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Here it is at least, the big showdown between Connie and Katie. Let's get right into the action with "Summer Lovin': Part 32!"


I know this arc has gone on a lot longer than planned, but I hope it still built up to a worthy climax. And the fun still isn't over, so look forward to the next chapter and what the girls will get up to!



Aww this was a sweet climax, a lot more chill than the last few chapters which in hindsight probably makes a lot of sense. I expect the potential orgy next chapter will liven things up, but honestly I'm most excited for whatever conversation Connie and Jane have, finally being able to discuss the whole slave thing openly and honestly should be interesting. Still not certain where it's going to land by the end of this arc, but it'll definitely be in a better place than where the weekend started!


Hey Sammy, Even though it didn't go "my" way, (( RREEAALLLYYY hoping you do an alt. chapter (or a few even) ha haa...)) this was a great chapter! The way Connie thought quickly and managed to side-step the other enslaved girls and removed them as a threat to her was very smooth! ha haa... and then the way she immediately got into Katie's head?! Again, very smooth! ha haa... At least Connie retaking control of Gloria should be easy, yes?! after the other girls are all free and are thinking for themselves again, and assuming you don't create trouble in paradise by having them wake up and be angry, at Katie, ha haa... (though I highly doubt you will do that) and they are all "good to go" again, I think it will be VERY hot when Connie lets Katie hypnotize, enslave and dominate her again since Connie will be safe this time and the other girls will be there to make sure Katie doesn't do anything tricky. Assuming Katie doesn't want and manage to re-enslave them all again! THAT would be a twist, wouldn't it?? Hmm....what if..? ha haa.... as always, looking forward to the next chapter of Connie and Company!


Hey JB, Interesting point! I was looking forward to how all of the girls reacted after Connie frees them, but I hadn't considered Jane and her decision to submit to Connie completely and "officially" become her slave specifically. Will be interesting to see how Sammy handles it!