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Hi everyone, sorry the new chapter is a day late. I was busy playing Dungeons and Dragons last night and it went longer then expected lol. 

Also, we broke $500 yesterday! I'm beyond speechless, I honestly can't believe how far this patreon has come in just under a year. I promise come the new year to do my best to provide four stories every month for all of you, and the bonus four stories for the $5+ patrons. I'm giving it my all to try and bring myself back up to pace in terms of writing, though obviously going through the holidays for the first time without my mom was a little rougher than I anticipated, but I'm still managing to work through it.

Hope you all have a great holiday season! I'm going to get to work on the next Falling chapter to have it ready for the end of the month


Stephen Williams

Are we getting a bonus story this month?


The bonus stories I take from commissions and unfortunately some got held up with payment issues. But I'm just editing one now for publishing within the hour and I should have a second one up later today, with the last two for the month ready to go soon enough. Sorry for the delay on the bonus stuff


Great stuff. I liked the beginning with Amy and Gina. A feature of mind control is not only to control folks, but to turn great enemies into devoted friends, and that seems to have been what has happened here with Gina.


It seems probable to me that Amy's breast MC provides considerable pleasure which might well contribute to subjects surrendering more and more easily, and ultimately changing their minds about Amy without specific programming. On the other hand, the brief period that Cathy reprogramed the cheer squad, specifically Gina, might have played a huge role as well. Devoted friends being more pleasant and often more useful than slaves. But it would be unlikely that Amy could give up the harem entirely. Most of the students--sure--but she'd probably keep her greatest servants and conquests, of which Diana, Gina and Cathy would be in the lead. Cathy was great in her bikini! Showing off her erect tits and nearly flat chest amongst a group of nearly all buxom girls. Love the sense of pleasure derived from humiliation. I had wondered if Cathy would be reduced to wearing an overly tight juvenile bikini, but this worked quite well with her playing the servant and repeatedly flashing her tits that can't fill out her top. Uh oh, Gina's mom is on deck! She doesn't seem to programmed to accept these pool parties without question. What will happen, and how many girls' parents has Amy programmed?

Anonymous Coward

Aaaaaaaa! Best reason for delay EVER! What setting?


I'm glad you thoroughly enjoyed some of the action haha, and I'm proud of how the bikini came out. Honestly the loose top flashing everyone was a last minute addition because a friend of mine told me how she and her friends would have to use double sided tape for swimsuits and it just fit perfectly haha. And yes, clearly Gina's stepmom has never had the pleasure of meeting Amy, she's usually away on business.


This looks like a job for Amy. 😅

sammynona (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 12:41:33 The DM has a horror fantasy setting inspired by Lovecraft. It would be very atmospheric except my entire team is new to D&D and we do nothing but make puns
2016-12-23 17:05:42 The DM has a horror fantasy setting inspired by Lovecraft. It would be very atmospheric except my entire team is new to D&D and we do nothing but make puns

The DM has a horror fantasy setting inspired by Lovecraft. It would be very atmospheric except my entire team is new to D&D and we do nothing but make puns