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After getting lost in the woods Danny is rescued by a group of nymphs who wish to make themselves his personal hareem. 


It was hopeless.

He’d been wandering for days at this point and Danny had finally given up hope of ever finding civilization again. This had all started as a stupid dare from his mates, they’d all said he was too much of a pussy to complete the Appalachian Trail by himself and he’d taken that challenge to his masculinity seriously. He’d been determined to prove them wrong, so much so in fact he’d set out woefully unprepared, without a map and somehow wandered off the trail. He’d just walked a few steps away to take a photo of himself on a vista when the rocks had cracked and he’d gone tumbling down into the river. The water had whisked him and most of his supplies downstream and by the time he’d dragged himself out, looking like a drowned rat, he was hopelessly lost.

Follow the river, that was conventional wisdom, wasn’t it? Well, a fat lot of good it had done him. He’d seen nothing but trees and rocks for days, not a hint of a person and after twenty-four hours and without anything to eat but bark he was seriously considering trying to catch one of the frogs that occasionally leapt between his feet.

With a sigh he sat down on the damp ground by a tree and stared out into the forest. Of all the stupid ways to go. If he was lucky, he’d at least get an episode all to himself on one of those true crime podcasts everybody was so into these days. ‘Danny Allen – the idiot who fell in a river and died alone in the wilderness’. What great listening that would be. A shape darted between two logs in the gloom and Danny groaned; great, nature couldn’t even let him die peacefully, now he was going to be dinner for a mountain lion.

The shape moved again, jumping between the trees and a pair of glowing blue eyes appeared in the gloom. He didn’t run, he didn’t have the strength even if he wanted to but he did cock his head to the side. He was no expert but he was pretty sure mountain lions didn’t have blue eyes. Another pair appeared not far from the first and to his shock a light, airy laughter met his ears. The girlish giggles knocked him for a loop momentarily before he realised; he was hallucinating. Obviously.

“Is that what I think it is, sister?” The voice was feminine with a slight ethereal echo to it.

“I think so!” A similar one replied, “a real man! It’s been so long since we’ve seen one!”

The eyes seemed to float closer and two forms appeared from the darkness of the tree line. They were women, at least in the loosest of terms. Their curvaceous bodies had pale green skin and were scantily clad in skirts made from leaves. Their blue eyes glowed in the dark, observing him with fascination as they approached. Long silver hair spilled over their shoulders, coming to rest over their bare breasts. Most amazing of all, a pair of thin, butterfly like wings glinted at their backs. Glittering despite the lack of light falling on them.

Maybe eating those mushrooms he found yesterday was a bad idea…

“It is a man, sister!” The first one shrieked, now that she was closer he could see a dusting a silver freckles across her pale green face. “Oh, he looks sick!”

“Poor thing is probably starving,” Said her companion, “He must have wandered far to end up in the Deep Forest. We should take care of him.”

She reached out and Danny felt a cool hand across his cheek. If this was a hallucination, it was a seriously good one.

“Who…?” The rest of his words didn’t come, his throat was too dry. He hadn’t stopped to boil any water this morning and now realised for the first time how parched he was.

“It speaks!” The freckled woman gasped, “We must help him, sister. I shall purify some water.”

Danny watched as the freckled one knelt by the river while her companion stroked smooth fingers through his sweaty hair. The water by her fingers seemed to shimmer and shine unnaturally before floating up into the air. He watched with fascination, the longer this went on the less anything made sense, this had to be all happening in his head yet he could feel that soft hand on his brow solidly.

“He’ll be too weak to drink normally.” The one stroking his hair said, “You’ll have to feed him.”

“Of course.”

That sparkling stream of water flowed into the freckled one’s mouth as she approached, leaning down and staring deeply into his eyes. A moment later their lips were touching and, too shocked or weak to resist, Danny let her push her tongue past and the liquid flowed inside. Her lips were warm and soft against his chapped ones and he sighed; the water was so sweet and cool on his dry throat and this strange woman’s lips were heaven after his ordeal. Several more kisses passed this way, he never wanted to drink from a normal glass ever again.

“Thank you.” He whispered when she finally stopped, she beamed at him.

“Of course! Come, we will help you back to our home.”

They each reached a long arm around his shoulders and with surprising strength, lifted him to his feet. He stumbled along, letting these strange fairy-like women take most of his weight. There was no way this he was delusional, it had to be happening or he wouldn’t be moving. Now that his thirst had been sated his weakness abated somewhat and began to take in more details about his rescuers. Their skin smelt of honey and flowers and their hair seemed to float slightly as if it were only slightly beholden to gravity.

“What are you?” he asked in wonder.

“You humans once called us fairies; we prefer to go by nymphs.” Freckles answered, “It has been so very long since one of your kind has visited. We have been waiting for such an opportunity.”

“Opportunity for what?”

He did not receive an answer, for in that moment the other nymph, the one with curlier hair, placed her hands against a nearby tree causing the wood to shift and shape like water beneath her palm. A doorway filled with soft green light formed and his two guides helped him step through. The light blinded him momentarily, going from the gloom of the thick forest to the golden light of afternoon sunset. The air was perfumed and sweet and a soft bloom like haze seemed to float across his entire vision.

A glade of golden grass surrounded by large trees of red leaves appeared before him. In the centre of which was a pool of cool blue water and all around him, more nymphs. Laying in hammocks between the branches, dancing in a circle of toadstools to his right and dangling their dainty feet into the pool. It looked like a picture from a storybook, save the small detail that the women wore nothing but a few scant leaves for clothes, if they wore anything at all. All of them beautiful and curvaceous, with that same green skin and golden hair, their eyes glowed a bright rainbow of colours as they all turned to look upon him in wonder.

Soon he and his two rescuers were swarmed, surrounded by a whirlwind of glittering wings and bright smiles. He let the two of them explain how they’d found him and the other nymphs cooed and gave him pitying looks; some even reached out to touch him in sympathy, leaving trails of heat where their fingers stroked.

“We must nurse him if he is to save us.” One announced, “Quick, bring him to the pool!”

Danny allowed himself to be lowered into the water, unlike the icy stream he’d been following this was warm, like a pleasant bath. It soothed the aches in his body and made him sigh with relief as one of the nymphs let water from her cupped hands run over his dirty hair. He found himself surrounded, with Freckles and Curls on either side of his body and another sitting above him on the bank. The latter set about washing his hair and massaging his shoulders, gently removing the sweat and grime from his ordeal as she quietly hummed to him. His two rescuers did the same, running their fingers over his arms and legs, massaging the webs between his toes and fingers till he could feel relaxation beginning to fill his entire body. He didn’t complain when Freckles began to undress him, passing the filthy, ripped clothing off to another nymph to be disposed of in some way.

“We must feed him!” Curls announced and several the fairies flitted off for a moment, returning with wooden plates ladened high with fruit and bread.

Freckled leaned in close, Danny could feel her naked legs intertwining with his own as she moved in closer. A small piece of bread, dripping with honey between her fingers.

“Open up, you need to regain your strength.”

He obeyed without question, feeling relaxed and safe for the first time in days. The food was the best he’d ever tasted, the honey was sweet and coated his mouth with each bite she fed him and he sighed with contentment. This treatment continued for hours, perhaps it was even days; the nymphs cleaning his body, feeding him, and allowing him to drink wine from their mouths. As Freckles leaned in to gift him another mouthful, he couldn’t help but return the kiss properly, letting his tongue brush against hers as she parted his lips. The nymph moaned, reaching up a hand to stroke down his face and chin.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Danny whispered; what sort of man wouldn’t get turned on by three naked women stroking his skin this way?

“Oh no,” She shook her head, “Do not apologise, I am afraid we have ulterior motives as well.”

“What do you mean?” She popped a piece of sweet fruit in his mouth and held him closer with a sad look in her eyes.

“You see, I am afraid us nymphs cannot have our own children.” She sighed, “We are all female, we need human men to help us breed. It has been so very long since a human wandered into our glade, we hoped you would be the man to save us.”

The other nymphs closed in, eyes all locked on him.

“You want me for…sex?” he balked.

“Please.” Freckles begged, tightening her hold on his arm, “It has been so very long since any of us felt the touch of a man. After so many years we have grown tired of pleasuring each other and what’s more, we want more children to carry on our traditions. Please, once you are well, won’t you give us what we need, Danny?”

His mouth felt dry once more but not from thirst, at least not the kind that could be cured with water. He didn’t bother asking how she knew his name, choking it up to the magic of this place and its inhabitants.

“We can make you a creature of the forest like us.” Freckles continued, “Our food and drink will make you strong, a male nymph. First and only of your kind. We will cater for your every need, if only you serve ours.”

How could he resist?

The nymphs squealed with delight as he nodded before returning to his pampering. Once he was clean and satiated, they created a bed for him out of soft, downy moss. Curls gave her lap as a pillow, stroking his damp hair and singing to him as he fell to sleep. What he assumed was days passed in this manner, the eternal twilight of the glade made it hard to tell how much time was truly passing. The nymphs were true to their word, his every want was met, they delighted in feeding him, massaging his aching muscles, and bathing with him. Some of the nymphs even danced for his entertainment and Danny found himself feeling quite at home.

Each day his strength returned and he watched, fascinated as his skin began to take on a greener hue, strong muscles bulged beneath in a way that could only be achieved with years of training or magic, so it seemed. The nymph who rescued him, the one with the dusting of silver freckles for which he’d named her never left his side. Even after he’d regained the strength to drink on his own, she insisted on feeding him from her mouth.

“You grow more handsome every day.” Freckles sighed, leaning against him, and letting her heavy breasts rest against his side. “You always were but we are so fortunate a man of your calibre was the one to fall into our home.”

He chuckled as she traced a finger along the length of his thigh, feeling the hard muscle taking form there.

“You’re one to talk. When I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.” Freckles cheeks took on a pink tinge and batted her eyes.

“I am so glad.” She sighed, cuddling closer.

A small smile tugged at his mouth and his cock twitched. If it were up to him, he’d bed her right now as he’d been so desperate to since he first arrived but the other nymphs insisted he wait a little longer. They wanted him at his peak.

“Well, if the others are happy you won’t have to wonder much longer.” He whispered, feeling her shiver against him, “Tomorrow I should be fully recovered and I want you first.”

“I am so inexperienced with men. I hope I can satisfy you.” She said nervously, face still tinged pink. “I have been dreaming about the day I would finally feel the touch of a man for so long. I am the youngest of us you see, I have only ever known the fingers and tongue of my sisters.”

An idea formed in his mind and nervously he pulled away to face her properly.

“Could you show me?” He asked, arousal coiling in his gut.

“If it would make you happy.” She beamed, calling over a fair haired nymph and whispering in her ear.

Danny felt his own horniness grow as another nymph came to sit behind him, rubbing his shoulders as Freckles and Curly sat down together in the moss. As the nymph behind him began to massage the knots in his shoulders so too did the fair headed nymph start to touch her fellow. He watched as Freckles leaned back, allowing her fellow nymph ample access to her breasts and they rose and fell with each breath. Danny could see her blue eyes sliding to him every few seconds, her blush deepening. By some new intuition, perhaps granted by his own growing powers, he knew she was imagining him in the other’s place. The thought made him harden slightly and he grinned as Freckles green skin started to turn pink all over as she saw.

“You’re sure we can’t get started until tomorrow?” He asked the one behind him, she shook her head.

“As much as I want to,” She pouted, “We must wait until you are fully recovered.”

Danny watched as the fair haired nymph dipped her fingers beneath Freckles skirt, the latter’s eyes stared straight at him as she began to shake.

“I feel up to it.”

“You’re so brave.” She cooed, “But we cannot risk it.”

Freckle’s head was resting on her sister nymph’s shoulder now, locked in an embrace by one hand while the other pumped in and out of her. With each thrust she gasped but those blue eyes never left him face. He could feel it on the wind somehow, the fact that she was getting close, her legs trembled trying to keep the pleasure at bay. He chuckled; she didn’t want to come too quickly, still so set on impressing him. He felt pity for her, she had saved his life and been so kind to him, he wanted to show her some mercy in return.

“Don’t hold back.” He called to her, “I want to see you.”

His permission was all it took, the nymph cried out, eyes finally leaving his own to roll back into her head. Mouth agape she shuddered against those long fingers and finally fell back onto the moss, breasts heaving and perfectly framed in the glade’s golden light. She gave him a lazy smile, allowing him to observe her form as she enjoyed her come down.


When he fell asleep that night Danny could tell something in him was changing, more than just his skin and muscle tone. He dreamt of the nymph women who cared for him, dancing across his vision, breasts swaying in the wind. When he woke, he was already painfully hard. He sat up and stretched, feeling his now toned, muscular body burn comfortably as he did so. He looked to his right, where the smooth water of the pool reflected his image clearly. Not only was he taller and broader now, his eyes glowed a soft amber brown; he had become one of the forest creatures, the only male nymph.

A soft gasp reached his ears and he turned to see Freckles, she was kneeling not far from him, eyes wide as they roamed over his now completed body. Their eyes met and instinctually he reached out with his new magical mind, that intuition yesterday had indeed been his own magic developing. Now he could sense the nymph’s thoughts, feel her lust for him. With a soft smile he shuffled back from the bank, sitting up against a nearby tree and held out his hand to beckon her. She came to him immediately, climbing into his lap with a look of gratitude and desperation.

“Are you sure you want me first?” She asked, face unbelieving. “Some of the others, they have more experience. I admit I do not now how to best please a man.”

“I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” Danny whispered, pulling her to him.

He groaned as her full breasts came to rest against his chest, her whole body tightened in response, hands gripping at his now broad shoulders. He thrust a hand up into her long hair, fingernails scratching at the nape of her neck and she gave a breathy sigh, allowing his tongue entrance to her mouth. Over the last few days, he has kissed Freckles many times in order to drink but now, there was nothing impeding them. For somebody who claimed to lack experience her kissing skills were certainly impressive. Her lips were soft and pliable, yielding to him without hesitation until finally she pulled away.

Her eyes were wide with desire and she leaned back, cupping her breasts in offering to him. She moaned as he took one in each hand, pressing his thumbs into her nipples. He marvelled at them; the weight in his hands, the smoothness of her skin, the hardness of her nipples. She whispered his name in a hushed voice as he took them between his thumb and forefinger, rolling them back and forth.

Her hips bucked slightly and he could feel her juices slowly leaking out against his thick shaft. Her folds parted slightly and he could feel her desires flowing free from her mind. She couldn’t help but rub herself against him, she had been imagining what a man’s cock felt like for so long. With a gentle hand he cupped her ass, lifting it ever so slightly. She got the message immediately and with a flutter of her wings she was poised above him, her wet hole resting against the tip of his hardness. Despite everything he could sense her nervousness as she slowly ceased her wings movements, allowing her to sink down. Danny couldn’t help but groan loudly, she was so tight and hot. Far better than any human woman he had ever felt.

The sound he’d made woke some of the others and he began to notice more eyes upon him. The other nymphs were watching him fuck one of their own and he could sense their jealousy, their eagerness to be picked next.

“Oh…Oh! It’s so much.” Freckle’s moaned, rocking her hips, “So good…”

She wasn’t wrong, even he was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Overwhelmed, but not sated. Gripping her hips tightly he raised her up and then down again, feeling his shaft drag through her tight corridor. After a few moments he let go, letting her bounce on his cock at her own pace. She buried herself to the sheath before withdrawing almost totally and repeating the gesture, each time moaning his name. Slowly but surely, she picked up the pace, his name a near constant stream from her mouth, becoming more and more breathy as she began to tighten around him.

He could feel the lust in the air, every nymph in the grove was now awake and watching them, their desire palpable. Freckle’s passage began to tighten further and he watched as her breasts bounce as she rose and fell. His balls tightened and he gripped onto her hips for dear life as he neared the edge.

“Danny! Oh-Oooooh I’m-I-I’m-!”

She came around his cock, eyes rolling back in her head as her whole body tightened and shuddered. He bucked his hips up into her, determined to keep her orgasm going as he too fell over the edge. Pleasure washed through him as he felt his cock pulse, filling the nymph with warmth and wetness. She collapsed upon him, gasping for air.

For a few moments they laid together in post coital bliss before she raised herself up and moved aside. The other nymphs were already moving in, the fair-haired one was already at his side, hand in his lap gently teasing him back to hardness. He knew this new body would have the virility to service all of them in time. Already, Freckles was trying to climb back into his lap and he was forced to gently push her away.

“Soon, darling.” He cooed, “I have to give the others a turn first.”

She pouted, but obediently allowed him to turn his attention to the next nymph already sinking down on his cock with a wonton moan. He leaned back, savouring it. With a content smile he realised it was going to be a while, a long while, before he ever thought of going home.


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