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Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone again for all the kind words and support. I've slowly been writing again the last few days but somehow I can't seem to get into the rhythm that I had that let me get so much work done. I'm writing at the level I was when I first started a year ago, taking half an hour to manage to put out 500 words. Just before my mom passed I'd been writing at almost 2300 words an hour, so I'm working at about half capacity but slowly getting back into it. When she went into critical care it drained all of the energy out of me and left me like that for almost 3 weeks. I'm finally getting out of the house, getting some energy back for writing. It might be a few more days before you see anything but I'm gracious for all of you to stick with me during this extremely difficult time. I'm hoping to get back to working on the other stories soon. I really want to try and finish off Falling for her Tits by the start of next year haha.


Jim Blanas

My mom died two years ago and I'm still not over it. I'm here for ya.


I'm not going anywhere, take your time.

Anonymous Coward

By all means, recover first. There's no hurry. We're with you.


Take your time. There is no rush, nor is word count everything either.