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I spent the night tossing and turning, not in worry, but excitement. That and it was difficult to sleep with all these new curves. I woke early the next morning and started getting ready. If I had Ashton pegged correctly as a white knight saviour type, which I was sure I did, then he would be along some time today to return my grandmother’s precious ring. I needed to make sure the stage was appropriately set. 

The first thing I did was gather everything male in my apartment and chucked it into a cupboard; this place needed to become a single woman’s apartment before Ashton got here. I didn’t have any female clothing, so I had to make do with a pair of my jeans and an ‘oversized’ shirt. If anything, it would aid my act, no woman who was expecting company would dress like this. 

Thanks to some video tutorials I had just managed to get my hair into a messy bun when I heard a knock at the door. A quick glance through the peephole revealed the man himself, dressed in a smart looking suit. Quickly I splashed water on my face and rubbed my eyes to make them slightly red before opening the door and putting on my best surprised expression. 

“Ashton! What are you doing here, oh I am such a mess this is embarrassing.” 

He smiled sympathetically as he took in my perfectly curated state. 

“Sorry to drop in unannounced, but I didn’t have any way of calling ahead, I asked your building manager for your apartment number. You left this in my car last night.”

He held out the ring and I gasped, putting a hand to my chest.

“Oh! My ring, thank you so much I have been tearing this place apart looking for it.” 

I let my hand linger on his just a little too long before taking the ring back and placing it on my own finger. The jewels sparkled; I liked the look of them, hopefully I’d be adding more to my fingers soon enough.

“Oh how can I ever repay you?” I simpered and Ashton blushed, God this was almost too easy. 

“How about we go to dinner?” He suggested, obviously remembering my subtle hint from last night. “My treat.”

“That doesn't sound like me thanking you.” I pouted, “I will pay my own way.”

It was a bold faced lie, but knowing Ashton’s type, he’d take me to some deeply expensive fancy restaurant that I could never afford. Then I could make a whole scene about feeling bad when I could only order salad, he’d insist on paying and then maybe even take me out again to make up for the social faux pas. 

Ashton smiled and looked impressed; I could almost read his mind. ‘Finally,’ he was thinking, ‘a woman who doesn’t just want my money!’; how wrong he was. 

“Alright then, at least let me pick you up though. Six o’clock?” 

“Sounds wonderful! It’s been ages since I went out to dinner! You’re such a lovely man, Ashton.”

I waited a full minute once the door was closed to squeal with delight. Hook, line and sinker! Now, to get ready for the single most important date of a lifetime.


I stared at my reflection in the mirror, adjusting the delicate straps of my crimson silk dress. It had taken hours of searching to find but in the end it had been worth it. It was one of those dresses that clung in all the right places, drawing attention to my breasts, butt and hips without being obvious or lewd. I looked pretty, but not rich, my only jewellery was the ring on my finger and I'd kept my makeup plain. Partly to keep up the charade and partly because applying it was actually oddly difficult even with video tutorials to help me. 

I took another look around the tiny apartment and smirked. Tonight was my ticket out of this dingy place. Just as I finished, there was a knock at the door and my heart raced with excitement. I grabbed the clutch I'd picked out of the bargain bin, double-checked my appearance, and opened the door to find Ashton waiting. 

"Wow," He gasped, "You look beautiful."

What a liar, I didn't look half as good as those women from the other night, all dressed to the nines and he knew it. He thought I was some dumb poor girl who didn't know any better; which was exactly what I needed him to think.

"Oh thank you, I spent hours getting ready." I smiled naively. "I hope I am not too overdressed."

"I am sure you'll outshine everybody." He said sweetly.

I wouldn't, we'd walk into that fancy place and I'd stand out like a sore thumb without any fancy jewels or designer clothes. I'd fret and fluster till he was forced to comfort me; feeding his ego and likely scoring me a gift of some sort. 

The sleek black limo waiting outside was a symbol of everything I aspired to. Ashton even opened the door for me himself and I sighed with happiness settling down into those plush leather seats again. Ashton sat beside me and poured a glass of champagne.

"Thank you, Ashton," I said, sliding into the plush leather seat next to him. The scent of the leather mixed with his expensive cologne was intoxicating. My new body responded to him instinctively and I had to take a moment to force it away.

  "To a wonderful evening," he toasted, his eyes never leaving mine as the limo pulled away.

"To a wonderful evening," I echoed, clinking my glass against his. The champagne was exquisite, its bubbles tickling my nose and hinting at the luxury I craved.

The journey was surprisingly short and when we stepped out it took all my self control not to let my smile falter. The restaurant was not the fine dining experience I’d expected, but rather an Italian place that, while nice, was certainly not five stars. 

“Since you wanted to pay your half I didn’t think it would be fair to go anywhere too expensive.” Ashton said with a kind smile, that little sneak!

I hadn't even bought my wallet with me, the clutch was just for show. Had he seen through my charade? No, that was impossible, so why wasn’t he showing off? I forced myself to smile.

“How thoughtful, thank you.” It took all my self control not to spit those last two words. 

Ashton offered his arm and I took it, squeezing it tightly so that my breasts rested up against him. If he noticed, he didn’t show it and I had to hold back a pout. I had to take control of this situation, a little ego stroking would be all it took. We were led to a table and seated to look over the menu and I internally cursed; it was all so…reasonably priced. 

My plan of ordering the cheapest option on the menu and then putting on a little song and dance about how it was the only thing I could afford wouldn’t fly when a decent meal was only twenty dollars! Still, I didn't have any money on me, I could play the ‘forgot my wallet’ card, but that might come off as too manipulative. It was such a well known tactic it might make him realise something was going on. 

“Are you alright? You look nervous?”

Damn! I had been so focused I hadn't even realised I’d been sitting there silently for over a minute.

“Oh no, I just…ummm…”

I was panicking, this was my shot and I was blowing it! Think dammit! If I was panicking, maybe I could channel that?

“I just realised…I left my wallet at home.” I sighed dramatically. “And I know what you’re thinking, I did it on purpose because I am some sort of horrible gold digger! But I swear it was an accident but no amount of me saying that is going to convince you and now I have ruined everything before we even got bread.”

Ashton blinked in surprise at my outburst and then, to my shock, laughed. 

“You’re overthinking this.” He chuckled with a wry smile. “I’ll get the bill and you can get coffee next time, deal?”

That little sneak! Actually asking me to pay for coffee? He thought he was so smooth, talking as if a second date was already in the works before our first had begun but I saw right through him. Arrogant bastard, he probably assumed no woman would say no to more dates with him. My blood was boiling but I remained cool and collected on the outside. 

“Deal!” I smiled sweetly. “So, why don’t you tell me all about yourself.”

I leaned my head on my hands, making sure my breasts were leaning against the table so that my cleavage was squashed up on perfect display. I batted my eyelashes the way I’d seen women do when they were interested in a man and waited for the incoming tidal wave of ego.

“Oh, I’m not that interesting, why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”

I was taken aback. 

“Me? But, why?”

“Well I want to get to know you, all I really know is that your name is Dahlia, you’re a waitress and I almost hit you with my car after you were mugged. How are you feeling today, did you file a police report?”

“Uh, yeah.” I lied.

I hadn't planned on him wanting to get to know Dahlia at all, my body was supposed to be all that was necessary; rich guys like this didn't care about personality! 

“Oh, well…I wait tables. You know, do functions, that sort of thing….” How the hell was I supposed to make working sound interesting? “Why do you care? I’d really rather know what you do.”

“I work in green energy.” Ashton replied, “sort of.”

“What do you mean…sort of?”

If this guy was about to reveal he’d lost his company or something and I had to start all over I was going to riot.

“I developed a new kind of solar panel, it’s great! Next thing I know, I am a CEO and spending my days sitting in board meetings instead of in the lab.” Ashton sighed. “I’d rather go back to being a scientist but if I let some corporate type take over in my stead he’d be selling the technology to the highest bidder, rather than letting it do the most good.”

I bit my tongue; that sounded like the best choice honestly. 

“That’s very noble of you.” I said instead. “So why take out little old me?”

“You seem genuine, I spent all of last night around the fakest, most vapid, money hungry people in the city; you were a breath of fresh air.”

I was glad for the breadsticks that had arrived; I might not have been able to hold back a laugh. 

“Most people would have tried to squeeze money out of me when they saw the limo, you didn’t.”

Damn, that would have been a smart idea too! Oh well, it seems things worked out for the best. 

“Well, I don’t care if you’re some CEO.” I lied, placing my hand over the table and atop his. “I want to know the real Ashton.” 

We fell into small talk as we ordered our pasta and I found myself letting my guard down. It was actually rather easy to talk to Ashton; I had planned on smiling and nodding while he bragged but he wanted to actually talk about normal things too! Movies, TV shows, charity, the last wasn't exactly my forte but the others were actually enjoyable. It wasn't until dessert arrived that I realised I was actually having fun. 

“I've never seen a woman eat two servings of tiramisu before.” He chuckled as I polished off his desert for him. 

“Well, you were going to let it go to waste!” 

I bet Ashton had never been hungry in his life. 

“It was so creamy.” He screwed up his face. “You could barely taste the coffee. But I am glad somebody could enjoy it. The last woman I dated refused to eat dessert at all, god forbid she risk gaining a single gram.” 

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“Yeah well if all a woman has is her looks I suppose it makes sense she’d guard them.” The words came out more bitter than I meant, but Ashton didn’t seem to notice.

“I am glad I am with a woman who cares more about personality than looks or money.”

“Oh? Are we officially dating then?” I teased, “That’s twice you’ve talked about us as if we were a couple.”

Ashton’s face went red and I giggled; the sound felt odd and echoed around my whole chest. It felt…nice. 

“Sorry that was presumptuous of me.”

Yes, it was. But what did I expect? 

“But I would like to go out for that coffee, your treat, remember?” He teased and I smiled like a shark.

“Of course, I’d love that.”

Getting this guy wound around my finger was even easier than I thought; for all his talk of wanting personality over body his eyes had barely left my face or chest all night. I knew being a hot woman would make life easier but I didn't think it would be this easy! 

I continued to flirt, all the while imagining the amazing life that would soon be mine. All I had to do was get Ashton to put a ring on my finger and then I would be one tragic honey ‘accident’ away from a life of luxury. I’d change back into a man somehow and then I'd have those same women who dismissed me last night chomping at my heels, desperate for even a scrap of my attention. 

“You’ve got such a lovely smile.” Ashton said, “I’m glad you’re having such a good time.”

“Oh, something tells me we’re going to have a lot of those together, Ashton. I haven’t felt this happy in a long time.”


Michael B

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