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Hi everybody, I'm afraid I've got some really bad news today. As I've mentioned before my mom's had health complications in the past, and unfortunately she was rushed to the emergency room two days ago for an infection. They have her on a lot of antibiotics but it seems like her body just isn't able to fight anymore. The doctor said she might pass in a few hours to a few days. I'm going to be busy with family coming in and taking care of everything, so I haven't been able to write much. I've almost got the next chapter of Falling done, and the next chapter of It runs in the family as the bonus story. Hopefully I can make the update in a few days but I can't promise anything. No matter what I still want to write and share stories for everyone to enjoy but I just haven't had the energy to write more than a few words when I sit down to work. Hopefully I can get more work out soon, and I'm sorry that it might make updates run late for this month. I hope you can all understand the delays and I hope I can get back to writing soon.


Anonymous Coward

My prayers are with you and your family


Thanks AC, I appreciate it


My condolences to you and your family


I wish you and your family well.

Jim Blanas

Take your time. Hope everything's ok.


I'm so sorry


Praying for you and your family.


Hi everybody. So I got the news this morning that my mom passed away. It was peacefully in her sleep and at least she's not in pain anymore


My condolences Sammy, and take as much time as you need. Keep in mind that we are supporting you as a creator and a person, not as a factory for excellent stories. It's totally understandable even if you can't concentrate on writing for the rest of the year!


My condolence. Loss of a parental figure is up there for in my books for a legitimate excuse, so don't fret too much about pleasing a bunch of porn readers.


I'm so sorry to hear Sammy. My thoughts and condolences are with you and your loved ones!