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I totally messed up the dates for the raffle's ending, I originally intended for it to finish this month, but it seems I confused June and July (eto... bleh) and now I'm not sure what to do, should I wait until the original date or switch it back to the one I initially planned?




Maybe on Twitter that there are more than 1000 people could be a problem. But lotteries that last too long are not very successful. Here we are more content as a number is a simple notice should be enough to make it clear to everyone


Hey you made a mistake and intended to end it sooner. If that’s the case then I say you do it. No harm done to the people that aren’t here now, so long as they know it’s over. Maybe you could throw out another notice and extend it by like a few days (3-4) just to play it safe. Though I think it’ll be fine.


Got it, so I'll keep the raffle ending date as it is on Twitter, ending next month, and I'll update the date for the Patreon raffle, I'll set it sometime during this week