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Here it is folks, the next awaited chapter of the Snake Goddess story. Hope you all enjoy, but I'm gonna talk about the end of the story right now so please stop here until you've read the story... yes, I'm talking about you, stop that and go read.


Okay, I'm ending this chapter with a bit of a cliff hanger that I decided to use for a choose your own adventure style fun with all of you wonderful people that fund me. So as you read Ariel is left with the choice of which of the three lovely contestants she should bring back and brainwash as her slave. And I decided to allow all of you to vote to decide Ariel's mind for her. You can comment here in this post with your choice among the girls, and I'll leave the voting for this until the end of the month. So come November 1st we'll all get to see who'll have the starring role in the next Snake Goddess chapter with Ariel and Felicia.

Will it be Winnie, the popular and arrogant Asian cheerleader? She was stuck up and haughty with Ariel at the party, but only because she was threatened by how hot she was. Will Ariel make Winnie submit to her good looks and teach the rude cheerleader to be respectful?

Or will it be Harriet, the shy and nerdy black girl? She seemed completely smitten by Ariel's party look, and maybe Ariel is interested in helping the introverted girl to open up to some fun new experiences, like being a lesbian slave for the Snake Goddess.

And last but not least is Alice, the tomboyish redhead. Ariel could make the school mascot enslaved to her will, and the outgoing and affable girl would be ready to enthusiastically show her obedience to Ariel, forcefully showing what a great slave she can be. If you like a girl topping from the slave position this can be the girl for you.

*Coughs* That's enough of the game show pitch haha. Make your choice below, I can't wait to see who our protagonist ends up with :D


(No title)


Jim Blanas

Alice's personality would be the most fun to twist into a recruiter for the Goddess. She also seems the most "innocent" of the three. I can see Felicia "punishing" Ariel by giving her that one to break.

Zyzzyva Nineteen-Thirty-Six

Alice, since (a) I like her the most and (b) topping from the bottom is always fun and (c) Ariel needs someone tough to be her backup when overthrowing Felicia. ;)

Jim Blanas

What if Ariel doesn't need to overthrow her at all? What if it's always been her destiny to be High Priestess and Felicia is just keeping the spot warm for her until she shows the determination to take it from her? I'm sure she'd think it was hot and would complete Ariel's journey to "The Dark Side."


Winnie. She recognized Ariels beauty like Beth, and she won't feel as bad about 'enslaving' her because it's not a close friend

Abby Gail

How about Sharon the RA? She was captivated by her more than any of the others and creates a challenge for Felicia as well as continues Ariel's independent streak.

Foxy Pen

Harriet, it's just wonderful when a shy girl comes out of her shell! <3

Abby Gail

Also, choosing Sharon would be consistent with the latest command Ariel has reluctantly accepted to recruit new slaves for the Snake Goddess... an obvious win-win


I certainly appreciate your logic but I've already got plans for the bullying RA. She'll have her time to shine later, so I wanted to give one of the three new girls a chance to showcase themselves for a bit haha




nice new chapter, cant' wait till the RA gets hers. I vote Winnie, specifically because I'd love follow up on that barbarian kidnapper train of thought from the story. muscular slaves with empty heads of adoration and obedience are the best <3

