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Also holy crap! We're up to almost $400 a month, this is way past anything I'd been expecting. I thought we'd hit the next goal by next month, but we've already shot right past it. You guys are seriously awesome. So starting next month the five dollar backers will be receiving four bonus stories every month, in addition to the three main series chapters that all patrons get to see. That means I'll have to start writing some more one shots and sprucing up other limited series ideas I had. The continued support you guys have shown my writing has been incredible, and with my writing alone I'm making enough for a part time job. A part time job with a small amount an hour but it's helping me pay the bills and food which is huge for something I thought might only be a hobby. So I'm going to keep pushing myself to write more to thank you all for your support. Look forward to more Falling for her Tits and Snake Goddess chapters to come!


Johnnie Walker

It's been a real pleasure backing you all this time, and seeing you growing as a writer makes me envious of your success and drives me to make my own writing better as a result. You've earned it, man. Every penny of it.

Jim Blanas

I DO look forward to them! HUZZAH!!!