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The wolf whistle cut through the air like a knife, making Leon cringe as further cat calls and jeers joined it. The night air had already been cold, but those taunts seemed to give in an unfriendly edge that made him turned around to face them against his better judgement. A woman was walking, arms cross and head lowered as a group of men called after her. She was exiting a club, purpose in her step and even from across the street Leon could make out her humiliated expression.

“Come on baby, we just want to be friends!”

“Yeah! You can’t dress like that and expect people to not give you a little squeeze!”

Leon felt anger building as the group continued their taunts, following the woman up the street even as she increased her pace. The nearest taxi rank was a few blocks away and at this time of night, barely anybody was around; the few figures he saw lurking under streetlights or alley entrances were doing nothing to stop this. He was almost home and bone tired from work but he couldn’t in good conscience just let this woman keep going, tempting as it might be to lower his head and keep walking. He crossed the street and he watched as her eyes widened in fear for a moment before he placed himself between her and the rapidly approaching group. Even now he could smell the stink of alcohol clinging to them.

“That’s enough fellas,” He said sternly, trying not to sound intimidated, “Let the lady go home.”

“Aw lookey here, Mr.goody two shoes come to sweep the girl off her feet.” The leader slurred, “Hate to break it to you mate, but she ain’t gonna fuck you as thanks for ‘saving’ her.”

Leon glanced behind him, the woman’s face was half hidden behind her dark hair, her expression nervous and guarded.

“Go.” He told her, “I’ll deal with these guys.”

“Oh, you’ll ‘deal’ with us will you, pretty boy?”

He turned back to face the group, all sidling up to him now, one threw a rough arm around his shoulder to trap him. The gesture would almost look familiar and friendly were it not for the too tight hold it had around his neck.

“I bet this guy waits outside clubs all the time so he can ‘rescue’ little lambs like that one.”

“Yeah, gets off on being such a good guy when really, he’s just as guilty as the rest of us.”

One gave him a slap to the gut; it could have been playful were it not just that tad too forceful. Leon winced; all these guys were in better shape than him, maybe this had been a mistake.

“Hey! We ain’t guilty, we’re just treating whores the way they should be treated!”

Leon swallowed, he wasn’t a tough guy, he didn’t know how to fight, if this situation turned violent there was no way he could take them all on. His best bet was to take advantage of their drunkenness, appeal to their nature until he could get enough distance between them to bolt. The woman had disappeared thankfully, fleeing up the street towards the more crowded shopping district, all he needed to do now was get himself out of this mess.

“Look fellas, she’s gone now so no love lost, eh?” He chuckled, “None of us won out tonight so let’s just go on our ways?”

He nudged his way out of the drunk’s grip, using his broad shoulders to his advantage and doing his best to maintain a calm, almost jovial expression rather than the nervous fear slowly creeping up his back.

“Fuckin’ bastard, she was gonna say yes to one of us before you came along-“

The drunken leader stepped forward, hand raised in a fist ready to swing when suddenly there was a loud buzzing and a painful high-pitched whine before-


The bulb on the streetlight above them all smashed, raining plastic shards down upon them and coating the area in darkness. Leon could feel the static from the small explosion in the air, making his hairs stand on end and for a moment, there was a shocked silence. Then the adrenaline kicked in and he bolted, down the side alley and into the street behind, making sure to zig zag down each side street he could find just in case one of the men decided to give chase.

After several minutes he stopped, glancing behind him and breathing a sigh of relief to see nobody was following. A soft smile played on his lips as he made the, now much longer, journey home; he’d done a good thing for that woman and managed to get away unscathed. A pretty good night all things considered. Though his good mood was soured somewhat when he finally arrived back at his apartment building only to see an ‘OUT OF ORDER’ sign plastered across the elevator. The universe had a strange way of repaying good deeds it seemed. Oh well, he’d already gotten a run in tonight, what was three flights of stairs? Leon chuckled; at this rate he’d work off his beer gut in no time. Still, his muscles protested the extra work though, the burn was even stronger than that one time he’d tried going to the gym.

He panted, resting against the first landing already out of breath; was he really that unfit that a quick run and a single staircase had him tired? It felt as though there was a weight on his chest, a weight that was steadily growing even now as he continued to breathe heavily, bent double against the hand rail. A bolt of panic, was this a heart attack? Surely, he was too young for such things then again, he had just gone through a lot of stress. He stood, ready to fumble for his phone only to teeter sideways instead, his centre of gravity seeming to have shifted somehow. He got his footing awkwardly and blinked in shock; it wasn’t just his chest that was feeling heavy, it was his…ass? Confused, Leon looked down over his shoulder and at first, there was nothing to be alarmed about, he’d always been a bit heavy set, but then he realised his rear was growing. Inflating almost, cheeks becoming round as his hips widened to accommodate them and the extra weight they bought.

“What the-!”

He straightened, hands pressing down on the plump cheeks as if that would somehow stop them growing. All it achieved was a starker point of comparison as his butt continued to swell around his rapidly smaller palms. He couldn’t even keep them there for long before he wobbled again, his balance tilting as that heavy feeling in his chest increased. With horror he turned back to face forwards and was met with a rapidly growing pair of tits. It was as if the fat from his beer gut was shifting, stomach shrinking and smoothing over as the extra weight moved northwards. What would have at one point been teasingly referred to as ‘man-tits’ were rapidly becoming just regular ones, round and heavy, yet somehow not perky. His shirt was straining to contain them, fabric stretched so thin he could see the blush pink of his nipples tenting the material somewhat before being squashed flat by the pressure.

What on Earth was happening? How was it happening? This had to be some strange dream surely; one of those drunks knocked his lights out and now he was hallucinating in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. It was the only explanation for what was happening. He pinched his arm, trying to ignore how dainty and feminine his hand looked while doing it; the pain stung, but the vision didn’t fade. A button flew from the front of his dress shirt, unable to hold back the pressure anymore. He had to get out of here! He ran, exhaustion forgotten as he bounded up the stairs to the safety of his apartment; new breasts and ass bouncing with each leap and step. He fumbled many times, trying to adjust to his body’s changing centre of gravity and the fact that his shoes no longer fit. By the time he reached the second landing he stepped right out of them, even his socks were loose. Too panicked to think of a better idea he bent down and grabbed them, almost rolling over when his chest weighed him down. With shaking hands, he twisted the key in the lock and rushed inside, slamming the door behind him and sliding down it to the floor. His pants were becoming an issue, far too big at the bottom for his slimming legs, yet his thighs seemed to be swelling as well, to compensate for the sheer size of his new ass, and the material across them was starting to stretch. The pressure was almost painful and Leon tugged at his waistband, only just managing to pull them down and kick the pants off before his blood supply could be cut off. Mercifully, it seemed the warping changes were slowing, his fat ass and tits no longer inflating and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Only to feel a tickle at the nape of his neck, a tickle that spread down the sides of his face and then brushed at his shoulders. A hand flew upwards and tangled with long strands of something soft and Leon felt his eyes go wide. He scrambled to his feet, rushing into the bathroom and leaning up against the sink, eyes wide as he stared into the mirror. It was exactly what he feared, long blonde locks were flowing down from his skull like water, all signs of his short brown hair gone, replaced with gleaming gold. His face was shifting too, jawline rounding, eyelashes darkening and lips plumping as their hue changed to a pale pink. He laid a shaky palm across his now smooth cheek, not a hint of stubble to be found. Another pinch, just to be sure; no change.

“What the hell…?”

He swallowed, noting the distinct absence of his Adam’s apple. That voice was so…not his own. It was high pitched, with a strange, almost musical lilt that reminded him of something. He couldn’t put his finger on exactly what though. It certainly wasn’t his own, Leon cleared his throat and lowered his voice a few octaves in an attempt to find his ‘real’ voice with little success. No matter how low he went, it didn’t sound like a natural baritone it was...well, it sounded like a girl trying to imitate a man’s voice. Poorly at that.

The panic was fading now; the reality of his situation sinking in as the adrenaline finally faded. His horror was still just as stark but he managed to take a moment close his eyes and get his breathing under control. He just had to take this one step at a time, solve the small problems and then work his way up to the big, obvious one. If this wasn’t some head injury hallucination, it had to be real. So, standing here gawking at his, admittedly very pretty, reflection wasn’t going to solve anything. Feeling calmer, he opened his eyes and looked down at his new, voluptuous body as it spilled out of his clothes. First step, find something more comfortable to wear.

A quick peruse of his wardrobe turned out few options. His clothing simply wasn’t shaped correctly for this new body; any pants that fit his calves was too tight on his thighs; all his shirts stretched painfully over his new tits and in the end, he wound up wearing nothing but his widest pair of boxers and a hoodie. Going to painstaking effort not to stop and further inspect his naked form; the shock was still too raw, the last thing he wanted was to fall back into a panic. Now he was at least comfortable he could start actually trying to figure out what had happened to him.

Leon grabbed his phone from where it landed on the floor after his pants had been kicked off. He flopped down face first on the bed, wincing as his breasts were crushed under his weight forcing him to roll over. As he typed the words ‘randomly turned into a woman’ into Google he couldn’t help but feel incredibly stupid. He almost shut the phone off there and then but forced himself forward, denying this wasn’t going to get him anywhere. He searched, scrolling through message boards and forums, and mostly finding nothing but role play offers and fictional stories. Occasionally though, there would be a post that felt more real, perhaps it was all part of somebody’s fantasy but Leon couldn’t help but notice just how often terms like “curse” and “witch” turned up. Is that what this was? If you’d asked him a day ago whether he believed in magic Leon would not have hesitated to say no but after this strange experience, anything was possible.

After an hour his head felt like if was full of cotton wool, the little clock in his phone screen corner told him it was almost two am and he still had no idea what his next move was. Besides sleeping. In his exhaustion, his thumb brushed across the screen, opening the camera and putting him face to face with that strange new reflection. The woman looking back at him looked tired yet…there was something alluring in the way her head tilted, the half lidded look in her eyes…

‘I should take a photo.’

The thought was his own and yet not. It came to him in that same higher pitched voice that sounded so odd coming out his mouth. Still, he hit the camera button, then again, and again. Soon he had half a dozen selfie shots and found himself scrolling through them, picking the best one; he had a cute, sleepy vibe and Leon found he had the strangest urge to post it online. The idea of other people seeing this cute face was oddly enticing. Before he could even think, he was downloading Instagram, setting up a profile and scrolling through filter options. Tags seemed to flow into his mind from nowhere; #sleepy #nomakeup #cuteaf. He shook his head violently, placing down the phone, thumb hovered over the ‘post’ button.

What the hell was he doing? His entire world got turned upside down only a few hours ago and he was taking selfies? This whole situation was embarrassing, emasculating; the he should be trying to hide it not advertise! So why did he have such a strong urge to hit that button? Clearly, he was just delirious with exhaustion after such an eventful evening. In the morning he’d laugh at how stupid he was being. He plugged in the phone and switched off his light before settling in to sleep. It was hard, all these new curves meant sleeping on his back or stomach felt odd, there was so much weight in places where there shouldn’t be; so much sensitive skin to brush against, not to mention the irritation of trying to sleep with a hood bunched around his neck but there was no way he was sleeping topless.

It wasn’t just his new body keeping him awake despite the exhaustion though. His mind kept wandering back to that picture, that strange urge to have the world see his new, beautiful face. Leon had never liked attention, hell, that moment of madness he’d never even had any social media apps before. So why now did he feel like he would go crazy if he didn’t post that damn selfie? With a huff he was up, unlocking his phone and slamming his thumb down on the post button. Immediately a wave of calm washed over him and he flopped back down on his pillow, blonde hair fanning out around his face. It was just a no name selfie on a page with no followers, nobody was going to see it. He could delete it in the morning.


He woke slowly, warm sun on his cheeks. For a few blissful seconds the strange night was just a hazy memory but as he stretched out, he felt the unfamiliar burn of muscles and weight that were completely wrong. His eyes snapped open, long longs half covering his face and he sucked in a breath as his longer fingers brushed them aside. The indent of his zip was pressed into the soft skin on his breasts, his boxers having ridden up his thick thighs and Leon bit his lip; it had all been real. His last hope that it had been some sort of dream was dashed and he flopped back on the mattress defeated.

Now what?

He couldn’t very well go into work this way, fortunately for him, he worked nightshifts at a call centre. Meaning he had plenty of time to call in sick and plan. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself; he’d always been scary of playing hooky from work in case somebody he knew saw him out and about. That wasn’t likely to be a problem this time at least. He flicked open his phone to a bombardment of notifications and a strange sense of excitement began to fill him as he ignored the phone icon in favour of the Instagram app. How wrong he’d been about that photo only being seen by a few people. There were almost a hundred likes on it already! Plus, a handful of comments saying how cute he looked.

Pink dusted his cheeks in pleasure, people were so nice! He should shower and get himself dolled up a little to take a proper photo, he couldn’t let that be his introduction to the world he needed to-

What the hell was he thinking?

There he went again; it was almost like a split personality; he had to rein it in. Showing was a good idea though, sleeping in his clothes had left his skin feeling sweaty and gross. Then, he could call in sick to work and figure out what the hell he was going to do.

Stripping off to shower was uncomfortable, he couldn’t help but feel like he was being a creep, spying on some poor unsuspecting girl in the locker room. Still, he couldn’t help running his hands down the smooth skin of his body, feeling the rise and curve of his breasts, dipping down and then up again at his hips. The featherlight touch made him shiver and he ignored that little voice in his head telling him to take some more photos. Hopping under the warm spray of water he sighed in contentment; feeling the rivulets moved down his body and soak his hair. It felt wonderful and after the horror show that had been his evening, it felt good to relax under the warm water. Leon couldn’t help but admire the pink tinge his milky skin had taken on as he stepped out onto the bathmat and began to dry off.

Without thinking he leaned over, towel twisting around his long blonde hair and then standing. Since when did he know how to make a towel turban? Oh well, it was convenient for keeping his now long hair out of the way while it dried at least. He remembered watching his mother do it as a child and laughing when he’d asked; all women just know how to do it, she’d teased. Perhaps it came with the territory. He allowed himself a glimpse of his naked form as he walked past the bathroom mirror; the word bodacious came to mind. A body like this was likely to get cat called every day if he didn’t dress-wait that was it! The woman from last night! If this really was the work of magic, she had to have something to do with it. There had been a few mentions of witches during his search, perhaps she was one and believed those things the other men were saying about him trying to white knight her?

The whole theory sounded fantastical but it was his best bet. The question now was, how to find her again. He could camp out near the club and hope she came back? No, he’d look like a complete creeper, and there was no way somebody who looked as fabulous as he wouldn’t attract any attention. She’d run toward the shopping distract, there were plenty of apartments and public transport stops up that way, maybe if he hung around, he could run into her? He paced while he thought before realising that he still had nothing to wear but oversized shorts and a hoodie.

‘I could go clothes shopping while I’m looking for her…’

The idea was oddly enticing, he’d never been much for shopping but this body was so nice, it would be nice to see it properly dressed up at least once. He could even get some make up, a nice shade of blush would go well with his hair. He’d skipped halfway down the hall with such thoughts before he realised how strange the thoughts were.


By the time he’d walked the several blocks to the shopping district Leon was sure of two things; firstly, his new body was rocking, it seemed nobody was immune to its allure as men and women alike looked him up and down as he passed despite his strange outfit. Secondly, something was very wrong with his brain. He’d never been the most diligent of men, but his focus was impossible to keep right now. Each window he passed had him glancing at his own reflection, each cute outfit displayed on a store mannequin had him imagining how it would look on him and his phone felt like a red-hot poker squashed in his back pocket. The change wasn’t just physical, it was mental too and the urges were getting harder and harder to resist. He tried not to take pleasure in the appreciative glances strangers sent his way but he couldn’t stop pleasuring pooling in his gut each time. It felt so nice to have that attention.

Lacking any better ideas and not trusting himself anywhere near the boutiques Leon sat himself down on a bench near the bus station. Form here he had an excellent view of the entire district, including the train station exit across the street. Hundreds of people passed through here every day, hopefully the woman from last night would be one of them.

A gently tinkling sound reached his ears and Leon turned to see a popup stall selling charms and other nick-knacks being set up only a few metres away. His eyes locked onto a simple black choker, a tiny pale pink heart hanging from a silver clip in on its front.


As if in a trance he was standing, making his way over to the stall even while his logical mind screamed to stop. It was just so pretty…

“It would suit you.” The woman sitting behind the stall smiled, “You deserve something pretty dear.”

Leon watched as her eyes dipped to his ratty outfit and suddenly, he felt embarrassed to be seen in such unflattering attire. Maybe it would be okay to buy just one nice outfit? Just to wear in public until he got this all sorted out.

“How much?”

“It was Twenty but it’s your lucky day, fifteen percent off all my older pieces.”

“Fifteen percent so that’s…ummmm, wait uh I can figure this out.”

He was so good with numbers, he worked in a call centre for goodness sake. Fifteen percent of twenty was…ten? No wait that was fifty percent.

“Seventeen dollars, dear.” The woman said just a little too sweetly and Leon giggled. Actually, honest to God giggled.

The stall owner must have interpreted his blush of embarrassment at the sound for his sudden lack of maths skills because she didn’t say anything else, simply unclipped the choker and handed it over in exchange for a few notes. Leon held the necklace up, admiring it for a moment before struggling to fasten it around his throat.

“Hannah! There you are, you’re late!”

The shop owner waved as a younger woman approached; long dark hair and bright green eyes that looked so very pretty now that they weren’t full of fear.

“You!” He gasped, making both the other women jump.

“Excuse me?”

“You were the woman from last night the one who, uh, do you think we could talk somewhere private?” He caught himself before he managed to blurt out the whole curse and the dark-haired woman just blinked at him. The shop owner nodded in silent approval and Hannah followed him back over to the bench.

“You were at that club last night, you left when those men started hassling you.”

“Oh, did you see that? I hope they didn’t turn on you after I left.” The woman, Hannah, relaxed instantly. Even looking at him some sympathy, thinking he was one of her fellows.

“No…. well yes, they did but not in the way you’re thinking.” Leon cleared his throat, “I’m the guy who stopped them.”

Hannah blinked, eyes darting down and then up again as she took in his obviously female form; Leon could practically hear the sirens going off inside her minds. She thought he was a crazy person. There was no sly smirk, no knowing look that he was expecting and a cold stone began to form in his chest; something told him he was very much on the wrong track.

“I crossed the street and told you to run while I kept them busy.” He added desperately, leaning forwards, “Brown hair, heavy set dude with the beard, remember?”

“I remember I just…that couldn’t possibly have been you.”

“Girl, believe it.” He’d flicked his long hair over his shoulder before he could stop himself, “When I got home, I turned into this and now my mind is going all…weird.”

Slowly he explained; his online searches, the physical changes and how he’d come to the conclusion that perhaps it was her who’d cursed him in the first place. Thankfully, the suspicious look in Hannah’s eyes began to fade to one of pity the longer he spoke. Leon thanked his lucky stars for his good memory, easily answering any questions about the incident the last night to help further prove his identity. By the end of it Hannah looked thoroughly confused but more at the situation rather than the presumably insane woman sitting next to her.

“Sorry, Leon but whatever happened to you, it wasn’t me.” She shrugged and he felt his heart sink. Now what?

To his utter humiliation he felt the backs of his eyes start to burn, all the emotions of the past twenty-four hours coming to a head and Hannah placed an arm around his shoulder.

“Oh no, don’t cry, please.” She begged, “Look, I have to work right now, I’m already majorly late but tell you what? Meet me back here in a few hours and maybe we can get a drink and work something out together. I feel pretty bad you ended up getting punished when all you did was help me.”

He wiped his eyes, chuckled to himself; what he wouldn’t have given to have a pretty girl like Hannah to ask him out for drinks as a man. He nodded and Hannah gave him a warm smile that made his stomach do a flip.

“Let’s meet right here at five, okay?” She suggested, “In the meantime…you might want to get some clothes that fit you properly? No offence.”

Leon blushed; it was true he looked odd. But he was also afraid to indulge that girly part of himself that was steadily growing, currently squealing with excitement at the idea of trying on clothes.

“You’re probably right, I’ll see you later.”

One outfit. Just one outfit was all he needed, no need to get carried away; some pants, a shirt and maybe a bra to help deal with that twinge of pain in his back which was steadily growing the longer he walked around without support. He walked into the shop, fully intending to buy the first simple outfit he saw in his new size and then walk home to wait for the meeting time. But as he was standing, randomly selected shirt and plain jeans in hand that little niggling voice at the back of his head spoke up.

‘At least try them on…’

Leon bit his lip. It would be a waste of money to buy these only to find they didn’t fit right either; he’d only held them up against his skin, what if the fit was all wrong. And while he was at it, he may as well pick something just a little cuter, maybe those jean shorts with the stylise rips on the front and lacy lining. And they really didn’t match the plain white shirt he’d picked out, better pick up something to match or what was the point? Soon he was wandering the aisle, humming a little tune as he searched for just the right top. Oh, and he’d need a matching bra of course and some panties. Maybe he should pick those first? He pouted, tip of his tongue sticking out as he thought, this whole shopping as a woman thing was harder than he’d realised!

Then he saw them; a pale pink underwear set with bikini style panties and a bra fringed with white lace. Nothing extravagant, they were deceptively simple but very pretty and, he couldn’t help but notice, a double D size. Somehow, instinctually, he knew they would be a perfect fit. He didn’t even wait for a worker to come and assist, instead sliding them off himself, holding them to the light in admiration. He really shouldn’t be indulging in such things, a panicked voice, one that sounded suspiciously like his own was saying bras shouldn’t make him this happy.

“Can I help you?”

The voice was somewhat miffed and he turned to find an annoyed looking store clerk standing behind him, arms crossed as her eyes fell to the mannequin he’d left on the floor.

“Omigosh, I’m so sorry!” He flushed, “It’s just these are so pretty and I really wanted to try them. I wasn’t thinking.”

The woman looked him up and down, as if decided whether he was worthy of forgiveness. He watched as her eyes took in his daggy appearance and look of genuine apology and she shook her head, sighing with a soft smile.

“You look like you deserve a treat, go try them on.”

“Thank you! That, like, means so much.” He gushed, “I just need a top…”

“Can’t go walking around with just a bra and shorts.” The clerk chuckled, thumbing through the racks.

Leon’s mind was immediately filled with the mental image of what he would look like, strutting down the street clad only in those shorts, unbuttoned at the front with the bra adorning his new chest. He’d be the centre of attention that was for sure.

“How about this?”

It was a simple white singlet style shirt, it’s only adornment a small cluster of purple hearts above the left breast; Leon nodded enthusiastically. Giggling with excitement he ran to the change rooms and eagerly stripped out of the ugly boxers, shorts and hoodie. For a moment he sighed, just enjoying the feeling of his bare skin against the air, admiring the curvaceous figure in the mirrors surrounding him. There were so many little details to admire; the pink tinge to each of his breasts and ass cheeks, the barely perceivable dusting of freckles across his button nose; the longer he looked the more enamoured with this body he became.

“It’s just temporary, Leon.” He whispered to himself, “Don’t get too caught up…”

Still, he couldn’t help but shiver in anticipation as the feeling of lace scrapped against his inner thighs, pulling the panties into place and soon after, the shorts. The rips were small, but enough to let some bare skin show through; sexy without being overt. Granted, his rather rotund ass would make any pair of bottoms sexy but that was hardly his fault. Getting the bra on proved a little trickier. He felt like a chicken with his arms folded awkwardly behind him trying to get those little hooks done up, even with the aid of the all-around mirrors it took him a good five minutes but when he filled hefted his heavy breasts into place within the cups, he felt himself freeze. Spellbound by his own reflection; somehow the simple design made his form look even sexier, despite more skin being covered up.

He couldn’t resist it; the phone was out, held high above his head he gave a teasing smile and wink to it, thumb pulling down on the waistband of his shorts. It was a perfect snap; tantalising, playing, cute as fuck. His fingers flew across the screen, typing hashtag after hashtag until they finally pressed down on the post button. He was so absorbed in the action the knock on his changing room door made him jump.

“You okay in there, sweetie? I picked out a few more things for you to try.”

His heart leapt, opening the door and giving the woman a big hug, despite the fact he was still only half dressed.

“O-M-G, you’re the best! Thank you!”

Leon couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun on a day off; he’d have to play hooky more often! Before he knew it, several hours had passed and he was ladened down with bags of clothes and the gnawing sensation of guilt that came with spending so much money frivolously. His joy evaporating slowly as he walked toward the bench to meet Hannah; why had he bough three pairs of high heels? Why a set of swimwear? All those outfits he didn’t need but made him feel so sexy and good; he’d taken so many pictures, posting them all and basking in the rush of affection he’d not even realised how much time had passed.

“Wow, when I said to get yourself some clothes, I didn’t mean a whole new wardrobe.” Hannah chuckled as she joined him on the bench once more.

“I didn’t mean to!” He wailed, “It’s this spell, I just…y’know, it’s like I’m turning into this airheaded, girly girl and I can’t help myself!”

“Well…the new you has some pretty good taste at least, most girls take years to find their style. You’ve got it figured out in one day.”

That did actually make him smile, if a girl as pretty as Hannah thought he looked good, it must be true.

“Tell you what, this might be a silver lining.” She continued, “I’m thinking, that witch probably cursed all the guys harassing me right and maybe you got caught in the cross fire. So, all we need to do is recreate the scene!”

“Like one of those crime shows?”

He loved them, or at least he used to. The idea of following a complex web of clues and mystery was sounding less and less appealing the more he thought on it. He’d much rather watch something chill and funny, like Jersey Shore or The Bachelor.

“Yeah! We go to the club, have a fun time and then when we leave, we see who’s on the streets. Maybe that witch will be lying in wait like before to catch anybody giving girls like us a hard time.”

Girls like us, that should have made him feel uncomfortable, not warm and fuzzy.

“Well, it’s better than any plan I have.” Leon shrugged, “We may as well, I did pick up one or two dresses that would work in a club…”

“It’s decided then; let’s go back to mind and get ready, we can watch a movie, have some pizza and then hit the town! Two birds with one stone really, I get to help you out and go out a second night in a row without feeling guilty!”

The whole thing sounded so wholesome, a girl’s night, just like in the movies; Leon found himself strangely excited by the prospect.


“Stop squirming!”

“It tickles!”

Leon bit his lip to hold back laughter, Hannah had his foot in her lap, gently applying a sheen of gold nail polish to his toes. His fingers were already done, splayed out to dry across the table; it would be time for them to hit the streets soon and Leon felt himself fill with nervous excitement. He’d never been one for clubs, dancing was never something he was very good at. Hannah had helped him get ready, picking out a pair of tight black jeans and matching lacy tube top with off the shoulder sleeves. Paired with his hoop earrings and smokey make up he looked like a million dollars. More than that, he felt like it. Hannah was just as stunning, in her red maxi dress; it was so simple compared to his own outfit, yet she managed to make it look effortlessly attractive.

Leon did his best to quash down his desire; Hannah was helping him out, after last night the last thing she needed was for him to start hitting on her. Still, he could feel a subtle warmth blooming between his legs as they stood before the mirror, Hannah’s soft palms resting on his bare shoulders.

“You know, for a guy, you look pretty damn hot.” She teased.

“I look very damn hot thank you.” He shook out his blonde hair, “That club won’t know what hit it.”

As they walked down the street, arm in arm he could help but stare at their reflection in the shop windows they passed. They looked like two regular women, about to enjoy a night on the town, nobody would ever guess his true identity. Even better, Hannah was treating him like an old friend, he couldn’t remember the last time somebody treated him with such warmth and familiarity.

“To tell you the truth,” Hannah whispered, pressing their foreheads together, “This is all rather exciting. I know that’s selfish of me but I can’t help but feel like I’m on a secret mission, you know.”

“Scoping out the enemy, setting a trap, just like the old spy films.” Leon grinned, despite the seriousness of the situation, he understood.

The bass began to pump, sending vibrations up his legs as they waiting in line, being let in far quicker and cheaper than the men lined up thanks to a little extra skin shown on Hannah’s part.

“Doesn’t that make you uncomfortable?”

Hannah just shrugged.

“That’s just how it is.”

Leon was suddenly struck with the unfairness of it all, but then they stepped out onto the club floor and his mind was quickly wiped blank by the roaring crowd and thumping music. Fog machines spewing white mist into the air as the throng of people moved to the beat and Leon found himself bouncing on his toes; his hips taking on a slight sway as his new curves bounced in time with the bass.

“Come on, let’s have some fun, eh?” Hannah grabbed his hand, dragging him into the crowd with a holler.

He shuffled from side to side nervously, people were pressed in so tight, how was he supposed to dance without bumping into anybody? Hannah was jumping, swinging her arms in time with the music and looking hot as hell. Leon swallowed down his nerves, if she could do it, he could do it! He gave into the music, jumping, swaying and grinding to his hearts content. He let his mind empty, focusing only on how good it felt to move his body and the tang of alcohol as Hannah passed him shot after shot. Soon he no longer had to think about it, he was moving on instinct and elation filled him, laughter bubbling between his lips as he and Hannah held hands, jumping across the dancefloor like a couple of college girls.

Men joined then, sometimes women and Leon ground against them, never going further but enjoying the warmth and skin contact. He could feel his breasts bouncing and ass jiggling with each movement; it felt amazing, almost freeing to have his body move that way. He felt his skin heat each time a man’s hand wandered just that little bit too low as they danced and tempting as it was to take some up on their whispered offers, he always declined, as did Hannah.

Soon people realised they were a lost cause and they were left to their own devices, steadily getting more and more drunk they leaned on one another for support. Leon could feel Hannah’s hands pressing into his hip, her palm slipping down to brush his breasts once or twice as it slipped off his shoulder. It made him even wetter than the men had but despite his intoxication he held firm, determined not to abuse his new friend’s kindness. The hours passed by in a blur of fun, laughter, and alcohol; when they finally left in the wee hours of the morning, both of them forgot to look for the witch.

When they’d woken the next day, grinning goofily to one another despite the hangover they’d laughed. Deciding the only option was to go again that tonight. They had spent the morning nursing their hangovers with coffee, flicking through the numerous photos he’d drunkenly taken last night and picking the best ones to put online. Leon’s new Instagram account was rapidly growing followers and he became less and less hesitant to post, thousands were following him within days, he even started to earn money off each post. Which was good because after a week straight of calling in sick his boss had told him, in no uncertain terms that if he didn’t show up on Monday, he didn’t need to show up ever again. And well, he couldn’t show up Monday looking like this. So that was that. Still, as he put down the phone after the call, throat sore from lowering his voice he felt sadness creeping in.

He’d not realised until now how small his life was, work was the only place missing him and even then, it was only an obligation. His parents had died years ago, he’d not made many good friends in the last few years, with his job gone basically everything that made Leon’s life…Leon’s was fading away. Was he even the same person anymore?

“Hey, are you okay?”

It was Hannah, poised in the doorway holding two cups of coffee.

“The door was open so I let myself in.” She continued, “What happened, you look awful.”

“I lost my job…too many days off.”


He was grateful Hannah seemed to understand it was bigger than that without him needing to explain. She was intuitive like that, it meant skipping a lot of unnecessary talking, something he was very appreciative of right now. Silently, she nudged one of the warm cups into his hand and Leon gave her a grateful smile; he was wrong, he did have one good friend. Maybe even a best friend. His heart ached for it to be even more but he just counted his blessings; a friend was more than enough.

“Look, I got you into this mess, why don’t you come live with me if money is an issue.” She said quietly after a moment, fiddling with a strand of her dark hair, eyes lowered.


“Yeah, you know, I bet we can really make that little Instagram thing you have take off. I’ll help you, once you start getting sponsorships you could make good money as an influencer.”

He snorted, trying not to feel excited at the prospect of making money showing off his new body. To have people adore it so much they would pay to see him…

“What does an influencer even do?”

“I dunno…sell hair products from what I’ve seen.”

They both erupted into a fit of giggles, it took him a few moments to realise their shoulders were pressed together and he blushed, pulling away and brushing at his hair nervously. She was just being nice, nothing to read into, especially not that pretty dusting of pink across her cheeks. Just like always, Hannah had known exactly what to say to make him smile and forget his worries.

Packing up his things took a few days yet somehow, it felt like he was barely bringing anything with him. His clothes no longer fit, most of his books were too hard for him to read and he had very little desire to play any of his old video game consoles. On the plus side, all of those things could easily be sold and so with Hannah’s help, he set up a little stall in the shopping district to make ends meet while working on his online presence. Hannah’s boss was even nice enough to let him set it up right next to her jewellery cart. Which was fortunate, because ever since his change Leon found it impossible to calculate the tax on his items, numbers just all turned to smoke in his brain and he ended up giggling nervously while Hannah sorted it out.

“Could you two save the flirting for your lunch break?” Hannah’s boss sighed, “The lovey dovey act is scaring away our customers!”

They sprung apart, having been huddled together around Leon’s phone to see the reaction to his first ever video post. Blood rushed to both their cheeks and Leon worked hard to convince himself Hannah’s was just embarrassment at her unprofessionalism, nothing more like his was.

“We’re just watching a video.” Hannah defended hotly, “Nothing more.”

“Yeah, we’re just friend. Like, bets friends. Besties.”

“Sappho and her friend more like.” The boss muttered under her breath and Leon cocked his head, turning to Hannah.

“What does that mean?”

“Never you mind.” She mumbled, her face was beet red, half hidden behind her dark hair and Leon dropped the topic. It must have been something really embarrassing to make Hannah lose her confidence.

Later, still curious she had tried googling ‘safo’ got had gotten nowhere. Whatever it was, it probably wasn’t important.


They kept up their mission, heading to that same club each night and having the time of their lives. Frequently they forgot to even look for the witch, half the time they never even discussed it. The chances of them finding her were slim to none at this point, along with his chances of ever being turned back into a man. Leon was aware, deep down, that he should care but honestly, he didn’t. His little side hustle was going great. And it wasn’t as if he was particularly good friends with any of his co-workers, he certainly wouldn’t trade any of them for Hannah. Not only had she decided to help him every night but now that they were living together and working side by side, it seemed without meaning to they’d become one another’s whole life.

What’s more, it was a good one; his life as Leon the man seemed so dull and grey to him now and though he tried to miss it, he simply could not. This life was full of so much colour and joy by comparison; he got to spend his days shopping and taking photos and his nights with Hannah on their witch hunt escapades. They were his favourite activity because it meant he got to see Hannah wild, inhibitions gone and they danced together. He loved the feeling of her breasts bouncing against his own, the way their hot skin brushed on the dance floor. Their fingers interlocked as they entered the club each night and most of the time, they didn’t let go until they were home again. She was his tether. Some nights he almost slipped, too drunk to stop himself from leaning forward to kiss her, always managing to catch himself just in time. It was on one of these nights, nearly three weeks after they’d started when it happened.

They were both drunk, stumbling in the doorway when their feet tangled and they ended up on the floor in a heap, giggling uncontrollably. It was an accident, Hannah was trying to get up, pushing her palm down to support herself and pressing it into Leon’s breast without realising. In his tipsy state, he couldn’t help but let out a low moan; her hand was right over his nipple, and squeezing it felt so good. They both froze, Hannah’s face hanging over his own, her lips were right there…

Without moving an inch, her hand squeezed again, deliberately this time and Leon shuddered. She continued, kneading at the soft flesh there before slipping down the dress to fully expose his tits. He should stop this, he really should but it just felt so good.

“You like this, don’t you.”

He could only whimper; there was a deep, distracting ache between his legs that was preventing him from focusing on words.

“Watching you move in the club the last few days, seeing you get turned on by guys, I was so jealous.” She whispered.

His chest was rising and falling now as he panted for breath, she had his nipple between her thumb and forefinger, the rest of her body lowering. He could feel her hot breath against his panties, through them as wetness slowly soaked the fabric.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“God no.” He choked out.

The wet fabric was pulled aside by deft fingers and-


Hannah’s tongue was slowly lapping at his folds, drawing out more slick wetness from his hole and making his legs shake with the intensity of it. Instinctually he wrapped his legs around her shoulders, pulling her face deeper so that she was practically making out with his pussy. Her teeth gently scraped across the sensitive skin and a high-pitched whine escaped him; he could feel pleasure pooling inside as his muscles tightened, he wouldn’t last long. Especially not with that hand still firmly on his tit, kneading the sensitive skin and tweaking his nipple in time with her sucks. The tip of her tongue circled his clit, keeping him on the edge until he was nothing but a whimpering mess, pleading and begging for more. There was still that ache deep inside, if something didn’t fill it soon, he felt he would burst.

Fortunately for him, Hannah was all too happy to oblige, stroking down until her tongue was thrusting in and out of his wet hole. Each time she did so, the wind was knocked out of him, bliss washing over him in ever growing waves. It felt so much more intense that any sex he’d had as a man but also more intimate. Hannah was more than just some lay, so much more. Just as he began to reach his limit Leon realised what the emotion swirling inside him, mixing with the lust, was; love. He was in love with Hannah, and it was that realisation that had him finally cresting; entire body shuddering as he came. He squeezed her shoulders tightly as she sucked on his clit to make the orgasm last even longer.

After a few moments basking in the afterglow Leon looked down at Hannah between his legs, her face a mess of his juices. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

“So, are we like, dating now?” He joked, giggling nervously, and sighing in relief when Hannah laughed too.

“Uh, maybe. We already live together after all. I think we did this in the wrong order.” She crawled up his body, laying down on the floor at his side. “I’ve been thinking about doing that for a while.”


Hannah blushed, looking sheepish.

“I tried to hide it but I sort of have a thing for…bimbos? That witch sort of turned you into exactly my type. But I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it, since as you didn’t choose to become a woman, y’know?”

She paused a moment.

“You know, you could stay this way. We could do this every night for a year and not find that witch.”

Leon thought about it for a moment; it wasn’t a terrible idea. He knew deep down being called a bimbo should have been offensive but he couldn’t help but agree with her a little bit; the ditzy attitude, the big boobs, hell, he even had the blonde hair. What’s more, he didn’t hate it.

“Maybe I could give it a trial run.” He said after a while, “We keep looking for the witch but maybe not as aggressively?”

Hannah beamed, laying a kiss on his cheek and snuggling in close; their bodies slotted together even better than he’d dared to dream.

“You’ll need a new name.” Hannah hummed, “I can’t keep calling you Leon, it doesn’t suit you.”

He hummed in thought; she was right, that name had long ago worn out it’s welcome but it begged the question. What should he be called now? He needed a name that suited this new body and the bubbly personality that had grown along with it.



“No, just Steph. Trendy and cute.”

“Just like you.” Hannah touched the tip of his nose and he stuck his tongue out.

The name seemed to roll off his tongue and into his very core. Steph was fun, she was cute and a little ditzy, not the brightest but she had a good life; a life he was more than happy to live for at least a little while longer.


Several Months Later…

Steph was excited. Pooling their money, she and Hannah had saved enough money for a beach trip. It was going to be just the two of them for three days with nothing but sun, sea and sand for company. Not only was it the perfect first getaway for a new couple but it would provide them both ample opportunities to take new photos for her account; her followers had been asking for swimwear recommendations lately and she was more than happy to comply.

“I’ll take any excuse to watch you try on a dozen bikinis.” Hannah had teased, “Just make sure to pick one really skimpy one, one that’s easy for me to take off…”

So as promised, she was shopping for options; she’d already found a good one piece in all black but she needed a few good two pieces. Unfortunately, her ditziness had only gotten stronger over the past few months and it caused her no end of trouble. Case in point;

Steph was apologising, she’s spotted a pink and white bikini out of the corner of her eye and in her haste to turn and grab it, her ass had knocked over the nearby shoe display. She dropped to her hands and knees, determined to help the poor clerk who was gathering them and came face to face with a gorgeous pair of red pumps; except somebody was already wearing them.

A tall woman with curly brown hair was smiling down at her like a predator and Steph stood immediately, something about this lady commanded respect.

“So, how are you enjoying your new life?” She cooed, “Been cat called lately? I’m sure you took it as the compliment they intended.”

Her words were sharp, biting with an edge of cruelty to them that at first only made Steph confused. Then her eyes widened in realisation and her jaw dropped.

“You.” She whispered, “You’re the witch who…made me this.”

“Bingo.” She clicked her fingers, beckoning her away from the clerk to talk privately. “When I saw you and that gaggle of idiots hassling that poor woman, I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine. Good on you though, most of them were too dumb now to even realise who I was till I spelled it out.”

“So, all those guys…?”

“Are voluptuous, boobs for brains bimbos now and hating it.” She cackled, “Just like you. Just desserts I’d say.”

Steph cleared her throat, jutting out her chin defiantly.

“I have just one thing to say to you, Miss Witch.”


She surged forward, throwing her arms around the woman’s shoulders in a tight hug, grinning ear to ear.

“Thank you!”

The woman spluttered almost comically. Of all the reactions she had been expecting, elation clearly wasn’t one of them.

“This is so wonderful, check it out, I’m like, so popular on social media and that woman, Hannah, we’re dating now!”


“Yeah, I was trying to help you see, she knew that, so y’know, total mistake on your part. Very embarrassing I am sure but I don’t care anymore. Oh look, there she is! Haaaaaaaaaaanie!”

The witch cringed at the high pitch of her voice as Hannah ran over, smiling with two ice creams in hand.

“They had strawberry.” She beamed, “But we’d better eat outside, knowing you they’ll be ice cream on the clothes in not time. Who’s your friend?”

The witch looked bewildered, cocky smile wiped clean and replaced with a face of shock. Her mouth kept opening and closing like a fish, unable to comprehend how her revenge had gone so strangely. Steph looked an arm through hers, smiling widely.

“Come on, let’s talk!”

Hannah, with a devious smirk, lead them out of the shop over to their favourite bench. The witch allowed herself to be steered through the crowd, bewildered expression still on her face. As they sat her down Hannah passed over the ice cream and gave Steph a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re the woman.” The witch breathed, “The one outside the club months ago, I was trying to help you.”

“So was Steph.” Hannah countered, as they sat down either side of the witch, “She wasn’t with them, but you got her caught up in your little curse.”

The witch looked horrified; it was almost funny. Steph licked at her ice cream, face scrunching up as a dab got stuck on her nose causing Hannah to snicker.

“I had no idea; I am so very sorry.” The witch said genuinely, “My spell, it makes you dumber, you poor thing, here I’ll fix-“


Both she and Hannah had spoken at the same time and the witch went back to looking confused.

“I like her this way.” Hannah cooed, reaching over and dabbing the ice cream of her nose, “Yeah, she’s a bit clumsy and not the brightest but she’s hella cute. It’s pretty endearing actually.”

“Yeah, and I like it!” Steph insisted, “And so do my followers I mean, have you seen me?”

She jumped to her feet, striking a pose and immediately spilling half her ice cream into her chest. Hannah devolved into a fit of giggles and even the witch chuckled a little.

“Well, if you’re sure.” She mused, “My name is Scarlet, I actually live not far from here. If you ever change your mind, I’ll give you my address, how does that sound?”

“Sure, whatever.” Steph was barely listening, wiping away the ice cream and licking it off her fingers. Her eyes slid to Hannah as she did so, noticing that tell-tale signs of arousal in her eyes. She was going to get thoroughly fucked when they got home. She couldn’t wait.

Scarlet slid a tiny note containing her address into her hand once they were clean and Steph thanked her before sending the woman on her way. Hannah’s hands crept up her shoulders, holding them firmly as she pressed her body against Steph’s. She could feel the points of her girlfriend’s nipples pressing against her back, her hot breath on the shell of her ear as she suggested they go home, right now. Steph smiled, agreeing wholeheartedly, and taking Hannah’s hand.

She wouldn’t be needing that address.



Realy good story btw