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I was hoping to get another story out, but figured it would be smarter to keep recovering instead of pushing myself. The good news is that my arm is improving a lot, so that I don't feel any discomfort during the day. The downside is that I have to keep stopping myself from doing too much and remember I'm recovering. But I'm able to do short sessions of writing and editing now, as long as I give myself plenty of time to rest in between, so I should be able to start finishing some of the half-finished stories I have. Sorry February was light on content, but next month I should be able to comfortably finish and post some stuff. Here's to slowly recovering and getting myself back on track!



Any updates on how to train your step mom?


Once my arm heals up properly I'll be able to get back to work on the main series. I'm taking things slow to make sure I fully recover first, though I know its tough waiting on an update