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Hey everyone! Just a quick Dev update for you all to bring you up to speed with all thats going on with Otto's Day 2. 

The boys have been hard at work on story and art, bringing our two new secondary "Add your OC Program" Charecters Biff The Moose, and Jeth, contributed by our friend peXdeX662 to life. I'm also happy to announce that Kael has won the Patreon Voting for the December Special, and we will be working on that too in December. 

On another note, We wanted to let you know that we have been working on a new game mechanic that we haven't done before in RenPy, (no spoilers) and it has required a bit more testing than we originally thought. We are now placing the release date at the 23rd of November, as long as testing goes as expected with the possibility of a minor delay if things don't go our way. 

The Public version will return to its normal release date of 2 weeks after the Patreon release, so using the VIP areas of the Discord to keep spoilers away from the Public will be really important. 

And to those of you that have joined us recently, It is great to see all of you have a great interest in our VN! We welcome you all to our community with open arms. We look forward to interacting with more of you on Discord and all of our platforms.

We thank you for your support wholeheartedly. Without you, we couldn't bring you AND. We love and appricate your patience while we try our best to bring you new content and ways to play. 

Feel free to reach out to us on Discord if you have any questions or feel like a chat. We are here for you! - The Polarwolf Team



With you waiting is always a pleasure because you bring us incredible updates every time. So, don't worry, We will always be here to support you.


No need to pressure yourselves to push out an update in a fixed schedule, we'll gladly wait! ^^