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Sorry this story is coming in on the last day of the month. I've tried to be better about that but this has been a rough month with my cats getting fleas. I've been cleaning for three weeks and I'm totally fried. I still managed to just barely hit my writing goal for the month, so that's decent at least. Hopefully next month is easier and I can get more ahead, although we'll see what life brings me.

But for now here's an interesting 7,700 word scifi erotica story, written because my best friend Kate asked for something inspired by GlaDos from the portal games. And when I imagined a giant deadly robot woman threatening to kill you, obviously it ended up as a robot cat woman. And what does a sadistic robot cat woman do to their smaller, weaker captives? Dress them up like mice and use transmitted pleasure and denial to make them run in her death maze. It's a weird one, but it was a lot of fun to write and I hope you all enjoy a retro cheesy scifi heroine resisting the brainwashing of a kinky giant cat robot.


As always leave a like or comment if you enjoyed this story, and look forward to the fun stuff I'm working on for next month. Hoping to have How to Train your Stepmom updated soon, though I want to make sure I'm back in the groove and the writing holds up. Always takes me a bit to get back to writing an older story, but I'm aiming to finish off some of these unfinished ideas in the near future. See you all in August!



Hey Sammy, Hmm... that was very different story coming from you. Still a good one, though! ha haa... I will say I enjoyed the last scene. I believe it really closed out the story well!! As always, looking forward to whatever you drop next. Especially Connie!! ha haa...