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Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a fun summer and not melting too much in the heat! I've been running a bit behind this month after finding fleas in my backyard, so I've been cleaning all week and making sure my cats didn't catch any. Luckily we seem to be all good, but I'm sure you can imagine how exhausting of a week that was. I am very happy to bring you chapter 9 of Donna's Trance Trigger though, where we see Billy testing out some hypnotic tricks to make some of Diana's crazy fantasies come true. What kind of kinky things does our favorite girl enjoy? Read on to find out!


As always please like the post or comment below to show your support! I might take a month or two off of this series, so I have time to recharge on it and get some writing ahead done, but I promise you there's some good stuff planned.



...and not melting too much in the heat! - Me, laying naked in bed with a box fan blowing over me because our AC shorted out: "Are you mocking me?" (Edit: apparently xml is not allowed in comments. Blame Little Bobby Tables for the poor quote formatting.)