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This came out as an amazing poster and teaser for one of my longest running stories Falling for her Tits, showcasing one of the most popular scenes at the beginning of Amy falling under her own hypnotic spell. I've already changed the banner to show Amy (in as sfw a way as I can :P ) but I also think Cathy held down with the tagline showing would make a great banner too. I'll alternate back and forth so please comment and let me know what you'd rather see on the page. Also show the artist AWMBH some love if you have a tumblr, they do amazing work!


(No title)



Great! Next chapter? :)


Coming soon, I'm just trying to get started on Snake Goddess since it's been a while lol


This has me looking back on the Alternate beginning where Amy doesn't trance herself and takes over Cathy and then Sharon. I'm still rooting for Amy to come out on top...


Hoping for Cathy myself, both because she's been less of a bitch and its nice to the mc'er lose once in awhile!


I'm totally the opposite. I root for the wicked villainess. Queen Amy on her throne, smothering the will of all who try to resist.


Absolutely loveable!