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Tier Reward for Loud Virus

A man attends his high school reunion with a potion, planning on turning into his former crush’s dream man. Unfortunately things don’t go quite to plan and he ends up turning into his former bully’s dream woman instead.


I don’t know why high school reunions were still a thing; surely nobody actually enjoyed them. Fifteen years may have passed but once you put the same cohort in the same gymnasium again they all turned into the spiteful, shallow teenagers they had been all those years ago. Except now they had more to brag about. It was deja vu for me really, leaning against the cold wall watching people mingle; it was the spring fling all over again. 

It was amazing how little people had changed; the popular girls were still beautiful and vapid; most of them were spending the night taking instagram reels and posing for selfies. The jocks had all grown up into some sort of businessman and half the other people in the room were homemakers. Even they were competing though; the men comparing cars and the women bragging about how smart and accomplished their six year olds were. 

It left a bitter taste in my mouth and I had to continually remind myself why I’d even come. It was far too tempting to just run for the door, but the little bottle in my pocket kept me grounded. It had cost a pretty penny to have that witch make me the potion, but it would be worth it. All I had to do was wait until Jennifer showed up. 

Jennifer wasn't like the other popular girls from my youth; we’d been friends, she had actually talked to the weird kid who was too nervous to speak without stuttering. If only I hadn't ruined it in our senior year by asking her out. 

“I’m sorry, you’re just not my type.”

Those words had haunted me for the decade and a half that had passed. It turns out, I wasn't any woman’s type. But this potion was going to change all that. All I needed to do was drink it while maintaining eye contact with the person I desired. Then, I would transform into their dream partner. 

I just had to find a way to make eye contact with her, without her noticing. That way once the change was done I could sweep in and knock her off her feet. She was still single, I knew because I checked her social media at least once a month. It would be like one of those romantic comedy films; where the loser from high school shows up at the reunion and knocks the socks of the popular girl who turned them down, only to graciously give her another chance. Just thinking about it made me grin. 

“What are you smiling at?”

My good mood was instantly ruined as I turned to see my worst nightmare; Caleb Johnston. Caleb had made it his mission to make my life miserable years ago and I was sure he meant to again. I looked him up and down; took in the smug smirk and the neat button up. He looked like one of those silicon valley tech bros and it made me hate him all the more. 

“None of your business.” I snapped. “Leave me alone.”

“Okay, that was a shit way to start the conversation, sorry.” He said looking oddly apologetic. “I’m just nervous, man, I…I was really hoping you’d be here tonight. I wanted to apologise.”


“I was a dick to you way back when. I was going through some shit and I took it out on you, man. That wasn't cool of me. I know it was fifteen years ago and you’ve probably moved on but I wanted to say it anyway.”

I grit my teeth; I’d seen this movie before. He’d make a big show about apologising then trick me into doing something embarrassing in front of the whole cohort. They would all point and laugh about how much of a loser I still was. Well no thank you, I wasn't falling for it. Besides, I had other things to focus on. 

“Leave. Me. Alone.'' I said firmly, pushing away just as I saw Jennifer walk in the door. 

She was beautiful as ever, with her long golden brown hair and cornflower blue eyes; she wasn't going to be on the front cover of any magazines but she had a girl next door beauty about her. The kind that was timeless and wouldn’t be ruined when age started to catch up to her. 

“I have to go.”

“Hey, wait-!”

I didn't give Caleb another thought, I needed to do this now. The less people recognised me, the better. I wanted them all to see the new me that was about to be born. I grabbed the tiny bottle from my pocket and unscrewed the top, raiding it to my lips as I waited for the perfect moment. Jennifer’s eyes met mine across the room and I downed the potion without looking away. 

I felt a tingle in my veins as I watched her, I could feel the magic working and my heart began to race with excitement; just a little longer…

“Hey, please just hear me out?”

My vision was blocked with a pair of wide brown eyes and I felt that bitter feeling rear in the back of my throat.

“Out of the way, Caleb!” I hissed, trying desperately to reassert eye contact with Jennifer. If he had ruined my one chance…

“Can I just say my piece?”

“No!” I glared at him, before feeling a funny pressure forming in my stomach. 

The change! It was starting. 

“Just, go away.” 

I turned and fled the room; I couldn’t change here in front of everybody. I just prayed that Caleb hadn't ruined my chances, surely I had looked at Jennifer longer than I had him. That would be enough, I started with her after all. I made my way into the twisting, locker lined corridors of the school until I found a random bathroom and quickly locked myself inside. Mirrors lined the sinks and I smiled; a perfect view for my transformation. My nerves began to build as I moved toward the mirror and took in my shabby boring appearance. Dull brown eyes, mousy hair cut into a style so bland it didn't even have a name. Any second now I’d be turning into Jennifer’s dream man…any second now. 

I felt a jolt in my chest and then a pressure started to build. I ripped open my shirt, chest heaving and smiled. My pecs were growing! Jennifer must like her guys buff; I could work with that! Only…my other muscles weren't growing in tandem, in fact, my stomach was turning slightly round and my pecs were following suit. 

They continued to grow past the point of being just muscle and started to shape themselves into heavy tear drop shapes against my chest. My nipples darkened to a reddish brown and turned long to match and I realised with horror I was not getting buffer, I was getting breasts!

“Oh no, no no no!” I cried, trying to squash them back inside me somehow but it was no use. 

I must have looked at Caleb for too long and now I was turning into his dream woman, and there was nothing I could do to stop it! That same pressure started to form in my butt and I turned slightly so I was side on to the mirror. I watched as my ass cheeks inflated at an even faster rate than my breasts. My hips widened to support them and my body started to take on a pear shape. 

“Oh god, I’m all bottom heavy!” I cried in humiliation, why did Caleb have to be into heavy set women? 

My cheeks flushed as they rounded out and my face turned heart faced. My boring, mousy hair was turning a warm brown and growing longer till it reached my chin and framed my face. There was also something else, a kind of timeless beauty being added to my face. It was the sort of face I imagined Jennifer would have one day, mature but no less sexy. I took in my new face then studied my pear shaped body and round tummy. 

“Oh God…I’m turning into a MILF!”

My thighs seemed to thicken in response, stretching my pants to their limit. My ass was barely contained as it was. Suddenly I realised my shirt was still unbuttoned and my chest was still growing. With fumbling fingers I did my best to do the buttons back up but by the time I got to the final three it was a struggle. My chest was pressing against the fabric so forcefully that when I finally did up the final buttons, two of them popped off, forcing my cleavage to spill out. 

I groaned; my nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric without a bra and my spine complained about the weight. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse…I felt it. My cock slowly started to disappear. 

“No, this can't be happening!”

My hands went to my crotch and felt as the bulge there seemed to melt away to nothingness. I could almost feel my body inverting; in place of a length there was now a hole burrowing itself between my legs as a pussy formed. The rest of the change happened so fast yet this part seemed to take forever. Or maybe it was just my sense of time slowing down. I could feel my folds forming, slowly pressing against the cotton of my briefs. I’d always thought the fabric was smooth but oh, how wrong I was. They felt rough against my new wet folds. They were so sensitive that every bump and ridge in the fabric felt tantalising, drawing more wetness out of my new hole than I wanted to admit. 

I watched my face in the mirror as the cheeks flushed and somehow that seemed to make the look complete. In a few minutes I’d gone from a man to a curvy woman. A very curvy woman. My blood burned with anger; not only had Caleb managed to ruin my life again, but now I was stuck as a woman. I’d never have a shot with Jennifer now. I examined myself from all sides looking at how my butt stuck out and my stomach had a slight curve to it as if I’d been pregnant in the past; this was the sort of woman Caleb was into? 

It was…sort of funny really. Here I was thinking he’d be into blonde bimbos when really he liked his woman mature and bottom heavy. I admired my pear shaped figure for a moment and an idea formed. If I was Caleb’s ideal woman, luring him into an embarrassing situation would be easy. I could get my revenge on him and he would never know it was me! I’d trick him into kissing me, then reveal who I really was and watch his horrified face; it would be too funny.

At least some good would come out of this mix up. Gleefully I did my best to adjust my clothing to look more flattering. It was all far too tight across the chest and butt but maybe that would work in my favour. I strutted up and down the bathroom while making sure to add what I hoped was a sensual sway to my hips. It felt sort of nice actually, feeling that heavy ass jiggle with each step. I was about to step back out into the hall ready to lure Caleb into the most embarrassing position possible to get us caught when the door flung open and in walked the man himself. 

“Oh shit.” He cursed, “Am I in the wrong bathroom?”

He looked around at the urinals and then back to me with confusion; his face was flushed with embarrassment. 

“No, I am .” I giggled, “My mistake.”

Normally I found talking to people difficult at the best of times, let alone in awkward situations like this but somehow being in this body made it easy. Like I was in character on the stage. It helped that Caleb’s eyes were going wide and they looked me up and down. It took all my self control not to laugh more; what must it be like to walk into a random bathroom and see your dream woman standing there? 

“I…don't think we’ve met.” He said, swallowing nervously. “I’m Caleb.”

“I’m…nobody important.” I replied, “I was supposed to come here for a date but he decided to get back with ex so here I am…hiding in a bathroom.”

Lying was so easy, normally I turned into a stuttering mess but now my lies were so convincing I almost believed them myself. 

“Well, that’s his loss.” Caleb said in genuine disbelief. “Who would let somebody as pretty as you get away?”

“Oh you flatterer.” I smiled, taking a step closer, ready to put my plan into action.

I twirled a bit of hair around my finger before taking yet another step into his personal space.

“You know, I could use some company.”

Caleb swallowed again, he was practically trembling with excitement. 

“Really, I…I’d be happy to.”

It was seduction on easy mode, if only real romances were this easy. I leaned in, ready to let him kiss me and then reveal the truth but as his lips brushed mine a shiver went down my spine and I felt my mouth part and the kiss deepened instantly. 


It felt lovely, his lips gliding across mine; I’d never given a thought to what a man’s lips would feel like but the slight scratch of stubble was oddly arousing. I felt his hands coming around and cupping my ass as he pulled me close and alarm bells began to sound. I should pull away now, this was more than enough to embarrass him as revenge but…it just felt so nice I couldn’t help but continue. 

I leaned my head back and allowed his tongue to explore my mouth with a moan. Just a little longer, I just wanted to experience this for a bit more time. Those hands on my ass felt so lovely I couldn’t bear it if he stopped. They continued to wander in fact and the more places he touched the more enthralled I became. 

His fingers left heat trails over my skin. They felt so deliciously good I didn't even realise he was starting to undo my shirt until I felt the cool air brush against my bare chest. I gasped, I had to stop this now, this was going too far and I was getting caught up. I broke the kiss, ready to tell him the truth and get my revenge but then his hands slipped across my new nipples and all that came out was a moan. 

“Fuck, what a beautiful sound.”

I could feel my new pussy burning with desire; I wanted to be touched so badly but…but I couldn’t! This was supposed to be revenge, I was supposed to be embarrassing Caleb not getting turned on by him. But oh God his hands felt so lovely on my tits, I couldn’t help but want them between my legs. Or maybe something else. 

I wrapped myself around him and we began to make out again, faster this time. We gasped and moaned between each kiss as he pushed me up against the sinks before hefting two hands under my ass and lifting me up onto the benchtop. Oh fuck, this was happening. The next thing I knew my pants and underwear were on the floor and my new, soaking wet pussy was exposed to the air. 

It felt empty, painfully so. So when Caleb took out his cock and began to stroke I couldn’t help it; I spread my legs wider and welcomed him in. I just couldn’t stop myself. Even as I felt him sliding inside me I couldn’t believe I was doing this. This wasn't revenge anymore, I was too horny to stop myself and there was no hiding it. Not even from myself. 

“Oh God, oh fuck you feel so good!”

His praise made me quiver and I felt my body tense, squeezing him inside me. It felt like ecstasy, my whole body was on fire in the most wonderful way as he started to thrust. Sex had never felt so good and somehow it just kept getting better. 

I was torn between how good it felt and how embarrassed I was. I had totally lost control and now I was letting my former bully fuck me all because I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t let him make me cum though; I could enjoy myself but I couldn’t give in totally. I did my best to fight off my body’s impulses but it was impossible. He had one hand on my back, holding me in place as he plunged into me, and the other on my tit. He squeezed and played, making me see stars until the pleasure grew so great no amount of will power could keep orgasm from washing over me. 

“Oooooooh Caleb!” I moaned, face flush with both arousal and embarrassment as the cry. “Caleb, yes, oh fuck more!”

He continued to fuck me through the orgasm, pounding hard against the deepest part of my vagina until all I could manage to do was cry out his name over and over again in pleasure. Finally, I felt him cum, pumping me full. Could I get pregnant now? God I hoped not because I could feel so much inside me.

Caleb pulled out and cum dripped down my inner thighs; my breath was ragged and my mind seemed frozen in shock. Had I really just done that? 

“Oh God, I can't believe we just did that. Best reunion ever.” Caleb laughed breathlessly as he cleaned himself up. “I still don’t know your name.”

I swallowed; this was it. I’d give him my name, then some proof that it was me by describing things from our past. He’d be humiliated and I could pretend all that moaning and writhing in pleasure was just an act. I just had to do it; but my pussy was still throbbing with aftershocks and my nipples were hard in the air. My body wanted so much more than just that one round and if I told him the truth; that would be the end of it. 

“My name is…Lisa.” I lied. 

“Well Lisa, what do you say about blowing this joint and then maybe blowing me?”

I didn’t hesitate to say yes. 


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