’s arms around him, dipping him slightly as they deepened the kiss. Ben was so lost in the sensations that it was only when James yelled “cut!” that he realised he was sighing dramatically.

He practically jumped out of his co-star’s arms and cleared his throat awkwardly only to be met with a beaming smile.

“That was great!” James cried, the first piece of praise he’d ever given to Ben. “You really sold the passion there. We may not be able to show Peg and her man going at it but those moans, everybody in the audience will know what’s happening when we fade to black.”

“Glad I did well.” Ben choked out, his skin felt like it was on fire, a deep ache was forming between his legs that was highly distracting.

“Let’s take five and do one more take to be sure but I really think that was the one.”

“Another take?” Oh Gods, Ben didn’t think he could do another, his nipples were already so hard he could feel them rubbing the inside his bra. “Excuse me.”

He didn’t wait to be dismissed, rushing to his changing room and locking the door, breathing heavily. He just had to take care of this himself, yeah, that was it. He leaned his back heavily against the door, feeling his breasts rise and fall with each breath. His nipples were so hard they hurt and yet, when he slipped a hand inside to pinch them the added pressure made him moan. With his free hand he gathered his skirt, bunching in under his arm as his trembling fingers plunged into his panties to press against his aching clit. Within seconds he was stroking up and down the folds, tweaking his nipples in time as he bit down hard on his lip to stop any further sounds escaping. It felt so good, the pleasure was already building and he increased his pace and pressure. He knew from experience that it would only take a few seconds for him to cum when he was this turned on, at least in this form he wouldn’t need to worry about clean up.

And yet…he wasn’t. No matter how much he touched, no matter what pressure or speed, he couldn’t cum. His hands were only able to tease out the pleasure but each time he started to crest, something inside him stopped orgasm from coming. He groaned in frustration, an echo of laughter bouncing around his skull from that devil. No voice appeared this time but Ben got the very distinct impression that it didn’t matter how much he touched himself, he would need somebody else to finally be satisfied.

“Taylor?” A voice echoed through the door and he shivered at the baritone.

“Yes?” His voice came out high pitched and faint.

“Are you alright? We’re about to start filming.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Grabbing as many tissues as possible he cleaned off his hands and quickly sprayed perfume across his skin to hide the scent of his juices. The entire afternoon shoot was a nightmare; every time somebody so much as brushed against him, the hormones came roaring back. He was so painfully horny he could barely think straight. It was a miracle he even managed to complete the scenes. Ben was desperate to escape back to his home, the sooner he was alone the better and less tempted he would be to give in to such urges. But of course, fate had other plans.

“Taylor, do you have a minute?” James asked and Ben grit his teeth.

“For the director? Of course.”

“Thank you, I wanted to apologise for what I said and how I have been treating you.” James sighed, “I let gossip get to me, I can see now that you really do have talent, I’m sure those stories about you and Bradley are just slander from some jealous actress who got turned over for the part.”

“Thank you, that means a lot.” He was standing so close. Ben was sure he could feel the man’s body heat. God his lips were right there, one little step and they’d be pressed together…

“I am holding a little party at my place, to celebrate rap up next week. I’d love for you to come. I’ll introduce you to some of my fellows, I know some upcoming pictures you would be perfect for.”

It was an offer Ben had been dreaming of, the opportunities were endless if he took James up on his offer. Yet right now, all he could think of was how soft his hands looked and how nice it would feel to have them between his folds…


“Oh uh, yes that sounds lovely. Sorry I am quite tired, better go. Bye!”

He fled, leaving James blinking in surprise. He had a week to get himself under control; he needed his wits about him for that party. This film was his debut and he needed to follow it up with hit after hit if he was to become the number one star in Hollywood. That meant networking and protecting his reputation as a serious actress; and he couldn’t do that if he spent the whole party lusting after the directors.


The rest of the week was torture. Every day he woke up from dreams of sex to find his panties already soaked. He tired everything to cum, toys, his hands, hell he even humped against a counter at one point but nothing worked. Briefly he entertained the idea of finding a male prostitute but dismissed it almost immediately; he was trying to protect his reputation, not tarnish it. Once the press got a whiff of that he’d be C-grade horror film trash in no time.

It was that knowledge, the knowledge that his reputation as a proper star was on the line that he kept repeating to himself as he exited the limo and the doorman stood just that little bit too close. James Hall’s estate was everything he’d dreamed of as a boy; palatial, beautiful and far too large to be considered practical for one man. It was the mark of true Hollywood success and so long as he could keep it in his pants, he would have one of his own soon enough. The staff showed him into a glittering foyer decorated with lit displays of all James’ successful film posters, the award winners in gilded gold frames. Ben wished he could admire them but he had much bigger problems; this place was crowded, everywhere people were gathered, chatting and walking, no matter how hard he tired he was brushing up against them at every turn. Men and woman alike were setting his desire alight and by the time he’d reached the refreshment table he was so hot under his golden evening gown he was sweating. With a trembling hand he reached for a flute of champagne and downed it before grabbing another, letting the sweet, cool liquid doused the flames inside him.

“Wow, long day?”

Ben spun around to see Frank Gordon smirking at him and he blushed.

“Something like that.” Ben giggled, “It’s my first time in such a place. It’s so much.”

Better to play the wide eyed dreamer girl and be thought of like an innocent than a drunk.

“It’s a lot isn’t it?” He smiled, sipping at his own glass, “Personally, I think it’s a bit hypocritical. James is constantly going on about the evil of the Hollywood machine and yet, he lives here of all places.”

“What’s your house like?’

“Much fancier.”

Ben snorted, sending champagne bubbles into his nose and coughing in a very unlady-like manner. Thankfully, it seemed Frank considered it charming as he laughed good naturedly and gave him a gentle pat on the back. Ben’s dress was open backed; he could feel the slightly rough hand against his bare skin and instantly, his nipples were hard. All Frank had to do was slip his hand slightly to the side and his fingers could be brushing the curve of his breast, he knew from experience in the shower how sensitive the skin there was, what would it feel like to have those strong hands touching him…

“Taylor? Are you alright? You’ve gone red.”

“I’m f-fine.”

He had to get out of here, Frank’s hand was gone but the imprint of heat was still there, burning on his back. He excused himself, downing his second champagne to try and cool himself. He just needed to find James, meet all this director friends and then, mingle for a little bit and he could go. A few hours at most, just long enough to be able to leave without seeming rude. He could do that.

“Watch out!”

Ben only had a second to react, he’d been walking so quickly and not paying attention and by the time he looked up from his feet it was too late; he collided with a waiter. Thankfully, the food on his silver tray fell harmlessly to the floor and not on his lovely new dress. What did fall on him was far worse though; the waiter himself. The man was laying across his whole body, legs tangled between Ben’s and hand pressed by the side of his head. His lips were close enough Ben could feel the puff of hot air against his own.

“O-Oh my Goodness, ma’am I am so sorry!”

The man was gone, scrambling back, half helped by Bradley of all people pulling him by the collar. Berating him for not looking where he was going and assaulting a young woman. Neither of those things were true, anybody with eyes could see Ben had been the one to walk into him but that didn’t matter. He may not have yet made his debut but already he was crossing the line to the side of the elites. If he still had his wits about him, Ben would be loving this moment; he was finally arriving! But as it stood, his pussy was burning, wetness soaking through his panties entirely and threatening to spread to his dress.

Awkwardly he got to his feet and fled the room, hopefully people would just assume he was embarrassed and leave him be. He had to get to a bathroom and clean up before evidence of his state became a permanent stain, both physically and metaphorically. He ran up the stairs, finding the second floor much less crowded and dove into the first door he could find, hoping for a bathroom but instead finding a bedroom. Judging from the lack of personal effects and the empty closet, it was a spare, but thankfully it contained an ensuite bathroom where he could clean himself up. Ben stumbled over to the bathroom, grabbing a handful of tissues from the counter and hiking up his skirt, pressing the bundle against his sopping panties. He groaned as he pressed down on his aching pussy, the pressure only making him produce more slick wetness to add to the problem.

If he could just cum, just once, then maybe this curse would end. It was so tempting to plunge his finger inside and pump it but he knew from experience he would only be torturing himself. He chucked away the wet tissues into the toilet, ready to grab another handful when the sound of somebody clearing throat throat make him freeze.

“I came to see how you were after that little fiasco.”

Bradley, he had a coy smile on his face. His stupid, handsome, sexy as hell face. Memories of the taste of his cock flooded Ben’s tongue as well as the beautiful deep groans he’d made when he was getting close. He could only whimper; why didn’t he lock the door behind him?

“Looks like you have other problems, alcohol get to you, sweetheart?”

He was sauntering over now and Ben was backed against the sink. He needed to run, to get away but his body ached to be touched as when Bradley reached out to grip his shoulder he couldn’t stop himself from leaning into the touch.

“Want some help?”



Bradley wasn’t the sort to look a gift horse in the mouth, the moment the words had left Ben’s lips, Bradley’s were against him. He was forceful, arms wrapping around his lithe body so tightly it was almost painful and Ben loved it. Finally, after so much denial his body was getting what it craved. He couldn’t help himself, he kissed back desperately, pushing his aching crotch against the bulge in Bradley’s pants.


Now that he had finally given in, he couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to be fucked right here and now, on the floor, against the sink, he didn’t care. All he knew was that he needed to cum and he wouldn’t be able to unless he had a cock inside him. He let Bradley strip him, peeling away the soaked panties and tossing the dress aside. The man was still fully dressed and Ben fumbled with his belt buckle, unzipping his fly and immediately whimpering as he took the hot length in his hands; this is what he needed.

“You really are a whore deep down, aren’t you?” Bradley teased, “I think I’ll keep you on the books, so long as your films aren’t big flops, I’ll keep you working just so we can do this again.”

Ben just nodded, letting Bradley pin him down, why was he taking so long? Just fuck him already! He needed it, he needed it so badly. The Devil’s laugher echoed in his mind but he didn’t care, because just as it was fading, Bradley finally pushed inside him. His inner walls stretched, burning in the most delicious way as they parted until finally the tip brushed against the deepest part of his pussy. Ben was in ecstasy, he could only buck his hips and whimper, desperate for more friction. Bradley began to pound into him, hard and fast so that the mattress squeaked. He was so horny and wet there was no resistance left in him, mentally or physically, Ben gave into the sensations, letting them build until finally he was on the edge; his pussy squeeze tight around the cock as he finally, finally came. It was the strongest orgasm of his life, he screamed at the top of his lungs as the release he’d been craving finally came. Bradley continued to fuck him while Ben went limp beneath him, a slave to the sensations.

Gratification filled him for a few moments, peaking as Bradley came deep inside him with a groan but then to his horror; the horniness began to grow once more. Now that he had finally tasted true satisfaction, he couldn’t deny himself for so long again. As Bradley pulled out Ben pushed himself up on his elbows, legs still spread.

“Please, again. I need more.”

He was reaching out one hand when suddenly the door opened and there, silhouetted against the light was the worst possible person; James Hall. Ben flushed; after all that work to get the director to respect him, he’d ruined it.

“I heard Taylor scream.” James croaked, his eyes was glued to Ben’s naked form spread across the bed, seed and pussy juices soaking into the sheets.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Bradley said, voice oozing charm, “But this isn’t what you think, Taylor here is just really horny underneath all that professionalism. I was helping her out.”

James didn’t look like he believed him for a moment, but clearly, he liked what he saw in some capacity because his trousers were beginning to tent; his eyes still on Ben’s naked body. Perhaps he could salvage this relationship and get what he needed. He reached his arm out to James, pleading look upon his face.

“Join us? I need you.”

He didn’t have to try to make his voice desperate, already his pussy was aching to be filled again and with two men he was sure to finally be satisfied, right?

“Please?” He added, “I promise I’ll work your next film for half my salary, a quarter! Just fuck me now.”

What was he saying? What was he doing?

James closed the door, flicking the lock closed behind him; Ben’s heart began to thump and Bradley grinned. Ben got to his hands and knees on the bed, crawling toward the edge and James when two hands held his hips and dragged him back, ass in the air, breasts scraping against the sheets.

“Ah ah ah, you’re staying right here I think.” Bradley teased, swiping his finger between Ben’s folds and making him moan.

James was unbuttoning his trousers, cock already half hard in his hands as he slowly came to press the tip to Ben’s lips. Obediently he opened his mouth, moaning as the familiar flavour of cock filled his mouth. He never knew it could taste so good, he swallowed down the whole length, burying his face into the curly hair around James’ balls. He began to bob, hollowing his cheeks and moaning as Bradley entered him again, thrusting in time with his sucks.

“Fuck, oh fuck her mouth-!”

“Good, isn’t she? I think we’ll make her the studio whore.”

Ben wasn’t listening, his whole body was on fire. It felt wonderful, being penetrated so deeply at both ends. He wished he could use a hand to touch James’ balls at the same time and squeeze them, he knew how good it felt. But Bradley was thrusting into him so hard he’d risk toppling over. He had to choice but to keep sucking, running his tongue along the shaft even as he began to get lightheaded from pleasure. One of them, he couldn’t be sure who, reached beneath him to tweak his nipples as his breasts bounced. It was the last touch he needed to come again, groaning around James’ cock and making him spurt seed deep into his throat. A moment later Bradley was cumming again and they all collapsed down onto the bed in a heap.

Ben could feel seed dripping from his mouth and mouth. He closed his eyes, breathing heavily, the desperate horniness finally satisfied, at least for now. Something told him it wouldn’t last long.


Hollywood Reporter – June 5th 1957 Edition

Today we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Taylor Goldwyn’s film debut. It’s a bittersweet day folks, after two decades Goldwyn has announced that her lasts picture The Woman in Red, will be her final film before retirement. A household name, Goldwyn has been a mainstay at the box office ever since her first appearance as the title character in Peg Entwhistle: Hollywood Tragedy (1937).

It’s been a fabulous career, with many award-winning films under her belt and yet, one marred with controversy. It seems that the only thing more famous than her films is Miss Goldwyn’s reputation as a vixen. Many tabloids have reported on Goldwyn’s apparently voracious appetite for sex over the years and her habit of going to bed with directors, actors and producers alike has cause no end of scandals. The casting couch is a long-standing problem in the Hollywood Machine and yet, when questioned on it several years ago Goldwyn replied that “My talent speaks for itself, you can fuck whomever you want in exchange for a role, but that won’t make you a good actress. You can judge me all you like for my choice in partners but the truth it, I earned my stardom, it just so happens to have come with an added reputation.”

Goldwyn’s out and proud sexual nature has gained her both enemies and fans among the common people. Many traditional southern theatres even going so far as to ban her films and decry her as a bad influence on ‘good, moral, Christian girls’. While others have lauded her openness and attempts to destigmatise sexually active women.

It adds and air of mystic to Miss Goldwyn, along with her apparently impossible to find background. When asked about her childhood and life before fame Goldwyn refuses to answer. Nobody, not even the most dedicated of gumshoes has been able to track down where she came from or anybody who knew her before appearing in Hollywood back in 1937. There have been many who have claimed to know her, but none have ever been able to prove it. It seems this is something Miss Goldwyn had decided to take with her to the grave, as she has turned down many a lucrative publishing deal for her memoir.

This author is of the opinion that Miss Goldwyn is cannier than many give her credit; it is likely that her life before was simply that of an average American girl, giving it the spice of mystery has done nothing but good for her career and she has simply decided to keep it that way. In conclusion, The Woman in Red is bound to be another smash hit for our star and I for one am going to miss her up on the silver screen.


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