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After being infected with a new strain of mad cow disease Tyrone and his roommate Aaron find themselves transforming into horny a horny heifer and bull respectively. 


Tyrone raised an eyebrow as the waiter lead them to their table; Aaron could have at least called ahead and told them his reservation was no longer for a date. He swiftly extinguished the little red candle and pushed it aside; the restaurant was packed and he didn't want anybody here getting the wrong idea. Aaron didn't even seem to notice, dropping down into his chair with a sad sigh. If it were up to him, he'd still be at home wallowing in self-pity but there was no way Tyrone was letting him give up a reservation at one of the most prestigious steak houses in the city. He'd been trying to get in himself for weeks so when his roommate had tearfully revealed he'd been dumped, Tyrone took his chance.

"Come on, man. The sad sack routine started getting old days ago." He tried, "She was just a girl, they'll be plenty more in the future if you stop moping."

"Stacey wasn't just any girl." Aaron insisted, "she was perfect; beautiful, smart, funny..."

Tyrone barely resisted the urge to gag as Aaron went on, sounding like some lovestruck fool. He was sympathetic to his friend, of course it sucked being the dumpee rather than the dumper, but secretly he was glad. Aaron had started to become boring with her around, he was happy to have his bro back. Once he got over this, they'd be back on the town together slaying like old times.

Tyrone for his part, never struggled to pick up the ladies; with his dark skin, deep baritone and muscular build he practically had girls drooling at his feet. Aaron was, fine, he could stand to hit the gym a few extra days a week like he did but he was still attractive enough.

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress was a perky young woman whose top was one button lower than it probably should have been. Such an obvious, trashy way to get attention, if she thought it would get her extra tips from him, she was dead wrong.

"I'll have the garden salad with chicken." Aaron replied, having barely glanced at the menu.

"Come on! With everything else that's on offer?" Tyrone scoffed, "Be a man. We'll both have the T-bone steak, medium rare. No salad. Plus, two extra strength beers."

The waitress glanced uncomfortably between them, clearly unsure whose word to take until Aaron shrugged and nodded. She gave them both a tight smile and disappeared off to the bar to place their orders. Tyrone couldn't help but notice the mournful way Aaron looked at the next table over as their cocktails arrived; dear God what had Stacey done to him?

"See this is why she dumped you." Tyrone sighed, "Man up!"

"Cocktails are stronger and taste better." Aaron mumbled bitterly, "why bitter barley water is considered manly I'll never know."

The waitress returned with said drinks and Tyrone made a show of gulping down half in one go, savouring that bitter taste Aaron seemingly hated.

"Beer is a man’s drink, that's just how it is." He chided, "Just like how that salad is only on the menu for ladies. Trust me, no women wants a sensitive little lamb for a boyfriend. They want strong, dominant guys who eat steak and fuck hard. Like we do."

The tables surrounding them shot him a not to subtle side eye but he ignored them. Tough love was what Aaron needed right now, none of that gentle reassurance crap. When the food came Tyrone felt his mouth water, the meat was so tender his knife glided through it like butter. When he finally tasted it, he had to resist the urge to moan, it was exquisite, even better than he'd hoped. Even if Aaron was rubbish company tonight it was definitely worth putting up with for this.

"I can't believe you were going to have a salad." He chuckled, swallowing down the last bite, "see? Wasn't I right?"

"Yeah." Aaron gave him a small smile, "I'll give you this one."

"And I am just as right about the girls." Tyrone insisted, "trust me man, have I ever steered you wrong?"


That night Tyrone slept fitfully. In his dreams he was running across a great, endless field of green grass under the intense summer sun. He was naked, sweat glistening on his skin as he ran, behind him he could hear heavy hoofbeats but he dared not turn to see what exactly was chasing him. The moisture on his skin seemed to gather around his crotch and chest, he could feel streams of it flowing down his form but it felt different to regular sweat.

Trying his best to keep pace he looked down, he could see thick translucent juices running down his legs and even more strangely, a creamy white liquid was flowing from his swollen nipples. In shock, he stumbled. Falling face first into the grass which was soft and pillowy like a mattress. He tried to get up but that mysterious beast was suddenly upon him. He could feel its heavy bulk holding him down, hooves pinning his body to the ground. Then there was a pressure, something hard and fleshy pressing against his entrance-

Tyrone startled away, a sheen of sweat covered his feverish skin and he had a raging hard on. He swallowed a few times to try and fix his dry mouth but it didn't work. Memory of the dream faded quickly into a strange haze of arousal, he didn't hesitate to grip his thick black cock and start pumping. There was no need to start slow, he hadn't been this turned on in months. He gasped, increasing his hold and imagining a tight pussy in place of his hand. Women always told him he was big; he loved the way most struggled to take him all. He pictured the last woman he'd fucked, the way her face had twisted in ecstasy and even a little pain as she sunk down on him. The image was enough to make his balls tighten and pleasure exploded out of him along with a good helping of cum. He flopped back into his sweaty sheets, no harm in adding one more stain, he was going to have to wash them today anyway.

He sighed, muscles relaxing in the post orgasm haze. Today was going to be a good day, he could feel it.


By the time he’d gotten out of bed Aaron had already claimed the shower and spent a suspiciously long time using all the hot water. Fortunately, Tyrone didn’t mind the occasional cold shower, it woke him up ready for the gym, maybe he’d even convince Aaron to come with him today for the first time since being dumped. He’d been about to offer when a knock at the apartment door startled him, it was only 7:30 in the morning, who on earth would be calling on them this early? Tyrone opened the door surprised to see a bespectacled pale man holding a clipboard.

"Hello, is this the residence of Tyrone Banks and Aaron Goss?" He asked, Tyrone nodded.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news, may I come in?"

"Of course." Aaron came up behind and opened the door fully, the pale man gave him a gracious nod before gesturing for them both to sit.

"My name is Dr. Abraham Brown. Before I say anything further, can you confirm for me that you both ate a T-Bone steak from The Ranch Steak House last night?"

"Yeah?" Tyrone shrugged, if this was some sort of weird marketing survey he was going to be pissed, he was losing precious gym time.

"I am sorry to say that the delivery of meat taken and prepared by The Ranch last night was contaminated with a new strain of Mad Cow Disease."

Tyrone felt the blood drain from his face, Aaron looked equally stricken.

"Isn't that fatal? Are we both-"

"You are not going to die." Dr.Brown cut him off, "fortunately this new strain is non-fatal but it does come with some distressing side effects which can be hard to adjust to once they take hold. It is for that reason I am here to take you to our specialised facility for helping cases such as yourself through the process."

"Nah, no way man." Tyrone stood up, "get the fuck put of here with that shit, this is some sort of scam and if you think we're dumb enough to fall for it you've got another thing coming."

"I assure you-"

"Unless you've got some hard proof, I don't care about your assurances!"

"Tyrone," Aaron's voice was soft spoken and nervous, "I think we should listen to him. I-I have been feeling a little funny this morning."

"Hot flushes? Increased libido?" Dr.Brown suggested and Aaron blushed.


He'd been a little sweaty and woken up hard as a rock but there was no way in hell he was telling them that! It didn't mean anything anyway; morning wood was hardly a rare occurrence.

“I feel fine.” He crossed his arms defiantly.

“Well, if you are infected symptoms will likely begin manifesting within the next twenty-four hours.” Dr. Brown pushed up his glasses nervously, Tyrone smirked at the gesture. What a weed.

“Well, why don’t you leave a card or something and if we start feeling crazy, we’ll let you know.” Tyrone waved him off, he wasn’t wasting any more of his time on this obvious hoax.

“Tyrone, I really think we should listen to him…”

Aaron was reading over some of the papers Dr. Brown had placed in front of him, biting his lip like an indecisive woman and Tyrone sighed. Maybe his bro really was too far gone, if he wanted to fall for such an obvious trick, he wasn’t going to bail him out again.

“Yes, I know it’s hard to believe but I believe I can already see the signs of infection.” Dr.Brown said, “Judging from the security footage I observed of your dinner last night your muscle mass is already decrease-“

Tyrone slammed a hand down on the table, blood boiling. How dare this reedy little worm insinuate that he needed to pack on the muscle?

“Listen here you little snake, you do not come into my home and insult me. Especially not when you are admitting to spying on us in the same breath!” He seethed, “Aaron, kick this asshat out, I’m going to the gym.”

Aaron floundered as he turned away, actually apologising to Dr.Brown for his room mates behaviour. Fucking incredible, Tyrone couldn’t believe him. He walked to the door in a huff, this day had started on such a high, he wanted to keep it that way. Tyrone stormed out of the apartment and down the street toward his usual gym, he couldn't believe Aaron was even entertaining that ludicrous story. A growl from his stomach reminded him he'd not actually had breakfast and he grumbled. He'd have to stop at one of the cafes on his way. Earthen Eats was usually his best bet, in order to keep up his gains at the gym Tyrone only ate keto foods, high in protein to ensure he never gain a single pound that wasn't muscle.

He was in luck and managed to snag a breakfast box with boiled eggs. Though they weren't nearly as satisfying as they normally were. Reaching inside for the third egg his eyes focused on the alfalfa sprouts laid out for them to rest on. His mouth watered and he stuffed a handful in his mouth and moaned, how had he never realised how good this stuff tasted? Normally it was just decoration or a side dish. He found himself returning to the counter and asking for a full bowl, much to the confusion of the cashier.

"If you really like it all that much, I could make you a smoothie with some?" She offered; Tyrone nodded enthusiastically.

The drink tasted earthy and rich, better than any protein shake he’d ever had. As he walked Tyrone made a mental note to add alfalfa to the shopping list later so he could make one at home.

Walking into the gym was a relief, finally something familiar. He was looking forward to getting lost in his routine and forgetting all about that fake doctor and his scam. Plus, he had plenty of energy to burn thanks to that surprisingly filling breakfast.

Tyrone was in luck, his favourite elliptical machine was available, the one facing the mirrored wall at the back of the room that allowed him to admire himself as he worked out. He set his weights, removed his shirt and settled in, enjoying the burn in his muscles as he began pulling forward. He focused on his reflection, admiring his toned form and dark skin. A furrow appeared though as he realised, he was looking slightly...pudgy. It was silly, but he swore his pecs looked less defined than usual. A double set today then, he couldn't go losing his physic!

He started the routine, filled with determination to lose the extra pounds he'd somehow out on. Soon though, the monotony of the exercise was starting to set in, he'd stormed out in such a hurry he'd forgotten his headphones. Without much else to entertain him Tyrone’s eyes began to wander across the reflective wall, eventually settling on several men on the treadmills behind him. They weren’t buff body builder types like him, but all three of them had an athletic build with plenty of muscle to show off. Tyrone found himself staring, watching as their muscles were highlighted by the thin sheen of perspiration they produced after running for over twenty minutes. The man in the middle, the one with sun kissed skin and bright blue eyes caught his attention in particular. There was something utterly fascinating that Tyron just couldn’t put his finger on. He continued to work at the elliptical, admiring the tanned mans form; his strong calves and square shoulders, it was only when he noticed his cock starting to stir that he realised he’d been ogling the guy. He was so shocked he dropped the bars, causing the weights to slam back into place with a heavy crash, making he and several others jump.

The man with the blue eyes met his gaze in the mirror and Tyrone felt himself blushing like a schoolgirl. It was more than just embarrassment too, he felt…flustered. That doctor may have been full of crap but there was definitely something wrong with him today. He was straight; he certainly wasn’t attracted to beautiful buff men with their sparkling eyes and glistening skin.

“Hey man, you okay?”

Tyrone felt his mouth go dry, how had the object of his desire snuck up on him so quickly?

“Yeah, fine.” He choked, “Just uh, coughed and lost my grip y’know.”

“Ah gotcha.” The blonde gave him a wink, “Well, I will let you get back to it.”

“Actually, I think I am done for today.” Tyrone excused himself, pushing past and trying to ignore the residual warmth he could feel emanating from the blonde’s skin.

He had to get home and take another cold shower. Several cold showers. It was just that weird dream he reasoned, it had him off kilter along with Dr.Brown’s visit. He was sure tomorrow he’d wake up his normal, alpha male self and this day would be a funny memory in no time.


The jog home did him good and by the time he was slamming the door closed Tyrone felt more or less like himself again. His little incident at the gym happily swept under the mental rug. Aaron greeted him nervously, a number of papers spread out across his lap, no doubt from that so called ‘doctor’.

“That shit’s all fake, man.” Tyrone called, opening the fridge and pouring himself a glass of milk, “Don’t let that weirdo freak you out.”

“I really wish you’d stayed.” Aaron groaned, “I don’t think this is a trick, we could really be sick. I’ve been reading over the symptoms and they’re no joke, there is this special sanatorium set up in the country for people who catch this strain and everything. Dr.Brown says we should stop by-“

“And let him and his mates rob us blind while we get walked around some fake doctor’s office?” Tyrone huffed, “No thank you.”

He took a swig of milk and groaned in satisfaction; he must be calcium deficient today because outside of that alfalfa smoothie Tyrone swore he’d never tasted anything so good.

“Tyrone I am serious!” Aaron yelled, standing up to face him so suddenly Tyrone was caught off guard.

His eyes once again betrayed him as they locked onto Aarons shoulders; the pair of them had always been gym junkies but Aaron could never quite compete with his own bulk. Why then, when he’d just spent hours working out, was Aaron the one whose shirt looked ready to burst? The clothing must have shrunk in the wash, it was the only explanation for those bulging muscles, they can’t possibly have grown so much overnight, no matter how much it looked that way. There was something about his voice too, if he didn’t know any better Tyrone would have thought it had dropped an octave.

“Listen to me.” Aaron ordered, that deep baritone seemed to echo in his brain. “Read the damn pamphlets.”

“Fine.” Tyrone sighed, ignoring the uncomfortable butterflies fluttering in his stomach, “But not because you told me to!”

He snatched up the paper work and stormed to his room. This entire day could go jump in a microwave for all he cared. He made sure to slam his door just to spite Aaron as he went before flopping back on the bed in a huff, staring at the handful of scrunched paper clenched in his palm. With a sigh he began to skim over the pages.

A new strain of mad cow…infection via foodstuffs…non-lethal…bovine aspect…wait, what?

Tyrone’s eyes flew back up to the line and reread it. Then again to make sure he hadn’t misunderstood.

‘Victims find themselves slowly changes at the genetic level to take on more bovine features. This change seems unstoppable and irreversible with the level of change varying from case to case but most victims are unable to exist within regular human society.’

They have got to be kidding. There was no way this was real; yet as he went down the list of symptoms that preceded the change Tyrone felt his blood turn to ice. Increased libido, attraction to grass and grass-like foodstuffs, mind fog, personality shifts…some of it was a stretch but he had to admit, that would explain some of his stranger behaviour today. In a panic he stripped off, looking for any sign of ‘bovine transformation’ and found none. He blushed slightly, feeling stupid; here he was getting just as paranoid as Aaron. If this disease really did exist and they were infected, he’d know soon enough, odds were in a couple of days they’d be back out at the club laughing about the whole affair.


Tyrone woke the next morning feeling bloated and groggy. His dreams had once again been filled with that endless field, he’d run from that pursuer only to be caught and held down right before waking. He wasn’t hard this time, but there was a lingering lust in his core which he ignored, too distracted by his grumbling stomach. He felt off, almost feverish as he made his way to the kitchen, sneering at the sight of bacon and eggs that greeted him in the fridge. The idea of his usual protein rich diet made him feel even sicker. He was craving…something but couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was. An empty carton in the bin answered the question.

“Aaron? Did you finish the milk?”

“Yeah.” A strained voice responded from behind the bathroom door.

“That was basically new! You drank the whole litre!” Tyrone complained, he seriously needed milk right now and that guts had taken it all!

“Now’s uh, not a good time!” Aaron’s voice was suddenly drowned out by the shower and Tyrone growled.

Fine. It wasn’t that far to the shops from here anyway. Chucking on his sweats and a hoodie he made his way down to the corner store, cursing Aaron under his breath, was it so hard to leave a single glass worth of milk for your roommate? He was almost at the corner shop when he froze, eyes locked on the overgrown grass next to the footpath. He’d walked past it every day for months now, the building manager was famously awful with upkeeping the nature strip. Today though, something was different, those long unkept blades of grass looked…appetising.  Disgust rolled in Tyrone’s stomach at the realisation and he kept walking, what sort of freak wanted to eat grass?

That list of symptoms bounced around inside his skull the entire trip, by the time he got back to the apartment then litre of milk he’d bought was drained and Tyrone was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, Dr.Brown wasn’t lying.


Looking for another chapter of this story? Head over to the Directory where all other links are available!


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