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Elowen tries to resist Raul's allure but the bond becomes too much to bare. 


The days began to blur together as Elowen reluctantly adjusted to her new reality. She had become used to the nudity, the communal sleeping and even the simple food despite her reservations. She hated how two decades of nobility seemed easily swept aside, replaced with this cave and forest.

Raul spent his time with Aster, he stank of her each time he approached and the beast inside Elowen’s heart snarled. She never let it show, one benefit of her upbringing was that she had been trained since birth to maintain her composure. She treated Raul coolly, fighting against every instinct and her own jealousy; speaking only when spoken to and doing her best not to allow him close enough to touch her even as her body ached for it. To her surprise, he never reacted in anger only disappointment. Even that sent a pang of shame through her.

At each meal he would come to her to talk; sometimes he invited her back to his private cave, others he offered to take her into the forest for training. She always declined, not trusting herself around him when his mere presence lit an ember inside her. Instead, she went off alone, she knew better than to wander too far lest one of Raul’s guards chase her down. She learned the layout of the forest, familiarised herself with the easiest paths through the thick trees and memorised the scents. If she was going to escape one day she needed to take in as much as she could. But before that was ever an option, she had one much larger roadblock to handle.

Azir had been trying to teach her to change her form at will but things had been going poorly. He had insisted that emotion was the key to the change, that if she was calm and collected things would click but how was she supposed to relax after everything that had happened? Tentatively, Azir had suggested she try being more wolf than human but she’d shot that idea down quickly. She wanted to master this power so she could appear human, not the other way around.

Today she had managed to find a small clearing a decent walk from the cave where she could practice in private without Aster jeering at her. She did as Azir said, focusing on the pressure at the base of her spine, willing the tail to disappear but nothing happened. A frustrated growl escaped her but she refused to let despair take over, no matter how humiliating this was.

“It’s because you’re fighting it.”

She whirled around at the voice, heart beating in her chest. Raul leaned against a tree lazily, watching her with an unreadable expression. Despite the distance between them she could smell his musk now, the scent made her dizzy. When she didn’t respond he approached with confidence and to her surprise, there was a kindness in his eyes she had never seen.

“I know adjusting can be hard.” He said softly, “But the wolf is part of you now, if you keep fighting it, you’ll never master the change.”

Elowen licked her lips nervously, feeling those icy blue eyes staring into her soul; so soft now, so full of understanding and compassion.

“I just…want to look like me again.” She admitted finally, trying to look away but Raul grabbed her chin and held her gaze.

“You do look like you.” He told her firmly, “You are a werewolf now. There is no going back. Accept it.”

His words were harsh and yet, there was no cruelty to them. For the first time Elowen considered the idea that perhaps Raul was not the monster he seemed. In a way, his straightforward manner of talking was a kindness, he didn’t sugar-coat anything for her benefit or lie to make her feel better. He simply stated fact. In a way that was comforting.

She blinked a few times and quickly stepped back. That was the bond talking, surely. That werewolf magic that enthralled her to him, messing with her head. An indignant rage began to build in her chest.

“Stop it.” She hissed, “Stop using that…that thing you do to make me want you! You killed Simon! You took everything from me! For no reason!”

“I bit you because I could sense strength, a fire within you.” Raul said simply, hesitating for a moment before adding, “And because I wanted you, from the moment you stepped out of that carriage.”

A shiver went up Elowen’s spine at his admission. Again, he hid nothing from her; perhaps it was the bond but she knew now without a doubt that he was being truthful. Again, he approached, reaching out a hand and resting his palm on her cheek, another on her hip. Elowen’s breath hitched but she kept his gaze, doing her best to keep the fire of hate in her eyes. Determined not to be the submissive puppy he expected her to be.

“Stop fighting me, Elowen.” He urged softly, “Stop fighting the wolf. You can be happy here, if you just let me help.”

His voice was like wine, smooth and rich on her senses, a comfort despite everything. Once again, she felt her defences starting to crumble. His hand slipped down her neck to her shoulder, thumb brushing against the top of her breasts, no man had ever touched her like this before and she could feel that ember of desire beginning to flare in her core. The emotion must have shown in her eyes because Raul lowered his gaze before sliding the hand at her hips around to the small of her back, pulling them together. His hold was light, gentle, he was giving her a chance to step away, to say no.

She didn’t.

Maybe it was the bond, more than likely it was the bond but Elowen couldn’t deny it any longer. She wanted Raul. She wanted him like she’d never wanted anybody. One day, when she had finally mastered these new abilities, she would escape but right now she was tired of fighting. She let her new instincts take over, wrapping her arms around his muscular form and breathing deeply, drinking in his scent. Like a drug it mingled in her system, relaxing her muscles and making desire coil in her gut. She could feel her tail wagging between her legs and his member pressing against her naked body.

“Good girl.”

The praise filled her, making dampness form between her legs and she squeezed them together instinctually. Raul’s hand slid down to cup her ass, squeezing it gently and making Elowen blush crimson. Then he moved it back to the small of her back for a moment only to stroke down along the length of her tail. Shivers ran up her spine at the touch and she gasped as he continued to stroke, sending more and more shockwaves up her body. She should stop this but after days of being wound up tighter than a spring it just felt so good.

Raul dragged her to the ground so she was on her knees, his arms still wrapped around her. His free hand reached forward, cupping her breast, thumb swiping over the nipple and this time Elowen moaned. These sensations, they were all new to her and steadily they began to override her other senses. The word narrowed to Raul’s scent and his hands on her body. Unable to meet his eye, Elowen let her head fall forward, staring at the ground between them, at his hand on her chest. She could see his naked manhood between his legs. Hard and dripping. The sight filled her with both fear and arousal. She knew she wanted it but the idea seemed like too much right now.

“Don’t worry.” His voice was husky, “I’m not going to rush you.”

His hands shifted positions, raking across her body leaving trails of heat in their wake. One found itself on her head, pulling her forward to rest against his shoulder while he played with the velvety fur on her ears. The other came to rest between her legs. Tiny sparks of pleasure flared from the top of her head where he was petting but her gaze was forced downward. His fingers rested at her opening and she ached for it. She knew he was waiting for permission; he was going to make her say it aloud, beg for it.

She wanted to be angry at him for it. She wanted that spark of indignation to flare and give her the strength to pull away from his embrace but it didn’t come. All she could focus on was the feeling of praise and acceptance flowing from his ministrations on her ears, his thick musk filling her nostrils and that deep need building within her. Elowen realised she was biting her lip, fangs almost piercing the soft skin. Finally, she whimpered:


She watched with almost morbid fascination for a moment as his fingers slipped between her folds; eyes fluttering closed in rapture as the sensations overwhelmed her senses. Slowly, Raul ran his fingers back and forth along her wet pussy causing sparks to fly through her entire body. She pushed herself up on her knees to grant him further access, gripping onto his strong arms for support. She could feel her body changing as the pleasure continued, fangs sharpening and nails extending as she lost more and more control. Her breathing started to stutter from both desire and fear as she felt her hold on herself slipping.

“Relax, just give in to it.” Raul urged.

Elowen could feel the bond between them strongly now, the need to obey, to submit to him was irresistible. He growled as her nails dug into his skin, the sound wasn’t angry but lustful, territorial. An additional, primal burst of pleasure went through her at the realisation that she was the territory.

He circled her clit slowly and a low groan escaped her mouth, it was tinged with something animalistic, a bestial growl that she couldn’t hold back. She could feel the skin there stretching, threatening to change to a wolfish muzzle. The sensations flowed through her entire body, she felt overwhelmed and yet it wasn’t enough, she needed more. Desperate for more friction her hips bucked against his fingers and in response he trailed down her folds and came to rest at her hole. It was aching, she had never felt this need before. A need to be filled; never in her life had she felt so painfully empty. She wanted to beg him but couldn’t mind the words, her mind was too far gone, swimming in lust and the bond.

Far too slowly he pushed inside and this time the sound that Elowen made was undeniably bestial. Her sharp teeth grinding together in a mixture of lust and frustration. After what felt like an age Raul began to pump the finger in and out of her, slowly increasing in speed. Her inner walls burned, stretching for the first time as he added a second digit. She could feel something coiling deep inside her, a pressure that she had never felt before.

“You’re getting close.” He whispered; she could only whimper in response.

She could feel her muscles tightening, squeezing around his fingers as he brushed against some unknown bundle of nerves deep inside her. Raul’s other hand dropped from her head to her back, holding her against him as tightly as he could as she careened toward an edge. Every stroke inside her felt better than the last and she could feel something new, something she’d never experienced building inside her.

“Cum for me, Elowen.”

She felt dizzy; it was all too much. His fingers inside her, his scent, the order, the bond, it all overwhelmed her. With a ragged cry she felt her entire body seize and waves of pleasure flowed down her form. It was ecstasy like she had never felt before. Her body writhed against Raul’s fingers as she came, shuddering and gasping as the waves finally receded and she fell limp against him. She shivered as he removed his fingers leaving a satisfying burn in their wake.

Shame and disappointment mingled with the post coital pleasure. She’d given in; she could feel the bond even more strongly now and she knew it would be that much harder to resist in the future. Raul held her close, burying his face in her neck and hair, Elowen returned the gesture, nuzzling under his chin as the pleasure slowly faded.

“Was that so bad?” He chuckled.

She shook her head, not trusting her own voice.

“And look at that, no tail.”

She blinked in surprise. He was right, her ears were back on the side of her head and she could no longer feel the tail sweeping between her legs. With fascination she glanced down at her own fingers, nails smooth once again. She narrowed her eyes, focusing on them and to her delight, they responded, sharpening back into the claws she’d gripped Raul with moments before.

Raul mumbled something unintelligible into her hair before finally scooping her up in his arms. Exhausted, Elowen let herself be carried back to the den taking no small amount of pleasure from the look of jealousy Aster shot her as they entered. To her surprise, Raul placed her down in the communal area and wrapped one of the many furs over her shoulders.

“When you’re ready, you’re always welcome in my den.”

Unable to think of a response she simply nodded before curling up under the furs. He’d said ‘when’ not ‘if’ and she couldn’t blame him. Not only had she given in, she wanted to do it again. She wanted nothing more than to get up and follow Raul back to his den and let him show her everything he had to offer. With Simon, she had been prepared to endure sex but with Raul, she actively wanted it. She wanted it more than anything. Biting down on her lip she forced herself to focus on the pain, not the lingering pleasure between her legs and the man who had given it to her.


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