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For the third bonus story for the month I'm trying something different. This is a sample from the newest story I've just put up on Amazon called Unearthing the Lesbian Goddess. I'm posting the first half of the story, about 7,000 words, for everyone here to enjoy and then if anyone is interested in reading the rest you can check out the full story on Amazon for only $2.99. I'm not thinking of trying to promote stories here at Patreon often so I'm just trying this out as an experiment. I assure you even in this part there's still plenty of fun and seduction to enjoy.


Of course if anyone chooses to buy the story or has ever bought any of my stories from Amazon or Smashwords I'd love it if you could take the time to give it a quick and honest review. It really does help towards drawing in more readers and getting more sales for the stories. Thanks again everyone and let me know what you think below of me posting teasers for larger stories as one of the monthly bonus chapters.


(No title)



While the story was quite enjoyable for what was there I'm not a huge fan of the bonus chapters only being part of larger tale locked behind another pay wall. Makes access to the bonus chapters seem less valuable.


Hi, the trouble is that it's not possible for those of us outside the US to purchase from Amazon. Or at least I wasn't able to. I purchased Slaves to the Snake Goddess (before I was a backer) after a lot of faff, but even having managed to spend the money it seemed impossible to get Kindle to connect to Amazon US rather than Amazon UK, so I wasn't able to read it. I'm also not super keen having adult material in my Kindle collection anyway, as I might otherwise share my Kindle login with my partner. So it would be great if you could provide an alternative way to purchase.

Devi Lacroix

Your writing is hot, as always, and I did go buy the complete story, as always. I'm disappointed that teasers or excerpts would be the bonus chapters, but I understand that you only have so much time in the day to write. In my mind, dividing longer, for-pay stories into two or more of the monthly bonus chapters would be a good compromise. Your patreons still get the full story, and you have a captive audience -- hohoho! -- that you marshal into reviewing the story on Amazon or Smashwords.


All of you brought up completely fair points. I wanted to try this out as an experiment but it does seem like putting up a pay wall, which I'm not a fan of. So I'm going to be posting the second half of the story at the end of October as the last bonus chapter for the month. This way you can all enjoy the ending and anyone who wants to read the second half sooner could buy it if they wished. Thanks again for all of your feedback on this :)


I appreciate the support and the compliment on the writing :) I am going with your suggestion of breaking this story and other future bonus stories into chapters for everyone to enjoy


I do have some stories available on Smashwords, it should be possible to download it or read the story on their site without it going to your kindle. Also that really sucks about what happened with the book. Were you able to read the whole thing?


Thanks for the honest feedback, and I'll be putting the next half of the story up by the end of the month. You're certainly right about the bonus chapters feeling less valuable if you don't get the chance to see the whole thing


Yay! Just got my first follower on Amazon... wonder who that might be ^^