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It was a cold night; a brisk breeze was blowing down the abandoned street as the two succubi made their way home. Despite the dusting of snow both wore revealing, somewhat rumbled clothes, arms looped together as they looked for a discrete place to open a portal. They giggled as they compared tales of their escapades earlier in the evening.

“Six in one night, that’s impressive!”

Daphne gave Adeline a demure smile as they walked.

“Three of them at the same time.” She added, shivering at the memory of the orgy.

There had been a political rally earlier in the evening; there was no crazy quite like repressed conservative crazy. Both succubi laughed together as they entered an alley, joking aside Daphne was exhausted and her soul gem felt weighty around her neck. Stepping through the fiery portal she gave a sigh of relief; she was never quite warm enough on the human plane. As they entered the gems resting above their breasts flashed a brilliant red as the souls left them, ready to go back into the great beyond. Daphne wished them well.

“Oh Daphne, look!”

Adeline was staring at her with pure wonder, eyes locked to her necklace which was now glowing a faint gold. Daphne blinked in surprise; it had never done that before. It stayed that way, glowing brightly for a few seconds and hovering just above her skin before finally lowering back inert against her clavicle. As it came to rest against her skin once more Daphne felt a wave move through her, not quite an orgasm but enough to make her shiver.

“You earned your soul back!” Adeline exclaimed, “And it only took a few decades too!”

Daphne rested a soft fingertip against the gem in awe. Had it really been decades? The time seemed to have flown by; her life as Damien seemed like an ancient dream. She had long ago stopped her routine with the mirror when she realised her heart wasn’t in it. If she was honest with herself, she was happier as Daphne than she ever had been as Damien. She didn’t want her old life back. She wanted to want it because well, that’s what she was supposed to feel like wasn’t it?

Daphne gripped the gem tight and looked around the room; she could see all her sisters, her wonderful, kind succubi family who welcomed her as their own immediately. Who taught her so much and were always there for her, emotionally and physically. She thought of Luis, whom she’d been sneaking off to see every few nights for years now. Who was no doubt waiting for her in the hall to continue their contest of trying to make the other cum first. A soft smile formed as she remembered their last night together, how they’d spent hours afterward drinking wine and laughing together. Nothing like that would be waiting for her as Damien, especially not after all this time.

“Should I get the girls?” Adeline asked quietly, interrupting her thoughts. “They’d all want to give you a proper send off, especially Veronica.”

Daphne turned to look at her friend. Over the years they had become thick as thieves, her Adeline and Veronica. They were the best friends she could have ever hoped for.

“Why bother?” She smiled, “I’m not going anywhere.”


Daphne writhed as Zach’s cock slammed back into her. With both her hands firmly pinned against the wall she had no recourse but to squeeze her legs tighter around his hips and let him keep their pace. Zach was a proficient lover and she could feel herself getting closer to the edge. It had been a tough week for her, she’d cummed before three of her targets and was beginning to worry that after all these years she was losing her touch. Determined not to make this a fourth she tightened her pussy around him, squeezing his cock as hard as she could.

She’d met Zach less than an hour ago in a back alley getting ready to mug somebody. He’d once been a successful banker till his fraud caught up with him. Ever since he’d been resorting to more and more desperate measures to make rent. Seducing him had barely taken any effort on her part.

“You’re s-so tight!” His voice was strained, he was struggling to hold back.

Daphne felt his grip on her wrists loosen as she brought them down to wrap around his neck, pressing her boobs to his face. With each thrust they bounced closer and she gave a quick, breathy moan. His hips began to stutter, his eyes wide and pupils blown.

“Don’t hold back, babe.” She whispered, “Give me everything you’ve got.”

Zach leaned forwards, pressing her further into the wall as he bucked into her wildly. Daphne closed her eyes and let the sensations rock through her as he gave one final push, crying out and shuddering as he pumped her full of seed. Satisfied, she relaxed and let the orgasm wash over her as that familiar heat radiated from her necklace.

They slid down the wall and Daphne gently helped Zach to lie back on the floor, shuddering as his cock softened and pulled out. The heat from her necklace was still pulsing and to her surprise Zach had not taken on the glassy eyed emptiness of a husk. Rather he was still moaning, his cock twitched for a moment as though he was still cumming. He looked at her with confusion and Daphne felt a knowing smile form on her face.

“Oh, you are in for a treat.” She cooed, watching with fascination.

His chest began to swell first, nipples widening and turning a beautiful shade of blush pink to match her own. His short brown hair began to grow, curling down the side of his smoothing face. Daphne took a finger and gently removed a strand from his pink lips as they filled in, still wet and shiny from their kissing.

“Wha-uh what’s happening?” Already his voice was increasing in pitch and Daphne shushed him.

“Just enjoy it, darling.”

He continued to writhe, no doubt the pleasure of the change was overwhelming him. His cock shrank and melding into skin before a warm slit replaced it, pussy lips growing wet almost instantly. His ass inflated beneath him, raising him up a few inches as it grew to match his now widened hips. Daphne ran a hand over the horns as they appeared through his now soft brown hair, no doubt he was currently feeling his tail grow in much the same manner. His eyes, now framed with long lashes, clouded with ecstasy and with a groan his whole body shuddered sending a stream of wetness onto the floor from his pussy as he came. Daphne let herself shift back to demon form as Zach blinked in shock both at what he’d just experienced and her own transformation.

“What the fuck did you-what the hell just happened?!”

Daphne leaned in, tucking as finger under the chin of the newest succubi and taking in her new face. She was gorgeous, obviously, she even had a little beauty spot on her right cheek. Yes, she would do well under her tutelage. Wait till Adeline and Veronica saw her, they’d be so excited. Zach tore himself away from her and fled to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror in fascination and horror. Daphne tried to think, how best to explain? She tried to remember what Veronica had said all those years ago but honestly, recalling her human life was something she’d rather not do.

“Perhaps I should take you home.” She suggested, placing a hand on his shoulder, “It’ll be easier to explain.”


With a snap of her fingers the fiery portal appeared causing Zach to jump with fright. She just giggled; his new face was so cute when it was shocked.

“Don’t worry, I was nervous too.” She soothed, “But one day you’ll realise that this is the best day of your life. I know it was for me.”

With some coaxing she managed to get Zach to take her hand and enter the portal

“You’re one of the special ones.” Daphne smiled, “Welcome…to The House of Lust.”


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