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Commissioned by Leonthar

Tensions of every kind begin to boil over and the Guardians face their toughest foe. 


Toby appeared back at the nexus in a flash of blue light; the rest of the team were all there, standing around Sara who was flitting back and forth like an excitable hummingbird.

“Oh. My. God!” She squealed, “We’re in SPACE?! I never dreamed your homebase would be in outer space! Does NASA know you’re up here? Oh! Are you NASA?”

Derrick removed his helmet and pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation.

“You’re the first non-Guardian to ever visit this place, understand?” He said carefully. “Our identity and our base must remain secret. For our own sake and the planet’s.”


“No buts!” Derrick growled. “If our enemies find that website of yours do you think they will be above using it against us? This base is shielded with special, highly advanced cloaking software but if our enemies had any idea that we were up here for sure they would do anything to try and bring us down.”

“Oh…” Sara pushed her fingers together nervously, “I…didn’t really think of that.”

“No, you didn’t.” Derrick sighed before snapping his head toward Ella. “And neither did you.”


“No, you be quiet. What is the first rule of fighting in public? The very first one?”

“Never use our real names.” Ella sighed. “I know, but I was worried.”

“Well your worry has exposed us to probably one of the most dangerous adversaries we’ve ever faced!”

“She doesn’t know where the Nexus is!” Ella protested, “She just has a name, if that! I stopped myself from saying it in front of her.”

“Barely.” Toby muttered irritably. 

“Exactly.” Tim nodded, “Speaking of…Toby, do you have anything you want to tell us?”

All eyes turned to him and Toby felt his whole body turning pink with embarrassment. This was his worst nightmare, no, worse than his worst nightmare because his sister was here too. There was no hiding it now though. 

“Yes, that’s my real name.” He admitted. “I’m actually a man, but when I use the Pink Altering Crystal…it transforms me into a woman and for some time afterwards as well.”

“That explains why I have never seen you two together!” Sara cried. “Rose and Toby are the same person. Wait, hang on…I walked in on you in the bath! Agh! Gross!”

“That’s what I said at the time!”

“Yeah but I didn’t know you were my brother!”

“So, what does it feel like to grow tits?” Sam asked only to be elbowed by Tim. “What? I’m just asking. Is he all woman, like, down there? You can’t blame me for being curious.”

Toby wanted the ground to swallow him up; he’d never been more embarrassed in his life. Of course he was wearing one of his most feminine, frilly dresses today too. The other guardians shuffled awkwardly until finally Derrick stepped in again. 

“Look, until we figure something out you are staying up here.” He pointed at Sara, then Ella. “And you are off missions.”


“You’re clearly not ready for them.”

“You’re joking,” Toby gaped. “Because of one slip up?”

“One monumental slip up.” Tim pointed out quietly. “Our identities are secret for a reason. Letting one loose is a pretty bad mistake. Even if it was just to one regular person.”

Ella looked to Toby with pleading eyes; he felt for her, he really did, but he was also still incandescently angry. 

“Look, I am not thrilled about it either.” He grumbled. “But you can’t just ground them both here like children.”

“I can actually, I’m grounding you too.”

“What!?” Toby gaped, “If anything I’m the victim here! You can’t trap me in the Nexus!”

“You lied to us about your identity, who knows what else you’re lying about.”

“The Morphling attacks have gotten worse since you showed up.” Sam pointed out. “You could be in cahoots with that strange woman for all we know.”

“This is ridiculous.”

“No, it isn’t!” Derrick yelled, his voice echoing around the main chamber. “I am in charge here and you three don’t seem to understand that. You are being confined to a spare room here until I can think of some way to fix this-”

Toby opened his mouth to argue but Derrick cut him off. His face was starting to go as red as his suit.

“No! No more arguing, follow me now or I will force you into a cell. Is that clear?”

“We have cells?” Tim whispered to Sam, who shrugged. 

Toby grit his teeth.


“Good.” Derrick sighed, rolling his shoulders, “Now follow me.”

Toby followed after with Ella and Sara at his heels. Sara had wilted like an old flower, this probably wasn’t how she imagined meeting the Guardians would go.

“This isn’t nearly as fun as I dreamed it would be.” 

Derrick led them all down into a spare room at the bottom of the Nexus that looked like some sort of hotel lounge. It was comfortable enough but a room you can’t leave was still a cell, no matter how comfortable. The door slid closed and Ella threw herself down on one of the couches face down and said nothing. Probably a good thing, Toby wasn't sure he had cooled off enough yet. 

“So…all that girly shit in your apartment is yours, not your girlfriend’s?” Sara said after a moment, looking him up and down. 

“Yes.” he blushed. “Look, I just wanted to experience…being a woman. If I was stuck like this I may as well.”

“How long are you going to be Rose?”

“I don’t know, it varies, usually another hour at least.”

“And the others really didn’t know you were actually a man?”

“Well…Ella did.”

They both looked over to where Ella laid, face down on the couch. She rolled onto her side and stared over at them and Toby felt his anger slowly melting away. She looked distraught and the guilt was practically radiating off her in waves. 

“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “You’re right, I ruined everything. Derrick was right too, I’m not cut out to be a guardian.”

“That’s not true and you know it.” Toby scoffed, sitting down next to her. “I won’t pretend I am thrilled about how all this has gone down but you’re still the most amazing person I know.”

“Toby is right.” Sara piped up. “I’ve been following the Blue and Pink Guardians for ages now and you guys are the best. Ella, your swordwork is so cool and you’ve got one of the highest Morphling kill counts out of the whole team!”

“...I do?”

“Oh yeah, you take out twice as many as the Red Guardian.” 

Ella puffed up a little at that and Toby couldn’t help but giggle. 

“Derrick just has a stick up his ass, he thinks being leader just means telling everybody what to do all the time.”

“Stick, more like an entire forest.” Sara rolled her eyes. “I tell you what, the Red Guardian wouldn’t be half as popular if people knew what a dick he was under that helmet.”

“He’s uptight but he means well, he didn't even really lock us up.”

“What do you mean?”

Ella held up her wrist “We still have our Altering crystals, we can teleport out of here any time. I’m guessing Derrick forgot that little fact in his rage.”

Toby snorted. 

“Still, I can't believe they think you’re some kind of spy.” Ella replied. “The Altering Crystals choose people who are pure of heart, it wouldn’t have picked you if you had ill intentions.”

“Sorry but the idea that Toby is pure of heart is just hilarious to me.” Sara snorted and Toby whacked her playfully. 

The three of them giggled a little when suddenly the door opened and in stepped Sam of all people. 


“Look, even I think locking you guys up here is a bit much.” He said, cutting right to the chase. “We have a monster to stop and we need all the help we can get. Tim is calming Derrick down and then we are going to have a meeting and plan our next move. Including swearing this one to secrecy.”

He indicated to Sara, who looked like she was about to protest when GAIA’s voice began to blare over the speaker system.

“Morphling attack! Morphling Attack! Yellowstone National Park!”

Ella groaned. 

“There is no end to it.”

“I think that may be the idea.” Sam said grimly. “Pink, Blue, let’s go!”

“What about me?” Sara asked.

“Uh, stay here and don’t touch anything!”

Toby stared at his sister; she was going to touch everything she could get her hands on, he could tell, but he had bigger issues right now. If that crazy, giant woman was back they needed to stop her. He felt a sense of relief as his tightfitting bodysuit formed over his body; even if technically this showed off his feminine curves more than a dress he at least had his visor to hide behind. Still, he caught Sam looking him up and down. 

“Got something to say?” He dared.

Sam just chuckled.

“Just that I like what I see.”

“Oh my God.”

He stuck his tongue out and transformed himself before teleporting away.

“Boys.” Ella rolled her eyes and did the same. 

Toby didn’t know whether them seeing him as more of a woman made him feel better or worse. 

“Are you seriously getting flustered instead of fighting a planet threatening force right now?!” 

Fucking hell, why did little sisters have to be so damn good at reading people?

“No! Now stay here!” Toby stammered and teleported out before Sara had the chance to get the last word. 


Sara watched as her brother and the other two guardians disappeared in flashes of coloured light, leaving her alone. Feeling slightly awkward, she wandered back up through the halls to the main area where they had first arrived and stared down at the planet. Her brother, or sister maybe, was fighting to defend the planet. Even though she’d seen proof, it was still hard to believe that her loser brother and her hero Pink Guardian were actually the same person. 

“It's so unfair.” She sighed, “Of course he gets to be a superhero.”

A glimmer caught her eye and she spied a large container filled with crystals, similar to her brothers but a clear colour.

“Uh, GAIA was it?”

“Yes, Miss Sara?”

“What are these?”

“Altering crystals, crystalline energy which is used to power Morphlings as well as Guardian technology.”

“But they’re not the same as those big coloured ones?”

“No, they cannot be used to transform, and hold only a fraction of the power of a coloured crystal.”

“But they still have some power?”

“That is correct.”

The gears began to turn in Ella’s mind and she felt a smile form across her features.

“GAIA, are there any spare weapons or suits up here?”


To say shit had hit the fan would be an understatement. The entire national park was crawling with Morphlings; doing everything from attacking tourists to destroying landmarks. Toby and Ella battled their way through the waves, dispatching one after the other but they just kept coming. Not only that but there was still no sign of the mysterious woman. As the waves of enemies began to get overwhelming Toby realised the team was getting more and more separated. 

“We need to separate fully!” Red ordered, “Otherwise they’ll over run the park!”

“No! Ella cried. 

“She’s wearing us down!” Toby yelled. “Trying to get us to use all our energy defeating the Morphlings so she can swoop in when we’re vulnerable!” 

“Do as I say! I am the leader here!” Red ordered before leaping up a ridge and disappearing over it after a small gang of Morphlings. 

“Fucking, arrogant, stubborn…” Ella hissed under her breath. “Have a leadership crisis later!”

She was so busy cursing Derrick she didn't notice the Morphling until it was too late, she turned just as its great clawed hands were descending and Toby acted without thinking. With a quick flick of his wrist he sent the whip flying out to wrap around Ella’s waist and pulled her to him. The pair of them crashed and rolled down a grassy hill, arm in arm until they collapsed at the bottom; Toby atop Ella’s hips. 

Toby could feel their curves pressing against one another and not for the first time he marvelled at just how durable their body suits were despite being so thin. It felt like there was basically nothing between their bare skin. 

“We can get flustered about this later.” She whispered.


Ella gripped his arms and suddenly rolled them again, dodging out of the way of a Morphling before drawing her sword and shattering it to pieces before finally getting to her feet and continuing the battle. Toby tried to stay close by but that was easier said than done with a seemingly endless parade of enemies coming from all sides. 

There was a painful blow to his back that sent Toby sprawling before he used the momentum to roll back to his feet. The Morhpling hissed and the air behind it seemed to shimmer as that same beautiful and terrifying woman appeared. 

“My, aren’t we the clever one?” She sneered. “Maybe I’ll take your crystal first.”

“What do you want with them?”

The woman’s face twisted into an expression of indignant rage.

“They are mine by right!” She cried. “My people made them, and look what good it did us! Now I am the only one left because they gave all their power away to lesser beings like you.”

Toby felt his mouth part and a soft ‘oh’ escape. 

“You’re…an Ancient One?” He gasped.

She smiled cruelly and nodded.

“I was the one they left behind! All because I dared to think differently, the rest of my people wanted to seed power among other alien races, pathetic.” 

A rogue Ancient One, it made sense in a sick sort of way. Not for the first time Toby wished he knew more about them, then maybe he’d have a shot of talking this crazy bitch down as she reached out and blasted him with yet another of those psychic beams that sent him flying. His helmet managed to stay on this time, just barely. 

“You humans are so primate you can only wield one coloured crystal but I, I could use them all at once!” She shrieked, diving for Toby’s wrist. 

The Morphling army was keeping the other Guardians from reaching him, even Ella who he could see was fighting furiously to reach him. He was on his own. At least, that’s what he thought until a voice echoed down around them. 

“Hey! Over here!”

The voice carried over the hill and Toby watched as the Ancient One followed his gaze, a figure stood on the ridge overlooking them. It was a woman in a silver body suit patterned to look similar to a Guardian, she held one hand to the sky, showing off a gauntlet patterned with Morphling Altering Crystals. They ringed her belt as well and Toby felt a rock form in his gut…no way.

“The Silver Guardian is here to put a stop to this!”

“Silver?” The Ancient One sneered, “there is no such thing, you think you can fool me with some petty illusion?”

“Sara, what the hell…” Toby whispered. 

What could she be thinking; Toby was about to cry out to her to run but to his shock he watched as his sister pointed the glove at the Ancient One and a stream of silver light exploded from it. The Ancient One was knocked backwards and one of the crystals on Sara’s gauntlet dulled before dropping to the ground.

“There is more where that came from!” She taunted before jumping off the ridge, Toby cried out in shock but to his surprise she floated gently to the ground without harm, Altering crystals on her boots glowing softly. 

“If you think a couple of little Morphling crystals are enough to beat me you are sadly mistaken!” The Ancient One yelled, sending out a number of blasts which Sara artfully dodged. 

Ella came sailing over the hill as well, followed by the other three Guardians whom she must have gathered up. 

“We need to fight her together!” Toby declared, “Fall in sync!”

Without any hesitation the rest of the team, even Sara, fell in line next to him and all struck a pose. 

“Guardian’s Attack!”

Toby felt his mind focus as he dove forward, whip at the ready. It was like they were all psychically linked somehow; diving between one another to keep the Ancient One on her toes as they delivered blow after blow. Toby felt hands on his hips and instantly rolled with it, letting Sam throw him into the air to deliver aerial blows while Tim caught him on the way down. 

The Ancient One's arrogance slowly began to erode as they wore her down her defences. She tried in vain to summon more Morphlings to her side but they never gave her the chance. Toby felt energy thrumming through his entire body and he realised the Pink Crystal on his wrist was starting to glow, as were all the other coloured Guardian’s. 

“To me!” He called and they all jumped back, bodies huddled close enough that they could reach out and place their hands atop one another’s.

The Crystals began to hum and sparks flew as energy built up between them. 

“Silver, keep her there!” Toby ordered. 

Sara paused for a moment before squealing with excitement at being referred to as Silver and kept her energy blasts coming. The elemental energy of all five crystals built higher and higher until even the five crystals together couldn’t contain it.


The beam left their joined hands in a concentrated blast that struck the Ancient one square in the chest. 

“No! Nooooo!” She screamed as the energy slowly spread across her body. “You can’t defeat me! I am a superior being! I’m your rule I-I-noooooo!”

Toby was forced to shield his eyes as the Ancient One crystalised and then shattered into thousands of motes of light, sending tiny Altering crystals flying up into the sky where they exploded like fireworks, sending shattered fragments flying across the sky. 

Silence reigned until Ella cheered and threw her arms around Toby’s shoulders.

“You did it Pink! You’re amazing! I had no idea we could combine our power like that!”

“Yeah.” Yellow chuckled. “Who knows what else could do!”

“All this time as leader and I never considered…well done, Pink.” Red nodded, looking a little awkward. “You too Blue, I’m sorry I was so…”

“Stubborn?” Toby suggested.

“Rude?” said Ella.

“Generally an asshole?” Said Sara and Red threw up his hands defensively.

“Okay, Okay, maybe I need to loosen up a bit.” He admitted, “Come on, let’s go back to the Nexus, we have a lot to discuss.”


“I thought we’d never stop talking.” Toby sighed as he flopped down on the couch, exhausted. 

Derrick hadn’t been joking when he said there was a lot to discuss. After hours of debriefing it had been decided that Sara could stay on the team as The Silver Guardian, using Morphling Crystals to power herself. Tim had argued that anybody who could harness their energy using just a few tools found around the Nexus had the ingenuity to join the team. Plus, it meant their secrets were safe. Toby wasn’t thrilled his little sister was now going to be working under him but it wasn't like there was much choice. That was the other big change; the shift in leadership. 

“I know what you mean.” Ella sighed as she joined him. “I still can’t believe Derrick made you the team leader. Even if it does make sense.”

It had shocked Toby too, especially given how stubborn Derrick was. But he’d conceded that Toby had led the team to their greatest victory yet and unlocked abilities he’d never dreamed of. Clearly, he was supposed to take charge. 

“Somebody as tense as me probably isn't suited to leading.” Derrick had admitted. “I always felt this massive pressure to be leader, since I was the first Guardian this generation, and Red has always been in charge. But clearly it’s time for a change.”

Toby removed his helmet and visor and leaned back on the couch, letting his eyes flutter closed. A moment later a weight next to him shifted and he opened his eyes to see Ella sitting in his lap, helmet off so that her icy blonde hair framed her face. It was only inches from his own and once more he could feel their body suits pressing together. She was close enough that he could feel her nipples were hard. 

“So…can we be flustered about our position now, Rose?” She teased and Toby giggled. 

“I like it when you call me that…” he murmured against her lips before pressing them together gently.

“I like calling you that.” She replied softly, deepening the kiss and moaning.

God, Toby had been waiting for this for so long. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, their belts dematerialised almost instinctively, leaving them in just the thin body suits that felt like nothing at all. 

“I might be weird to say…” Ella whispered as she kissed along Toby’s neck. “But I sort of like that you have two bodies, two different ways to explore…”

“Me too.” Toby admitted, the line between Rose and Toby was paper thin now and he couldn’t bring himself to care. “But I want to be Rose right now, at least for the first time.”

“First time? Bold of you to assume we’re doing this more than once.” Ella joked as she threaded her fingers into Toby’s long hair and pulled his head back to expose his throat.

“I’m right though.”

“Yeah,” she kissed the hollow of his throat where the bodysuit started, “you are.”

That was all the talking they had the energy for; after weeks of dancing around one another the sexual tension in the air had reached its peak. Ella pressed a hard kiss to Toby’s open mouth and let their tongues intertwine as he held her closer and closer. Toby ran his hand down her back, feeling the curve of her spine and letting his thumb curl around to press against the side of her breasts and grinning against her mouth as she shivered. 

There was a tingle of electricity that coursed between them, causing them both to gasp as their clothes dematerialised completely, leaving them both naked, pressed together on the couch with their body suits finally gone. Warm skin pressed against more warm skin and Toby felt his nipples instantly perk up.

“Oh…I didn't know we could do that…” Ella moaned.

“We’re both full of surprises.” Toby said dryly before pushing her back and taking one of her nipples in his mouth. 

Ella moaned, wrapping her arms around his head to hold him in place as he licked and sucked at them, teasing her till he could feel wetness beginning to soak onto his thighs from her pussy. He could feel himself getting the same way, his clit burned with need so much it almost hurt and his hips began to buck out of desperation. 

Ella pulled back with a teasing smile on her face before reaching hand between them and slipping two fingers into Toby’s wet hole. He could only gasp with shock and need, head falling back against the couch as Ella started to slowly finger him.

“Have you done much of this yet? Touching yourself?”

“A-A little…”

“I’m about to blow your mind then.” 

Toby could only groan as she twisted her fingers inside him, massaging his tight passage and dragging the rough pads of her fingers over his G-spot. Always teasing, never touching hard or fast enough to reach satisfaction. 

It was bliss and it was torture all at once; they had been dancing around each other for so long neither wanted it to be over too quickly. Toby groaned in desperation though as Ella got him close then slowed down again, over and over until he was a whimpering mess. His hips began to buck, desperate for more friction as she finally removed the fingers entirely and pressed their pussies together.


Ella started to roll her hips and Toby gripped them tight as their clits rubbed against each other over and over. It would hurt if it didn't feel so good. It seemed even Ella couldn’t hold back anymore after the wonderful sounds she’d pulled from Toby’s lips as she began to pick up the pace. Her whole body was going rigid and Toby knew they were both on the edge.

“Oh fuck!”

“I know I-”



There was a gush of juices as they both came together, Toby could feel them mingling between them and it just made him cum again. It was so much better than when he’d used his own fingers and he held Ella’s naked body tight against his own until they had both finished completely. 

A wave of utter relaxation washed over him and Toby fell sideways on the couch, taking Ella with him with a giggle as they wound their way around each other in a tangle of limbs. 

“That was…something else.” He muttered into her hair. 

“I know.”

All the tension of the last few weeks, the constant battles, the stress of trying to be a new team all washed away. Toby realised for the first time since gaining his power, he had nothing to hide. His team knew who he was, his sister even knew, he could just be himself now. Whether that be Toby, Rose or both at the same time. 

“Maybe that’s what Derrick needs.” Ella chuckled. “A good fucking to get that stick out of his butt.

Toby giggled. 

“Derrick isn't so bad, he just needs to stop being so tense all the time.”

“That’s my point.”

Toby thought for a moment.

“You know…I am curious to try out some different things with this body.”

“And I’m not a one woman sort of lady myself…”

“We could compare notes?”

Ella snickered, the idea of using sex to help ease tension out the team was probably wild but Toby couldn’t help but be curious. He was a woman now, what would it feel like to have one of the boys in his bed? And if it helped the tension in the team even out it was like two birds with one stone. 

“I want dibs on you romantically though.” Toby after a while, “We can sleep with whoever but…”

“I’m your girlfriend.” Ella agreed. “I like that, the boys are fun but they're not relationship material.”

“What am I?” Toby asked, feeling that distinctive pull as his body slowly started to shift back to male. “Girlfriend? Boyfriend?”

“Partner.” Ella decided, leaning a head on her hand and watching as Toby shifted back.

It would have been embarrassing a few days ago but now Toby didn't mind, he often wondered how it looked to himself. Ella ran a spare hand over his body lightly, feeling his curves become solid edges once more with a look of fascination on her face. 

“You’re a two for one deal.”

“Gee Thanks.”

“You know I love you.”

“Yeah.” Toby sighed happily, stretching up to kiss her again. “I do.”


“Red, on your right!” 

Toby ducked and rolled under a Morphling blow as Derrick quickly dodged out of the way with a curse. Ever since the Ancient One Scattered all those crystals they had been dealing with clean up. Luckily, they were much more scattered so the battles usually went fairly fast. 

Ella whirled past, sword in hand to finish off the Morphling attacking Derrick and in turn he easily lifted her out of the way of yet another oncoming blow. Since they had instigated their little tension easing plan, things had been going a lot smoother for the team on the battlefield. They all knew one another’s bodies inside and out now, so Toby didn't even flinch when he felt Sam’s hands at his hips, tossing him up into the air to acrobatically take out the final enemy. 

“Nice grip.” Toby grinned as Sam gave him a thumbs up.

“That’s what you said last night too.”

“Ew, can you all just stop it?” Ella groaned, picking up the crystals to add to her gauntlets. “If I'd known being a Guardian meant listening to four different people flirt with my brother all the time I’d have said no.”

“You know you can always come join me some time-” Tim teased and Toby elbowed him playfully.

“No, that’s not happening.” He said deadpan. 

“Agreed. I don't want to be with anybody who’s doinked my brother.”

“I’m sorry, did you seriously just use the word ‘doinked’? What are you six?”

Toby giggled, watching his team tease and joke with one another. Things felt right now, especially when Ella came and placed a hand around his wide waist and tugged him close. The fact that the Guardian’s seemed closer than ever was all over the press; but nobody had quite figured out just how close. 

“Let’s get back to the Nexus and debrief.” Toby announced with a clap of his hands.

“Oh is that what we’re calling it now?” Ella whispered and he giggled. 

“Don’t worry, we’ll debrief later. All night if needed.”

Derrick laughed as the others teleported away and tapped a hand to his head. 

“Hey lovebirds! You know we can hear you through the coms, right?” 



It's not finished, is it?


This is the finale for now I'm afraid! But if the commissioner ever wants to revisit it I'd be open to it