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Personal Patron Tier Reward for Deadtom

A shoplifter gets more than he bargained for when he finds himself transformed into a bikini. 


Danny closed the door behind him gently, flicking the lockpick back into his belt with a confident smile. Honestly, with all the fancy security available these days you’d think a premium place such as Fleuris would invest in something better than standard sterling silver locks. Oh well, their loss and his gain.

The storage room was everything he’d hoped for, boxes and boxes of the latest summer fashions from all the top designers, none of which was meant to be available until next week. All he needed was a backpack full of swimwear and summer dresses and his rent, bills and food for the next three months would be sorted. Gleefully he made his way to the closest box, taking out his stanley knife and slashing it open to reveal a stack of neatly folded Chanel dresses. Ensuring he didn’t damage them at all, he slipped them each into plastic sleaves and then into his backpack, already calculating just how much he could sell each one for on eBay. He wasn’t an idiot though, he couldn’t just fill up on one item, far too easy to trace, so he moved to the next box, adding a handful of sunglasses to his horde. He was about to continue on to shoes when an odd parcel caught his eye.

‘Specialty Bikinis – GLOVES ONLY’ was printed on the side. Curious, he opened the box, oddly disappointed to find what appeared to be a fairly standard swimsuit; lipstick red and skimpy, the panties had ties on either side to allow them to come off easily. The sort of thing women wore to the beach when attention was the only thing they sought, rather than the ocean or sun. Perhaps it was the material itself that made it special? It did have an odd, almost satin shine to it and if the sign mentioned wearing gloves perhaps it was easily disturbed? No matter, he could research it later for now he reached into scoop one up as lightly as possible, readying the plastic sleeve with his free hand only to freeze.

The moment his hand made contact with the soft material it was as though a bolt of lightning had struck; Danny’s body stiffened, frozen in place as all his muscles tightened involuntarily. His skin felt alive, vibrating with some sort of energy that rippled out from the fabric and into his very core. A wave of dizziness pass over him, vision beginning to blur at the edges as the vibrations got stronger. In contrast to the rest of his stiff body the hand touching the bikini began to feel strangely loose, becoming floppy and weak. The sensation spread up his arm, then across his chest and through his entire form until his body began to feel as though it was made of water; edges indistinct, it was hard to tell where the clothing ended and he began. Danny fought the urge to pass out, but black spots were dancing in his vision and despite his efforts his eyes slipped closed. Vision turning black as his sense of touch seemed to fade; for a second or two he was weightless, floating in space before suddenly his full awareness returned to him. The dizziness gone and his vision slowly returning he tried to make sense of his surroundings; he was still in the storage room but his perspective was all wrong, he was staring at the ceiling and everything seemed so much bigger than it should be.

Danny tried to roll over only to find that he couldn’t. His body seemed stuck; his muscles atrophied entirely leaving him helpless. No, it wasn’t that his body was too weak to move…it wasn’t there! His entire form had changed and as he focused, he realised much to his horror, that somehow, his mind was no inside that bikini! He could feel himself split, able to feet both the soft cushioning of the box below his bra form and the cool floor when his pantie self sat. With a bit of focus he could switch his awareness between the two, his sight and other senses focusing where he willed them. There was no sign of his human body, perhaps it had been absorbed into the bikini itself? Either way, he was helpless, unable to move or speak at all.

Time began to pass with nothing to occupy his mind but the gradually fading light through the dusty windows. He was unable to sleep in this form, so he found himself melting into the back on his mind, barely aware at all as hours, then days began to pass. Each time a worker walked in and rummaged through the stock he wanted to call out but couldn’t. It was only after he’d lost count of the days that somebody, finally, noticed him.

The salesclerk was a young woman who, upon seeing his panties laying on the floor cocked her head to the side in confusion. Hesitantly she reached out, a single finger brushing against one of his ties for a second before snapping back. A beat passed and she scoffed, roughly scooping him up in both hands. After days with barely and stimulation the warmth of her skin on his folds felt like heaven.

“I should have known she’d stiff us on the special ones again.” She sighed, “Oh well, you’ll still fetch a high price, wait till I give that damn ‘witch’ a piece of my mind.”

Danny didn’t listen, he was too wrapped up in how soft her skin felt against him. He’d not realised just how thin his fabric was, squeezed together between her fingers he felt as though he were being given a full body hug. He never wanted it to end. The sudden lights of an open and airy showroom dazzled his vision after days out back; voices and bodies passed him by in a whirl of sound and colour before coming to a stop at an empty mannequin.

“At least you can do some good here.”

‘No! Don’t let me go!’ He begged, but of course she couldn’t hear him.

The clerk placed his panties between her knees, pressing them together to keep him in place, it felt so good, being sandwiched between her legs like that. He was almost too distracted to notice his bra form stretching across the cold plastic of the mannequin his cups form being filled out by the hard material. It felt wrong, almost clinical but did gift him with a good view of the store. His panties were next, being slide up the legs and fastened high on the mannequin’s hips. Were he able, he’d have laughed as the clerk tied the pantie strings up, the feeling of his ties being played with tickled.

Then, as suddenly as she had come, she left. Leaving him bereft of sensation once again, his fabric form unable to even warm the plastic he was sitting on. He sat, unable to do anything but wait but at least now, he had people to observe. It was like his own personal soap; bratty kids, macho men, pretty women, all talking and shopping together. After days of deprivation, it was bliss.

Suddenly, there was a shift in the air as the door to Fleuris opened and on it came a scent. It was floral but also contained something indescribable and Danny felt himself drawn to the source. A woman, with dark brown skin and shiny black hair dressed in a white sundress that could barely be considered decent with the amount of chest and leg it showed off. She was gorgeous and what’s more, she looked right at him and smiled. If he still had a heart, it would have skipped a beat. Her heels clicked on the floor as she struts toward him, reaching out and brushing her long fingernails against his fabric. The simple touch sent tingles across his surface.

“This,” She said triumphantly, “Is exactly what I am after, the men won’t be able to take their eyes of me down at the coast.”

‘Oh yes,’ Danny wanted to beg, ‘Please buy me!’

Already he was dreaming of what it would feel like to have those warm, heavy breasts against him in place of this cold plastic. Being a bikini had been torturous so far, at the very least it would be far more bearable if he was on the body of a hot woman.

“So soft.” She cooed, rubbing two fingers along the underside of the panties and sending pleasurable tingles across him. “Can I try these on?”

‘Yes! Yes!’

After so many hours against cold, hard plastic a pair of warm hands were a dream. This woman’s skin felt even softer than the clerks and that wonderful, floral scent wafted onto him. She walked into the changeroom and placed him up on a hook, giving him a perfect view as she removed that naughty dress. Despite no longer having anything resembling a cock he felt himself grow aroused as her breasts were bared to him, bouncing slightly as the tight material of her dress was pulled over them. Apparently his soon to be owner didn’t believe in bras, a fact he was infinitely grateful for.

He watched, full of sexual hunger as she removed her G-sting, anticipation building as those soft hands reached for him once more. She picked up his panties, stretching them out a few times between her fingers; it felt almost like stretching a muscle back in his human form; a not unpleasant burn spread through him and then finally, she stepped into the holes. The trip up her legs seemed to take an age, he treasured every touch of soft skin as he ascended, his eyes firmly glued to her ever-approaching pussy. She pulled on his ties tightly, raising them up high on her hip bones and forcing his inner lining firmly against that soft, damp mound between her legs. He’d been so distracted by his sense of touch that up until this point he’d barely focused at all on his other senses but now they were being stimulated in full force.

The smell of her pussy was intoxicating, heady and warm with that wonderful oh so female element that was impossible to describe. And the longer her focused on it the more he came to realise that he could taste it too. He’d eaten women out before of course but this was a whole new level of detail he’d never been privy to. His entire being was moulded to her, able to taste her skin, hair and juices; never in his life had he been this turned on, the only downside was that as a bikini bottom, he couldn’t do very much about it except savour the experience.

Danny was so caught up in the smell and taste of her that he almost didn’t feel her hands touching the straps of his bra. Her nails scraped against his ties as she undid them before taking the cups in her palms and pressing them to her tits. They were so warm and soft, Danny felt as though he were melting against them. The only interruption to the gentle curve being the pert, beautiful nipples, currently soft against his fabric. His ties tingled as she did them up, tightly hugging him to each curve of her body. His owner turned to face the mirror, posing with a hand on her hips. He looked stunning, if he did say so himself; like he was made for her. His bright red material accented her skin and dark hair, together they looked ready for the front page of any magazine.

“Perfect.” The woman smiled, cupping her tits and raising him with them. “Simply, perfect.”

The compliment, though incidental, still bought him more pleasure that he expected. Making a woman as sexy as this feel good, it seemed to complete him. At least with this, he felt as though his life had at least some small purpose again.

‘Please buy me.’

He didn’t think he could take it, being put back on that cold mannequin again or worse, out in that storeroom. No woman could compare to this one, he desperately wanted her to take him off and go to the counter with credit card in hand. But she didn’t. No, instead she reached for her dress, stuffing her hold panties into her clutch and redressing. His vision of the outside world was covered in a sea of white, so he turned his vision inwards to admire her lovely skin, savouring the way his folds rubbed against her as she walked.

It was only when he heard the tinkle of a bell that he realised what was happening, his new owner was leaving the shop. He’d laugh were he able, it turns out he wasn’t the only one who stole and shoplifted from Fleuris. He knew there was a reason he liked this woman. She walked down the street confidently, each sway of her hips forcing him slightly further into the crevice of her ass. He could feel his fabric rubbing against itself between her cheeks and it made him want to shudder, who knew swimsuit material was so sensitive.

The sound of a car door opening reached him and suddenly he was crushed beneath the weight of her, sandwiched between that soft dress, the fine leather of her car seat and her damp pussy. The smell and tastes of her permeated his panties fully, he wished he could moan. With every slightly bump in the road of subtle shift of her body his senses were stimulated, the stroke of hair against his inner fibres was glorious. Not to mention the stimulation of his bra self, her breasts would bounce each time they hit a pot hole or sharp corner, Danny found himself wishing his new owner would take up rally driving. All too soon the drive was over and as the car door opened a crispy, salty breeze blew up her skirt and over him. He didn’t need to glance down between her legs to know they were at the beach.

Soon enough she was removing that white dress and he was met with the sight of a sparkling blue ocean and white sands. His new owner took out a towel from her bag and made a show of bending over to adjust it. What of him remained outside her crevice was stretched across her cheeks for the world to see, he enjoyed the moment of stretching before she straightened, blowing a kiss to the man who wolf whistle her.

“Oh my God, Shana you look auh-maz-ing!”

A pale woman with red hair and slightly sunburned shoulders jogged up to them. Danny couldn’t help but feel a small stab of satisfaction noting that her bikini was not nearly as sexy as he was.

“Don’t I?” His owner demurred, running a finger along the underside of his bra straps. “I just bought them.”

If it was possible to fall in love as a bikini, Danny was. This woman lies were so smooth and full of sugar even he could barely tell, and he was there when she stole him!

“You’ll have no problem picking up in that, not that you ever do.”

“Let’s go swimming.” Shana suggested, “I want to test how stretchy this stuff is.”

Giggling together the woman made a bee line for the water, tiny flecks of sand from their running hitting against him as they went. Her breasts bounced, his thin fabric no match for their weight and he savoured each stretch of his ties as they barely kept together with each stride. He braced himself for the on coming ocean but to his surprise it was cool and bracing. He switched his concentration to his bra form as the panties disappeared under the waves, enjoying the slight stiffening of her nipples as she was exposed to the water. He was pleased to discover he was in fact, made of high quality material, he didn’t loosen in the moisture at all.

A splash of water splattered against his bra as Shana’s friend began a war she couldn’t win. The women shrieked, chasing each other through the spray kicking and splashing at each other for the world to see. It was like every man’s wet dream and he was living it, not only that he was feeling it. The only downside was, as Shana dove beneath the waves, the water washed away much of the smell and taste of her, replacing it with salt. The world beneath the waves was muffled, sound, taste and even touch were blurred together in a canvas of blue and yellow.

After some time had passed Danny began to hate it; he missed the smell and taste of her, the salty sand of the ocean was all he knew now. At the very least though, her soft skin warmed one side of him. Voices, distorted by the waves and water appeared, he could feel the vibration of his owner’s voice in her chest as she spoke, her timber slightly lower than it had been before. The reason why soon became apparent as a pair of hairy, muscular legs passed before him. A man.

He couldn’t make out their conversation with only his straps above the waterline but it didn’t take a genius to know they were flirting. He watched, through the haze of ocean as a bulge appeared in the man’s speedo and to his great surprise, Danny found himself hungering for it. A hard cock would meal more wetness for him to taste, more warm skin contact against him. He desperately hoped the increasing warmth between Shana’s legs indicated they were about to see some action.

Suddenly, there were hands upon him, rough and strong squeezing him into Shana’s breast. Even more incredible was that bulge, pressing into him and pushing him further up into her soft folds. In response he felt thick juices begin to leak from her waiting hole and oh, how he wanted to savour them. If only the current wasn’t washing it away! At least he could focus on her nipples, now hard, pink diamonds under the man’s touch. He found himself pressed between them, rough skin on one side and pert nipple on the other. He was just beginning to enjoy himself fully when the touches were gone, replaced with cold ocean and he wanted to wail.

Please,’ he wanted to beg Shana, ‘keep going.

He switched his vision from bra to panties and back again but could not make out where the man had gone. Shana was swimming now, her kicking rubbing him rhythmically and blocking his vision with white water. The tiny bubbles gathered and brushed against him, sending tickling sensations across his entire form. Between them and the push and pull of Shana’s skin he began to feel overly stimulated with bliss. As a bikini, he could not cum, so he was stuck in the torturous position of being endlessly pleasured with no end in sight.

Gradually though, the water began to shallow and gravity returned as Shana stepped out of the sea. Her heavy tits, slick with sea water sagged against him, the moisture causing his fabric to cling to her skin even more than before. He felt the salty water drip down onto him, warm from her body heat and his vision cleared to reveal an abandoned cove, the echoes of the main beach audible from over a high stone ridge. Most importantly though, was the man. He was still here, hand holding Shana’s and leading her to a soft looking beach towel laying not far away. His heart would have leapt, if he still had one. Already he could begin to taste Shana’s juices once more, mixing and then replacing the salty sea water. To hit utter delight Shana’s new companion reached a finger out and began to rub his underside, making Shana moan and soaking him in her wetness. He only wished this had happened while she was dry so he could absorb it into his fabric more.

He could feel every detail of her folds, the tiny bundle of nerves that was her clit and the deep wet hole responsible for the flavours he was basking in. His bra form was being stimulated too, her nipples rubbing against him as they hardened further. For one beautiful moment, the man’s finger pressed him inside; in that brief second, he could truly appreciate the richness of her, the warm wet heat that squeezed around him so tightly. He wanted to whimper when gravity took him away. He could hear them moaning together, the sound of lips colliding as the man pulled closer. His fingers replaced with the hardness of his cock; Shana having lowered his speedo at some point so that Danny was sandwiched between their flesh. On one side, Shana’s soft wet heat and on the other a hard cock which rubbed against him in the most delicious way. The man’s scent was nowhere near as tasty as Shana, but it was still arousing in the extreme. Between the taste of them both Danny found himself feeling almost lightheaded, if that was at all possible. Even his bra form was trapped between them, the man’s hard chest pressing him into her nipples even more.

A rough hand tangled into his ties resting on Shana’s neck sending further tingles through his new form. This was heaven, or it would if he could cum. Then again, were he able to cum he most definitely would have by now, the bliss was incomparable. Then the man’s fingers slipped beneath his ties, with a simple tug they came apart and Danny felt himself slowly peeling off Shana’s drying skin. He grieved the loss, being exposed once more to the open air. The bra was tossed, landing in the sand a few feet away giving him a brand new source of arousal.

Now he could both watch the proceedings from his bra form on the ground while feeling them from his panties. They were thoroughly soaked now as Shana got more and more turned on. She let herself be dragged down onto the towel, rolling beneath her new beau and Danny wished he could moan to release some of the pleasure pent up inside. He watched that cock rub against himself while also feeling it; it was like watching a live porno film while being able to feel what the actors did. It was euphoria. The man’s hands traced down Shana’s sides until they reached the point of her hipbones, where his ties were sitting.

‘No, let me stay a little longer!’ He begged but it was no use, the man’s fingers were already holding the tip, gently pulling the bows undone.

Helplessly, he watched as his ties came undone, the front of him being pushed down and away from Shana’s pussy. But then, the universe showed him some mercy. His panties were not pushed away as he first fear instead, they simply let him unfold before refocusing on one another. Leaving him crushed beneath her ass as the man got himself in position. From his bra form, he watched, unable to stop doing so even if he wanted to. He focused in on that hard cock as it slowly pressed inside Shana. She arched her back, further crushing his panties into the towel and sand. Wetness dripped from her hole down her curves before coming to rest upon his damp surface. He drank in the scent and flavour, trying to will himself to absorb it more so that no amount of water could ever wash it away.

With each thrust, Shana and her man would gasp and moan, rolling their hips and stimulating him along with them; all while he had a perfect view of them from his bra form. God, he wished he could cum, he was so turned on it almost hurt. Each time Shana’s hips raised only to fall back upon him, bringing with her more wetness he wanted to cry out in ecstasy. The man sped up, groaning deeply as both he and Shana came in tandem, thick white liquid dribbling from her hole as he stilled. This too, landed upon him. The taste was something unique and surprisingly delicious, Danny prayed they wouldn’t wash him off. A moment later the prayer was answered as the man shuddered, pulling out while Shana raised her hips and gathered up his panties in order to wipe herself clean. Cum and juices spread over him, soaking into his every pore. There was nothing left but the taste and smell of it.

Without a though Shana tossed them aside, landing next to the bra on the damp sand while she and her man curled up for a post coital make out session. Danny had no choice but to sit and watch, his only hope that Shana would not forget him when it came time to leave.


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