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Kyle is forced to find new clothes for his changing body and face Rachel again. 


After fleeing the common room Kyle had locked himself away for the rest of the day, only coming out to eat and take his medication. He laid on the bed, curled up on his side. Before all this he’d have flopped face down to scream in frustration but with his new breasts even that was impossible. He hugged his legs as close as he could, forehead resting on his knees as he tried to ignore how tight and squashed his chest felt. It was as if his entire being was in turmoil; he knew he had nothing to be ashamed of liking these new sensations but at the same time he felt as though he was losing who he was. Was he Kyle, the man who was doing the world a service for a few years or was he this other person, who wanted nothing more than to enjoy this body for the rest of her life? Was he even still a he deep down? Kyle was at war within himself and every new change added fresh fuel to the fire.

Eventually he sighed and forced himself out of bed. Stumbling nervously to the mirror to see what changes the night had brought. His features had smoothed somewhat, his eyes were now framed with long lashes and his lips seemed fuller. He took them in for a moment before lowering his gaze, staring at his improved breasts in the mirror. They had been perky yesterday, small enough to hold in his hands but now they had more than doubled in size, hanging lower against his chest. Heavy enough that he could already feel the twinge of pain in his back from the strain. He had no choice but to go to one of the clothing rooms today to find a bra, the idea filled him with excitement and trepidation.

With some difficulty he dressed himself, struggling to pull his jeans up over his widening hips and ass. In his letter they had advised against bringing much old clothing for this exact reason. The material was straining against his skin, even without underwear he could barely fit into them anymore. Before this he’d been skinny, ‘lanky’ Mike had called him. It had been foolish of him to bring them; knowing he’d have to give up his favourite jeans in a few hours stung more than he expected. Ignoring how the stitching was cutting into his sides he tried to put on one of his shirts but found he couldn’t; his tits were simply too large. Even if he forced the material over, he felt the flesh pushing back against his chest uncomfortably. Looking in the mirror didn’t help. The fabric was straining, his nipples clearly visible. They were both so pointed he half expected them to burst through! There was no way he could walk out of the room looking like this, like his clothing was about to tear apart at the seams. After a struggle he managed to rip the shirt off, stretched beyond repair now. Then lacking any better option, he managed to zip up his hoodie, the only clothing baggy enough to be even close to comfortable, though even it was flush against his bust now.

The clothing rooms were on the next floor up according to his map, he’d called ahead to try and ensure he’d have one to himself. Rachel waved to him as they passed one another in the halls and Kyle felt his face burn and pace quicken. The last thing he needed was Rachel near him again, tempting though it may be. He tried not to think about the hurt that flashed across her face as he ignored her. He knew he’d have to apologise later, though the idea daunted him for more than one reason. He was glad it was a short walk; he could worry about her later.

The room was set up like a boutique, with racks of clothing lining the walls and a small modelling area. There was a small podium with three mirrors surrounding one side to help new woman appreciate their clothing from all angles. A busty blonde woman who looked as if she’d stepped out of the pages of a 1950’s glamour magazine was sitting behind a small counter. He recognised her from his information booklet, Rosa the onsite clothing and make-up attendant. Red, pouted lips stretched into a warm almost motherly smile as she spotted him standing awkwardly in the doorway.

“Hello dear, I have booked this room as requested so you can try on things in private.”

“I ah…I didn’t realise you would be here as well…?”

“Oh darling, don’t worry. I am here to help you. A lot of girls feel strange in their new body and it’s good to have an attendant here to help them find their new style!”

Kyle swallowed; he wasn’t…fully changed yet. He didn’t want this woman looking at his half-finished body, his own eyes were enough. His self-consciousness must have been evident because Rosa gave him a pitying look and a gentle pat on the arm.

“I have seen girls in all stages of their change.” She assured him, “You’ll find no judgement here. We can go as slow as you like.”

Rosa was kind in her manner, gently placing an arm around his shoulders and leading him to the clothing racks where the bras and underwear were displayed. There was everything from plain beige to intricate lingerie and Kyle found himself both draw to and intimidated by the selection. Rose explained about cup sizes and the different styles while he ran his fingers over the different materials comparing them. He’d never realised the sheer variety that was available when it came to undergarments. As a man he’d simply grabbed the boxers that fit.

“We’ll start with something simple.” Rose decided when he couldn’t, “Up on the podium now, let me measure you.”

Blushing profusely Kyle unzipped the hoodie and handed it over, his naked chest hanging free. True to her word Rosa was unfazed and went to work wrapping her measuring tape around his shoulders and chest. Kyle did his best not to shiver as the cool tape squeezed across his nipples.

“I can already tell you’re going to be a bigger girl,” Rosa smiled, “Like me, all curves. Some who go through the change end up as these tiny waifs but you, you’ll have a real figure!”

Kyle smiled sheepishly; both flattered and embarrassed at the same time.

"You'll definitely be in a double D before you're through." Rosa smiled, "Let's get you into something with a bit of support, eh?"

She moved back to the wall and Kyle’s eyes followed. While Rosa picked through a few pieces a flash of red caught his eye. It was a simple bra really, but it's vibrant colour and rose patterned lace made it stand out against its neighbours. Kyle bit his lip.

"Rosa, could I try..." His voice trailed off as he indicated to the bra and Rosa lit up.

"Of course, dear!"

He felt silly. He didn’t like bras, clothes or shopping; at least he didn’t think he did. There was an allure that came with this new body he was finding hard to ignore. A desire to see it in different lights, different settings and outfits. Before Rosa had even handed him the item he was imaging how that bright colour would look against his creamy skin.

With some difficulty he slipped it on, Rosa kindly showed him how to do up the hooks at the back. Instantly, it felt right. The support on his heavy chest alone felt worth it. Looking up at his reflection he gasped in surprise and awe.

He looked…beautiful. The red lace cupped his breasts, raising them slightly and creating cleavage that drew the eye. Yet he didn’t feel objectified, like he was something to gawk at; he looked-

“Like a real lady!” Rose finished for him, “Such a good choice, dear. Now, would you like a dress or something a little less intimidating?”

He wasn’t sure. On the one hand, he wanted to hide these new curves as much as possible while he was getting used to them, a pair of tight jeans or pants wouldn’t do that. But on the other, putting on something as overtly feminine like a dress seemed…scary for some reason.

“A dress will be more comfortable.” Rosa added, “You’re doing a lot of stretching and growing right now, something loose will be easier.”

Kyle swallowed; she was right.

“A dress then.”

He walked the racks with Rosa, taking in all the different styles and visualising himself in them. It was difficult, in his mind’s eye he was imaging his old body not his new one. Progress was slow, but as the minutes passed, he found himself hesitating less and less to pick something up to hold against his skin. He almost became lost in the sea of choices, from satin evening gowns to floral summer dresses but to his surprise it didn’t feel overwhelming. On the contrary, this was almost therapeutic. For the first time, this body was starting to feel like his, like home.

His hands came to rest against a soft, pale pink dress and he stopped. It was summery, with thin straps, a low neckline and a flowing, ruffled skirt that reached his ankles. It wasn’t too tight or revealing, but it was undeniably cute and feminine.

“That would look lovely on you dear!” Rosa said warmly, “Here let’s put it on.”

With a little difficulty Kyle pulled the dress over his bust and let the material fall over his body. Taking in the feeling of the light fabric brushing against the skin of his hips and ankles. This outfit felt…right. Looking in the mirror he barely recognised what he saw.

Before him stood a woman. Her face was still a little big angular, her hips were slimmer than they should have been, her hairstyle was masculine; but she was still undeniably a woman. The low neckline of the dress showed off her cleavage but not excessively; the red bra hidden under the frills and layers of the outfit. She looked cute. Kyle looked cute. He watched as pink dusted his cheeks and lips before looking away.

“How do you feel?” Asked Rosa.


And he meant it.


Walking the halls with a new found confidence Kyle went in search of Rachel. Guilt was gnawing at his gut; Rachel had been kind to him, more than kind and he’d snubbed her for it. He checked the Common Room and other public areas but had no luck. What if she’d been on her way to check out? She was further along in her change then him, what if today had been her last day? Praying that wasn’t the case he made his way out into the garden. The skirt of his new dress wafted in the breeze as he stepped outside and he took a moment to enjoy the sensation. He could feel the air moving between his legs in a way he never had before. It felt freeing.

He sauntered through the gardens, admiring the flowers and hedges that sealed off each area until finally, he stumbled upon a fountain. Sitting at its edge in a mini skirt and low hanging top, was Rachel. One glance told Kyle she was almost done, maybe a day or two left at most.

“Hi, Rachel.” He announced quietly with an awkward wave.

She glanced up from the water where she’d been studying her reflection and smiled.

“Kyle! I was beginning to think you were mad at me,” She sounded relieved, “You ran off so quickly yesterday and then this morning-“

“I know.” He winced, “I’m sorry I’m just, dealing with a lot right now.”

She nodded with understanding and patted the edge of the fountain in invitation. This time, Kyle took a seat without nerves, gently gathering the dress under him smoothly so it wouldn’t wrinkle.

“You look very pretty, Kyle.” Rachel said after a moment, “I know it must sound strange but that girly style really suits you.”

“You think?” A giggle escaped him and Kyle felt himself blush.


For a moment they sat in companionable silence, feeling the gentle breeze tickle their bare shoulders. Kyle admired Rachel’s outfit; it was so different to his own. Where he was loose and flowing Rachel’s skirt and top were tight, hugging her curves and showing off as much skin as she could while still being considered ‘decent’. Would he ever have the confidence to dress that way?

“Tomorrow is my last day here.” Rachel sighed, “I’m basically all done now! Fully baked, as it were.”

“Sorry we couldn’t get to know each other better.” Kyle said, and he meant it, Rachel’s confidence while intimidating was a small comfort.

“How far along are you?” Rachel asked, mischief glinting in her eyes, the sparkle seemed to increase when he told her.

“So, you’re probably in for a big day tomorrow.” She continued, “Day three is when I changed significantly.”

At the last word she placed a hand on her lap between her legs and Kyle felt all the blood rush to his face.

“Before I go tomorrow, want to come meet me in the Toy Room?” She offered.

The suggestion was casual, she was clearly trying not to freak him out again. Desire coiled in his core at the thought. If Rachel was right, he knew his hormones would be going haywire tomorrow, having somebody there to help him through it would be preferable. The idea that in less than twenty-four hours he would more than likely have a pussy filled him with a swirl of emotions he couldn’t explain but chief among them was curiosity…and lust.

He looked to Rachel and found desire building.

“Yeah, let’s do it.”



is part two posted, or just missing the "series story" tag?


I am currently revamping my tags to make things easier to find as well as expanding the directory to have links to each chapter. Part 2 is posted and should be correctly tagged now. I am going through each post individually and fixing them up as we speak :)