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Commissioned by Leonthar

Toby’s life continues to get more complicated as the rest of the guardians return to Earth and his sister decides to move in. 


Toby hummed quietly under his breath between sips of his iced chocolate; the whipped cream bumped against his nose and he giggled, wiping it off with the tip of his finger before sucking it clean. His dress billowed in the breeze, brushing against his bare thighs and bringing a smile to his face. It was a warm, spring day and a few hours ago he and Ella had stopped yet another Morphling attack; it had become old hat now; just another normal part of his routine. As had these little excursions.

It had been Ella's idea for him to explore his feminine side for a bit after each fight. He was stuck in his female body for almost three full hours after every transformation now so why not make the most of it. It was actually a little fun, it was like having a second, secret identity with none of the stressful responsibilities that came with being a Guardian. 

He finished up his iced chocolate and glanced down at the name written in sharpie on the plastic cup. 

“Dana…” He muttered, “hmmmm, no I don’t think so.”

He'd been trying out a few girl names for this new form; he couldn't very well go around calling himself Toby as a woman after all, but nothing had seemed right yet. He wasn't a Sheila, or Janet or a Dana. Ella assured him he'd find the right name in time though.

He'd have to find a new way to test them soon though. The one downside to being a Guardian was the fact that he could be called away at a moment's notice. He'd lost two jobs already because he slipped away to fight only to come back and not have a good explanation for where he'd been. His bank account was slowly dwindling down to nothing, so he'd have to say goodbye to the shopping trips and fancy drinks soon enough.

The sound of TV static met his ears and he turned toward a small restaurant; he could see the TV in the corner playing the news and there on screen was Ella.

He slipped inside quietly; the bar was mostly empty since it was still early in the day but the bartender still didn't look up as she sat in the corner to watch the report. 

“The two female Guardians have once again defeated a wave of morphling attacks across the world.” The report said, “Pink and Blue have been inseparable these last few weeks and have saved countless lives but the question still stands; where are their teammates?”

“I don't care where they are.” A girl sitting across the room told her mother, “Pink and Blue are way better, they've been doing a full team's job all by themselves!”

“Yeah but they're going to lose eventually if they don't get the others back.” The father said and the young girl stuck her tongue out.

“Nu uh! Pink is awesome, I want to get a whip just like that! Then I can fight crime and Morphlings!”

“Whips are not for ladies.” The mother chided.

“Are too! Look at Pink, she's as girly as they come and she’s strong! She’s the best!”

Toby felt pride form in his chest and he smiled; the young girl sounded so inspired and determined. He did that. He was actually a hero, one that inspired people as well as protecting them. Like most little boys, he’d dreamed of being a super hero when he was a kid; and now it had actually happened! Granted not quite in the way he’d hoped when he was ten but still. He was starting to really enjoy being the Pink Guardian, even the whole being female thing didn’t really bother him anymore. 

“Hi there, what can I get you Miss…?”

The waiter almost made him jump, he’d been so absorbed in his eavesdropping he hadn;t noticed them approaching. Time to test out another name; the others he’d thought long and hard about but he didn’t have the time, so he just said the first thing that came to his mind. 


“Miss Rose.” The waiter smiled, he had a dimple on his left cheek and his eyes sparkled in that distinctive way that told Toby he was hoping to get his number. 

“I’ll have a-ah!”

There was a distinctive tug at his chest; oh no, he was changing back! Where had all that time gone? Time really did fly when you were having fun.

“Are you alright, Miss?” 

“Fine, sorry I have to go!”

Toby got to his feet and rushed out of the restaurant and around the corner into an alley; he barely had enough time to get the dress off before his body was warping and shifting back to male. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed as his bra emptied out and his panties turned loose in the back. Oh well, the way the Morphling attacks had been going lately, it would only be a day or so until he changed again. 

Toby folded the dress, put it in his bag and was about to grab out his shirt and jeans when a man around his own age walked into the alley. He looked up from his phone in surprise to see Toby standing there…in his ladies underwear. The two of them stared at one another for a moment.

“Don't ask.” Toby said finally.

The man held up his free hand and shook his head.

“Wasn;t going to.” 

He walked past and Toby felt his whole body burning with humiliation; well it was bound to happen eventually. At least it was a stranger and not somebody he knew. He’d just gotten dressed again when his Altering Crystal began to pulse. 

“...seriously?” He sighed, and pulled the dress out again. 

One quick change later he grabbed his Altering Crystal and slammed it against his palm. 

“Pink Guardian Power!”


Ella was waiting for him at the Nexus, also transformed with her helmet off but to his surprise, there were no Morphling attacks on screen. 

“What’s going on, why the alert?” He asked, removing his own visor and helmet.

“Not sure, GAIA sensed something coming in from deep space, I thought maybe it was a Morphling invasion or something. Some explanation for where they are all coming from but I’m not sensing it anymore…” 

The sensors suddenly flared and Ella’s eyes went wide.

“Somebody is activating the teleporter!”

“How could somebody transport in here?” 

“I don’t know, quick, in here.”

Ella grabbed him and pulled Toby into the nearby storage locker and slammed the door shut. The two of them were pressed right up against one another and instantly Toby felt his body start to heat. Despite the magical element of their armour, the fabric of their body suits was actually quite thin, practically a second skin. So it felt like there was barely anything between them right now and what was there only seemed to tease him. 

“Stop fidgeting.” Ella whispered, leaning in closer to try and see out the slats in the locker door. 

“Okay.” Toby whispered, freezing in place. 

They were so close he could feel her breath on his ear and feel the subtle rise and fall of her chest against his. Their breasts subtly rubbing against one another enough that he felt his nipples starting to harden no matter how much he willed them to stay soft. Could she feel it through her jumpsuit? Did she know what it meant? 

All it would take is a small turn of the head and their lips would be brushing. Toby’s mouth went dry and the moisture that should have been there seemed to travel southwards toward his lower lips. Ella fidgetted, trying to get a better position without banging their utility belts together. 

“Sorry, hang on, I just need to get my balance, I heard the teleporter go so somebody must be here…”

She shifted again, stepping one leg between Toby’s so their limbs were entangled. He wasn;t sure whether to curse or thank the being that made their body suits so thin. This was utter torture…

“Three people just landed on the teleportation pad..” She whispered.

Oh yeah, the danger. There were intruders in the Nexus and all he could think about was how his mound was pushed against Ella’s and the subtle warmth that was building between them. If he got himself killed because he was too horny to think straight he’d die a second time from pure embarrassment. 

“Welcome Home.” GAIA spoke, presumably to the intruders. “You will find your fellow Guardians in the locker located twenty degrees to your right.”

Wait…fellow Guardians?

A second later the door opened and light flooded in, temporarily blinding Toby as he and Ella fell out onto the floor in a heap. Ella knocked the wind from his lungs as she fell atop him, face right between his tits. She turned her head up to look at him mortified before quickly rolling off and standing up. Toby blinked in shock trying to register everything that had just happened in the last few seconds; including the three strange faces staring down at him. 

Or rather, the three visors and helmets staring down at him. Red, Black and Yellow; the other Guardians had finally returned. And he had made just about the worst first impression ever. He scrambled to his feet while the Red Guardian chuckled.

“Well, Ella. You’ve certainly been busy.” 

His face was hidden behind the visor but Toby could somehow sense the raised eyebrow. 

“Why didn’t you announce your return! I would have…”

“Not jumped into a cupboard?” The Black Guardian snickered, “What exactly was your plan if we were enemies?”

Ella went pink in the cheeks.

“It was a split second decision-”

“See, this is why we asked you to stay behind.” Yellow Guardian placed a hand on her shoulder, patting it condescending. 

They were all male, judging from their voices and they turned to him. 

“So, you finally found a Pink Guardian.” Red removed his helmet, revealing a handsome dark skinned man with sharp eyes. “Derrick, The Red Guardian and Team leader, this is Tim, The Yellow Guardian and Sam the Black Guardian.”

The other two removed their helmets revealing a brown haired man with a face full of freckles and a pale black haired guy who looked ready to pose in a scene magazine. 

“I’m surprised, we’ve been looking for the Pink Guardian forever.” Sam continued, “I’m surprised Ella found you all by herself.”

Toby felt an instant dislike for the rest of the team, they were talking as if Ella was a child who couldn’t look after herself at all. What made it worse was the way Ella just accepted it, where was all her inner fire? 

“Yes, she’s been doing an amazing job as a teacher.” He said, jutting out his chin defiantly. “And doing a great job protecting Earth. The Morphling attacks have been really intense lately.”

“Well, we’re here to help now.” Derrick smiled. “And we’ll get you trained up, we had to leave before we finished Ella’s so you guys can learn together.”

“I have been doing fine…” Ella whispered.

“Yes, I am sure you have.” Tim said sincerely, still the words prickled Toby’s skin.

“Anyway, let’s stop being rude.” Derrick said. “What’s your name?”

Ella opened her mouth and Toby felt a surge of panic go through him; she was obviously going to try and explain his…situation. 

“I’m Rose.” He said quickly. “Or Rosie, if you want.”

Ella blinked at him in shock but said nothing. 

“Nice to meet you Rosie.” Derrick said, “now, after everything we’ve gone through we could use a rest but we’ll need to debrief you both on our mission.” 

“Did you discover where the Morphlings are coming from?” Ella asked. “Yes and no, give us an hour to breathe fresh air for the first time in months and then we’ll explain? Okay?”


The three of them gave grateful smiles before separating off to the teleporter, chatting about how good it would be to sleep in proper beds and eat food that wasn’t space rations. Then in three flashes of light they were gone and he and Ella were left in silence.



“Are they always like that?”

“Arrogant, condescending pricks? Yeah basically, they aren;t all bad really. They’re great guys once you get to know them but they’ve been a team for years now and coming into an established team years after the fact…as a woman is…”

Understanding washed over Toby and he felt a stab of pity.

“That’s why you wanted to find the Pink Guardian so badly, so you wouldn’t be the only woman or new kid.”

She smiled sheepishly. 

“Yeah, but don’t think I’m not happy you’re here!” She said hurriedly. “You’re great Toby, I wouldn't trade you for another woman!”

He couldn’t help it, he snorted.

“Trade me for another woman? What are we dating?”

The joke escaped before he could stop it and Toby felt his own cheeks turning hot and a nervous giggle escaped him. 

“A-anyway, we should prepare a report too, about all those extra attacks happening. Let’s show them we are just as good at being Guardian’s as them.”

Ella punched the air.

“Let’s do it!”


Who knew the Nexus had a meeting room? Then again when it was just Ella and him it wasn;t like they really needed it. He fidgeted awkwardly as Derrick filled both of them in on what had been happening the last few months.

“We followed chemical trails to various different planets and found Morphling pits.” Derrick explained, “Mostly empty but with traces of the Altering crystals distilled down into a formula.”

“So an alien is behind making more Morphlings after all.” Ella mused, “But why? And why make so many in the last few weeks?”

“We don’t know.” Tim grimaced. “We followed the trails but eventually they ran out and the few aliens we found didn;t know much. There were only rumours.”

The fact that aliens were real and discussed so casually almost gave Toby whiplash but he held back any comments, he didn’t want these guys looking down on him anymore than they apparently already did. Derrick kept glancing at him over the table and it made Toby’s heart flutter. More than once he had to force himself back from giggling girlishly. 

“What about the Old Ones?” He asked, “Ella told me they were the ones who recruited the first set of Guardians, couldn’t they help?”

“The Old Ones haven’t been heard from in decades.” Sam sighed sadly, “They were a rare race to begin with, but nobody we spoke to has seen one for almost fifty years now.”

“That was part of our mission, to see if we could locate them. No luck.” Derrick said, “But at least we have one lead, those rumours spoke of somebody experimenting with Altering Crystals to make creatures, unstable ones.”

“Morphlings.” said Ella and Derrick nodded. 

“Nobody knew why, but evidently it was to attack Earth. We just have to learn who this individual is and why they want to put our planet in danger.”

There was silence for a moment before Tim spoke.

“Rose, you know you can take the uniform off while we’re just hanging out right?”

Toby stiffened; his timing was still unpredictable and the last thing he wanted was to change back into his male self in front of these three. Considering how long it had been taking to happen lately he would probably be fine but after the incident in the alley he didn;t want to take any chances. 

“I like wearing it.”

It wasn't even really a lie, he had come to enjoy wearing the skin tight bodysuit. A lot more since that little stint in the cupboard with Ella. 

“Aw look, her face is starting to make her suit.” Tim teased with a warm smile. “Don't worry, it's okay to take pride in the uniform.”

The compliment made his heart flutter oddly and this time a girlish giggle did bubble out of his lips. What the hell was wrong with him? They reported all their battles to the rest of the team, even showed them some of the news footage, grinning when they couldn't help but look impressed.

“You've done really well, Ella.” Derrick said, clasping her shoulder, “We underestimated you.”

She was positively beaming and an odd jealousy swirled in Toby's gut. His eyes locked on that hand and his body ached in some very suspect places before he shook it off. Tim, it seemed, was the team's resident planner and gathered up notes on everything to go over and see if he could find some connection, leaving the rest of them free to go. 

Toby smoothed over his small skirt and tucked a hair behind his ear. It felt different now that the guys were here, he had the strangest compulsions to act more like Ella. More like…well, a girl. Derrick turned to Toby;

“Rose, how about we get you up to speed, up for some training?”

He had meant to return home, enjoy a few hours as his female self and then go searching for another job. 

“Oh, well I was about to go home but…okay. I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

The idea of doing another round of resume drops made him sick anyway; maybe sparring would be a good distraction from his dwindling bank account. Derrick led him through the Nexus to the large open room Ella had used to teach him to fight a few weeks ago. His memory flooded with the images of them practising hand to hand combat; they had been so close it made him shiver. Not as close as the cupboard but then again, they would have to have actual sex to get any closer than that. 



Toby's head snapped to attention, trying to banish the thoughts from his head. 

“Don't get distracted, a distracted fighter is wide open to attack. Here, let me show you, Red Guardian Power!”

In a flash of red light the leader of the Guardian's was standing before him, holding up his hands dramatically.

“Red Wind Batons!!”

Two thick, police style batons appeared in his hands and he took up a fighting stance.

“Come on then.” The grin in his voice was impossible to miss. 

Toby grit his teeth, summoning his whip and cracking it as menacing as he could before rushing the Red Guardian. It all happened so fast, one second he was running forward, the next his whip was tangled around one of the batons and he was being thrown to the floor and pinned by the stronger man. 

“PInned you.” He teased and Toby was glad for his visor.

He could feel the outline of Derrick's manhood through the thin fabric of their body suits, his hips were locked in place; after the cupboard this was too much. 

“S-sorry I have to go!”

Somehow he struggled out of the Guardian's grip and made a run for the teleporter pad, Derrick calling out after him.

“Hey! I’m sorry I didn't mean to scare-”

Toby was gone, back on Earth breathing heavily in the safety of his own apartment. His uniform disappeared, leaving him in just his bra and underwear; he'd not bothered throwing the dress back on. His chest heaved up and down and his soft hands leaned against his thighs as he tried to catch his breath. A whole day of teasing, it had been too much for him to bear. He had to release the tension somehow and he only knew of one way; and fortunately he was already half naked. 

Feeling nervous, pent up and excited Toby made his way to the bedroom; as a guy he could pump out easily enough but getting off as a woman that way felt…wrong. Besides, he’d never explored his body that way; he wanted to take his time and have fun; for as long as he could bear it anyway. 

He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes for a moment, focusing on the sensuality of his own body; the rise and fall of his breasts, the warm burn between his legs, the soft slope of his shoulders against the blankets. Gradually, his breathing evened out and his fingers began to wander, slowly tracing over the curves of his breasts and circling the hard numbs of his nipples. 

His mind went back to that locker; what would it have felt like to have Ella doing this, to have her soft body pressed against his. A soft moan escaped his lips as he fantasised about an alternate reality where he’d reached out to touch her in that locker. Where they made out and brushed soft lips against one another before fingers found their way to the zips of their skin tight suits. 

His own hands wandered down to his panties, pressing the front of them between his folds slightly and gasping as the bolt of pleasure that passed through his lower half like electricity. Almost instinctively he began to rub, pressing the wet fabric further between his folded so that the roughness pressed into his clit. He wasn;t prepared for just how good that would feel. 

“Ohhhh…ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh!!”

With each stroke another moan escaped, he was powerless to control himself. He knew from experience just how thin these walls were and that he had to try to be quieter but he just couldn’t help it. Even as he bit his lip to keep the sounds at bay they came through muffled. 

He wasn’t even touching skin to skin yet and it felt so good he was already so close to cumming. It was torture to stop, even if it was only for a split second to peel his soaked panties away from his folds and slip a finger inside. It stroked smoothly over the wet skin and doubled the ecstasy his hole burned but he didn;t dare push inside; just this was too much already. 

“Oh God!!”

He came hard and felt juices squirt from his hole, sullying the last dry patch on his panties. The intensity left him reeling and breathless and with a content sigh all his muscles loosened. His body felt like warm butter and all the stress and pressure that had built up over the day washed away. 

He was still basking in the afterglow when a knock came at the door. With a frustrated groan Toby got to his feet, wiped his hands on the sheets and threw on a shirt and jeans as he awkwardly stumbled to open it. 

“Just a second!”

He expected a postman, or perhaps a neighbour coming to complain about the noise he'd just made. What he didn't expect was his sister.”


“Hey, who are you?” She said, sounding bored. “I'm guessing Toby told you I was coming, I’m here a day early, sorry.”

“Day early?”

She scoffed, breezing past him carrying…was that a suitcase?

“Toby probably didn't say anything, did he? God he's such a flake. I'm Sara, his sister. I'm moving in while I look for a new place. Our parents just sold their place and the new one doesn't have room for me, so they said I could stay with Toby while I get sorted. They sent him a letter.”

“Why didn't they just call?” Toby asked, panicking internally as he looked down at his still female body. 

“Old fashioned.”

Toby knew it, and he hated it. That damn letter had gotten lost in the mail no doubt, or he'd missed it in between all the Morphling attacks, and now his parents had taken his silence as a yes. He couldn't have his sister moving in! 

“So, how long have you been seeing my brother?” She asked, dumping the suitcase in the corner.

“Seeing him?” Toby felt mortified. 

“Well, those are his clothes and that dress hanging out of his bag I assume is yours. Must be pretty close if you're staying the night.”

Oh fuck.

“A…month.” He said lamely. 

Sara shrugged.

“Cool, so where is my brother anyway?”

“He went out for milk.”

Toby almost cursed out loud; now he was going to have to figure out how to explain this and show up with milk. The universe clearly had comic timing because he felt a distinctive tug at his chest and a pushing sensation between his legs; his cock was coming in just as his tits were going out!

“Uh-Anyway I have to go, sorry!”

“In his clothes?” Sara raised an eyebrow, there wasn;t time for a better explanation.

“Yes I just realised I am really late, nice to meet you bye!!”

He dashed out the door and practically flew down the stairs into the alcove as the change took over. At least he was already dressed in his male clothing, even if the bra hanging around his chest was now uncomfortably loose in the front and tight around the middle. 

“That was too close…”

He was going to have to be more careful, at least the only cost for him this time was some extra milk. He just prayed Sara didn’t open the fridge and see the half full bottle inside. One quick stop later he was back at his front door. Schooling his features he walked in and did his best impression of surprise.

“Sara! What are you doing here?”

Sara looked him up and down, skimming past the milk and Toby felt a cold sweat break out on the back of his neck when she smirked.

“Stop for a Quickie on the way home?”


“Oh yeah? Because I saw your girlfriend rush out of here wearing those clothes.” Sara said smugly. “Is that some sort of fetish thing, wear each other's clothes, meet up for sex and then swap? No wonder she was in such a hurry to get out of here. She did have that horny flush to her…”

How was it he had inadvertently managed to make this situation even more embarrassing? Leave it to him to make things worse than reality.

“Look my…girlfriend, isn;t any of your business okay. So how long are you staying here?”

“Until I find somewhere that isn’t charging an arm and a leg for rent.” Sara shrugged.

Toby grit his teeth; in other words, a long time. 

“I am kind of excited though, Seraphim Lake is an exciting place to be and it’s perfect for my research.”


Sara’s eyes lit up as she reached for her bag and pulled out a laptop, after a few clicks she turned the screen round to face him and Toby’s heart froze. It was a webpage, all about the Guardian’s but specifically The Pink Guardian.

“I am going to find out who she is.” Sara beamed, “Toby, she is so cool, she saved my life you know! Those heroes deserve recognition!”

“If they wanted people to know their identities they wouldn’t wear masks, I think you should leave it alone.” He tried but Sara shook her head.

“I have to know, I am the Pink Guardian’s number one fan and I am going to meet her.” She grinned, “Did you know Morphlings attack Seraphim Lake more than any other city in the world? Even though it’s not a major city centre or anything, there has to be a reason and when I find out why, I’ll tell the Guardians and be a hero too! Maybe they will even let me join!”

“I doubt it.”

Toby walked into the kitchen to put away the extra milk, but his mind kept circling back to what Sara had said. Now that she’d pointed it out, it was obvious; Morphling attacks were more common here. He’d always chalked that up to the randomness of the attacks but maybe there was something else at play. 

Sara was prattling on in the background, explaining why she was here as she had before but Toby wasn’t listening. Whoever was sending these Morphlings, maybe they were looking for something. Or perhaps the Morphlings were being drawn to something? Either way there had to be a reason. 

He closed his eyes; he couldn’t believe he was about to do this.

“Hey Sara, do you think I could have a look at your website?”

She looked utterly delighted; God she was never going to shut up about it now, was she? Still, if somebody was looking to uncover his indeed, the fact that she wouldn’t be able to resist telling him every lead was at least a bonus. Sara’s website was actually very in depth, each Guardian had a page but Pink’s was by far the most detailed. Not that she had any proper information, it was mostly just a series of pictures and dates from various fights. 

Importantly though there was a map of all the Morphling attacks that had happened in the last year and Sara was right, Seraphim Lake got more than any other location. Sara leaned over his shoulder, continuing to sing Pink Guardian’s praises while Toby sat and thought; he had a lot to bring to the table next time they had a meeting. 



This story just keeps getting better and better. I love the descriptions you give skin tight clothing. Looking forward to the next installments.


Glad you're enjoying it! I was so excited when the commissioner came to me with the idea. It's been really fun!