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Hilda is a vampire, one of the most powerful supernatural monsters, and yet she now serves as a submissive maid to her new Mistress. An angelic brand has been placed on her soul, sealing away who she once was and leaving her only a thrall with the need to obey. But what happens when her Mistress Giselle removes the brand?


This very fun fantasy story was actually a commission I wrote for one of my patrons, who came up with the idea of submissive dynamics between a vampire and an angel. I certainly had fun writing it, and I'm tentatively open to accepting more commissions. I will say upfront that I'm only accepting ideas if I enjoy them and think I can write them in a fun way, so no guarantees that I'll take everyone's pitch. I also don't have any firm timetables I can promise, as my creativity still comes and goes whenever it wants. But if there's an idea you've always wanted to see me write you can feel free to email me at sammynona@yahoo.com. My price is $50 per 1,000 words, and I'm only looking to take short story commissions so nothing with multiple parts or chapters.

Also if you enjoyed this story with Hilda and Giselle please like this post or comment below! 


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