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We're finishing out 2016 strong with chapter 20 of Falling for her Tits. I have to admit it was hard trying to write Gina's stepmom as a really condescending bitch but I think it came out alright.  Basically just imagine Jane Krakowski from 30 Rock since that's what I tried to come up with haha.


I'm looking forward to starting off next year strong, where we'll be going to 4 main chapters a month! For now I'll take it for granted that everyone wants to see more Falling for her Tits since it's dominated every survey, but the series should be coming to an end in a few more chapters. Then the question is if I should move on to Snake Goddess, Succubus Cheat Sheet, It runs in the Family, or any of the other bonus stories I've been working on. I'll have the surveys out soon for more fun stuff but I want to do something special to celebrate the end of a very tough and challenging year.

I want to hear from all of you about your favorite moments or parts from any of my stories from this year. Wether a favorite sex scene, bit of dialogue or just something that perfectly hit your tastes. So everyone please comment below and I'll try to give feedback as much as possible. Hope all of you look forward to next year and what it brings :D



Honestly, I'd welcome more Succubus Cheat Sheet. The beginning part of chapter 3 is such a juicy bit of writing and personally I really like scenes where characters just start babbling because they get pretty much overloaded with desire.

Col Lector

Another great installment. Glad to.see those huge hypnotic, pendulous, perfect breasts at work again. Been missing them and id love to see more pictures of amy using her breasts

Johnnie Walker

I personally enjoy chapter 4 and 5 to be the best piece of writing you've done thus far, since it was pretty much what got me started with all this


Amy's anger and power is always cool from the mind control angle, and even the surrendered Cathy makes for some hot scenes! Amy can make someone do most anything, but to stick--the subject must sort of really want what Amy says? Gina's bullying step-mom wasn't really evil and got rerouted thanks to constructive use of Amy's breast power. Amy ought to go to college, get a psychology degree, and could make a lot of people better off by solving emotional and family issues. To say nothing of curing smoking, alcoholism and drug addictions. It seems that Amy misses Cathy the fighter, Cathy isn't gone, but folded very quickly due to the unexpected threesome and insight. Cathy was apparently programmed to feel pleasure at following orders and humiliation, and Cathy folded a lot sooner than Amy expected? Further--Amy might be surprised to find that she really does care about Cathy far more than as an adversary to toy with. This business with the step-mom has proven that Amy has become far less vindictive and petty about using her power, and much more thoughtful about the consequences. In large part, as she doesn't know what programming will evolve into in the daily lives of her subjects, and Cathy's fall into total submission is a good example of that. Plus, having some critical voice to talk to regarding her power was something Amy might have enjoyed. Diana might be someone who knows, but is too heavily programmed? Gina herself has seen quite a lot today and might raise questions to Amy? Cathy herself is still there with her opinions, more than she might seem, but she's become too submissive and besotted with Amy's breasts and dominance to raise her voice? Plus, as established, Cathy's motivations are suspect, she's been revealed not to be this strong willed and altruistic girl but an addict who has been frustrated and longing for her next submissive fix of her drug of choice--Amy's breasts.


I personally love the MC details, inductions, dynamics and the back and forth of the control. So the early chapters and chapter 8 (the accidental MC) stands out for me. I'm looking forward for more succubus cheatsheet.


I've come to your writing only recently after being recommended FALLING FOR HER TITS by a RP partner of mine, because it really fit my personal aesthetic. I particularly like the theme of big breasts as a symbol of power/status. This is what appealed to me most in the first chapter of FALLING FOR HER TITS; the description of Amy as having been a shy girl who was body shamed, becoming empowered by her breasts. I'm also a big fan of strong emotions and motivations, particularly revenge, rivalry, and humiliation, both overt and subtle, so the story was immediately appealing. I was admittedly surprised by the twist of Amy unwittingly being the instrument of her own downfall and subsequant comeuppance, which was a nice twist and subversion of the standard formula for these types of stories...and admittedly a little disappointed. I would actually be greatly interested in a prequel story detailing Amy's discovery of her power, and her slow rise to the heights we see her reach in the first chapter (I know some of this has been detailed through flashbacks, but I appreciate the depth of your worldbuilding and the decompressed, slow burn, of your storytelling and think that a prequel would be compelling). I feel you are a deft writer of character, and I like that you don't demonize Amy or Cathy, making both of them sympathetic and giving them both justifiably motivations. And while I was admittedly a little disappointed to see Amy defeated and subverted so quickly, I cannot deny that it is dramatically compelling, and I like how you use it to build a character arc of Amy by using Cathy as an instrument to balance her kharma; certainly is it monsterous to control people against their will, though it is an exciting and taboo fantasy, thus Cathy acts as an agent to balance kharma in this world, reverseing Amy's control and freeing her subjects, while also paying her back equally for the humiliations endured, thus balancing Amy's scales. Kharma does not necessarily work in reality, but is a very real force in writing; we like to see kharma balanced, and bad behavior punished. I'm very early on in my support and consumption of your writing, so my favorite scene will probably change in the future, but currently I like the first time we see Amy hypnotize someone for her gain in Beth, the Year Book Editor. It's well staged, and I love the description of both her breasts and the flourish with which she uses them to get her way. I hope to commission you eventually when you become free again! Keep up the good work!

Stephen Williams

It runs in the family hits a real sweet spot for me, as I've had this exact fantasy about a close friend. I can't get enough of that story. My favorite scene from falling for her tits is when Cathy accidentally starts falling into trance when Amy is using her tits on Brooke. I'm a huge sucker for induction scenes. Also, I can't wait for more Endless Pleasure Resort.


I've just discovered the "Alternate Beginning" chapters. That is a VERY hot 'bad ending'! The balance of Amy 'growing' by gaining new insights into her power and control, and Cathy as the humiliated, happy slave, and Cathy's friend with the copy of the episode with Beth was just outstanding, and maybe my favorite story of your works that I've read so far. I particularly like how Amy 'grew' as she discovered how to ignite and use the desire within her subjects, and also her role as 'horror antagonist' as she sent her slave, Cathy, against Sharon, and was ominous herself, running to her prey with her bare breasts bouncing, and stalking her in the locker room. The closing corruption was great stuff!


Yeah, I'm reading that now having read the rest of the series all the way though. I have to admit that I prefer dominant Amy. I particularly like, in both stories, the conditioning she gives to Cathy that her lack of breasts makes her inferior to Amy and that Amy's breasts , and indeed anyone with breasts bigger than hers, are inherently superior. I love how this eventually paid off in the regular series allowing Amy to eventually subvert Cathy's control.

Zyzzyva Nineteen-Thirty-Six

I mostly just like the respect for the characters. Cathy and Amy's FFHT character growth especially.

Mike Bender

I pretty much loved every chapter of FFHT, but my special favorites are the showdown between Amy and Cathy in chapter 14, and the accidental induction in chapter 8.


My favorite shorter story was "Turned On", for the characters. The strong protagonist of Victoria (who I couldn't help but think of as Olivia Munn), and the delightful but implacable Annie as the antagonist was a lot of fun. Plus, the mind control method was completely feasible, more or less. "Capturing the Spies" was my favorite in the 'Take down and corrupt a group' genre. Mostly for the characters than the actual setup. Characterization really is key.


Of the short stories I have access to my fave was hypnotic duel. Very hot.


I became a Patron to read more of the Alternate opening from FFHT, where Amy doesn't hypnotize herself and instead takes Cathy and then her friend. Hypnotic duel was good too.