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David and Whitney's story comes to an end. For now. 


David felt a tiny hand press into his cheek, rousing him from what had been a very pleasant dream. A high pitch giggle tickled his ears and he smiled.

"Whitney, our daughter is awake." He hummed, not opening his eyes.

"If the sun isn't up, she's your daughter."

Groggily, he forced his eyes open and came face to face with Julia, eyes wide and excited.


"Daddy," David corrected, sitting up slowly and stretching out his sore back, "Mommy needed a break from your baby brother’s kicking."

He laid a hand across his pregnant belly, their second was due in a few weeks and Julia couldn't be more excited. She was up every morning "just in case they come early". With a smile he pulled the dark-haired girl up onto the bed with him before playfully tossing her onto Whitney who gave a tired huff of laughter.

"Mommy!" Julia laughed gleefully, nuzzling into her shoulder.

They had expected it to be difficult, explaining to a young child how her parents weren’t always in the same body but on the contrary, Julia accepted it with ease. Everything in the world was so new to her young mind she didn’t question it at all, though keeping it a secret had been a little challenging. Luckily, the few times she’d mention it to others they could fob it off as a game they played. After all, nobody save the clients of Lucile would ever believe it.

“Alright, baby.” Whitney gave their girl a tight hug, “Why don’t you go watch some cartoons and mummy will come make you breakfast.”

Julia nodded enthusiastically, bouncing off the bed and taking off down the stairs. David envied her energy.

"Thanks." Whitney gave him a grateful smile, "we can switch back now."

"Nah. You go to work today; it's been three days since you went to the office. I'm sure your brain would appreciate the break from Sesame Street."

"You're just saying that because quarterly reports are due today." She grinned and he threw up his hands in defeat.

"You got me. You're better and getting all the files organised anyway, c'mon, tell me you're not tempted to show everybody up?"

It had been a long, hard, wonderful four years since that first visit to Lucile. After that date night things had finally started to mend, slowly but surely. There had been hiccups, of course. They had closed one another out for so long and old habits die hard, but eventually, little by little they came back together. Their sessions with Lucile helped as did the rings; David was now just as comfortable in Whitney's skin as his own. They took turns going to work and staying home with Julia, something that ensured they were always at the top of their game and had earned no less than two promotions in record time. The only downside was that Whitney never got the recognition from others but she assured him that he always made sure she felt appreciated.

David wrote down everything his wife mentioned liking, from lip stick colours to films. Whitney had left the country club and finally relaxed, letting David wear whatever he pleased and not worrying about what other people thought. They went out together; tried every couples activity they could find from pottery to skydiving. Sometimes they had an awful time, others had become treasured memories. Sometimes it was both.

At one point David had tried to recreate their beach trip but right. Ensuring he packed the right sunscreen only for it to rain the entire weekend. At first, he'd been unbearably bitter before Whitney finally pulled him out of the slump and they spent their time curled up together in their little beach house, rarely coming up for air.

That is how they got little Julia.

It had been a long labour and Whitney handled it like an absolute champ. When they were finally curled up together as a family, she'd whispered to him;

"Next time, you're doing that."

It had been hard to come up with a convincing lie to tell the nurses when he'd burst into laughter; but he’d agreed. Back in the present David laid back in bed, stroking his fingers across the curve of his belly and feeling the tiny life inside kick and spin while he watched Whitney dress for the office.


“Oh yes, we’ve got a gymnast here.”

Whitney chuckled; the deep baritone of his own voice sent shivers down David’s spine. He reached out a pale hand and dragged her down into a deep kiss, enjoying the slightly scratchy feel of the stubble against his lips.

“Don’t tempt me, or I’ll be late.”



David walked, well, more accurately waddled, through the park with Julia. While he loved being dramatic about how difficult pregnancy was the truth is, he loved it. He loved feeling the little life inside him kick, the way people on the street would smile at his bump and how his skin seemed to glow. Whitney on the other hand, hated it and could think of nothing but how much her feet hurt. As a result, David had spent more time pregnant than his wife. It was a strange thing to think about but they didn’t mind. People always did say that marriage was two becoming one. They just took it a bit more literally.

"Daddy,” Julia looked up at him. “When I'm married one day will I be able to change places with my husband?"

"Hopefully you won't need to, sweetheart."


As much as she’d teased this morning, Whitney was grateful to have a day at work. She adored Julia, of course she did but there was only so much mental stimulation a young child could provide and it was good to talk to adults and get her brain kicked into high gear. She toed off her shoes and walked into the kitchen, a soft smile forming on her face as she took in the scene. David was standing by the sink, finishing up the dishes, barefoot and in nothing but a loose maternity dress.

"Good day?" He asked, placing the last dish on the rack, Whitney nodded before glancing around.




She crossed the room in three strides and captured his lips, drinking in his soft sigh as David melted into her.

"You look so hot pregnant, you know that? Seeing you standing there with your belly sticking out is such a turn on."

"Feelings mutual." He murmured, gently pressing his bump to Whitney's flat stomach.

David curled his fingers into the short hair at her nape, pulling them closer together and tilting back his head to grant her better access. She loved fucking him while they were pregnant, she’d never understood that primal feeling men got when they saw their spouses with child before now. She ran one hand across his bump, the other along his swollen breasts. She knew from personal experience just how much more sensitive they were now and took full advantage. Easily slipping her palm inside the low neckline to cup one while the other hand moved south, bunching the maternity dress at his hips and easily sliding underneath.

There was no underwear to impede her and he was already soaking, curly hair already slick with juices and Whitney smirked. It was so easy to turn him on these days, she knew exactly what buttons to press to turn him into a whimpering mess; they both loved it.


She nipped at the shell of his ear as her fingers slowly parted his lower lips. David could only moan as she slid two fingers up into his waiting hole. She began pumping quickly, pulling back to watch his face contort as she crooked them. She brushed her other hand across his nipples and David’s eyelids fluttered. His moans were getting louder as he careened toward the edge, Whitney treasured every sound.

“Oh fuck!”

She lowered her mouth to the curve of David’s neck, sucking and gently biting at the skin as he clenched around her. Orgasm rendering him weak at the knees; she moved her free hand to his hips to compensate but didn’t stop pumping. With a wicked smile she added another finger and brushed it deliberately against his G-spot.

“You’re not getting off that easily.”

She pressed a thumb to his clit, his whole body jerking in response and she rubbed circles around the sensitive nub. He was overstimulated, body unable to stay still as the sheer intensity of the pleasure increased. She was pumping into him so hard it was making his breasts and belly bounce; Whitney could feel it against her chest and she groaned; listening to him whimper against her was so hot. Again, David’s inner walls constricted around her fingers and a gush of slick juices coated her fingers. He practically collapsed against her, a soft, whimpering mess but still she didn’t stop.

“Fuck, I can’t!”

“We both know that’s not true.”

She kept pumping and he wailed, cumming a third time within seconds. This time, Whitney finally removed her fingers, holding David up as he shuddered and then-

She was rocked with aftershocks, the sudden ecstasy causing her whole body to quiver and a shuddering moan to escape. With heavy lidded eyes she looked up to where David, now back in his own body was holding their rings, teasing smile on his face to match her own.

“Shall we go again?”

Whitney kissed him.



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