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Commissioned by Azena

When Fae beings from another dimension transform Elliot, his girlfriend and everybody else in their city into pixies they have no choice but to adapt quickly. Not just to their new bodies, but their new surroundings and lord.


Elliot sat by the window staring down at the empty Seattle streets below. The sun was out, the sky was clear; a perfect day. Normally the streets below his apartment would be bustling with people trying to take advantage of the weather but instead they were all inside like him. Waiting for…something.

A state of emergency had been declared a few days ago but since then it had been mostly radio silence from the government. If it weren’t for the sporadic news broadcasts Elliot would have doubted there was even an emergency at all. In the background he could hear the same audio on loop; the gasps on shock and awe, the yells, the strange buzzing sounds and then silence.

“How many times are you going to watch that clip?” He sighed. “The sound is giving me a headache.”

“Until I understand what I am seeing.” Heather replied snappily.

“Can we at least turn the TV off? The static is driving me insane.”

“Don’t you want news as soon as it appears?”

“Yes but all the channels are cut, even if one comes online for a few seconds there is no guarantee it’ll be this one.”

“It’s been the most successful so far.”

Heather hated being ignorant about anything, she was the sort to passionately pour herself into whatever her current obsession was; from cooking to chemistry. Her current obsession was the rend that had appeared over central Europe and started this whole affair.

It had been a tear in reality, it was the only way to explain, a huge opening in the sky from which aliens or some other kind of flying creature emerged. The footage had been cut off before they’d seen anything clearly of course and as far as Elliot and the rest of the general population were concerned, all of Europe was in the dark. Nobody had seen or heard from anybody across the Atlantic since it happened. With the few sporadic videos that managed to make their way onto the internet being…odd to put it mildly. And it only got stranger as it spread.

Giant mushrooms covering China, Australia sinking below the ocean, rolling fields and temperate weather covering the African desert; none of it made sense. Maybe this was all some elaborate hoax? The pictures he’d seen from the news before each new country on the continent went dark just didn’t make sense. But if that were the case, how did they (whoever ‘they’ were in this scenario) keep people quiet?

Heather paused on the last second of the video, zooming in on the same portion of screen she had a dozen times. It showed a humanoid looking creature, red, waving their arms right before the footage cut off.

“What are you…” She whispered. “There has to be a logical answer to what is going on…”

“I think we threw logic out the window when a volcano appeared in the middle of Paris.” Elliot deadpanned but Heather ignored him.

Suddenly the quiet white noise of TV static was interrupted and they both jumped. The words BREAKING NEWS scrolled across the bottom of the screen while a reporter frantically tried to speak over the chaos all around them. The New York skyline was trembling as people ran in fear from yet another tear in the sky. Elliot couldn’t make out what they were saying, only the figure the shaky camera was pointing at.

It was another humanoid but this time they could see her more clearly; long limbed, naked, with glowing skin and semi-transparent wings. She smiled almost benevolent despite the chaos all around her. She raised her arms and the ground shook as a great tree emerged, all the skyscrapers around it warping into wood as a giant forest took over the bustling metropolis.

Then the footage cut off and they were left with only static once more.

After a beat of silence Heather rushed to her computer and started searching forums.

“It’s spreading…” She whispered, “People are trying to flee west but…”

“We’re already about as west as you can get.”

Heather nodded. Elliot was about to say that they at least had time but then the ground began to rumble and shake. The window glass cracked but didn't break, blocking their view of the outside. The couple stared at one another for a moment.

“Outside is probably no more safe than inside.” Heather shrugged.

Elliot wanted to argue but somehow knew she was right and followed her out the door. The elevator was out, naturally so by the time they reached the streets they were slightly out of breath. Others had the same idea and were all looking and pointing toward the Eastern half of the city.

What could only be described as a wave of force was washing over the skyline; turning the mountains to giant trees and buildings to flat grassland. The people around them began to scream and run but Elliot didn't bother; he felt an odd sense of resignation move over him. That wave was moving way too fast, even if he had a car he couldn’t escape it. So instead he reached over and grabbed Heather’s hand. She was standing her ground too; whatever was happening, they’d face it together.

The wave passed over them and Elliot watched as their apartment building disappeared into dust, replaced with a gentle, rolling hill covered in wildflowers. The wind knocked him back onto his ass and Elliot winced, closing his eyes and bracing for pain or nothingness but it didn’t come.

He looked down at himself and watched as his clothing disintegrated in the wind, leaving him exposed but unharmed. A quick glance around at the surrounding people, Heather included, showed they were in the same boat. He would have been embarrassed but the rest of the citation was so strange that everybody being naked was far from the forefront of his mind.

“We’re…fine?” Heather said offering him a hand but as she reached down Elliot noticed something, the world around them was growing larger and larger.

No, it wasn't their surroundings getting bigger, they were getting smaller! Heather noticed it too and cried out in shock; all around them the people who’d tried to run were shrinking as well, losing almost half an inch in height for every second that passed. As their surroundings began to warp and distort, Kevin and Heather felt a creeping sense of disorientation settle over them.

Elliot managed to get to his feet and Heather hugged him close despite their nakedness. Tiny electric currents danced beneath their skin as they continued to shrink, sending shivers down their spines and igniting a primal fear deep within their souls. Kevin's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears like a drum heralding their descent into the unknown.

Heather clung to him, her fingers digging into his skin with a desperation born of fear and uncertainty. As they shrank smaller and smaller, the world around them loomed larger and more imposing, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch out to infinity. Even when she stopped shrinking though, Elliot continued, she was almost two heads taller than him now!

Before long Elliot, Heather and all their neighbours were standing together, barely three inches tall, amongst a sprawling meadow of long grass that threatened to tower over them. Elliot could see the older couple from a few doors down hugging each other in fear and confusion which only doubled when suddenly the man’s body began to change. Elliot felt his jaw drop as the other man’s pot belly sucked in only for the fat to somehow redistribute itself in a matter of seconds to his chest.

“Is that man growing…breasts?” Heather gaped.

Elliot got a strange heavy feeling in his stomach, like a stone had settled there. That strange electric feeling was still inside him and watching that man transform right before his eyes made it feel stronger somehow. With dread he looked down and saw both his and Heather’s body’s beginning to change as well.

“Oh! Oh I…this is such a strange sensation-!” Heather gasped, even now her analytical mind was trying to study what was happening and figure it out.

Elliot for his part, tried to be horrified but couldn’t quite manage it. His girlfriend's body was going from homey and hot to full on centrefold worthy. Her bust grew heavy, her ass big and peachy and her hair seemed to grow more luminous and airy. Almost as if it was floating around her head rather than hanging naturally.

He felt his cock twitch and his cheeks dusted red, of all the times to get turned on but…well, who could blame him when that was happening right before him. His cock twitched again but it felt different and…smaller?

Elliot looked down just in time to watch as his cock disappeared between his thighs, balls along with it, leaving him smooth as a ken doll for a few seconds before something new took his manhoods place. Warm lips, pink skin, a glistening wetness; he’d seen plenty of pussies in his time but actually growing one himself was alarming to put it mildly.

He sprung away from Heather in shock, looking down at the lack of weight between his legs. He could only stare at the mound with his mouth opening and closing like a fish in shock, but then his vision started to become obscured. His chest was ballooning just like his neighbours had and two perky breasts were forming there, nipples hard in the cool breeze.

The skin began to stretch almost painfully and Elliot couldn’t suppress his groan. It was such an odd sensation, to feel his skin stretching and warping like this. It would almost be relaxing, like having a knot massaged out of the muscle, if the whole situation wasn't so bizarre.

“I…what? Oh no, my ass!”

Elliot did his best to retain some level of dignity but it was impossible, he bent over double just trying to keep his balance as his ass cheeks inflated. Despite their rapidly growing size his cheeks felt taught and fit. He twisted awkwardly trying to take it in and couldn’t help but groan at the sight of his tight, peachy, obviously feminine ass.

“W-what could do this?” Heather gasped, her own body still changing. “Turn mountains into trees and men into women?”

“Who cares what it is, we have to stop it-uuuuhhhh.”

His ears were burning now, growing taller just like those around him until they nearly reached the top of his head. If they were anything like Heathers, they were pointed too. Just when Elliot thought things couldn’t get any stranger that tingling sensation started up again but this time between his shoulder blades.

“What no-aaaah!”

Unlike the slow, almost sensual, change his body had gone through this final step happened all at once. His whole body jerked and he felt something pushing out from between his shoulder blades. There was a brief stinging pain that quickly settled and faded leaving him gasping for breath.

After taking a moment to orient himself Elliot realised he could feel something new on his back; like a phantom limb. He met Heather's eyes; she was staring at him in total shock only to suddenly spasm herself. Elliot watched, slack jawed, as a pair of glistening wings burst from his girlfriend’s back. They were slightly transparent, with a tinge of green to them, almost like a dragonfly.

“Do I have…?”

Elliot didn't finish the question before Heather nodded.

“Wings…” She breathed, her voice full of awe. “Real wings…I wonder if we could use them to fly.”

Elliot watched as his girlfriend began to twist and turn, spinning around naked trying to get a better look at her new wings. As she did, her blonde hair began to pale and her skin began to change colour, taking on a pale green hue similar to the wings themselves. While her hair turned snow white.

He looked around to see much the same thing happening to all the others. Their hair turning various bright hues and their skin taking on the same green. Elliot held out his hands and watched as his creamy skin changed to pea green right before his eyes. Was his hair changing too? He reached up and not only did he find that his hair had grown, now reaching his shoulder, it was a shade of bright blue.

As the changes finally came to an end, Elliot and Heather looked to one another and the other terrified transformed people that were gathered in the meadow that used to be their home. Something as simple as a field of grass suddenly felt intimidating and Elliot shuffled closer to Heather, hugging her close. She was so much bigger than him now and he took comfort in her strong frame.

It wasn't like he had to worry about his masculine pride in this form; looking around there was no way to tell who had been what before; they were all women now, like it or not. Heather wrapped her strong arms around Elliot, seemingly out of instinct and he snuggled in close. It was nice, not having to be the big strong one for once.

“What happened?” Cried one woman.

“M-My hair!”

“Who cares about hair, we all have wings!”

“How can you think about wings when I’ve been turned into a woman!?”

All around them people were huddled, yelling and confused. Was the whole city like this now, transformed into pixie folk? It was better than the volcano Paris got at least?

“Should we do something to stop the panic?” Heather asked and Elliot winced.

“Honestly, I am pretty close to panicking right now.”

Heather looked like she was about to try and say something soothing when one of the women behind them screamed. They turned and Elliot felt his blood turn cold; a giant centipede was rising up through the tall blades of grass. What would once have been just a blip on his radar was now a major threat to his life, not to mention everybody else's here. The creature's beady eyes stared them down; they were cold, calculating and hungry.

For a second they all starred in silent horror. Then, all at once, the giant insect attacked.  Its glossy carapace reflected the light as it burst forth. Its multitude of legs thrashed, sending dirt and pebbles flying in all directions. Panic seized the pixies as they scattered in every direction, their high-pitched cries filling the air. Elliot's heart raced as he scanned the chaos, searching desperately for a way to escape.

Luckily, Heather kept her cool head. With a fierce determination she clasped Elliot's hand firmly and darted towards a cluster of nearby mushrooms, hoping to find cover amidst the fungi's tangled roots. But the centipede was relentless, its massive form crashing through the grass with terrifying speed. Around them some of the others were trying to take to the skies with little success. Elliot could feel his own new wings twitching and fluttering with nervous energy but it was no use, he had no idea how to fly.

Just as they reached the shelter of the mushrooms, disaster struck. A massive leg lashed out, striking Heather and sending her tumbling to the forest floor. Elliot felt his throat constrict with fear as he watched her fall, a frightened scream that sounded nothing like his usual voice escaping his throat.

Heather managed to correct herself, using her greater strength to heft a large pebble, which was as large as a boulder to them, over her head. She threw it at the creature and it recoiled for a moment before renewing its chase. Another slash at Heather’s side sent her reeling and Elliot finally broke out of his terror induced stupor. He may be small, smaller even than Heather, but he couldn't just let an insect kill her!

Without any better plan he ran between the monster and Heather, holding out his arms in a vain attempt to scare it away but to his surprise, a gust of powerful wid exploded from his palms. The burst was short and powerful, enough that the centipede was knocked backwards and seemed to be second guessing its choice of meal.

Elliot looked down at his green palms in shock only to look back up to see the centipede advancing again. He thrust out his hands once more but nothing happened.

“Do it again!” Heather cried.”

“I don’t know how!”

The other pixies huddled behind rocks and mushrooms, looking on in fear as Elliot uselessly waved his hands around as the centipede raced closer. He closed his eyes, preparing for the end when the sound of metal slicing through meat met his ears.

He opened his eyes to see another fairy creature, this one tall and imposing, dressed in skimpy, yet beautiful armour. The breastplate perfectly sculpture to her body and long knee high metallic boots glinted in the sunlight as she thrust them out and kicked the now dead centipede off her sword.

She fluttered to the ground, landing on her toes with perfect balance and poise before turning to regard Elliot. She was as beautiful as she was terrifying, with long flowing hair, intricate, multicoloured wings and sharp features. Elliot felt awe and deference flood over him, never in his life had any woman taken his breath away like this. Not even Heather in her new form.

Guilt suddenly crashed down upon him; Heather! He’d been so stunned by their saviour he’d forgotten. He turned but before he could reach her the armoured fairy walked past him with calm ease. She knelt beside Heather, who seemed to be in the same state of shock and wonder that he was, and reached out a hand.

Glowing gold light appeared in the strange fairy’s palm and the wound in Heather's side closed, leaving a smooth, slightly pale green scar.

“T-thank you.” She whispered.

“You two did well, especially considering you are newborns.” The woman said with a hint of a smile.

Her voice sounded like the summer wind; lilting and warm, yet fierce.

“I think it’s time I gathered you all up.” She added, clapping her hands together and suddenly they were elsewhere.

The green forest of grass was gone, replaced with proper trees. Or rather, tree. It was huge, so huge in fact that Elliot suspected it would be big even if he was his old size. It towered, like a great skyscraper above them and a great crowd of others just like he and Heather were crowded around the roots. Thousands, no thousands upon thousands of people; millions perhaps. The entire population of the city and its surroundings, he was willing to bet, all turned into green skinned pixie women. They huddled together, muttering to one another as the armoured fairy took her place up on a small stage where all could see.

Only she wasn't the same size as them now, in fact she looked giant. It was hard to tell when he was so small himself but he guessed she was at least a foot and a half tall compared to his few mere inches.

“Greetings, my subjects.” The woman announced.

Her voice wasn't raised, yet somehow it carried over the massive crowd with ease and they were all silenced.

“I am the fae Saoirse, Ruler of the Winds and your new lord.”

The pixies all murmured amongst themselves in confusion; lord? Fae lord?

“This must have been what happened all over the world.” Heather whispered to him. “This…fairies have taken over.”

Elliot bit his lip; at least he wasn't underwater like Australia. As far as landscapes go, being tiny in a giant forest of trees wasn't the worst outcome.

“I am not one for iron clad control though.” Saoirse continued. “So long as you worship and show your due deference for me, you are all free to go about your days as you will. Make your own organisations and government if you wish but remember, I am still your lord.”

And with that she waved her hand and was gone. Silence reigned for a few moments before the crowd descended into outright chaos.

“I was Seattle’s mayor, alright, I should be in charge now.”

“You could just be saying that, the mayor was a man in his sixties and you look like a centrefold model!”

“We all do!”

Arguments like that were popping up all through the crowd as people desperately tried to create order. Some people were crying, others seemed oddly delighted with how things had changed, others still were desperately trying to clothe themselves with anything they could find; leaves and flower petals mostly. Elliot looked up at the giant tree and platform where their lord had been a few moments ago and wondered if she was watching from somewhere, giggling.

“Let’s go see if we can find my parents.” Heather suggested.

That’s right, they lived only a half hour drive away from what used to be their apartment, if Saoirse had turned the whole city into fairies they must be here somewhere. But there were millions of pixies now and half of them didn't even look like anything like their old selves. Even Heather he only truly recognised because he’d seen her change.

“I guess we should test these out properly?” Elliot suggested, lifting his wings experimentally, “there is no way we’ll find them just walking through the crowds.”

Heather fluttered her wings, stretching and flexing them as she tried to figure out how they worked. Elliot did his best to copy her but it was difficult; growing two fully formed limbs out of nowhere didn't mean he automatically knew how to use them. Elliot thought about how long it took babies to learn how to even grab and hold an object; let alone walk and walk. Would it take them months or years to learn how to fly?

The idea made him pout his now full lips. He had the power of flight in his grasp, a small silver lining considering how much he’d lost today, and he couldn’t even enjoy it!

“Hey, I think I am getting the hang of it!”

He looked up to see Heather hovering awkwardly in the air, her little wings buzzing with exertion.

“It’s sort of like running, give it a go. Focus on the muscles between your shoulder blades.”

It took him a few tries but after a bit of practice Elliot managed to lift himself into the air. He’d always expected flying to feel weightless and freeing but it was just the opposite; he was keenly aware of where his body was heavy. Especially the new places. His butt almost felt like it was weighing him down; it was so much bigger than he was used to; his chest as well. He found himself flying at an odd angle where his ass was slightly up in the air and his tits hung down.

The fact that he was naked wasn't helping. He could feel the cool, spring air flowing all over his new body, discovering holes and crevices that hadn't been there before. His nipples went stiff in the breeze and he felt a dark green blush spreading across his cheeks as he realised people below him had a full view of…well, everything.

Heather was so much stronger and actually managed a modicum of grace as she moved and he felt a small amount of jealousy burn in his chest. She was used to having a woman’s body already, she had the advantage! He barely knew how to walk as a woman yet, let alone fly. The pair settled down on a tree root to catch their breath, looking out on the sea of pixies below.

“It’s no use, we’ll never find them like this.” Heather sighed.

Elliot was about to reply when something caught his eye.

“Hey…what’s that?”

It was a door leading into the tree itself and the pair looked at one another and shrugged, why not? Heather went first, pushing it open and revealing a small room that reminded Elliot of a children’s castle. Complete with renaissance style furniture, even gilded paintings of their new lord and most importantly, another door.

The two of them wandered deeper into the tree in wonder; it was like a palace in here, with tiny room all resized to fit pixies, with the exception of a few which seemed to be for bigger folk. Even so, nothing on the scale of their old human world.

“This has to be the city. Or rather the new version of it.” Heather theorised. “The lord has made enough rooms and homes for everybody…”

Eventually though, they found themselves before a grander door; one made of gilded metal and carved with intricate runes Elliot couldn’t read.

“What do you think it is?” He asked.

“One way to find out.”

Heather pushed open the door to reveal a grand hall, at the back was a great silver chair upon which sat Saoirse, cheek resting against her fist with a bemused expression on her face. Before her was a table sized to Elliot and the rest of the pixies, which she gestured to.

“I’ve been expecting you, take a seat.”

They obeyed without hesitation; so far Saoirse hadn’t shown any ill intent but she had just transformed most of Seattle into her kingdom and unwittingly made them all her subjects. Elliot didn't think getting on her bad side was a good idea.

Heather and Elliot picked seats at the table and sat at her feet, waiting as slowly, others wandered in. It didn't seem like they’d been invited either and just walked in by chance, yet Saoirse seemed to expect each and every one. Had they been subtly led here by magical means perhaps? Elliot didn't know whether to be nervous or not. He shivered slightly and wished he’d thought of grabbing some leaves to make clothing out of like some of the others. Once they were all seated, the lord finally spoke.

“Now that you are all here, I have a proposition for you.”

She smiled down at them.

“I observed each one of you at the time of your change and you all possessed some innate magical talent. Despite being newborns you all managed to get your wings and fly here to me as well, that’s no small feat.”

Elliot thought of Heather’s strength and his strange magic and felt a strange sense of pride. He straightened his back and puffed out his chest a little, feeling a lot less self conscious about his nakedness all of a sudden.

“While observing you I have also observed many of your fellow pixies…displeasure at their new forms. Not unlike several groups from other cities I have claimed as part of my territory. It is only a matter of time before the groups coalesce into a proper rebellion.”

She rolled her eyes and spoke as if a rebellion was nothing but a minor annoyance.

“I could defeat them myself naturally but it would be such a waste of my valuable time. So I turn to you, show my new subjects what loyalty can buy them.”

Elliot and the others all exchanged glances before Heather bravely spoke up.

“What can it buy us? You’re asking a lot considering what you and the rest of your kind did to our whole planet.”

“I’ll remind you my dear, that you are of my kind now. You won't be turning back so get used to it.” There was a hint of ice in her words before they turned casual and warm once more. “As for what loyalty will buy, if you stand with me and help stop any little fires that pop up, I shall make you ascended pixies, like myself. You will be my size, with far more magic at your disposal.”

Elliot’s heart leapt at the thought of being bigger, even if he would never be human sized again, before a few feet tall rather than inches would be a blessing. The last thing he wanted was to run into another insect like that centipede. He looked at Heather and she nodded; ascending seemed like their best option right now.

Elliot regarded his new ruler and grit his teeth, she seemed to respect outspokenness, to a degree.

“Why did you turn us all into women?” He asked finally, indicating down to his new, curvy body.

Saoirse seemed amused, even giggling a little.

“My dear, there are no genders with us. Everybody is simply Fae.”

“...Could I be a fae with a man’s body?” he suggested and she actually laughed.

Elliot’s cheeks burned as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and gave him a look like a parent whose child had asked the stupidest question she’d ever heard out of ignorance.

“You are fae now, this is how things will be.” She said finally, “But I like your…what was that human term I heard a while ago, moxie? Yes, you and your strong partner here have a lot of potential in my kingdom.”

Her eyes twinkled playfully.

“These two shall, along with the rest of my chosen ascended, will rule the smaller kingdoms while I am away. I do find ruling so very boring when I have to micromanage, so feel free to divide up the petty kingdoms between you.” She announced, “All of your old country will be my Wind Land and you shall be the lords of your own smaller kingdoms beneath me. Have fun!”

With a smile she clapped her hands and disappeared in a flash of light that dazzled Elliot and the rest of the pixies.

When his vision finally cleared he was delighted to see he’d grown several inches and now stood tall enough to sit on the throne Saoirse had vacated if he wished. The other ascended pixies all looked to him and Heather.

“I guess…you two are in charge until she gets back?”

Heather thought for a second before adopting an authoritative voice, not unlike Saorise herself.

“Then we shall marry and rule the tree benevolently while our lord is away.”

Elliot gave her hand a squeeze and grinned. From boring office monkey to regent in a single day, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.



Thank you for taking this on.