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Wow, I can't believe we're actually up to $780! You guys are really incredible, I'll have to think of what the next goal should be and what the reward will be for it. For all of you new people who joined up since It runs in the family was posted on mcstories, welcome to the party! There's about 5 or 6 chapters of that series for you to read at the $5 bonus level, as well as plenty of other stories to check out. Right now I'm on vacation for a few days, but normally I'm pretty good at responding to messages and comments. My aim is to post 4 stories a month for all patrons, as well as 4 bonus stories for the $5+ patrons who support me, so I hope you guys and gals find plenty to enjoy. Feel free to comment below and introduce yourselves, there are a ton of friendly people here supporting me :)

PS: Florida is amazing, I love this weather and I really don't want to go back to the snow on Friday haha



Hope you get a lot of enjoyment from your vacation! You might get the inspiration to someday do a story with a 'spring break' theme?

Johnnie Walker

Sounds like something to incorporate into a beach themed story, don't you think, Sammy?


oh shoot! didn't realize you were in florida. missed the chance to meet up and talk shop or the like. Ah well. Hope you enjoyed your visit^^


To be fair I'm down here with family who don't know about my fetishes so I wouldn't meet up with people while they're around lol