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Tier Reward for Elmustang22

A husband and wife bodybuilding duo try out a new experimental steroid to help them bulk up. Unfortunately, they make a small mistake and it has some interesting consequences. 


“It’s here!”

Harrison basically flew in the front door, a letter held high above his head in excitement. 

“Oh what does it say?” Tali squealed, rushing to her husband's side and bouncing on her toes; they had been waiting for this news for weeks!

“I haven’t opened it yet, I wanted to do it together.”

The strong man wrapped his free arm around his wife’s waist and gave her a squeeze. The letter was official looking, with the drug companies logo emblazoned on the front. 

“Alright well let me finish making up our protein shakes and then we can use them to either drown our sorrows or celebrate.” Tali grinned, reluctantly moving back to the bench to finish chopping the banana. 

She threw it in the blender with the raw eggs and milk then ran a finger along the shelf they had dedicated to various protein powders. They had an extensive collection but maybe if they got into the clinical trial, they could cut down a bit. She selected the Extra Bulk Power Powder and added twice the usual amount before blending and serving up the drinks. By the time she sat down Harrison was basically vibrating in his seat from excitement.

“Okay, I am opening it. No more distractions.”

He ripped into the paper and Tali leaned over her bulky husband’s shoulder eagerly, squeezing one so tight she was sure it hurt but Harrison was too distracted to notice. Both their eyes were wide as they scanned the letter.

…we are pleased to inform you that both TALI BELL and HARRISON BELL have been accepted into the clinical trial for Vigarol. Please take one pill per day with food and continue your regular routines before recording muscle mass and any side effects…

There was more but that was all Harrison needed to jump into the air with joy.

“We did it! Ooops…”

Two little blister packs flew from the letter and landed on the floor and Tali quickly scooped them up with reverence

“Careful, these are the answer to our problem. You can’t just go throwing them around.” She chided, placing them down on the bench.

Tali and Harrison were both body builders; but like so many they had reached the end of their natural bulk. Tali was lean and curvy, but still well muscled and strong, while Harrison was a walking wall of muscle. But still, it wasn't enough and no amount of protein powder and daily weights at the gym could change that, but Vigarol could. The new performance enhancing drug was supposed to almost double the body’s natural capabilities. They would be able to work out longer, harsher and bulk up even more. 

“We have enough in each pack for a month! Then we’ll have to go to the company headquarters so they can check for adverse side effects before giving us more.” Tali finished, looking over the letter. 

“Start tomorrow?” Harrison suggested.

Tali just laughed, popped her first pill out of the blister pack and swallowed it dry.


Harrison had tried to temper his expectations; he knew drugs like these took time so he wasn't expecting any great change after only twenty four hours and yet there was! When they arrived at the gym for their set Harrison felt like he was buzzing. He had so much energy he couldn’t wait to burn! He could tell Tali felt the same to the point of pouting when he asked her to spot first. 

Harrison settled himself underneath the dumbbells and watched as Tali easily loaded them up. Once they were locked in place he took a deep breath and began his set. The muscles in his arms and chest burned as he lifted the heavy dumbbell once, twice then three times. The burn of muscle working was addictive; God he loved it. And today it felt even better! His chest especially; he could really feel his pecs working. 

“Looking sexy as, abbe.” Tali grinned above him. “Want me to add more?”

“Hell yeah.”

She added more weights to each side between pushes until he’d met his personal best, then exceeded it; and he wasn't even tired yet! He kept on pumping and he swore he could feel his muscles actually expanding beneath his skin. He groaned, feeling his pecs swell under the strain of the workout until finally, a full five minutes later than usual, he tired and placed the dumbbell down.


He looked down at his chest, it had noticeably grown, his pecs having gained an extra third of muscle weight. They stretched his singlet now and pulled it tight against his skin. 

“Oh my gosh, me next!” Tali squealed excitedly. 

She got down and started to pump at the dumbbell without even bothering to lower the weight and build up like they normally did to avoid straining anything. It didn’t seem to matter though because soon his wife was pumping iron just as fast as he had. 

He looked down at her and felt his cock twitch; his wife was the hottest thing around. Some guys didn't like their women buff but Harrison couldn’t understand it. She could pin him in place with those strong legs; what was the point of a little waif that he had to be careful not break? Tali finished her set and looked down at her chest with a huff of disappointment. 

“If anything my chest got flatter.” She pouted “And I didn't have a whole lot in the boob department to begin with.”

“Who needs double Ds when you have an ass you can bounce a coin off?” Harrison shrugged, “Come on, it’s leg day.”

The treadmills were not nearly as fun as the weights had been. The rapid growth of his chest must have left the muscles tender because they ached and bounced slightly as he ran. It was a little embarrassing really; his chest was actually bigger than Tali’s now. That couldn’t feel good from her perspective. 

He glanced over and almost tripped, Tali was going twice as fast as him. She was practically springing and her legs! Those legs had always been strong and muscular but they seemed to double in size, they had grown so strong that her ass barely stuck out anymore, instead her hips were square and her ass tight; almost like a mans.  

Harrison looked down at his own legs in disappointment; if anything he swore they had gotten thinner. That paired with his newly buffed chest was starting to make him feel a little top heavy. When they finally finished their run he wobbled a little getting down off the treadmill, it was like his centre of gravity was shifting a little every few minutes. 

“That felt great!” Tali smiled, stretching. “These drugs are great!”

Despite the weird lack of balance Harrison had to agree.

“I can’t wait to see how buff we get after a week if this is how much we’ve changed on day two!”

“We’re going to be champions this year for sure.” Tali nodded, looking wistfully up at the poster announcing this years body bodybuilding championships, it was only a few months away


Tali had never been so excited to wake up in the morning. Each day that passed the new drugs seemed to be pushing her body further and further; it was so exciting to see just how buff she was getting. Her arms were thick with corded muscle now like she had always dreamed, there was no way any other woman in the competition would be able to beat her now. 

The only downside seemed to be the loss of her curves. She’d had the most womanly figure but now her breasts had almost entirely flattened into pectorals. While Harrison seemed to be doing the opposite. His figure was actually getting a bit more feminine; he was still as strong as ever but he was actually starting to look a little…girly. 

She watched as Harrison ran on the treadmill, his ass was jiggling behind him and it was quite the sight. Her mouth went dry for a moment and she felt a familiar heat beginning to grow between her legs but she shook it off. There would be time for sex later; right now she had a personal best to break. 

She gripped the bar tightly, looking at the heavy weights either side. Then with a deep breath she hefted the bar up and onto her shoulders, squatting knees straining to stand and she pushed the bar upwards. She grinned, feeling her core burn and the pressure bearing down on her lower body but then something else happened. That pressure changed, it almost felt like something was moving through her, pushing down between her legs.

The dumbbell was above her head, so close to being fully lifted now, she pushed on, just a little more than she could discover what that strange sensation was. With a grunt she pushed up one final time, hefting the dumbbell aloft and feeling something push out of her, between her legs. It was an odd mixture of pleasure and pain and she moaned, loud enough that several people turned to look; including Harrison. 

With a heavy thump she put the dumbbell down, breathing heavily. The pressure had eased but she could feel…something, between her legs. Something thick that was pressed up against her body thanks to her tight panties. Still trying to catch her breath she looked up to see Harrison, twisted around awkwardly to try and see her, his pretty ass still on full display. The thing between her legs twitched and she felt it start to stiffen. 

“What the…no way…”

Full of dread she ran right for the bathroom; half the room probably thought she’d had some sort of embarrassing accident but pride was far from her mind. It couldn’t be what it felt like, it just couldn't be…

As soon as she was in the changeroom she pulled down her pants and underwear to reveal a semi-hard cock. Her folds were nowhere to be seen, instead they had been replaced with a thick manhood, emphasis on the man part. 


“Tali are you alri-what the fuck!” 

Harrison was standing, wide eyed at his ‘wife’ with her pants down and a cock hanging between her legs. Tali’s mouth opened and closed silently, unable to find the words. But then her eyes raked across Harrison’s body and took in the subtle cinch of his waist, the delicate curve of his legs and, most prominently, the roundness of his chest. She swallowed nervously, remembering all those papers that came with the new drugs. 

“I think we need to check those pills.”


“We took the wrong ones!” Harrison moaned, “They have different formulas for men and women…obviously now we know why.”

Tali held up the pills glumly, there was also a warning not to stop taking them suddenly in case it sent the body into shock. 

“What will happen if we switch back now?” She asked, “Do you think I’ll change back?”

“Who knows, but I am sort of worried to mess around with them.”

“Me too…” Tali bit her lip. “But also…I love how buff I am getting, I don't want the extra muscles to go away, y’know?”

Harrison nodded but his eyes were far away, he was shifting in his chair uncomfortably and seemed to only partially register that Tali was still talking. 

“Are you alright?” She said finally and Harrison jumped in his seat.

“Y-yeah I just…feel a little funny…down there.”

A strange mixture of curiosity and arousal swirled in Tali’s gut and she felt her new cock stiffen slightly. 

“What does it feel like?”

“Like s-something is sucking my cock back up into my body it-oh….ohhhhhh…wow this feels sort of nice but…fuck!”

“Can I see?” Tali asked, her mouth had gone dry; this whole situation was so weird but she couldn’t help being majorly turned on by it. 

Watching Harrison shimmy out of his underwear and collapse back on their bed with his legs spread set a fire inside her. Especially when she focused on his crotch; she could see it happening in real time, his cock disappearing. It started by shrinking but then it started to be drawn back into his body, balls as well. She watched as they melted back into the skin, leaving nothing but a mound of curly hair, like some sort of lewd doll. 

But then folds appeared, wet pink folds that she knew well. Watching a pussy form between her husband's legs turned her on so much and she couldn’t even explain why; maybe it was all the extra testosterone racing in her blood stream from her new balls and the drugs. Harrison seemed to be feeling the same; his face was flush and his pupils dilated with want as they focused on the bulge between Tali’s legs. 

Tali swallowed, then slowly reached forward to unbutton her husband's shirt; now that they knew what was going on his breasts were obvious; and she knew exactly how sensitive those could be. Gently Tali tweaked a nipple between her fingers, rolling it back and forth between her thumb and forefinger and watching as Harrison shuddered; a small squirt of fluid escaped his new pussy as he got wetter and wetter. 

“Oooohhh that’s…that’s so good.” he moaned. 

“You sound like a woman.” Tali whispered huskily, that was so hot.

“I am one.”

Tali just groaned and used her free hand to remove her shorts; she didn't care how weird this situation was; she wanted him. Her cock was suddenly stiff; she could feel the blood pumping under her skin and it ached to be touched. She pushed in close so that she could feel wetness on the tip of her rock hard member and shuddered. She could feel the heat from Harrison's pussy, it was calling to her like a siren. 

Then, those strong legs wrapped themselves around her waist and pulled Tali forward so that her cock plunged into the hot, wet warmth and she was lost. The sensation was glorious; she could feel Harrison’s heat all around her; squeezing her new cock so tight that it would have been painful if it didn't feel so good. 

Her new male instincts took over and Tali began to thrust; still playing with Harrison’s nipple to the point that he was reduced to a moaning mess. She reached down and braced herself using her free hand and gripped Harrison’s hip so hard her knuckles turned white. She could feel her balls slapping against the heat of her husbands pussy and the fact that she was the one fucking him for once was such a turn on. 

“Uhhhh uhhhh!! Oh fuck yes, yes…YES!” Harrison’s whole body shuddered and his legs gripped around Tali’s hips even tighter as he came. 

The pleasure radiated through her entire length until she felt her balls starting to tighten. With a groan she felt them pulse and hot seed shot through her and up into Harrison’s newly formed, waiting womb. She gasped as a shiver went down her spine and the afterglow settled in. 

“That was…amazing.” She moaned. “Oh God.”

Harrison could only nod; he was too blissed out by the intensity of his first female orgasm to answer. When the afterglow had finally faded and they were thinking clearly Tali propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at Harrison; she could see all the subtle details they had been denying now. His softer, full lips, the general smoothing of his features. It was so obvious what had been happening she was surprised they hadn't realised earlier. 

“You know, if we keep this up, soon nobody will be able to tell we weren’t this way our whole lives.” She mused. “And…well, the people at the testing centre know they gave pills to a man and a woman…”

She trailed off and Harrison’s eyebrows raised.

“You mean, I say I’m Tali and you pretend to be me?”

“Exactly, I sort of don’t want to give this up.” She said with a soft blush. 

She could feel her now soft cock resting between her legs; the weight felt comfortable; she didn't want to lose it. Or the ability to pile drive her husband into the mattress. Luckily, Harrison gave her a look that was equal parts relief and embarrassment. 

“I was going to suggest the same thing,” he admitted. 

“Great minds and bodies think alike.”


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