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This story was a commission for CyanShowcase on DeviantArt.

Justin is a shy, self-conscious man who finds his life and body transformed by a pair of magic ballet slippers. 


Justin sighed as he finally closed his laptop.

It was already getting dark outside, what sun was left already blocked out by the neighbouring sky scrapers. He spent eight hours a day in this tiny cubicle and in the midst of winter that meant arriving and leaving in the dark. He spared a glance at his pasty hand, white and frail looking thanks to the lack of light. Picking up his bag and walked past the handful of other system analysts still seated and working, they didn’t say goodbye, most didn’t even notice his passing. When he’d started working here years ago, he’d tried making friends with a handful of his co-workers but could never quite get it to work. He found the men in his area either wanted to be left alone or were pushy and intimidating, always competing and showing one another up. He just didn’t have the drive or competitive spirit to keep up, so he became one of the loners.

Swiping his card he leaned back against the elevator wall, taking in the sad, pale man in the shabby suit who stared back at him in the mirrored surface.

Another day, another dollar.

This had been his routine for years now. Wake, work, sleep, on a good day he might squeeze in some trashy tv or a game he’d pulled out of the bargain bin. In the past, he’d always tried to look for the silver lining but now, after years of being trodden down the clouds were getting too thick for any light to pierce. It wasn’t that he was desperately depressed he just…didn’t really feel anything.

He pulled on his coat hurriedly as he stepped out into the street, wind easily freezing him to the bone in seconds. He hoped the heating on the bus was working today, he deserved some good luck. He passed all the usual establishments on his way to the bus stop; restaurants and clothing shops he could never afford for the most part. But then a sound reached his ears; a distant, lilting music that sent a shiver up his spine.

It was coming from down the side alley and he felt his curiosity peaked. The music was light and airy, filled with flutes and violins and instantly the wind around him seemed to change. Becoming warm and free rather than cold and sharp. He remembered a story he’d once read online about people passing by beautiful things because they were in a hurry, maybe this was such a moment. He stopped, stepping to the side and listened to the tune for a moment, letting it bring a soft smile to his face. Something about the music created a yearning deep within him, though for what he couldn’t say. At least today, for all its monotony, had this small bright spot.


The next morning it was raining. Hard. His thin raincoat did little to protect him on the walk to work. He was so thoroughly soaked through by the time he arrived at his desk it took practically the whole day to dry. As he sat in his cubicle, typing away he couldn’t help but remember that music. Despite only hearing it for a short while yesterday, from a distance no less, he found he could recall it perfectly. He’d always had an ear for music but the idea of learning had always intimidated him. For the first time in forever he felt a tiny spar of creativity burst forth inside him and he spent the next few hours quietly humming to himself as he worked.

Idlily he wondered if it was one of those psychological things; like how the colour red was supposed to make you hungry. Maybe somebody had discovered a certain set of musical notes that helped you feel happy and productive. At the very least it seemed to be working for him as the day flew by instead of dragging for once.

His good mood was somewhat spoiled when he went to leave however. That pouring rain was still pounding the pavement, large puddles taking up much of the sidewalk now. It was going to be an unpleasant and very cold walk to the bus stop. He just hoped the driver would let him on if he was dripping wet. He ran, holding his bag to his chest in a vain attempt to keep it dry under his raincoat. He was so focused on going fast he didn’t see the puddle until it was too late, slipping in his sodden shoes he fell backwards onto the wet ground.

His shoulder ached from the impact but fortunately, it didn’t hurt too badly. Except for his pride of course. Nobody stopped to help, nobody even stopped to laugh. It was if he was invisible to the crowd of wet people rushing from point to point. With a frustrated groan he let his head fall back into the puddle. It wasn’t like he could get any wetter at this point. He wondered darkly how long he would have to lie here before anybody noticed. He closed his eyes, listening to the patter of rainfall and heavy shoes for a moment before a familiar sound joined them. That light, happy music was echoing up from that same side ally not much further down the street.

In an almost trance like state, he got up, gathering himself and ducking into the alley, grateful to find the awnings protected him from more rain. Curiosity rising, he followed the sound down the side street until he reached what appeared to be a studio with blacked out windows. The words ‘Soul of Dance’ were written across them in pink cursive. There was a tiny open window above the door, allowing the music from within to spread out into the street. Still slightly dazed, he opened the door, little bell tinkling as it closed behind him.

Inside was bright room with polished wood flooring and mirrored walls with beams separating them slightly. A number of young women in leotards and ballet slippers were standing in the middle of the room, gently lifting themselves up and down on their toes in time with the music. Justin watched in fascination as they practiced, their body movements matching the music perfectly as they twirled through the air beautiful and free. It was only when the sound of somebody clearing their throat cut through the tune that he realised there was a woman next to him looking somewhat annoyed.

“I asked if I could do something for you, sir?”

Despite her petite figure Justin found himself intimidated by her sharp eyes, surrounded by dusty mascara they seemed to bore into him. He turned a deep shade of red as the music stopped and he realised how this must look. Some pale creepy guy, soaked to the bone, staring at the women dancing.

“I’m sorry!” He stammered, “I was just, I heard the music and it was so lovely. I just wanted to know where it was coming from. I didn’t mean to ruin your dancing. It was wonderful by the way I just…”

He wasn’t making this any better. Now the entire group was looking at him.

“I’ll just…go.” He mumbled, humiliation burning his cheeks.

He watched as the woman who had greeted him narrowed her eyes, seeming to appraise him for a moment before her expression softened.

“It’s okay.” She said finally, “I thought you might have been some perv but I think you’re telling the truth.”

Oh, that was good at least.

“I am, really. Telling the truth, I mean.” He felt so stupid.

“Why don’t you stay and dry off.” The woman offered, “I’m Olivia, this is my studio.”

“Would that be alright? I won’t watch your dancing if you don’t want me to.”

Olivia gave a him a warm smile and took his bag from between his dripping fingers, laying it down by a small space heater to dry.

“Let’s get you a cup of tea, huh?”

Warmth bloomed in Justin’s chest. This was the nicest conversation he’d had with anybody in a long while, hell it was the first conversation, period. Half expecting it to be some kind of trick he let Olivia lead him to a little side room with a kitchenette where she let him hang his wet coat on the back of a chair before handing him a steaming mug of something sweet smelling. Taking a sip he could taste ginger, honey and lemons; it seemed to warm his frozen body through from the inside out.

As he sipped the music started up in the other room and he felt his eyes slip closed, taking in the notes as they floated through his brain.

“Do you like it?” Olivia asked, breaking his reverie.

“Oh yes.” He said sheepishly, “I know it sounds weird but this song really made my day yesterday and again today.”

Olivia gave him a knowing look he couldn’t quite decipher but smiled nonetheless.

“It’s my own composition.” She informed him, “It’s called ‘Thyne Own Self’. It’s about letting go of the things that make you sad so you can finally fly free as the person you truly are inside.”

Now that she’d explained it Justin could feel it. Those emotions the music had invoked in him, that description summed it up perfectly.

“You’re very talented.” He said finally, “I wish I could make music or dance like that.”

A blush coloured his cheeks at the admission. It was true, but ballet dancing wasn’t exactly something men his age was supposed to aspire to.

“Would you like to give it a try?”

“Me?!” He blanched, “Oh no no no. I’ve got two left feet, I’m sure and besides dancing is-“

He bit down before the words could escape but Olivia finished it for him, eyebrow raised.

“For girls?”

Fuck. He’d gone and ruined it. The first nice afternoon he’d had in months and he’d completely botched it.

“Not like, in a bad way!” The words kept coming out, he couldn’t stop them. “I just mean that, you know, guys can’t exactly wear tutus and prance around without getting called-not that there’s anything wrong with being-oh fuck this has all gone terribly.”

To his surprise Olivia was looking at him pity and sympathy, rather than the distain he’d expected after that word vomit. Gently, she laid her delicate hand against his arm.

“Take a deep breath.” She soothed, “How about you just tell me what you actually feel? Rather than trying to explain yourself. Don’t get so caught up in what you think I will respond with.”

“I just meant,” He took a deep breath, “That as fun as it might be to try, I really wouldn’t want anybody finding out. Dancing just isn’t something people expect a systems analyst to do.”

Olivia nodded sagely.

“Well, why don’t you come and watch then.” She suggested, “Enjoy the music and the performance, even if it’s still a bit rough.”

Thankful for her understanding, Justin followed Olivia back into the studio proper and settled himself against one of the mirrored walls. The other women actually seemed pleased for his audience, even going to far as to ask his opinion every now and then when they performed. He listened attentively as they explained the various moves, though he struggled to keep the French terminology in his brain. They giggled as he mispronounced arabesque but there was no sharpness to it, no judgment. Towards the end of the evening, his clothes fully dry he laid his head back as they ran through the routine one last time. He closed his eyes, imaging what it would feel like to fly through the air the way they did.

It would be impossible of course, all these women, whose names he was still learning, they were so much more graceful than him. With his square shoulders and thick legs, he could never dance, let alone do ballet. Even considering it was ludicrous.



Visiting the dance studio soon became a habit. Each day he eagerly awaited the end of work and practically ran down the side alley to visit the girls. He was getting to know each of them and to his surprise they welcomed a man into their little group with open arms. He waited for the barbs, the jabs at his masculinity or the insinuations of perverseness but they never came. At first, he thought they simply tolerated his company but soon he began to genuinely believe they enjoyed it.

At first, he just watched them practice but soon he found himself learning the ballet terms by name and even memorising the routine in his head.

“You know you could give it a try.” Bella offered one day after handing him his habitual cup of tea.

Bella was the prima, the star ballerina in their troupe. She was exactly the sort of girl he’d assumed wouldn’t give him a second thought. She had warm brown curls that spilled out of her traditional bun hairstyle, brilliant green eyes and exactly the figure one would expect from a star dancer. Tall, with thin beautiful legs that were only accentuated by her tights and leotard. When she’d introduced herself for the first time, he’d damn near felt his heart stop.

“Oh no, I really couldn’t.” he shook his head, he could feel his ears getting red at just the thought.

“Come on!” She urged, taking the tea back and pulling him to his feet. “Here, just stand like this, now place your feet ankle to ankle…”

Like a deer in the headlights Justin allowed her to position his body into what he recognised as a plie. It was one of the simplest moves and yet he could already feel himself sweating bullets as eyes turned in his direction.

“Now, put your arm on the bar and bend your knees.” Bella told him.

Swallowing nervously he squeezed the bar tight and copied the move as best he could. He’d seen them do this move a dozen times each evening to warm up. Despite its simplicity, they managed to look graceful as they did so. Unable to avoid his reflection in the mirrored room he felt his ears turn beet red watching himself. He was stiff and awkward, if he possessed a single shred of grace, it wasn’t showing here. Quickly he let go of the bar and wiped his sweaty hands on his trousers.

“See.” He mumbled, “I couldn’t possibly…”

He petered off, unable to think of how to finish the sentence. Join you? Dance? Do anything right?

“It’s just confidence!” Bella pipped up, placing a hand on his shoulder, “Hold yourself with more bravado!”

She straightened her spine, holding her head high and pushed out her chest in example. Justin did his best to keep his eyes on her face, no matter how much they wanted to dip lower.

“That’s easy for you to say.” He sighed, “If I looked like you, I’d be full of confidence too.”

Bella pouted.

“You’re always so down on yourself Justin. You’re such a nice guy, you should stop getting in the way of your own happiness.”

“I don’t!”

“Yes, you do!” Bella argued, grabbing his hand, “I’ve seen the way you look at us when we dance. I’m used to guys perving on me when I perform but you don’t do that. You want to be there with us! I can tell!”

“That’s not the point.” He snatched his hand away, flashing back to all those pushy men in his office the first year he joined.

Bella looked hurt but he didn’t say anymore, just nodded sadly before joining the other girls over at the barre. He felt like a jerk, she was just trying to be nice. Feeling awkward he turned and walked out the door, he’d gotten so used to coming here he didn’t realise how weird it was. A man, spending his spare time in a ballet studio listening to music and appreciating dance routines? He almost wished he was some sort of perv who came to leer at the pretty ladies, at least then he’d be normal.

“Justin, wait!”

Olivia followed him out, holding a small bundle under her arm.

“Don’t judge Bella too harshly.” She asked, “She’s just a very passionate lady and wants to see everybody find their happiness. She can be a little strong with her tough love sometimes.”

He just shrugged.

“It’s fine.”

“Here.” She handed him a USB and something wrapped in brown paper. Peeling it back slightly he felt something soft against his fingers and a pale pink ribbon fell loose.

“Ballet slippers?” He balked.

“A special practice pair.” She noted, “My music is on the USB, I thought maybe in the privacy of your own home…well. I was given them by my old teacher. She told me they were lucky, that they could really help a dancer find their confidence and inner spark. I know they worked for me.”

“I’m not a dancer, Olivia.” Justin sighed, hating how wistful he sounded.

“Maybe not, but that shouldn’t stop you trying something for fun.” She argued softly, “Just take them, okay?”

He nodded. It was a nice gift at least in thought and he’d certainly listen to the music when he got the chance. He bid her goodnight and turned to walk back to the bus stop when she called out.

“Just don’t wear them for longer than an hour! My teacher always warned me they could damage your toes!”

He waved in acknowledgment. It was unlikely he’d even wear them for a minute, let alone an hour.


Justin collapsed onto his bed, thoroughly exhausted. He knew he should go to sleep, he had work in the morning but his mind was still reeling from his talk with Bella. Yes, it might be a bit fun to dance like them but that just wasn’t possible, how could she not see that?

Wanting to relax he plugged the USB into his computer and clicked the file, that familiar light music began playing. It was somewhat muffled by his cheap laptop speakers but it was still clear enough for him to sigh in contentment. The first loop finished and he found his foot tapping against the bedframe in time with the loose beat, in his mind’s eye he could see Bella dancing. He knew the routine by heart.

He was alone. Nobody was here to judge him or even find out. Maybe just trying them on wouldn’t be so bad. The soft slippers felt alien in his hands and even more so on his feet. He was sure this plan would end the moment he tried to fit his giant feet into them but to his surprise they seemed to stretch effortlessly around, fitting his foot snuggly but not tightly. The ribbons on the other hand took a few tries, he’d watched as the girls laced them up their legs at the studio of course, it seemed simple enough but to his embarrassment it still took him several tries to get them right. After tying the last of the ribbon into a bow under his knee he looked down at himself feeling dejected. His legs were thick and possessed a layer of dark hair. The ballet slippers looked awful on him, like a cow trying to wear lipstick, it just didn’t work.

“This is stupid.” He hissed, ready to rip the ribbons off and stuff the shoes back in the brown paper where he would never have to looked at them again.

But then the music began another loop. That feeling of lightness filled him and he couldn’t resist standing, placing his feet the way Bella had showed him. There was no mirror here to show him how stupid he looked so he closed his eyes, positioning his chest out in what he hoped was a confident manner and plied. Immediately, he blushed out of habit and sat down on the bed. That had been silly, imagine what his co-workers would have thought if they saw him!

‘But they didn’t’ a little voice in his own head seemed to say ‘nobody did and it felt nice, didn’t it? Fun?’

He couldn’t deny it had felt at least a little fun. He looked down at his feet in those delicate slippers again and found himself smiling. Okay, they didn’t suit him but they were comfortable and Olivia was right, they did somehow make him feel a little bit more confident. He swore if he concentrated hard enough, he could actually feel his skin tingling where the ribbons touched. It felt similar to the thrum of bass music in a nightclub, the exact opposite of the light classical that was currently playing. Olivia’s composition was still playing, that mixed with the strange self-assuredness from the slippers made him stand again, performing the position a second time.

‘Fuck it.’ He thought, a grin appearing on his face.

Despite the fact he knew he looked silly, he danced. He danced around his room like a damn teenage girl because fuck it, it felt nice! He felt a giggle, an honest to God giggle, burst from his throat as the music played. He spun so fast his vision blurred and he fell upon his bed feeling lighter and freer than he had in years. Sleepily he raised a leg up to gaze at the slippers. Maybe Bella was right, maybe he was too hard on himself, now that he had danced, he realised the shoes didn’t look that bad on him. His skin was actually a lot smoother than he realised, hair not nearly as noticeable as he’d first thought.

Feeling more relaxed than he had in a long time Justin relaxed, letting himself fall asleep to the quiet melody still echoing around his room.


Justin awoke feeling groggy, almost hung over. Rubbing the sleep from his eye he pulled himself out of bed, shocked to find gentle sunlight filtering through his blinds. If the sun was out…what time was it? Fumbling with his phone he clicked open the home screen to find it was already 8:30. He should have been in the office almost half an hour ago! Swearing he got to his feet only to immediately tumble over onto the floor in a heap. Slamming hard onto his chest and wincing with surprise and pain; he must have landed funny, that hurt a lot more than it normally would have.

Great start to the day.

With a groan he pushed himself up on his elbows to try and see what had tripped him. The damn slippers, he’d left them on last night and now the ribbons were loose and hanging about his dainty feet.

Wait, dainty?

He blinked in shock, properly taking in his body. The shoes still fit him perfectly but the ribbons, which had been laced tight enough to press into the skin were now loose. The ugly, dark hairs that had lined them were gone, leaving smooth curved skin behind. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think they belonged to one of the dancers at the studio, not himself. Absentmindedly he bought a hand to rub at his chest, still aching slightly from the fall onto to stop in shock as he made contact. Even through his loose sleep shirt he could feel a round softness that shouldn’t have been there.

With mounting confusion, he slowly turned his head further downward, his chest was protruding, two large mounds stretching the material. He could even see two tiny bumps threatening to poke through the material further. The shapes began to rise and fall with greater speed as his breathing became short and fast. This had to be some sort of dream. Or a rare sudden illness. Those couldn’t possibly be what he thought they were. Right?

Filled with nervous energy he ripped off his shirt, throwing it to the side without looking at where it landed. His eyes were locked on his own body, now naked save the shoes and his boxers. On his chest was a pair of perky breasts with soft pink nipples already hardening further from the sudden cold. Just below them he could now see the smooth plane of his stomach; instead of a trail of dark hair dipping under the waist band the skin was now creamy and smooth, his boxers straining against his new widened hips. Filled with shock and no small amount of curiosity he raised his hand again. Long delicate fingers greeted him, each tipped with neat half moon nails. Moreover, his gangly arms had also been changed, now smooth and graceful looking just like his legs.

“This can’t be happening…”

Even his voice sounded wrong. Well, not wrong but different. Gently he removed the ballet shoes, taking a moment to observe the feet that emerged from them. Like the rest of him they were smooth and dainty, these were exactly the sort of feet that looked at home in a pair of ballet slippers. Shaking the thought off he got to his feet and raced for the bathroom, grabbing a towel and wiping the layer of grime that had built up on the glass away. The face that blinked back at him was his own and yet it wasn’t at the same time.

There were his eyes; no longer dull pools of brown, instead they radiated warmth and passion and were framed with dark lashes.  His lips were full and dusted pink, matching the blush that was beginning coat his high cheekbones and nose. His now heart shaped face was framed with soft, shiny brown hair. It was still mussed from sleep but gone was the mousy colour and salaryman haircut. The woman who blinked back at him was beautiful, a match for any of the girls at the studio. With her gently sloping shoulders and long limbs, she looked like she belonged on the stage.

That was him.

But how? How could that woman be him? How could this have happened? Now that the shock was beginning to wane confusion became his primary emotion. He couldn’t deny that he had been changed into a woman, a beautiful woman at that but how in the world was something like this even possible. After pacing for a few minutes, he remembered what Olivia had told him last night, about not wearing the shoes for too long. He remembered the strange vibrations he’d felt in the material as he wore them, that had to be it.

Quickly dressing himself in clothes that hung off his new body in all the wrong ways he grabbed his phone and ran out the door, ballet shoes in hand. With his other he dialled the office quickly excusing himself from work under the guise of being ‘Justin’s girlfriend’.

“Thanks for letting us know, we would have called him ourselves we’ve just been so busy here you understand.” His boss responded and Justin felt his eyes roll, they hadn’t even noticed he was late.

He couldn’t help but wince as he hung up, hearing his boss mumble to himself about how unfair it was somebody ‘like Justin’ had a girlfriend over him.

He could feel his anger growing as he sat on the bus, stewing in his own emotions. How dare she do this to him? Were they all in on it? He should have known it was too good to be true, a bunch of women like that actually enjoying his company. It had all been some long con to make a complete fool out of him and it had worked! All he’d wanted was to listen to some nice music and feel happy for once, was that too much to ask? He’d even offered to listen out of the room so they didn’t feel like he was being creepy!

By the time he reached the stop he was fuming. Storming down the alleyway to the studio to find it already unlocked. Flinging the door open in rage he found Olivia sitting at her desk, the rest of the room empty, it was still early, practice was nowhere near starting.

“Can I help you?” She asked, looking somewhat concerned.

Were he not furious Justin would have understood; seeing a strange woman in ill-fitting clothes storm in off the street must have sent alarm bells ringing.

“What the hell is wrong with you!?”

Excuse me?”

“You think this is funny?” He threw the shoes down at her feet, “If you didn’t want me here you could have just told me to go! Instead of playing this sick joke on me. I don’t know how you did it but undo it. Now!”

For a moment Olivia just blinked in confusion and then, realisation filled her eyes. Brining a hand to her mouth in shock she whispered:


“Who else?”

“This…how long did you wear the shoes?” She bent down and picked them up, eyes never leaving his new face.

“I fell asleep in them.” He admitted, “How about next time, instead of giving some bullshit about how they are bad for your toes you say ‘oh by the way, if you wear them too long, you’ll get genderbent’!”

“I didn’t know.” She replied hollowly, “They’re just supposed to help you unleash your inner artist. I knew they were magic, that they could change you but I never dreamed they’d do all of this.”

Justin felt his anger beginning to dissipate as he took in the horror and guilt on Olivia’s face.

“I swear.” She continued, “I just wanted you to feel good about yourself.”

They stood there for a few minutes not speaking as Justin processed everything. He stared down at his new body; the shoes were supposed to bring out his inner artist and confidence so why had they changed him into a woman? Glancing up at Olivia again he caught his reflection in the mirror and noticed despite everything he was standing straight, experimentally he tilted his head up. It looked good, it felt good.

Olivia gave him a quizzical look as he walked past her to study his reflection closer. Now that all those negative emotions had been vented, he was left with a sense of clarity and he realised that for all his shock and anger he didn’t feel as though he’d lost himself. This woman in the mirror still felt like him, in a way more like him than his old body. It felt strange no question, a little awkward, but it didn’t feel wrong.

Was this…was this body his inner artist?

“I’ll call my old teacher.” Oliva spoke up, “I’ll ask if there is a way to break the spell. It must have gone bad over the years-“


Justin swallowed.

“Do you think…do you think I could try on one of the outfits? My clothes don’t fit so well anymore and…”

Olivia smiled.

“Of course.”

She ran to the storage room and rummaged around for a bit before emerging with a small bundle of folded clothes. As they walked to the break room, he couldn’t help but notice an unopened plastic sleeve containing a pair of white panties.

“I had a few pairs of new underwear.” Olivia explained, seeing his confusion, “In case of…well it’s a girl thing I am sure you understand.”

He didn’t but he nodded anyway.

“No bra though sorry. You’ll have to go without for now.” She bit her lip, “You’ll need one though, with girls like that your back will need the support.”

Despite himself he blushed, flattered more than he was embarrassed.

“Take your time!”

Olivia gently closed the door behind her, leaving him alone in the kitchenette holding the soft bundle of cloth. With greater reverence than was probably necessary he placed them down and began to undress. When he reached his boxers, he realised for the first time he was going to see his new body fully naked. The idea made him flush, most women were familiar with their own bodies by this point. It felt odd to be somewhat unaware of what he would find between his legs now.

Swallowing down the nerves he flicked his thumb under the waistband and slowly lowered his underwear. The material slid down his hips, sending shivers back up his spine before dropping around his ankles. A neat mound of dark hair greeted him and unable to resist Justin lowered himself to the floor, spreading his legs to get a better look. The skin was pink and moist, he shivered as his new pussy was fully exposed to the cool air. Looking down at this angle, leaning back on his hands he could see both his breasts and pussy at the same time. An all too familiar state of arousal began to swirl in his stomach as butterflies burst forth. He watched, almost in a trace, as his nipples hardened to points and the wetness between his legs began to grow slightly.

Olivia had told him to take his time. There was no way she was going to disturb him so there was no harm in…familiarising himself with his new body. Right?

Leaning on one hand he took the other and raised it to his chest. He could see his digits trembling with nerves and desire as they hovered over his new breasts. Gently, he placed a soft fingertip to his nipple and gave a small gasp as sparks flew across his skin. The simple touch felt wonderful and he couldn’t resist adding more pressure, closing his eyes to bask in the feeling. Moving on instinct he added another finger, rolling his nipple between them and only just managing to hold back a whimper as the sparks transformed into full bolts. Like lightning they forked through his body, nerves lighting up with the stimulation. Unable to resist he pushed his whole hand forward, grabbing the full boob in his hand and massaging it under his fingers. This time he wasn’t able to stop a soft moan of pleasure escaping his mouth.

Biting down on his soft lip in an effort to stop such a thing happening again he continued, switching to the other breast before sitting up fully, allowing him to use both his hands to stimulate them together. The pleasure inside him began to pool in his lower stomach as more wetness leaked from his pussy. It ached to be touched, almost throbbing with need. It had been a long time for Justin, he knew if he were to slide a finger between those folds he wouldn’t last long, nor would he be able to stay quiet. Olivia was sure to hear him in the next room but the temptation was too great.

With trepidation he released one of his breasts, moving his hand down the curve of his body till it rested on that mound of hair between his legs. He could feel the heat, the want, radiating there. Slowly, he parted the folds, pleasure immediately burst forth as he did so, skin almost coming alive with the intensity of the sensations. With a whimper he slid the finger along his folds, back and forth, gasping with each new wave of pleasure. His whole body shuddered as the tip of his finger brushed against his clit, his vision whiting out for a split second before returning. It felt so good, he couldn’t stop. His finger swirled around that bundle of nerves, almost overwhelming him in ecstasy. His full breast still gripped tight by his palm sent matching waves of pleasure downwards, where they mixed together in his core, steadily building to a crescendo.

He could feel the inner walls of his pussy beginning to pulse, his muscles tightening involuntarily as each stroke sent him higher. Despite biting down on his lip, he couldn’t stop the sounds from escaping; sharp breaths in and quick, desperate moans out. He was getting closer and closer to the edge. He pressed down on his nipple just as his other finger swirled around his clit one final time and the wave came crashing down. His whole body jerked as he came, sending a small stream of wetness out of his hole and onto the floor. Unable to stop himself he kept stroking, stretching out the waves of pleasure until he had to stop, his pussy so over sensitive continuing was impossible.

With a gasp he fell back, breathing heavily against the floor as he basked in the afterglow. He’d never cum so hard in his life, nothing had even come close. He rubbed at his lip; he could feel two little indents where his teeth had dug into the skin quite painfully. He’d been so preoccupied with the pleasure he hadn’t not noticed. Clearing his throat somewhat awkwardly he stood, quickly washing off his hands and using a tissue to clean up all evidence of his activity before turning back to the reason he was here in the first place.

The clothes were still sitting neatly on the pile, a pair of white panties right on top still in their sealed plastic lining. Carefully he unpackaged and stepped into them. The material stretched easily and he could feel the tiniest scratch of lace at its edge as he pulled them into place. Unlike his boxers they hugged his skin, perfectly shaping to his now round, full ass. Justin found himself saddened by the lack of mirrors in this particular room. No matter how he twisted he couldn’t quite see it in full.

Next came the tights, also white, made of soft stretchy fabric that smoothed over his skin easily as he pulled them up his legs. They too hugged his body; running his hand over his rear he realised the cleft of his ass must still be clearly visible. He held up the leotard with some amount of trepidation, the pink outfit was also made of a stretchy material but he could tell just by looking at it that the extra layer would do nothing to hide his new figure. Pulling it on felt strange, especially as he pulled his arms through the straps, settling the fabric across his naked chest. His breasts pressed again the material, creating prominent cleavage. Though thankfully, most likely due to his little experiment earlier, his nipples were soft and hidden beneath the pink fabric. He could still feel them though, rubbing against the soft cotton. He’d have to be careful, too much friction and they would harden again becoming clearly visible. He ran his fingers over the curve of his breasts and down his side until he reached his hip, perfectly tracing his new hourglass figure with wonder; until a knock at the door broke his reverie.

“Are you all done?”

Olivia, he’d almost forgot.


She walked in and her hands flew to her face in surprise, at first his heart pounded with nerves. Had he forgotten to clean up after himself in some way? But then she smiled.

“Justin, you look wonderful!”

“Do I?”

“Come on!” She grabbed his thin wrist and pulled him back into the studio proper, shoving him before the closest wall to face his reflection.

Justin gasped, unconsciously copying Olivia’s own gesture and watching as his reflection raised a dainty hand to cover his open mouth. Before him stood a ballerina; a woman full of natural poise and grace, her feet were already positioned ready to curtsy. She was a little curvier, with a much larger bust than was usually desirably in a ballet dancer but somehow, she made it work. Justin had never felt so desirable in all his life.

“One last touch.” Olivia smiled, stretching a hairband between her fingers before gathering up his new waves. Pulling them into a dancer’s bun.

He touched his fingertips to the new hairdo, marvelling in how soft and luscious his hair felt.

“Hey, who’s the new girl?”

Shocked, he and Olivia turned to see Bella and several of the other women filing in the door. Olivia looked to him somewhat awkwardly, opening her mouth to say something before he beat her to it.

“Justine.” He responded, “I…I’m new.”

What was he doing? He should have just explained, crazy as it sounded, he could easily prove he was who he said he was. But that little voice in his head stopped him. That same one from last night. The one who wanted to have just one day as a normal woman before becoming Justin the Freak who got switched around by a pair of magic shoes.

“Nice to meet you.” Bella smiled, Justin watched as her eyes dipped over his form, clearly appraising him. Maybe it was just the bright studio lights but he swore he saw desire shine in her eyes before she continued.

“Where are your shoes?”

He blinked, staring down at his feet, bare save the thin lining of his tights.

“She forgot them.” Olivia finished, “I’ll go get her a spare pair.”

Justin just nodded; without the magic of the practice shoes would he even be able to dance? Bella began warming up and he did his best to copy her movements, surprised to find he could do so with ease. This form was full of flexibility and grace that came so naturally it astounded him. Bella chatted with him happily, though he couldn’t help but notice she kept glancing at the door.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes!” She smiled a little too tightly, “I was hoping my friend Justin would come today, that’s all.”

“A man?”

“Yes, he likes the music and to watch us practice.” Bella continued, “I know that makes him sound like a creep but I swear he’s not. He really does just love watching the dances. But I pushed him a little too far yesterday.”

Unable to help himself, Justin pushed further, balancing his leg up on the bar.

“What do you mean?”

“I thought maybe he’d like to dance with us but maybe I read him wrong.”

“I think you’re a good judge of character.” Justin responded, earning him a somewhat quizzical look in return.

“We just met.” She giggled.

“I’m a good judge of character too.”

For some reason, Bella found this terribly funny and she burst into a fit of giggles that soon had Justin laughing as well. She laid a hand on his shoulder and he could feel the heat of her skin through the thin leotard. Again, he watched as Bella eyes dipped to his cleavage, her pink tongue licking at her lips quickly before she bit down on them and moved away. Justin stared at her lips with fascination, a familiar dampness began to well between his legs.

Olivia clapped her hands and the two women jumped apart as if they’d been shocked.

“Let’s begin!”

Olivia quickly placed a pair of new ballet flats in front of him which he laced up his legs with deft fingers. The ribbons feeling right at home around his legs. He didn’t explain to the others how ‘Justine’ already knew the routine and they didn’t ask. After all this time watching combined with the confidence and vigour of his new body Justin found himself falling into line perfectly. He twirled and leapt, pointing his delicate toes and balancing with ease. He could feel his muscles stretching as he twisted and his breasts bounced heavily with every jump. With no bra to support them they were free to rise and fall with every leap and more than once he caught Bella staring. Her eyes fuelled that desire inside him and he funnelled that passion into the dance. His moves became sensual and fluid, occasionally his fingertips would brush against one of the other girls and he felt electricity pass between them.

By the end of practice, he was breathing heavily from exertion as well as desire. His eyes glanced toward Bella; she was in the same state. As their eyes locked Justin felt something pass between them, a sort of secret understanding and mutual attraction.

“You are fantastic!” One of the girls clapped, “Where did you study before now?”

“Oh, just around.” He smiled tightly, eyes drifting to study Bella who met his gaze.

She approached and with that same confident bravado as yesterday asked:

“Did you want to go grab coffee?”

Her voice was low, almost husky, she laced the word ‘coffee’ with so much inuendo he’d have been a fool to think they would even make it to a café. Yet, he found himself nodding. Without a word to the others, they left together. The air between them felt alive, like standing next to an electric fence. There was something intangible between them that sent Justin’s hair on end in the most delicious of ways. At yet, guilt was beginning to taint his arousal; he had to tell her the truth.

Before he could open his mouth, they turned a corner into a darkened side alley and Bella took his hand, yanking him behind what must have been a chimney and pressing her lips to his. They were so soft, melding into his own so well it made him moan. It felt so right. For a moment, he let himself drown in the sensation of their kiss before the guilt began to gnaw at him. It may have felt right but he knew it wasn’t. Reluctantly he pushed her back gently, separated them by a few inches.

“Bella I-“

“Sorry!” A look of humiliation crossed her face and she moved further back, pressing herself into the opposite wall. “I don’t usually…I just felt this connection with you and I thought…”

“No, Bella you did!” He replied quickly, the last thing he wanted was for her to think this was her fault. “I like you, really I do it’s just before we go any further there is something you should know about me.”

He swallowed.

“I’m…It’s me. Justin.”

Bella just blinked at him before her face twisted into a sort of snarl, immediately he realised what she must have thought. Before she could respond he continued, watching her rage dissipate, being replaced with shock as he continued to explain. By the time he’d finished her eyes were wide but thankfully she believed him.

“Olivia leant me those shoes too.” She whispered, “Years ago when I was struggling to master my pirouettes. I remember how different they felt and when I wore them, I was able to do it. I always suspected there was something special about them but this…this is…”



Those green eyes stared at him and Justin swore he could feel her looking into his soul. After a painful silence she finally spoke.

“I think you’re great. No matter what body you have. And for what it’s worth…I think you look beautiful right now.”

Butterflies exploded in his chest and with newfound confidence he swept forward, pressing his body to Bella’s and locking their lips together again. She gasped and he took the opportunity to press his tongue against hers. Soon they were both moaning, tasting every inch of the others mouth as they gripped one another’s hips. Bella’s hand traced up his side, making him shiver as she gently tugged at the strap of her leotard. Justin let her pull it down, quickly pulling his arms free and allowing the material to sag, catching around his hips. The fact that they were hidden from the city streets by only a few inches of brickwork sent a thrill through him as Bella’s hands made their way to his breasts.

“I could hardly concentrate.” She whispered, breaking their lips apart, “Watching these bounce.”

She squeezed his tits hard enough to elicit a gasp of both pain and pleasure, before slowly circling his nipple with the tip of her nail. The friction sent shockwaves through him, it felt so good he could only moan, unable to formulate a reply.

“Shhhhhh, don’t want to get done for public indecency, do we?”

She punctuated her words by rolling his nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Her mouth moved from his own, tracing down the shell of his ear, then his neck, slowly making her way down to his clavicle. He pressed one hand against the alley wall, the other to the back of Bella’s head, gently guiding her down to his free, aching nipple.


Bella’s tongue swiped along his nipple and he found himself reeling. It felt so good, her lips closing around it and suckling. Justin found himself gritting his teeth in a vain effort to stop the sharp breathy gasps escaping him with each suck but he was unsuccessful. Warmth was gathering between his legs and he felt helpless under the waves of pleasure cascading over him. Bella was merciless, teasing his tits with every trick in the book. If she didn’t stop soon, he’d cum just from this.

Wanting more, Justin moved his hand from Bella soft hair to her shoulder, sliding it down until he hands slipped it between her bra and skin. Feeling the naked curve of her breasts and making her gasp, finally letting go of his nipple and falling back against the wall. He copied her form, lowering her leotard to behold her breasts fully. They were smaller than his own but no less beautiful. With a playful smile he traced circles on her nipples, teasing them to hardness before tweaking them with his fingers as he’d done his own only hours before.

He watched her mouth form an O as her eyes glazed over, like this was she even more breathtaking than usual. Their eyes locked, both heavy with lust and Bella took one of his hands in hers, guiding those long fingers to her waist. Wordlessly, she did the same to him, both of them taking a moment before sliding their hands into one another’s panties. The hair he felt there was slightly courser than his own, but he could feel the wetness soaking through it. Bella moaned as he parted her folds and he recaptured her lips just in time for her to do the same to him. Her fingers felt even better than his had, sliding back and further along the front of his pussy with practiced ease. Knowing the power it held, Justin circled her clit, making Bella’s hips stutter and body quiver under his touch.

He continued, wanting to pull back and see the ecstasy on her face but was stopped by a wholly new kind of pleasure as Bella’s finger pressed into his hole. Just a single knuckle at first but even that made his head swim. He’d never experienced this kind of need, the need for more, to have something inside him. His hips rolled as Bella slipped her finger inside, gently rubbing at his inner walls. The pleasure was different to being touched anywhere else, more primal and deep. It made his hips thrust instinctually, causing his round ass to bounce.  He keened as Bella added a second finger and then a third, stretching him in a way that he’d never experienced. It felt so good all he could do was moan, it took all his focus to keep up his ministrations, rolling Bella’s clit between his finger tips and making her cry out.

That same pressure began to build deep inside him, muscles tensing in anticipation. He could feel Bella getting closer too, her gasps were getting higher pitched and closer together. They both increased their pace, adding more pressure and moaning into one another’s mouths. The sounds fed his own pleasure as they both finger fucked each other over the edge. He felt Bella’s legs squeeze together and wetness coat his fingers as she came, swallowing the sound she made with his own lips before shuddering violently as ecstasy exploded deep within his loins.

The orgasm was so intense he almost felt lightheaded after, Bella clung to him, panting heavily. They were both naked from the top up, with only a few bricks hiding them from the prying eyes of the street. He shuddered as Bella withdrew her fingers, feeling their loss instantly. The blonde chuckled to herself, green eyes twinkling as they raised to meet his.

“I think we’re going to be late to afternoon practice.”


She was right of course, when they’d walked back to the studio Olivia had given them both a stern look. One that softened slightly as she saw their fingers interlaced.

“Justine, could I speak to you privately for a moment?” She was trying to smile but her eye was filled with guilt. A stone formed in Justin’s gut.

“If it’s about, this.” He waved to his body, “You can say it here. I already told Bella and the other girls should know as well.”

Olivia bit her lip.

“I called my old teacher, the one who gave me the shoes.” She sighed, “I’m sorry Justin but I think this change is permanent. She doesn’t know any way to change it.”

Justin dropped his gaze to the floor and Bella squeezed his hand.

“I’m so sorry!” Olivia cried, “I never meant to change you like this.”

He felt emotion swirl within him, not all of it bad. In this body he could do and experience things he never could before. But that didn’t mean he enjoyed the fact that he had no say in the matter. He looked at Olivia, her eyes were shining and he felt a pang of sympathy.

“It’s okay, Olivia.” He soothed, “I know you just wanted to help. I think I just need some time, to adjust I mean.”

She rushed forward and hugged him and Justin smiled. All the girls gathered round and he felt that warmth spread through his whole body as they all gave their sympathies and affirmations.

“You’re an amazing dancer though! I knew you had it in you!”

“You should join the company!”

“Yeah, give Bella a run for her money as Prima!”

He gave a choked laugh and Bella gave his hand another squeeze. Adjusting to this new body, this new life wouldn’t be easy, he was sure. But at the very least he had to friends to help him though it and many more fun new experiences on the horizon.


Epilogue – One Year Later

Justine peaked from behind the velvet curtains, mouth going dry as she took in the packed theatre. A gentle hand rested against her shoulder and she turned to see Bella smiling at her. She looked amazing, dressed in her pale blue tutu fashioned for the performance tonight. She reached up, pinning a small white flower headpiece to Justine’s updo.

“You’re going to be amazing.”

“Are you sure?” Justine wrung her hands, resisting the urge to smooth her sweaty palms across the skirt of her dress. “I feel like you should be taking the staring role, I’m still way too green to be in the lead.”

“Giselle is a classic and you dance it spectacularly.” Bella responded, “And the costume was practically made for you.”

Justine couldn’t argue with that. The soft white chiffon of the skirt almost seemed to float when she moved, when she’d first tried it on and spun on her toes Olivia had gasped. Describing it as almost ethereal. The petal sleeve bodice managed to look both simple and elegant while also showing off her figure in a reserved, classy way. She’d feel like a bride in all white were it not for the pale blue bodice and silk slippers; she looked the picture of the Prima she was. It had taken a lot of hard work to earn her place. She had been worried when she’d replaced Bella as star dancer of the company that she would feel betrayed but as always, her girlfriend was filled with nothing but love and ever growing pride.

“You’ve come so far.” She said proudly, giving her a quick peck on the lips. Justine knew she wanted to do something more but they couldn’t risk smudging their make up two minutes before curtain.

It had been a long and somewhat awkward road getting here. There had been a lot of speed bumps learning to be a woman; transitioning from Justin the analyst to Justine the performer. She would be lying if she said there weren’t some days she wished putting those shoes on would change her back but overall, she was content with this new life. It bought her more happiness than she’d ever dreamed of and the close relationships she now realised she had been craving for so long.

“Tell you what,” Bella gave her a wicked smile, “You go out there and give it your all and I’ll take off this costume with my teeth after the show, deal?”

“You’ll do that regardless.” Justine grinned and Bella rolled her eyes.

“So? What choice do I have? You look amazing!”

“I feel amazing.”


The sound of clapping caught their attention as Olivia called them all together. Justine could hear a hush falling over the crowd. It was time. Giving Bella’s hand one last squeeze she took her position in the wings. As the curtain rose the music began to swell and with a confident step-

Justine took to the stage.



As a lesbian trans girl who's a dancer (albeit primarily burlesque instead of ballet), I really adored this story.