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Commissioned by CreepyJ

Bella hates how tall she is; no man wants a woman who towers over them. Luckily, her woes are overheard by a chaotic fairy named Astrid who is more than happy to turn her into a new fairy and her lover. 


Astrid watched from her perch high in a tree overlooking the park as the human’s went about their business. Most fairies had stopped visiting the human realm once technology took off, there were so few places of nature and wonder left on the material plane, it just wasn’t a s fun. People didn’t believe in fairies anymore, they commanded no respect. Hundreds of years ago people had feared the changelings and fae pranks her kind pulled and treated them with the reverence they deserved. Nowerdays fairies were pretty things in the story books of little girls with butterfly wings and rosy cheeks. 

Astrid fluttered her own wings as she giggled; a small amount of fairy dust fluttered off her wings from the action. Her wings were less like that of a butterfly and more like the stained glass windows she’d seen on some human buildings. Translucent, with tiny panels of colour and patterned in a unique way to each fairy. Hers were a mixture of pink and teal, swirled around one another like the ripples of a pond. 

Not only that but she looked about as far front the cherub faced, intricate dressed fairies from those children's books as you could get. Yes, she did have violet eyes and beautiful blonde hair that reached her toes and never tangled but that was as far as any resemblance went. Her body was far more womanly than any fairy she’d seen in human media. Naturally busty, with a tiny waist no human woman could ever hand and legs that were long and shapely. The closest human comparison Astrid had ever seen were those barbie dolls human girls liked, though their chests and butts weren’t nearly big enough.

Hidden behind the leaves of her tree Astrid watched closely, looking for her favourite human. Finally, she spotted her; a human woman from a local college who came to the park for dates. They never went well and Astrid loved a little drama. She had red curly hair and bright green eyes; very pretty but quite tall compared to other ladies. She always towered over her dates and for some reason human males never seemed to like it. 

The woman waited under her tree and Astrid settled in to watch; she could tell her human had a nervous energy about her. Both hands gripped the strap of her handbag, twisting it back and forth while she bounced on her toes. Astrid giggled; some prime drama was about to unfold, she could tell. Fairies were naturally chaotic beings after all, she could sense these things. A man approached and the fairy rubbed her hands together in anticipation.


“Hi Bella.”

I cringed as soon as I heard Brandon’s voice, he was hesitant, his words had a slightly nervous waver to them that was very distinctive. I bit my tongue and turned to face him with my best smile on my face; if he was going to dump me I wasn’t going to make it easy for him. 

“Hi Brandon! It was nice of you to ask me on an impromptu date, studying has been such a drag the last few days.”

I could see the fear in his eyes, there was so much tension in his shoulders he looked like a fresh faced soldier about to face battle for the first time. 

“Um, actually I was just wanting to talk.” He muttered awkwardly.

I’d been preparing for this moment for weeks, ever since it became obvious Brandon, like every guy beforehand, was uncomfortable with just how tall I was. Why did guys find it so uncomfortable to have a girlfriend who was taller than them? I’d assumed it was common, but not all encompassing. Wistfully I thought back to the cute pair of pink heels I never got to wear because they added another six inches to my height.

“I just don’t think things are going to work out with us.” Brandon said finally. “You’re a really lovely person, Bella but we’re just too different.”

Oh there was no way I was letting him get away with that crap. 

“In what way?” I asked, “We both major in English, we both love fantasy novels and bad horror films.”

“Well, yeah we have some things in common but that’s not enough for a whole relationship.” He stammered, “I’m just not feeling a spark, that’s all.”

“You don’t find me attractive, do you?” I could hear my voice getting colder no matter how hard I tried to keep it neutral. A bitter tang formed on the back of my tongue. “Because I’m taller than you.”

“No!” He replied too quickly. “You’re…see, this right here. This is what I mean, you’re a bit intimidating when you get cross, Bella.”

“All I am doing is standing here.” I scowled. “You just feel like I’m being aggressive because you’re not used to women towering over you.”

I watched as his face went red with embarrassment; guys hated it when I pointed out just how fragile their masculinity really was. All it took was a few inches of height over them and half their bravado disappeared into smoke; they hated it. 

“Look, it’s over, alright?” Brandon threw up his hands. “Bye. Don’t call me.”

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying more; it would only give him more fuel for the fire. I’d dated and been dumped by enough guys that by now half the eligible men on campus had probably heard rumours about the ‘crazy tall woman’. If I was ever going to find somebody I had to hold my tongue, even if I hated it. 

“Bye.” I said flatly as he walked away. Brandon didn’t spare me a second glance. “Ass.”

My anger didn’t last long, it dissipated with the afternoon breeze and left a familiar numbness in its place. With a sigh I sat down under the tree in a heap, curling my long legs under my chin and ignoring the frustrated burn of tears behind my eyes. 

“I will not cry over that asshole.” I hissed to myself. “Be stronger than that Bella, come on.”

It wasn’t just Brandon though, it was the five guys that came before him. I was a hopeless romantic at heart, I knew it and I had an almost perfect body. I had the hips men dreamed of, the double Ds that were the perfect mix of size and convenience not to mention my distinctively bright red hair. If only I was a few inches shorter, I’d have every man drooling over me, I was sure. It seemed downright cruel; like the universe was playing some sort of prank on me. 

“Love and a little less height, is that so much to ask?” I muttered into the wind which didn’t answer me other than blowing a little colder. 

A tiny pink petal fluttered down from above and perched itself right on my nose, making me sneeze. A moment later several more joined and I looked up in confusion; the entire tree was in bloom. Thousands of tiny pink petals fluttered around me as the wind knocked them loose and I gaped; only for a moment though as the rain of petals got too thick I had to close my mouth to avoid swallowing them. 

This tree had been a regular old oak tree before, I was sure. Maybe my natural knowledge wasn’t as good as I thought because clearly I was wrong. Whatever this tree was, it was flowering something fierce. I stepped away, with the petals still clinging to every part of me. I watched in awe as the whole plant seemed to red its flowers in a matter of minutes before returning to a normal, flowerless tree. 

“Wow.” I looked around, expecting to see a trail of pink spreading through the park as the petals took to the wind but somehow, they’d all been swept away, except the ones still clinging to my skin. 

At least I’d seen that, nobody else was reacting at all, they must have missed it. I let myself smile; at least I had that special little experience to lift my mood, even just a bit. 


Astrid smiled, watching her favourite human walk away. She felt for her, really she did. It didn't seem fair that such a beautiful creature was so unhappy all the time. So when she’d heard her wish, Astrid couldn’t resist helping, in her own chaotic fairy way. It would take time for the magic to properly take effect, a few days at least. But when the full moon arrived in a few days, its astral energy would hurry it along. 

Astrid grinned and sat herself down on the tree branch for a nap; that spell had been a big one. It would take a while to recover but if all went to plan, it would be well worth it. 


Unfortunately, even the beautiful petal storm wasn’t enough to make the walk back to campus enjoyable. The beautiful sight had buoyed my spirits a little but Brandon’s words were still echoing in my head and the fact that my feet were beginning to hurt didn’t help. 

With a groan I flopped back onto my bed and hissed as I slipped my sandals off, surprised to see red marks where the leather had chafed against skin. Odd, these shoes usually fit perfectly, they’d never chaffed before. Somehow the straps must have loosened ever so slightly; what a pain. The last thing I needed right now was for my favourite pair of shoes to give out on me. 

“What I need is a little self care.” I smiled, “Time to treat myself.”

My campus room was small, but it did come with its own bathroom with a shower tub. It was hardly luxurious, but a bath was still a bath. I filled the tub and stripped myself out of my jeans and shit, dropping my bra and panties to the floor and breathing in the steamy air deeply. 

Carefully I stepped into the bath, hissing as my sore feet hit the water before settling down. I lowered myself as much as the short tub would allow, scowling at my knees as they stood up. What I wouldn’t give for a bath long enough to actually lay in; as it was I either needed my knees bent upwards or my feet resting on the wall. 

I dropped a bath bomb in and watched it fizz, staining my skin and the water pale purple before grabbing my phone for some mindless scrolling. A ew swipes and I found my usual dating app; it was a bad idea, but I opened it anyway. With a flick of my fingers my profile was back on the market.  

“Girl, why do you do this to yourself?” I asked, mindlessly flicking through profiles and seeing nobody worth swiping right. 

Pink petals floated atop the water before dissolving into nothing. Weird; I didn't know petals could do that, at least, not so quickly. I soaked for a while and looked down at my body in the purple water with annoyance. I had all the curves and they were doing nothing for me. I hefted up my breasts and let them fall back into the water with a small splash and chuckled. Bet guys would be interested if I filmed that and put it on my profile, at least the few who saw it before I inevitably got banned. 

I shimmied in the bath, trying to find a comfortable spot but no matter how I shifted my butt still tingled. It felt odd, like my skin was buzzing slightly. For a moment I worried I might be allergic to the bath bomb before I realised I’d used them before without any issues. Still, I got out and towelled off, sighing slightly when I noticed my skin was still stained slightly purple. Oh well, it would wash off in the shower tomorrow. 

I wrapped myself in a towel and looked at my reflection, breasts squished together tightly by the wrapped fabric, hair slightly damp and tousled, makeup still perfect, if a little steamy. I looked perfect.

“What the hell.” I shrugged, and quickly pulled out my phone to snap a quick selfie from above.

The picture had a perfect view of my cleavage and most importantly, made me look a little shorter thanks to the angle. I uploaded it to my profile and left the ringer on as I got ready for bed, smiling when I heard it ding almost immediately. 


In total, I got five different guys on campus messaging me thanks to the new picture; it had also earned me plenty of dirty looks from my fellow female classmates as I walked into our morning lecture. I could feel the anger burning in their gazes as I sat down but did my best to ignore them. 

I was used to not having many female friends; it was hard enough to make friends with other women when I was so pretty, but my height once again sealed the deal. I’d be intimidating thanks to my looks alone, the height just made things worse. It got me down sometimes; maybe being single wouldn’t suck so badly if I had other girlfriends to mope with. But at the end of the day, I couldn’t help that I had a beautiful face and curves, if they couldn’t reign in their jealousy I wasn’t going to bother. 

Instead I put my head down, took my notes and tried to focus on the date I had set up for this afternoon. I’d arranged to meet him at the park as usual. I had never met Victor, but he seemed nice enough on his profile and he had beautiful cornflower blue eyes I could get lost in. 

I’d dressed to try and hide my height a little; a long maxi skirt, paired with a singlet top that showed off my cleavage. Maybe it was a little slutty, wearing something that made my tits almost fall out but the long skirt should at least give the illusion of modesty and keep Victor’s eyes on my good side and away from my height. 

The lecture finished and I stood up, eager to get to the park to meet my date only to take three steps and find myself wobbling. I looked down just long enough to realise I’d somehow stepped onto my own maxi skirt, but not quickly enough to do anything about it. I flailed and gave a short cry before falling flat on my face, somehow, despite the fact we were inside, the wind caught the top of my skirt and flung it up, settling over my back and exposing my butt and underwear to the whole room. 

“Oh my god!” Giggle one girl.

“What a klutz.”

“Holy shit, look at that ass! You could bounce a coin off it.” 

My face burned with humiliation and I scrambled to my feet, wincing as once again I felt my feet burning. I twisted them around and saw the saw red chafing marks. I’d tightened the straps again this morning; surely they couldn’t have gotten loose again? I examined them closely, no, they were definitely buckled to the same tightness I’d set a few hours ago, so why were they slightly loose now? 

More importantly, how had I managed to stand on my skirt? Nobody came and offered to help me up. So I picked myself up, cheeks still burning and started for the door only to feel my skirt tangle again, at least this time I managed to stop myself from falling. Though the sound of snickering behind my back told me it hadn’t escaped notice. 

This skirt had swished pleasantly around my ankles when I left home, now it brushed the floor. The shoes I could believe, leather wore and stretched as time went on after all, especially when it was starting to fray but skirts didn’t just magically get longer over the course of an hour. Lacking any better ideas I picked up the front of my skirt like I was a dame princess in a novel and walked out, trying my best not to look as humiliated as I felt. 

By the time I’d walked all the way to the park near campus I knew something weird had to be going on. My shoes felt even looser, my skirt longer and funnily enough my bra was too tight. I could see my cleavage straining slightly and I was starting to regret the low cut singlet top. The thin fabric was about as close to ripping as it could get, I was genuinely starting to worry about how I was going to take it off!

“Hey there, Bella I take it?”

Victor was standing under the tree (no petals in sight), he wasn’t quite as hot as his picture but they never were. Unless you were me of course. I smiled and dropped my skirt, walking over to him carefully.

“Hi.” I smiled, wincing as I watched him falter slightly as he was forced to adjust his vision up to look at me. 

Victor was taller than most guys though, I was only a few inches taller, surely that wouldn’t be too much. Please, let it not be too much. He didn't say anything else, in fact he got a strange look on his face and my hope began to dwindle, things didn’t normally fall apart this fast. 

“Yes, nice to meet you Victor.” I smiled politely.

“Right, yeah! Uh, sorry I think I might have already met you, in a way.” He blushed. 

“What do you mean?”

He fished out his phone and unlocked it, flipping the screen to face me and I was immediately greeted with a spectacular view of my own butt. White panties stretched so tight over the bouncy cheeks they looked like they were going the same way as my bra right down. My skirt fanned around me, forming the perfect frame for the picture. My face was instantly a hundred degrees hotter. 

“W-where did you get that!?” I screeched. 

That had only happened half an hour ago! How had a man I had never met before now managed to see it? I didn’t even see anybody take a picture. 

“It was sent out via the school email system…” Victor blushed.

“And you saved it? You saved a random woman’s ass pic right before meeting me for a date?”

“Well it turns out it was you! So that’s better right?” He said meekly, not sounding remotely convincing. 

“You know what, I don’t think this is going to work out.” I muttered, “bye.”

My face burned as I stormed out of the park, fumbling with my phone and opening up my school email to see that there was indeed an email with the picture attached. It had been emailed to everybody using the mass email for the college. The whole campus had this image of me with my ass in the air and my panties straining to contain it. I’d never been more mortified in my entire life, at least not until a few seconds later when I felt myself trip on my skirt, again. 


I managed to catch myself on my hands this time at least but that was the final straw for my bra. I felt it snap against my back and my tits spilled out of my top before I hastily stuffed them back in and got back on my feet. The skirt was now trailing on the ground by almost an inch despite the fact that the waistband was tighter than ever.

“What the hell is going on?”


I stumbled into my apartment and immediately began fumbling with the waistband of my skirt, pulling it on this morning hadn’t been an issue but now I could barely fit it over my ass at all. I could feel the elastic digging into my curvy butt cheeks in a way it never had before and my panties looked about ready to snap. 

With the same difficulty I removed my shirt and let the broken bra fall to the ground with a soft thud, letting my chest hand free. I hefted them in my hands just like I had yesterday and frowned.

“These feel bigger…” I muttered, “hang on.”

I dove under my desk and fished out a box of random items, rifling through until I found the dusty old tape measure left over from my sewing days. It was hard, but I managed to slip it around my body, taking a few measurements. My nipples hardened against the cold tape andI ignored them, holding my finger against the numbers and holding them up to see.

“That can’t be right,” I gaped, “They-they really are bigger!”

I’d been a double D ever since I turned 18, now I was almost a full cup size larger overnight! This was the last straw, something weird was going on. I stripped down to nothing and spared a quick glance for my poor top; I could see the faintest of tears across the front where my tits had strained the fabric too far. I really liked that top too. 

I twisted and turned in my apartment, looking for anything else amiss; my tits were definitely bigger, and my ass as well but other than the chafing marks on my feet there didn't seem to be anything amis. The marks were starting to throb though after my hurried walk home and I groaned; today was stressful enough without blisters. 

I ran myself another bath and sighed with relief as the hot water immediately soothed the marks. I slipped down and settled into the water with a contented sigh only to freeze when I realised my legs were totally submerged. That…that wasn't possible, I was too tall for the bathtub! I’d always been too tall for it!

I sat up and looked down at my body in awe before raising a leg out of the water and running a finger down my soft skin. I thought back to my strange, growing skirt and for the first time wondered if maybe it hadn’t been the skirt changing size…but me. I jumped out of the bath and ran back into my bedroom, not even caring that I was dripping water all over the floor. 

I grabbed for my favourite pair of jeans, the ones I never got to wear because they showed off my long legs too much. I held them up against my body and not only did the waistband not look wide enough anymore there were a good three inches of extra pant leg left trailing on the floor. 

“No way…”

The tap measure confirmed it. Taking it to the top of my head I let it unfurled and  stared at the raw number proof. I was a few inches shorter; still tall for a woman but not freakishly tall like I had been a few days ago. A breathless laugh of disbelief escaped my lips and I started to giggle; I was shorter and my curves had gotten bigger, I’d hit the jackpot! 

“I don’t know how this happened but hell. Fucking. Yeah!” I cried, “dating scene here I come!”


Astrid watched Bella from the corner of her window and giggled with delight. Watching the woman dance around her dorm room naked with her new tits and bum wiggling around was utterly delightful and pretty arousing. She was so glad Bella was happy with the spell taking effect, little did she know things had only just begun! When it was complete the human would be sure to jump for joy. 

Astrid continued to watch and Bella posed in front of the mirror, holding up her tits with delight and revelling in her new stature. It made the fairy woman wet with desire but she didn't dare take care of herself, not yet. She only had to wait a few more days after all and she would be more than satisfied. 

She gazed up at the moon in anticipation, only a few more days and the ultimate pleasure would be hers and Bella’s to share. 


The next morning I almost flew out of bed and got ready for class with a spring in my step. I’d never felt more attractive in my life, even if my clothes didn't fit quite as well anymore. Since none of my pants or longer skirts fit me properly I didn't have much to choose from when it came to outfits. I managed to find a black mini skirt that just covered my modesty and a stretching T-shirt to go with it but I mentally started to work out a budget for the upcoming week so I could buy some new clothes.

I’d finally be able to shop at the mall’s regular boutiques rather than going to specialty stores! I could buy all the cute outfits I wanted without worrying about my height! This was great! At least it was until I went to put my sandals on. Even tightened to the extreme, they were still loose. 

“...Huh…I guess I’m still shrinking a little.”

I checked with the measuring tape and to my alarm, I’d lost another inch of height overnight. For the first time I felt something like anxiety starting to claw its way up my throat. 

“T-that’s fine! Great even, I’m almost a normal height! Once I reach that I’m sure I’ll stop.”

I wish I felt as confident as I sounded. I put on two pairs of socks in order to fit into some boots and went about my day. That anxiety continued to build after each lecture though, I would stand only to find myself yet another half inch or so shorter. Girls I used to tower over were now at eye level and by the final class of the day I was bordering on…short. 

I was getting smaller and smaller, but my curves only seemed to be getting bigger, at least in comparison to my body. Less than twenty-four hours ago I was jumping for joy at the change but now I was starting to get nervous, just how small was I going to get? It wasn't just that I was getting shorter, I was shrinking

As I laid in bed I tossed and turned, slightly fearful of what would greet me when I woke in the morning. A feeling that turned out to be one hundred percent justified when I woke to find myself less than half the size of a normal woman and standing at barely four feet tall. I called in sick and locked my dorm room door. 

“What’s happening?” I muttered, “There has to be something that set this off, people don't just start to shrink!”

My mind raced; how small was I going to get? When would it stop? What if it didn't and I ended up the size of an ant or worse, an atom. What if I ceased to exist at all? I paced my room till I was sure I’d started to wear a hole in the floor, I had no idea what to do; I couldn’t even get dressed because I had nothing left that fit me. My internal voice was screaming so loudly I didn't even realise that somebody was speaking to me until I actually felt a yank of pain at my ear.

“Hey! I said stop pacing!”

I blinked in shock, looking around the room hastily in search of the voice; but there was no one.

“Oh great, now I’m hearing voices too!” I wailed.

Maybe that was it, maybe I wasn't shrinking at all, maybe I was just going crazy! I hated how the idea that I was totally off my rocker was somehow a comforting alternative. 

“You’re not hearing voices silly, I’m up here!”

Suddenly, a tiny face appeared in front of me, floating upside down with a massive grin. I screamed and stumbled backwards, allowing the little flying creature to right itself in the air and flutter back over to me.

“Aw, I didn’t mean to scare you!” She giggled. “I just wanted to ask why you look so worried, you were so happy yesterday!”

This…thing had been watching me? I studied her, for she was definitely a her, carefully. It looked like a tiny, naked woman with huge breasts and wide hips and a pair of flurrying dragonfly-like wings behind her. There were two soft, teal antennae poking through her wild blonde hair, and they were so long they fell down her back almost to her waist. Most stunning of all were her eyes; bright purple with a soft glow to them that somehow seemed welcoming and dangerous at the same time. 

I felt my face flush as I realised I was totally naked in front of a stranger; a winged stranger but a stranger nonetheless. I frantically tried to cover myself but with boobs this big that proved difficult and trying to hide my pussy behind a leg only made the creature flitter about and laugh with delight.

“Oh don’t hide away! I think clothes are silly, see, I never wear any!”

That didn’t make things better, not that this carefree being seemed to notice. I cleared my throat and tried to regain a little control of the situation. 

“I-uh, you were watching me yesterday?”

“Oh yes, you’re my favourite human.” The little woman beamed. “I’ve been watching you for ages!”

She said it with no shame, as if admitting to stalking somebody wasn’t creepy at all. Then again, this woman clearly wasn't human so maybe she didn't realise. 

“What are you?” I whispered.

“A fairy of course! And soon you will be too! Isn't that exciting!” She giggled, the sound was like tinkling bells. 

It would have been beautiful had my blood not just frozen in my veins.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I saw how sad you were cause you are so big! So I decided to make you a fairy like me! Isn't that fun?” She twirled around in excitement. “Oh, I’m Astrid by the way! I haven’t gotten to make a new fairy in forever! Only a few more minutes now!”

“Wha-a few minutes!?”

“Yeah! When the full moon is out you’ll finish changing completely! Not that you have much to go, you’re getting pretty small!”

She was right, I stood at barely three feet now, but Astrid was only a few inches tall herself. The idea of becoming that small myself was more than a little intimidating. 

“I wanted to wait and appear when the moon went full but you looked so stressed out, it was totally ruining the excitement!” Astrid pouted. 

I took a few deep breaths; I didn't have time to wrangle with the concept of fairies being real, or the idea of becoming one. I had to reason with this being here and now if I was ever going to get my life back. 

“Astrid, I appreciate what you did but I would really rather stay human, if that’s alright.”

“It isn’t.” Astrid crossed her arms and I blinked in surprise.


“It isn't alright.” Astrid clarified, “i went to a looooot of effort to change you, turning people into fairies isn’t easy you know.”

“but…but…I can’t be a fairy.”

“Of course you can, silly! You don’t even have to do anything!” 

Moonlight started to stream through my curtains as night fell and I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. I watched as the silvery beams appeared through my curtains almost as if they were drawn to me and Astrid squealed with delight.

“Here it comes! Get ready, oh this is the best bit!”

A cold rush of air mixed with something otherworldly passed over me and I shivered; my whole body seemed to respond to the movement and started to tingle all over. Unlike before, where I'd been shrinking so slowly I hadn’t felt it, not I very much could. I could feel my skeleton shrinking down, taking the rest of me with it as the world surrounding me seemed to grow larger and larger by the second. Astrid clapped her hands in delight at my horrified expression.

“Oh your face! You should see it! Haha!”

  “Stop this!” I cried, “I’m basically a doll!”

Astrid fluttered up to me, she was only half my height now and I felt my panic increase.

“Trust me! Being a fairy is way more fun!”

As my body continued to shrink down I felt something else start to happen. My breasts and butt bulged out, growing yet another cup size and I wobbled, barely able to stay on my feet as my centre of gravity shifted. 


My cheeks turned bright pink as the sound escaped before I could stop it. I just couldn’t help it; feeling my breasts growing so rapidly felt indescribably good. 

“See!” Astrid said huskily. “This last bit feels so wonderful, enjoy yourself, fall into it.”

I didn't want to ‘fall into it’, I wanted to fight this change tooth and nail but it was pretty hard to do. Pleasure was starting to spread through my whole body as my hips widened and my curves became round and full in a way that a human body could never naturally be. I felt embarrassed as wetness began to gather between my legs and did my best to hide it but something about the twinkle in Astrid's eyes told me I wasn't doing a very good job of it. 

“Aw, no need to be shy, us fairies are all about embracing chaotic change and…” she reached forward and lightly dusted her hands over the sides of my new breasts. “Pleasure.”

The way she said that last word sent a shiver down my spine. I was trying hard not to enjoy the change as much as possible but it just felt so good and the more I focused on the pleasure the better the idea of being a fairy seemed. I was miserable most of the time as a human, the happiest I have been were these last few days where I was getting shorter. A fairy didn’t get judged for being too tall, a fairy didn’t have to deal with midterms or college grades at all and a fairy didn't even need to worry about finding clothes that fit apparently! 

My expression must have shifted in some subtle way because Astrid gave a gleeful cry and quickly flew around in a somersault.

“See! Told you! Told you!”

Finally, my body stopped shrinking and shifting as I stood only a few inches tall, with my flaming red hair the only thing protecting my modesty even a little. That hadn't been so bad-


I could feel something pushing on my back, almost like my spine was trying to shift and move. It should have been painful but instead it was more like getting a massage, all the knots and stress in my back muscles seemed to shift and relax as I bent over double. 

Astrid flew forward and landed gently before cupping both my breasts to help keep me from falling forwards.

“Easy now!” She said playfully.

I could only groan, my back felt so nice and her hands cupping my bare breasts was magical. She wasn't even really touching me but it had been so long and the change had made me so horny that even that was enough to light a fire between my legs. 

I felt wings unfurling, half materialising from the air, half growing from my back. It was so odd, to have two new limbs all of sudden and I fluttered them without thinking and my whole body took on an almost weightless sensation. My toes lifted off the floor for a moment and I gasped in wonder. 

Two soft, pink antennae flopped in front of my face and I shot backwards in surprise; I hadn’t even felt them grow! Immediately I felt my nipples harden as the warmth of Astrid’s hands vanished. 

“Wow! You look even better than I thought!” Astrid said with wonder, “so pretty…”

I looked down at my tiny body, then around at the giant room around us. I’d lived in this dorm for the better part of a year and knew it intimately, but from this angle, low on the floor it may as well be an alien planet. 

“Come, you should return with me to the Fae realm.” Astrid cooed, coming close and hugging me tight. “Come see all the wonders you now have access to! Flutter those wings, come on!”

I did so experimentally, feeling that same weightlessness filled my every pore as I fluttered into the air. I wasn't nearly as graceful as Astrid, but I took to the sky much easier than I thought I would. It was as if the ability to fly felt instinctual; like a fish knowing how to swim as soon as it hatched. Astrid took my hand and grinned before zooming upwards, taking me with her. I couldn’t help but giggle excitedly as we flew through the window and out into the night. The two of us danced around one another in the moonlight and Astrid let go of my hand only to take me in both her arms and kiss me. 

I wasn't expecting it, but within seconds my body melted into hers with a soft moan. I was still so horny from the change that I couldn’t resist the taste of her sweet mouth. Her breasts pressed against mine and our legs tangled together as we tumbled through the sky. I could feel the heat from her sex pressing against mine when all of a sudden the cold night air was replaced with a summer breeze. 

My eyes fluttered open and I gasped in wonder. All around me was a beautiful forest; a waterfall crashed peacefully into a brook and the air seemed to almost glow, giving the entire area a bloom effect. 

“This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.” I whispered as Bella fluttered her wings and deposited us down on the soft grass, still entangled. 

She reached out a hand and ran it down my cheek; there was a hungry look in her eyes that made me shiver. 

“And you are the most beautiful fairy this land has ever seen.” She whispered before kissing my neck. 

I relaxed back into the mossy grass, it was warmed by the moonlight like it would be the sun and I was so comfortable in Astrid’s arms. She kissed down my neck, then along the side of my breast before taking the nipple in her mouth and sucking gently. Her teeth scraped with just enough force to make me see stars and I wriggled in anticipation, pinned beneath her. 

After what felt like far too long, She pushed me fully onto my back and mounted me, straddling across my hips so that our pussies pressed against one another. My wings were pinned beneath me and humming with need. I could feel our juices mixing as I reached up and fondled Astrid’s breasts, drinking in her soft gasps and moans as I pressed down hard on her nipples. 

Finally, she began to move her hips back and forth, rubbing our clits together as she leaned over to do the same with our breasts. Electricity sparked through me and I wrapped my legs and arms around my fellow fairy as we started to fuck. I’d never slept with a woman before; what a waste of time pursuing all those men had been! 

“Oh you feel so good.” Astrid moaned. “Yes, oh yes, so good.”

I shivered and moaned beneath her as I felt the pleasure grow; somehow the orgasms managed to sneak up on me. It was so strong I felt my limbs twitching and a small puff of golden fairy dust seemed to explode from the pores in my skin. They coated Astrid and she groaned, cumming hard and releasing her own puff of golden dust. Immediately, I felt it settle on my skin and everywhere it touched became so sensitive. I came again. 

Each orgasm produced more of the fairy dust, more pleasure for each of us, it was a constant cycle. My hips bucked against Astrid, never tiring. We continued to fuck, cumming over and over without any need to stop. I realised with a start as I came once more that this was my new life now. A life of ecstasy as a fairy; I couldn’t be happier. I wanted to thank Astrid properly but the moment I opened my mouth her golden dust landed on my tongue and all that came out was a moan. 


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